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崇明县高三英语词汇复习崇明县教师进修学校研训部外语组主编: 徐希达崇明县高三词汇复习练习复习建议:周一布置学生背诵单词;周三、周五分两次默写;周五布置以下练习。第1课时(a amount)I. 单词拼写1. The captain gave the order to a_ ship because it was sinking.2. Plants a_ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.3. Tim was looking through an old photo a_, with pictures of Christmas.4. Im sorry about breaking the vase, it was an a_, I mean I did not intend to do it.5. Ive opened an a_ with the Agricultural Bank of China.6. I will give you my a_ and telephone number.7. He has never achieved his a_ of becoming a famous writer.8. She was born without the a_ to speak.9. Shelly is not a professional tennis-player; she is just an a_.10. More than 75% of the land is used for a _.II. 单项选择1. Hotel _ will surely be scarce during the Beijing Olympic Games. A. problemB. accommodationC. serviceD. question2. He has been asked to _ his conduct. A.refer toB. explain toC. account for D. speak of3. A billion people in the world will not have _ to clean drinking water. A. actionB. advance C. accessD. agreement4. A good salesman must be _ if he wants to succeed. A. kindB. cruel C. cold-bloodedD. aggressive5. I couldnt _ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room. A. aim B. allowC. affordD. advise6. The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to _ one. A. adaptB. adoptC. advertiseD. acquire7. - I wish it was time to go home. - _. Im missing my family so much. A. Thats all rightB. I couldnt agree more C. You cant miss itD. Dont mention it8. Not knowing whether hes dead or _ is a terrible feeling. A. live B. alone C. alive D. lively9. As we can see, it is necessary to get _ information about the company. A. a large number of B. the number of C. a large amount of D. the amount of10. Max is hardworking cheerful, and _, honest. A. above all B. after all C. at all D. all in allIII. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once:shortened, circumstances, instance, begin with, pronounced, near, separate, adjective, extent, wideThis is probably one of the most popular abbreviations(缩写) of a word that took place in the 20th century in the United States. Its an abbreviation - showbiz - of show business. And, to 1 , it was written as two 2 words: show space biz; still is, to some 3 , but increasingly these days, you see it written as a single word, showbiz, and 4 like that. Its actually been around since the 1940s, very 5 use indeed as a noun. Thats show biz! they used to say in all kinds of 6 , where something was happening that was rather unexpected, or something was going off the rails, or somebody lost their job, or some special situation came up: Thats show biz! And it was used as an 7 too. Were going to have a show biz treatment tonight or . a show biz tribute or something of that kind. It hasnt actually developed very many other uses as yet (these 8 forms often dont, you know), but its actually something that I think is going to come in the 9 future. I heard for 10 an adjective form very show-bizzy - thats b-i-z-z-y, not b-u-s-y, meaning typical of show business, in the last 5-10 years.IV.词组填空take action be aimed at adapt to be against be accused ofagree with be just about to add up to take advantage of be admitted to1. The children find it hard to _ the new school.2. The professor _ stealing his students ideas.3. The numbers _ exactly 100.4. Your story doesnt _ what the police have told us.5. I _ the good weather to paint the door.6. The use of drugs _ the law; its illegal.7. These measures _ preventing violent crimes.8. We _ leave when Jerry arrived.9. The government must _ now to stop the rise in road accidents.10. Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not _ the University.V.句子翻译1. Tom没有参加会议,因为他的父亲得了重病。(absent)_2. 他虽已年过八十,但头脑仍然十分机敏。(alert)_3. 他们出国时遗忘了宠物。幸好有邻居照应。(abandon)_4. 她让丈夫陪同去医院,尽管她一个人也行。(accompany)_5. Tracy在考试中取得了好成绩,这归功于她的勤奋。(achieve; owe)_6. Bob装得好像什么都没有发生一样。(act)_7. 我欣赏她恪守原则的作风。(admire)_8. 鉴于他患有心脏病,我劝你不要告诉他真相。(advise)_9. 虽然你的话有道理,但是你的意见不会影响我的决定。(affect)_10. 我们不允许在教室里吃东西。(allow)第2课时(amuse average)I.单词拼写1. The boys a_ themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher.2. He a_ (分析)the food and found that it contained poison.3. My a_(祖先)originally came from Ireland.4. The show attracts an a_ (观众)of about 20 million.5. The family are making a_(安排)for his birthday party.6. The tall building was designed by the famous a_ Frank Lloyd Wright.7. You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a_.8. - Ann wants to be an a_. - Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?9. It was discovered that three of the Olympic a_ had taken drugs.10. The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a_ in January.II.