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Presentperfect Welcome 兰州市第二十二中学何媛 Class3Grade9 一 考点解读 现在完成时的中考考点 考点1 考查基本概念 考点2 考查现在完成时标志词 考点3 考查与一般过去时的区别 考点4 考查非延续性动词的用法 考点5 考查词组have hasbeento have hasgoneto与have hasbeenin at的区别 一现在完成时的构成 have has 动词的过去分词 注 动词过去分词的构成分为规则变化和不规则变化 规则变化的动词过去分词与过去式是一样的 不规则变化的动词须特殊记忆 肯定句 主语 have has 过去分词 其他成分 现在完成时态的句式 否定句 主语 have has not 过去分词 其他成分 3 一般疑问句 Have Has 主语 过去分词 其他成分 4 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 have has 其他成分 肯定句 Ihavecleanedmybedroom 否定句 Ihaven tcleanedmybedroom 一般疑问句 Haveyoucleanedyourbedroom 规则动词过去分词的构成 1 一般在动词后直接加 ed 构成规则 2 以不发音的e结尾的动词 直接加 d 3 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词 先双写这个辅音字母 再加 ed 4 结尾是 辅音字母 y 的动词 先变 y 为 i 再加 ed 例词 looklooked playplayed livelived hopehoped stopstopped planplanned studystudied carrycarried 写出下列动词的过去分词 worklikecrystaylearn usehelpfinishcookarrive worked liked cried stayed learned used helped finished cooked arrived 不规则动词过去分词的构成 1 三个主要动词 is ambeare waswere been have has had had do does did done 2 AAA型 三者一致 cutcutcut letletlet putputput costcostcost readreadread 3 ABA型 过去分词与原形一致 comecamecome becomebecamebecome runranrun 4 ABB型 过去分词与过去式一致 bringbroughtbrought findfoundfound hearheardheard keepkeptkept makemademade 此外还有leave win tell spend say meet等等 5 ABC型 三者不一致 eatateeaten givegavegiven writewrotewritten seesawseen getgotgotten beginbeganbegun 此外还有go take know speak swim等等 二现在完成时的用法 1 表示已完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果 已完成 2 表示从过去已经开始 持续到现在的动作或状态 未完成 现在完成时的时间状语分为四类1 与already just 刚好 正好 ever never before yet连用 2 与recently sofar inthepast lastfewyears等时间状语连用 3 与带for和since的时间状语连用 4 与once twice threetimes severaltimes等表重复次数的词语连用 三现在完成时的时间状语 2考点运用与知识再现 基本概念 1 Bothhisparentslooksad Maybethey what shappenedtohim A knewB haveknownC mustknowD willknow2 Youdon tneedtogoouttobuyfood I somefoodonline orderB orderedC haveorderedD willorder3 She sputhercarinthegarage she A isB hasC isn tD hasn t4 Thisstoryisveryinteresting I read ittwicealready 5 Tom find hispenyet No he B C D haveread Has found hasn t 3 1考点运用与知识再现 时间状语 1 Hehas beentoShanghai hashe already never ever Still2 Thefamouswriter onenewbookinthepasttwoyears iswriting waswriting wrote haswritten3 ZhaoLan already inthisschoolfortwoyears was studying will study has studied are studying4 We XiaoLisinceshewasalittlegirl know hadknown haveknown knew5 HarryPotterisaverynicefilm I ittwice willsee haveseen saw see B D C C B 1 for 时间段2 since 时间点 过去 3 since 一段时间 ago for 时间段4 since 从句 常用一般过去时 5 Ithasbeen is 一段时间 since 过去时的句子 since和for用法小结 1 I veknowLiLei tenyears 2 Ihavelivedhere 2002 3 Themeetinghasbeenon anhourago 4 Shehastaughtus Icametotheschool 5 It sabouttenyears helefthishome Fillintheblankswith since and for for since since since since foranhour 四现在完成时和一般过去时的区别 现在完成时 强调这一动作产生的结果对现在的影响 与现在有关 一般过去时 仅仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发生过这一动作 与现在无关 HehasstudiedEnglishforfiveyears