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初中英语工作案例 发布者:初中英语专家(课程专家) 发布时间:2011-7-19 13:42:42请各位老师认真阅读工作案例提交要求,并请复制工作案例提交模版,在模版中编辑好后提交附件即可。教学基本信息课题新目标英语七年级上Unit7Howmucharethesepants?作者及工作单位承德五中 王淑丽指导思想与理论依据 将自己在本节课教学中的亮点设计所依据的指导思想或者核心教育教学理论简述即可,指导思想和依据的教育理论应该在后面的教学过程中明确体现出来。本部分内容必须和实际的教学内容紧密联系,避免出现照搬课标中整个模块的教学指导思想等情况本课依据新课程标准的理念,目标和内容,运用教育学和心理学理论,研究语言学习的规律。根据学生的心理特点和实际情况,选择和调整英语教学策略。发展了课堂教学的调控和组织能力,灵活运用多种教学技巧和方法。更为重要的是在人文环境上拥有一种宽松、合作、为学生所接纳的、无威胁的开放的师生氛围。使学生主动积极地构建自己的认知结构,获得具有创新意义的学习成果。教材分析(可以从以下几个方面进行阐述,不必面面俱到)l 课标中对本节内容的要求;本节内容的知识体系;本节内容在教材中的地位,前后教材内容的逻辑关系。l 本节核心内容的功能和价值(为什么学本节内容),不仅要思考其他内容对本节内容学习的帮助,本节内容的学习对学科体系的建立、其他学科内容学习的帮助;还应该思考通过本节内容的学习,对学生学科能力甚至综合素质的帮助,以及思维方式的变化影响等。 How much are these pants选自义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(人教版新目标)初一年级上册。新课程非常重视任务型的课堂教学特点,重视学生的知识与技能,强调学生在活动中完成任务。本课内容贴近学生实际生活,涉及商品的购买过程。本课主要学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答;学习数词10-3l;复习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。本课以谈论服装为主题,设计了三个活动:一是通过介绍服装,复习一些常用的服装名词;二是通过介绍服装,学习“询问价格”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollarsHow much are these socks? They are two dollars三是作价格报告。通过本课的教学,要让学生可以利用简单的英语进行购物,从而进一步培养学生运用英语的能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,获得学习英语的快乐。学情分析(可以从以下几个方面进行阐述,但不需要格式化,不必面面俱到)教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等是比较有效的学习者分析的测量手段。l 学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线,即从学生现有的认知基础,经过哪几个环节,最终形成本节课要达到的知识。l 学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点,可能是知识基础不足、旧的概念或者能力方法不够、思维方式变化等。学生在小学时学过一些物体的名称和颜色,也学过简单的询问价钱等;这些都为开展本课教学创造了较好的条件。本单元的主题是谈论服装,通过学习how much和what color等引导的问句以及回答,教授学生如何询问价格和颜色;学会谈论对服装的喜好和如何购物等。学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,培养他们团队合作精神并学会感谢他人。 教学目标(教学目标的确定应注意按照新课程的三维目标体系进行分析) 1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary: numbers 10-31Target language: A: How much is/are.? B: It is/They are.dollars.2. Ability ObjectsTrain students listening skill.Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsDifferent countries have different cultures.Some numbers are not popular with some cultures.教学重点和难点1. The numbers :10-31.2. Master the target language:A: How much is/are.? B: It is/They are.dollars. 3. Talk about the prices of things freely and fluently in oral English using the target language.教学流程示意(按课时设计教学流程,教学流程应能清晰准确的表述本节课的教学环节,以及教学环节的核心活动内容。因此既要避免只有简单的环节,而没有环节实施的具体内容;还要避免把环节细化,一般来说,一节课的主要环节最好控制在46个之间,这样比较有利于教学环节的实施。)Step1 Revision and lead in Step2 PresentationStep3 Listening practice Step4 Practice(Pairwork Groupwork Survey) Step5 Exercises Step6 Summary教学过程(教学过程的表述不必详细到将教师、学生的所有对话、活动逐字记录,但是应该把主要环节的实施过程很清楚地再现。)教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图Step One: Warming-upStep Two: PresentationStepThree:1a Step Four:1bStep Five: PracticeStep Six: Drill (2a-2b)Step Seven: 2cStep Eight: PairworkStep Nine : Make a surveyStep Ten: TaskSummary1.Greeting and review numbers from one to ten.2.Ask different students to imitate a shopping scene in a store .1.Present the numbers from 11 to 31 by counting the exercise books. First, teacher count alone slowly, then help the students to count them together.2.Write down these numbers on the blackboard like the following:one two three four five six seven eight nine teneleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one .thirteen1.Play the recording for the first time.2.Play the recording again. Have students continue to point to the numbers.1.Call students attention to the numerals in the box in Activity 1a and the number words in the box in Activity 1b. 2. Check the answers.Play a number gameCount the numbers from “one” to “thirty-one”. But when you count to the times of “six”, you should clap your hands instead of counting it.e. g. one, two , three, four, five, (clap hands), seven, eight, nine, te, eleven, (clap hands), thirteen1.Listen and circleLisa is shopping with her mother in the shopping mall. Listen to their conversation. 