单项选择1. The government has _ plans to create 10, 000 new jobs. A. declared B. announcedC. approved D. assumed2. I knocked at the door and nobody _. A. repliedB. apologizedC. answered D. argued3. The right colors can make a small room _ much bigger. A. arise B. arrangeC. notice D. appear4. I dont need any help, but I do _ your offer. A. applyB. appreciate C. annoyD. appeal5. Helen left her last job and has yet to find _. A. elseB. other C. another D. extra6. - Hello, is _ home? - Yes, were here. A. anyone B. oneC. nobodyD. someone7. Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to _ you? A. affectB. assistC. applyD. arrange8. He decided to adopt a different _ and teach history through story-telling. A. analysis B. angleC. attitude D. approach9. The age of the students ranged from 17 to 21 with a / an _ of 19. A. averageB. usual C. normal D. regular10. Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _. A. aspectB. attemptC. effortD. attackIII. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once:acknowledge, testing, extra, devoted, size, another, worldwide, attraction, abandoned, hand-raisedAnd in Germany the story of Knut, the polar bear cub has taken a new turn. With all of his 1 fame, his handlers have decided he now needs to be brought down to 2 , literally, CBS News correspondent Sheila MacVicar reports.With more of a waddle(蹒跚而行) than a walk, Kunt still moves proudly at the Berlin Zoo. Now 6-months old and no longer quite so irresistibly cute, his keepers 3 they have spoiled the polar bear. Knut, they say, is overweight and has to cut back on fish and 4 portions of fish.” Raised by keepers after being 5 by his mother, the oh-so-cute Knut became the star of the Berlin Zoo. His daily romps with the keeper, who 6 him were a huge and money-making 7 . More than one million people have come to the zoo to see him. Hes spawned fan clubs, a true child star and a whole line of merchandising. But like all child stars, Kunt grew and grew, 8 his teeth and his paws until finally it became too dangerous to play. Now one inadvertent swipe could badly maul his 9 keeper. But even as Knut grows up and the crowds are not quite so delighted with a teenage bear, there is good news for the Berlin Zoo. 10 baby, this one a pygmy hippo named Paul, not quite so cuddly, and with a face only a mother could love. Berlin is hoping they have a new child star. Sheila MacVicar, CBS News, London.IV.词形转换1. In the final _ (analyze) I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play.2. There were puzzles and games to keep the children _ (amuse).3. Silence, please. Mr. Bennett is about to make an _ (announce).4. After an _ (anxiety) wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe.5. She rushed into the hotel, _ (apology) for being so late.6. I dont want to go to the party but Id better put in an _ (appear), I suppose. 7. There are strong _ (argue) for and against capital punishment.8. On (your) _ (arrive) at the hotel please wait for further instructions.9. As the wages were low, there were few _ (apply) for the job.10. The young man was accused of _ (attempt) murder.V.选词填空atmosphere, arrange, attracts, available, appoint, annual, attack, attend, armed, area1. The company decided to _ a new treasurer.2. There is an _ of peace and calm in the country, quite different from that of a big city.3. What _ me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.4. You will be informed when the book becomes_.5. The police are launching a major _ on drug dealers.6. After _ church, the family would go home for dinner.7. If you want to join, theres an entrance fee of 20 and an _ membership fee of 10.8. If you have a lot of things to do, just make a list and _ them in order of importance.9. The mob _ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.10. The kitchen is 12 square metres in _.VI.句子翻译1. 通往这座城市的所有道路都被封锁了。(approach)2. 我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱. (argue)3. 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。(apply)4. 我可以向你保证,你儿子在这里会很快乐的。(assure)5. 他们很可能会要求增加预算。(ask)6. 人随着年龄的增长,对死亡的看法也会有所改变。(attitude)7. 他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。(ashamed)8. 你太无理了, 必须向你姐姐道歉。(apologize)9. 教师使劲地拍手让全班同学注意听讲。(attract)10.他不愿意被人当作小孩子。(appreciate)第3课时(avoid blood)I. 单词拼写1. All the young soldiers are ready to b_ for the country.2. Dont worry about the dog; he wont b_.3. The story of his miseries is beyond my b_.4. Crowds burst through the b_ and ran onto the pitch.5. He drank strong, b_ coffee in order to stay up late and watch football.6. The b_(行李)will be delivered to you at the station.7. I shall have a hot b_ and go to bed.8. They walked along the b_ talking and laughing.9. Their b_ (行为)towards me shows that they do not like me.10. Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and b_(生物).II. 