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会用到的英文缩写AAIC Accounting Authority Identification Code 计费机构识别码AIS Automatic Identification System 自动识别系统AOR-E Atlantic Ocean Region- East 大西洋东区AOR-W Atlantic Ocean Region- West 大西洋西区ARQ Automatic Repetition request 自动请求重复CCIR Consultative Committee of International Radio 国际无线电咨询委员会CES Coast Earth Station 海岸地球站COSPAS Space System for Search of Distress Vessels 搜救遇险船舶空间系统DGPS Differential Global Position System 差分全球定位系统DSC Digital Selective Calling 数字选择性呼叫EGC Enhance Group Calling 增强群呼EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标ES Earth Stations 地球站ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计抵达时间ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预计离港时间FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 全球海上遇险与安全系统GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HF High Frequency 高频ID Identity code 识别码IMN Inmarsat Mobile Number 卫星移动识别码IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织IOR Indian Ocean Region 印度洋ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network 综合业务数字网LES Land Earth Station 陆地地球站MCC Mission Control Center 任务控制中心MES Mobile Earth Station 移动地球站MF Medium Frequency 中频MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity 海上移动业务识别MPDS Mobile Packet Data Service 移动分组数据业务MSI Maritime Safety Information 海上安全信息NBDP Narrow Band Direct Printing Telegraph Equipment 窄带直接印字电报设备NCC Network Coordination Center 网络协调中心NCS Network Coordination Station 网络协调站NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 国家海洋和大气管理局On-scene communication 现场通信OSC On-scene Commander 现场指挥者POR Pacific Ocean Region 太平洋区PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公众电话交换网RCC Rescue Coordinating Center 救助协调中心RT Radio Telephone 无线电话SAR Search and Rescue 搜寻与救助SARSAT Search And Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking 搜救卫星救助跟踪系统SES Ship Earth Station 船舶地球站SIM Subscriber Identity Module 用户识别卡SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea海上人命安全公约SSB Single Side Band 单边带STCW International Convention on Standards of 国际海员培训、发证和 Training, Certification & Watching For Seafarers 值班标准公约UDI Unrestricted Digital Information 非限制性数字信息USCG United States Coast Guard 美国海岸警卫队VHF Very High Frequency 甚高频5.3.1 GMDSS5.3.1.1 GMDSS 的基本组成及功能1、 The primary function of the GMDSS is _. A、daily communication B、bridge to bridge communication C、MSI broadcast D、distress communication of the distressed ships1、GMDSS的主要功能是A、日常通信 B、驾驶台间通信C、海上安全信息播发D、遇险船舶的遇险通信2、 According to the basic concept of the GMDSS, distress alerting can be sent by_to SAR authorities ashore or ships in vicinity of a distress incident.A、either satellite or terrestrial communication B、only satellite communicationC、only terrestrial communication D、VHF DSC or MES2、根据GMDSS的基本概念,遇险报警可以以怎样的方式发送给岸上搜救机构和遇险现场附近的船只。A、 既可以通过卫星系统也可以通过地面系统 B、只可以通过卫星系统C、只可以通过地面系统 D、甚高频DSC或者移动地球站3、 Which terminal is used to alert to ships by distressd vessel? _A、EPIRB B、SART C、MES D、DSC3、那个终端是遇险船舶用来进行船对船报警的?A、无线电紧急示位标B、搜救雷达应答器C、移动地球站D、数字选择性呼叫4、 GMDSS is primarily a system based on: _. A、VHF digital selective calling from ship to shore. B 、Ship-to-ship distress communication using MF or HF radiotelephony. C、The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress or in need of assistance. D、Distress, urgency and safety communication carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printing telegraphy.4、GMDSS是一个基于遇险船舶或需要救助船舶可以与岸上搜救机构和遇险现场附近船舶建立通信的系统。