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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语四年级上册期末专项复习:阅读理解(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共96分)1. (10分)阅读理解 Today is Christmas Day. Its sunny and hot in Australia. Amy goes to the beach with her family on Christmas Day every year. This is the photo of her family. Look at their hats. Theyre all red. Theyre lovely. This is Father Christmas. Look! He wears a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.(1)Christmas Day is in .A . OctoberB . NovemberC . December(2)It is in Australia in December. A . coldB . windyC . hot(3)Amy goes to the on Christmas Day. A . parkB . beachC . zoo(4)Amys family wear hats in the picture. A . redB . yellowC . green2. (16分)阅读理解My name is Tony. Its Monday today. Here are some activities in my day. In the morning, I get up at 7:00 and then I do morning exercises at 7:20. And I eat breakfast at 7:50. I go to school with my friend at 8:00. In the afternoon, I play sports with my classmates at 4:00. I eat dinner with my family at 5:30. And I go to bed at 9:00 p.m. What a nice day.(1)根据短文,完成下面的作息时间表。Name _ Day_Time Activities7:00 a.m. get up_ do morning exercises7:50 a.m._ go to school4:00 p.m._eat dinner9:00 p.m._(2)根据短文信息补全对话。Interviewer: Hi, Tony. When do you get up in the morning?Tony: _Interviewer: Do you often do morning exercises?Tony: _I often do morning exercises at 7:20.Interviewer: _Tony: At 7:50. And then I go to school with my friend at 8:00.Interviewer: What do you do at 4:00 in the afternoon?Tony:_Then I eat dinner with my family at 5:30.Interviewer: Do you often go to bed before 8:30?Tony: No, I dont._When do you go to school?When do you eat breakfast?I play sports with my friends.I eat dinner with my family.I go to bed before 8:30.I go to bed at 9:00.At 7 oclock.Its too late.Yes, I do.No, I dont.3. (10分)阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。 Hello, Im Mike. I will have a fun and busy holiday next month. I will go to Beijing by plane. On July 1st, I will climb the Great Wall. I will take many interesting photos there. On July 2nd, I will visit Beijing Museum; its cool there. On July 8rd, I will go to the Nature Park, and I will eat lots of good food there. Beijing is a beautiful place, but I want to go to Shanghai next year. Do you want to go there, too?(1)Mike will go to Beijing next month. (2)Mike will visit the museum in Beijing. (3)Mike will eat a lot of good food on the Great Wall. (4)On July 3rd, Mike will take many interesting photos. (5)Mike wants to go to Shanghai next year. 4. (10分)阅读短文,判断对错Today is Monday. Linda is at school. She has Chinese,English and PE in the morning. She doesnt have Music today. She has Maths and Art in the afternoon. She has Music on Fridays.(1)Linda isnt at school today. (2)Linda has Chinese,English and PE in the morning. (3)Linda has Music on Mondays. (4)Linda has Music on Fridays. (5)Linda has Maths and PE in the afternoon. 5. (10分)根据图片信息,选择最佳答案。A(1)This is a part of the map of a .A . zooB . parkC . city(2)The City Museum is the library and the park.A . besideB . betweenC . near(3)The is beside the No. 1 Supermarket.A . post officeB . Happy SchoolC . zoo(4)- How can you get to the zoo?- A . The zoo is beside the library.B . Walk along Xinhua Road. Turn left at Beihai Road. The zoo is on your left.C . Walk along Xinhua Road. Turn right at Beihai Road. Walk straight and you can see the zoo on your left.(5)Which one is wrong(错误的)?A . Walk along Xinhua Road and turn left, you can see a supermarket on your left.B . The Happy C School is behind the restaurant.C . The Sun Hotel is beside the City Museum.6. (5分)阅读短文,判断正误。The air is everywhere around us. Air has no colour. We cant see it. When it moves, we can feel the air. Air is very important to our lives. People and plants cant live without it. If there was no air, there would be no life.Aeroplanes cant fly without air. The air holds up the planes. We cant make fire (生火) without air. If you cover (盖住) a burning (燃烧的) candle with a glass. It will quickly go out (熄灭).Sound spread (传播) through the air. Without air, we cant hear.(1)There is no air around us.(2)We cant see or feel the air.(3)All the living things need air to live.(4)We cant make fire with air.(5)We cant hear the sound through air.7. (10分)根据表格内容,判断下列句子的正误。 天气地点snowysunnycloudyrainyhotwarmcoldBeijingSydneyLondonNew YorkHong Kong(1)Its snowy and cold in Beijing. (2)Its cloudy and cool in Sydney. (3)Its cloudy and warm in London. (4)Its rainy and cold in New York. (5)Its sunny and hot in Hong Kong. 8. (9分)根据课文,回答下列问题 (1)Where did the rabbits and the owl live? (2)Why were the rabbits tired and angry? (3)Was the owl a good neighbor?Why or why not? (4)Where do many rabbits sleep today? 9. (8分)阅读短文,判断正误。 Today is Childrens Day. The weather is sunny. We are having a good time. We are going on a field trip in a small village. There are many trees and flowers. Listen! The birds are singing. Look! My father is drawing. My mother is catching butterflies. My grandparents are playing chess. My little brother is writing on a tree. My sister is shouting at him, Mike, dont do that. Its a bad habit! What am I doing then? I am taking pictures.(1)Today is June 1st. (2)My grandma is playing chess. (3)My brother is running. (4)My sister is catching butterflies. (5)I am taking pictures. 10. (8分)(二) 判断下列句子正误。I have a friend named Jenny. She lives in Canada. She talks to me in English. She also speaks French. I have a birthday gift from her. It is a little flag of Canada. There is a b


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