单项选择1. I dont mind going there on foot. _, the walk will do me good. A. BesideB. BesidesC. HoweverD. Because2. Brazil _ Italy in the final, 2-1. A. fought B. blessed C. beatD. avoided3. Its important to understand people from different _. A. basisB. blocks C. behaviors D. backgrounds4. The radio stops working because the battery is _. A. slowB. flatC. belowD. behind5. Bill had done everything he could _ to me. A. avoid talking B. to avoid talkingC. avoid to talk D. to avoid to talk6. I _ my balance and fell on my face. A. kept B. lost C. recovered D. gained7. Riding a bike helps develop a childs sense of _. A. beingB. blank C. balance D. behavior8. My leg really hurts Im not sure how much longer I can _ it. A. bear B. bend C. blessD. bet9. So who _ for the broken vase? A. is blamed B. will blameC. is to blame D. will be blamed10. I almost fell over the chair; put it back where it _. A. belongs B. fits C. bears D. standsIII. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once:occupation, rescue, represents, restrictions, eliminates, caused, shot, forces, introduction, wondersWith the 1 of talking movies in the early 1930s, a law was passed in mainland China that all films were to be 2 in Mandarin-Chinas predominant dialect. This 3 many Cantonese-speaking filmmakers to flee from China to HongKong, where 4 were fewer and many more movies were shot. With the outbreak of World War II and the 5 of HongKong by Japan, film production stopped. It wasnt until the war was over that one of the most popular folk heroes in China literally came to the 6 of the martial arts film industry.Everyone knows hes Wong Fei Hung. Wong Fei Hung 7 a kind of very honest and upright sense of justice. He 8 the bullies and helps the downtrodden anytime, anywhere. He helps others and he never gives in to evil 9 . He also has a very kind and sympathetic heart. Not only does he use his medical skills to save and heal people, but at the same time, hes also a very patriotic hero.The spell Wong Fei Hung held over Chinese audiences then is still powerful today. His magic has worked 10 for the careers of two of todays top stars, Jackie Chan in the comedy and Jet Lee in the drama.III.选词填空before, behind, for, away, back, beside, between, on, below, beyond1. The beach is only five minutes _; you can walk there. 2. If Jamie rings, tell him Ill call him _. 3. On the table _ the bed were several medicine bottles.4. The movie was based _ a true story.5. Dont be so sad; it wont be long _ we meet again.6. The reporter was determined to find the truth _ the news.7. Too much salt can be bad _ you.8. Is there any difference _ pop music and classics?9. Temperatures drop to 4 degrees _ freezing. It is very cold.10. The radio was damaged _ repair. Youd better throw it away.IV.词组填空be aware of, believe in, be blessed with, belong to, become of, on the basis of, benefit from, because of, beg for, begin by1. Many thousands have _ the new medicine.2. Eric was chosen for the job _ his rich experience.3. Theyre not playing baseball today _ the rain.4. The old man went from door to door, _ food.5. Ill _ my speech _ thanking you all for being here tonight.6. Most people _ the dangers of drinking and driving.7. Youve got to _ yourself, or youll never succeed.8. Fortunately, we _ good health.9. The watch isnt mine; who does it _?10. What _ that student who used to live with you?V.句子翻译1.那个男孩用逃跑来逃避惩罚。(avoid)_2.这疼痛让我睡不着觉。(awake)_3.已禁止她开车, 为期六个月。(ban)_4.我不忍心看那么可怕的场景,虽然他该受惩罚。(bear)_5.注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。(behave)_6.那男孩爬上树枝时,树枝弯曲了,但是没有折断。(bend)_7.在过去二十年间,户口(the Resident Permit / Hokou) )已经变得不那么重要了。(become)_8.窗外的树木挡住了阳光。(block off)_9.恐怕这台旧收音机不能修了。(beyond)_10. 他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。(bargain)第4课时(blouse careful)I. 单词拼写1. You are so kind; thank you from the b_ of my heart.2. The Agricultural Bank of China has b_ all over the country.3. Coke and Pepsi are the most popular b_ of cola.4. They have made a major b_ in the treatment of cancer. Its a great discovery.5. Do you have next years c_ (日历)?6. Theyre interviewing three c_ (候选人)for the post of sales manager.7. Students prefer the food in the c_(自助餐厅)of the school.8. Today began a c_(运动)to reduce road accidents.9. Just point the c_(照相机)and press the button. Its very easy.10. The organization has a b_(预算)of $35 million.II. 选词填空breath, broadcast, borrow, bribe, calculate, botanist, brake, burst, brush, bury1. The balloon will _ if you continue blowing it.2. He was put into prison last year because he had _ some government officials.3. The boy is planning to be a _ when he grows up.4. Relax and _ deeply; it can keep you calm.5. The football match was _ live all over the world.6. Dont forget to _ your teeth twice a day.7. The great writer died in 1956, and was _ in the churchyard of St Marys.8. Im trying to _how much money we need to buy a new flat.9. The driver had to _ suddenly to avoid a dog in the road.10. You are allowed to _six boo


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