5. GMDSS-equipped ships will be required to perform which of the following communications functions? A、Distress alerting and maritime safety information. B、Search and Rescue coordination and on-scene communications. C、Bridge-to-bridge and general radio communications. D、All of these.5、配备了GMDSS设备的船舶可以完成下列哪些通信功能?A、遇险报警和海上安全信息B、搜救协调通信和现场通信C、驾驶台间的常规无线电通信D、上述全部通信5.3.1.2 GMDSS遇险报警的实现1、 Repetition of a DSC Distress call is normally automatic if not acknowledged after a delay of: _ A、1 - 2 minutes. B、2- 5 minutes. C、3.5 - 4.5 minutes. D、 Not at all.1、DSC遇险报警呼叫如果在多长时间没有被收妥,将进行自动重复发射?A、A、1 - 2 分钟 B、2- 5 分钟 C、3.5 - 4.5 分钟 D、 没有答案2、_are used for distress alerting as a rule. A、MES / DSC / EPIRB B、SART / radiotelephone C、COSPAS-SARSAT D、both A and C2、作为一般规则,用哪些设备进行遇险报警?A、移动地球站/数字选择性呼叫/无线电紧急示位标 B、搜救雷达应答器/无线电话C、COSPAS-SARSAT卫星系统 D、A和C3. The distress alert may also contain information regarding the ,the type of assistance required, the course and speed of the ship and the time at which the information was recorded.A、type of distressB、series of distressC、natural distressD、nature of distress3、遇险报警还应该包含涉遇险性质,需要的救助类型,船舶航向和航速和记录这些信息的时间。4. For ship-to-shore distress alerts, you can use .A、INMARSAT, EPIRB and DSC B、NAVTEX, NBDP and R/TC、INMARSAT, VHF and SART D、EPIRB, DSC and radar4、对于船对岸的遇险报警,你可以使用哪些设备?A、INMARSAT卫星设备,无线电紧急示位标和数字选择性呼叫B、NAVTEX接收机,窄带直接印字电报设备和无线电话C、INMARSAT卫星设备,甚高频设备和搜救雷达应答器D、无线电紧急示位标,数字选择性呼叫和雷达5.3.1.3 GMDSS船载通信设备的维护1. Every radio installation shall be protected against _,extremes of temperature and other adverse environmental conditions.A、coated oil B、dangerous cargoC、harmful effects water D、noxious atmosphere1、每个无线电设备的安装必须保护以免受到_极端温度和其他恶劣环境情况A、涂油B、危险货物C、有害水D、有毒气体2、 What statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS? _. A、Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirement. B、Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement. C、On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS Maintainers license will partially meet the requirements.D、All of the above. 2、对于符合GMDSS船舶的维修要求,那个叙述是正确的?A、岸基维修和定期测试和监督可部分的达到这个要求B、某些设备具备多项功能可部分的达到这个要求C、船基维修提供一名持有GMDSS维修证书的人员可部分的达到要求D、上述全部方案3、Which of the following statements concerning maintenance requirements is true?a) The options are duplication of equipment, at-sea maintenance, and shore-based maintenance.b) Compulsory vessels between 300-500 gross tons are required only to provide one maintenance option, while compulsory vessels larger than 500 gross tons and all passenger vessels are required to provide any two of the three maintenance options.c) The at-sea maintenance may be waived if the compulsory vessel carries at least three licensed GMDSS Radio Operators.d) Compulsory vessels operating in Sea Area A4 are required to carry at least one licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer.3、关于设备维修的叙述那些是正确的?A、维修方案有双套设备、海上维修和岸基维修B、300至500总吨的强制遵守的船舶只需要一种维修选项,但500总吨以上的和客船需要提供三种方案中的两种C、如果船舶配备至少三名持有GMDSS无线电证书人员,海上维修就可取消D、在A4海区作业的船舶需要至少配备一名GMDSS无线电维修人员4. A ship operating in sea area A-3 must have the following provisions for maintenance:a) Duplication of Equipment. b) Shore Maintenance.c) At Sea Maintenance. d) Any two of the above.4、在A3海区作业的船舶应满足下列哪种维修方案:A、双套设备 B、岸基维修 C、海上维修 D、任意两种5. ASM is the abbreviation for at sea .a) mariner b) maritime c) message d) maintenance5、ASM 是海上维修的缩写6. Which of the following statements concerning testing and maintenance of SARTs is true?a) An at-sea GMDSS maintainer is not able to test a SART as it is hermetically sealed.b) Testing a SART should be performed only in controlled environment as a test signal may be misinterpreted as a genuine distress situation.c) A SARTs battery must be replaced within ninety (90) days after the expiration date imprinted on the unit.d) All of the above.SART在海上的测试不能在密闭的状态,;SART的测试应该在一个可以控制的环境中,因为测试信号有可能被认为是一个真实的报警;SART的电池应该在标示在SART上的失效期后的90天内进行更换。