HestudiedEnglishforfiveyears 学习英语已经五年了 现在仍然在学 只说明他过去学过五年英语 但现在不学了 4 1考点运用与知识再现 与一般过去时的区别 1 ThesefarmershavebeentotheUnitedStates Really When there willtheygo didtheygo dotheygo havetheygone2 you yourhomeworkyet Yes I itamomentago Did do finished Have done finished Have done havefinished will do finish 用法小结 现在完成时强调的是现在的情况 它不能和表示过去时间状语连用 而一般过去时只单纯表示过去的动作或状态 和现在不发生关系 可以和表示过去的时间状语连用 B B 五非延续性动词的用法用法小结 非延续性动词又叫瞬间性动词或终止性动词 它们可用于完成时态 但不能与for since等表示一段时间的状语连用 也不能和howlong问句连用 如果要和一段时间状语连用 应将它们转化成相应延续性动词 非延续性动词与延续性动词的转化 5 1考点运用与知识再现 考查非延续性动词的用法 1 Hisfather thePartysince1978 A joinedB hasjoinedC wasinD hasbeenin2 Howlonghaveyou thelibrarybook Forabouttwoweeks A borrowB borrowedC areborrowingD kept3 Hurryup Theplay fortenminutes A hasbegunB hadbegunC hasbeenonD began4 Howlonghashe thiscar Fortwoyears A buyB boughtC hadD buys5 Hisgrandma sincetwoyearsago A wasdiedB hasbeendeadC wasdeadD hasdied D D C C B 改错 Howlonghaveyoubecomealeaguemember Formorethanoneyear Haveyouarrivedheresincelastnight Yes you reright Thedoghasdiedforamonth HehasgonetoShanghaitwice Howlonghaveyoubeenatthisschool Sincetwoyears been been beendead been ago For 六考点运用与知识再现考查词组have hasbeento have hasgoneto与have hasbeenin at的区别 1 MissGreenisn tintheoffice she tothelibrary hasgone went willgo hasbeen2 Myparents Shandongfortenyears havebeento havebeenin havegoneto havebeen3 TheSummerPalaceiswonderful Haveyouevervisitedanyotherinterestingplaces Yes we theGreatWall too A havegonetoB havebeeninC hadgonetoD havebeento 1 have hasbeento 表示曾经去过某地 但现在人不在那儿 常与once twice ever never等时间状语连用 2 have hasgoneto 表示已经去了某地 现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿了 3 have hasbeenin 表示 呆在某地多长时间了 句末有一段时间 如果是小地方用at代替in A B D 3当堂达标测试 满分30分 一 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 10分 1 Thisstoryisveryinteresting I read ittwicetoday 2 Myteacher go toItaly She leave yesterdayevening 3 TheWhites move tothiscitythereyearsagoand live heresincethen 4 Tom chat withhisfriendsonlineforanhour 5 Greatchanges take placesofar haveread hasgone left moved havelived haschatted havetaken 二 单项选择 10分 1 Ourteacherhastaughtinourschool A tenyearagoB tenyearslongC fortenyearsD sincetenyears2 Haveyoudonethejobyet A NotalreadyB NotyetC No Idon tD Nonever3 HowlonghavetheseIndiankids thisChineseschool Foraboutthreeyears A cometoB beentoC beeninD joined4 Inthepastfewyearsthere greatchangesinmyhometown A havebeenB wereC hadbeenD havehad5 Jenny anotherlettertohermotherthreedaysago she tohermothertheretimes A writes wroteB wrote haswrittenC write writesD haswritten haswritten C B C A B 三 连词成句 10分 1 have fed cat you the yet 2 off have I not turned radio the 3 film has the on for been ten minutes 4 he been Beijing has twice to 5 long been how away he school has the from Haveyoufedthecatyet Ihavenotturnedofftheradio Thefilmhasbeenonfortenminutes HehasbeentoBeijingtwice Howlonghashebeenawayfromtheschool 书面表达 假如你是李雷


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