2.Listen and circle the things you hearWhat things are Lisa and her mother talking about? Check the answers.3.Ask and answer about the things in the pictureT: Look at the blue sweater. How much is it ?S: Itsdollars.T: And how much are the blue shorts?S: They aredollars.Ask two students to say the conversation in the speech bubblesAsk another two students to say a new conversation , substituting the blue sweater and $15 in the sample conversationAs they practice, move around the classroom listening to various pairs to make sure that they use “is “and “are” correctly.¥12 Make a new conversation according to Lisa and her mothers conversation with the following things.¥35 ¥48 ¥29 Let students ask their partner and one of the classmates for the prices of their clothes using the target language. Then fill in the following chart. Finally, give a report for the whole class like below:PartnerClothesTotal(合计)Prices ¥/$ClassmateClothesTotal(合计)Prices ¥/$ Report: Wang Juans shoes are ¥28, her socks are¥4, and her sweater is ¥14, Her pants are ¥18All her clothes are ¥98. Today is Marys birthday. Lily, Kate, Nancy and Jim are her best friends. They want to buy her some gifts. 1.Divide the whole class into two groups. In one group the students are the shop assistants. They can sell school things, clothes, food and so on. In the other group the students are Marys friends. They want to buy gifts.2.Do the shopping3.Fill in the chart and the leader of the group report the result. NameThingsHow muchLilyKateNancyJimIn this class, weve learned the numbers 10-31 and had a brief review of how much questions. Let students sing the song “Ten little Indians Boys”together.make conversations on shopping and ask pairs come to the front and act out.Ask the students read these words several times following the teacher. Then read them several times all by themselves. Students listen and repeat each number.Students fulfill the task individually.CountHow many are the boys/girls? The student in the right number should stand up while they are counting.Circle the numbers you hear.Listen to the conversation again.Please circle them. And try to find out what things they are going to buy.Act out the dialogue.Suppose one of you is Lisa, and the other is Lisas mother. Make up a conversation about their shopping. Look at the model.Invite different pairs to perform their conversations in the front of the room.Ask some pairs come to the front and act it out复习导入听说能力的训练提高兴趣,活跃气氛听力理解能力的训练目标句型的巩固小组合作交流培养交际能力学生作业1.Write down their dialogue when they buy the gifts for Mary.2.Practice saying the numbers 10-31 accurately and fluently.Write them down in the form of number words and numerals, using the example in Activity 1b as a model. 板书设计(需要一直留在黑板上主板书)Unit 7 How much are these pants?Section B (1a-2c)Numbers: one eleven twenty-onetwo twelve twenty-two three thirteen twenty-threefour fourteen twenty-fourfive fifteen twenty-fivesix sixteen twenty-sixseven seventeen twenty-seveneight eighteen twenty-eightnine nineteen twenty-nin
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