7. Why is it important to limit the duration of testing a SART?a) Excessive testing causes burn in on the vessels radar PPI.b) Testing a SART should be performed only in controlled environment as a test signal may be misinterpreted as a genuine distress situation.c) To prevent overheating, a SART requires sufficient ventilation that is significantly reduced when the SART is being tested.d) If another SART is testing at the same time, the two signals will cause damage to the unit that transmitted them.SART的测试应该在一个可以控制的环境中,因为测试信号有可能被认为是一个真实的报警8. Which statement is false regarding the maintenance of GMDSS equipment at sea?a) The GMDSS maintainer may not be the person designated to have primary responsibility for radiocommunications during distress incidents even if licensed as an operator.b) Ships must carry at least one person who qualifies as a GMDSS maintainer for the maintenance and repair of equipment if the at-sea maintenance option is selected.c) All at-sea maintenance and repairs must be performed by, or under the supervision of a person holding a GMDSS Maintainer license.d) The GMDSS maintainer may be the person responsible for ensuring that the watches are properly maintained and that the proper guard channels and the vessels position are entered into the DSC equipment.GMDSS设备的维护和修理必须在持证维修人员的监督下进行,设备维修人员不负责进行遇险通信。5.3.2 Inmarsat通信系统5.3.2.1 Inmarsat系统简介1、The INMARSAT system has five major components, they are_.A Space Segment, NCC, RCC, SES and CESB Space Segment, a satellite system, C system, NCC and NCSC Space Segment, NCC,NCS, CES and SESD A system, C system, satellite system, earth stations, and NCSInmarsat系统有5个组成部分,分别是空间段、网络控制中心、网络协调站、海岸地球站和船舶地球站。2、The advantage of geostationary satellites is _ Athe range of antennal can cover everywhere in the worldBwe can know the ships exact positionCthat the distress alert can be located as soon as possibleDantenna of permanent earth stations may be directed toward fixed points in the sky静止轨道卫星的优势在于固定地球站的天线可以直接指向天空中的固定点。3、 The ground segment of Inmarsat consist of_. A、Land Earth Stations B、Network Co-ordination Stations C、Network Operations Centre D、A、B and CInmarsat卫星系统地面部分是由陆地地球站、网络协调站和网络操作中心等组成。 Inmarsat-C船站组成、功能及维护1、In general, there are two parts in an SES. One of these is antenna equipment, also referred to as _A BDE B UDE C AEP D ADE一般来讲船舶地球站由两部分组成,一部分是天线设备也可以叫做ADE(甲板上设备)2、 The MES comprises the antenna equipment (ADE), and the control and communication electronics (BDE), here the letter B in BDE is the abbreviation for the word _.A、 beacon B、 buoy C、 boat D、 belowMES(移动地球站)由天线设备(ADE甲板上设备)和控制和通信电子单元(BDE甲板下设备)组成。3、 Which of the following best describes Inmarsat-C operation?_A、Is an analog-based system.B、Requires a stabilized directional antenna.C、Provides for voice, telex, high- and low-speed data and compressed video communications.D、Is a digital store-and-forward system that also provides Enhanced Group Call, data reporting, polling and distress alerting capabilities.Inmasat-C站是一个数字存储转发系统,还提供增强群呼、数据报告、询呼和遇险报警功能。4 Which type of Inmarsat MES terminals use omni-directional antenna? _ A、Inmarsat A B、Inmarsat B C、Inmarsat C D、Inmarsat FInmarsat-C移动地球站终端使用全向性天线。 Inmarsat-F船站组成、功能及维护1、The PIN becomes blocked if the PIN code is entered incorrectly several times when operating capsat F77 MES. The maximum of input is_.A、4 B、5 C、6 D、3如果CapsatF77移动地球站的PIN码被错误输入5次就会被锁定。2、Which of the following best describes a shipboard Inmarsat-F system?_A、A satellite communications system that provides real-time connectivity.B、A small, lightweight terminal capable of providing satellite store-and-forward message communications.C、A small, lightweight terminal used to transmit messages over high frequency (HF) bands to communicate through a satellite.D、A satellite communications system that also provides continuous Digital Selective Calling coverage for all ocean regions.船载Inmarsat-F系统是一个卫星通信系统,提供了实时连接。3 Which statement is correct regarding a method that a vessel experiencing problems with shadowing of the Inmarsat-F SES antenna by an on-board obstruction could use to attempt reliable communications?A、Change course to make the communication。B、Change the Coast Station ID programmingC、Install a shadow correction filter.D、Switch from Telex to Voice mode which requires a lower signal strength for proper operation.如果船舶Inmarsat-F站的天线由于船上障碍物出现阴影,可以通过改变航向的方法获得可靠的通信。5.3.3 MF/HF组合电台组成、功能及维护1、_means a technique using digital codes which enables a radio station to establish contact with, and transfer information to another station or group of stations and complying with the relevant recommendation of the International Radio Consultative Committee.ADSC BMSI CEGC DNBDP根据世界无线电咨询委员会的相关建议案,DSC(数字选择性呼叫)是一种使用数字编码技术,它可以使一个无线电台可以和另外一个或一组电台建立无线电联系和传送信息。2、Which terminal is used to alert to ships by distressd vessel? _A、EPIRB B、SART C、MES D、DSC遇险船舶使用DSC终端向其他的船舶报警。3、_will form the basis for distress alerting and safety callingA GMDSS B EGC C MSI D DSCDSC将构成遇险报警和安全呼叫的基础。5.3.4 船用VHF通信设备及VHF DSC终端设备1. Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus with_ which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for sitting and securing the antenna effectively in its orerating position.Adummy Ba supporting facilities Ca back-up equipment Dan antenna每个救生艇都配备了一部带有天线的固定双向甚高频无线电话设备,它是独立安装的,安装时要考虑到在操作位置能够放置和保证它天线的有效使用。5.3.5 NAVTEX与气象传真机设备的组成及应用1. What is international NAVTEX based on?A Terrestrial technique B NBDP technique C Satellite D Digital technique国际NAVTEX业务是基于NBDP技术的。2. International NAVTEX means the co-ordinated broadcast and automatic reception on 518KHZ of maritime safety information by means of _using English language. AEGC receiver Bnarrow-band direct-printing telegraphyCradio communication Dterrestrial technique国际NAVTEX是使用窄带直接印字电报设备,用英语在518KHz进行的安全信息的播发和自动接收系统。3 What is the drum speed of a station if the Index of Co-operation is 576? _.A、90 B、60 C、240 D、120如果一播发台的合作系数是576,则它对应的转速为120。4 The system for the broadcast and automatic reception of MSI by means of NBDP is _A VHF B SES C EGC D NAVTEX使用NBDP设备进行海上安全信息播发和自动接收的系统是NAVTEX。5.3.6 S-EPIRB与9GHz SART设备的组成及性能指标1. What should the mounting place of EPIRB be suitable for?A testing B Maintenance C Commissioning D A & B1、EPIRB的安装位置应适于?A、测试 B、维修 C、试车 D、A和B2. _is designed to give an automatic distress signal when a ship sink suddenly.A A lifeboat B A Survival craft C An EPIRB D A SART2、当船舶突然沉没时,那个设备被设计用于自动发射遇险报警。A、救生艇 B、救生筏 C、EPIRB D、SART3. When TRON-30S S-EPIRB is_,the auto-transmitting will start. A put into water in the upright position B switch on by the operatorC stored in an inverted position D mounted up on the ship3、TRON-30S型号的S-EPIRB什么情况下开始自动发射报警。A、垂直放入水中 B、操作者打开开关 C、放置在倒立位置 D、安装在船上4. The auto-operation of Tron-30s S-EPIRB is mainly controlled by_A the mercury switch B battery unitC its switch on the top D its environmental conditions4、Tron-30s S-EPIRB的自动操作主要由什么控制?A、水银开关 B、电池单元 C、顶部的开关 D、它的环境状况5. If the beacon is mounted at a wrong place, it may _by sea water ,chemicals , exhaust and vibration . A be damaged B work normally regardless of harmful conditionsC not work though it is not in a bad condition D both A and C5、如果示位标安装在错误的位置,将会被海水,化学品,废气和振动所破坏。6. A radio determination system based on the comparison of reference signals with radio signals reflected, or retransmitted from the position to be determined, is _.A DF B Radar System C DSC System DCOSPAS-SARSAT6、雷达系统是通过对反射的无线电参考信号或从定位位置发射的信号进行比较进行定位的无线电系统。7. The EPIRB should be mounted _, protected from harmful conditions. A at a regular place in the radio room B anywhere on boardC at a higher place on the vessel D in one of the life-boats7、为了在有害环境中保护EPIRB,它的安装应该_.A、在电报间的规定位置 B、船上任何位置 C、船上尽可能高的位置 D、在某一救生艇中8. The auto-transmission of TRON-30s S-EPIRB will start _. A when the switch is set to “ON” B until it is in water of some depthCwhen it is stored in an inverted position D as soon as it is in water upright8、TRON-30s S-EPIRB的自动发射在什么情况下产生A、开关处于ON B、当到水下一定深度时 C、处于倒立位置时 D、一旦竖直立于水中9. Where can the SART be permanently installed?A on the bridge B in the survival craftC in the engine room D A or


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