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经典200句突破语法前言:Were sick of boring grammar! Grammar is just like a bottomless sea.;我们厌倦了枯燥的语法!语法如浩瀚的海洋,You are simply turned off once you read a grammar book!;一拿起语法书,学习英语的兴趣荡然无存!Once we leave the school,those lifeless grammar become sheer rubbish.;一离开教室那此语法就变成了垃圾,显得苍白无力I give you a brand new concept Conquer English grammar through practical and beautiful sentences!;用最实用的句子、最精彩 的对话全面突破语法难点Each grammar point is given vibrant,exciting dialogues or sentences; 每条语法都以生动、有趣的对话或句子的形式呈现!Just practice crazily and blurt it out! Throw away your boring grammar books!;疯狂操练,脱口而出! 抛开无聊的语法书本,Forget about dull grammar explanations!;摆脱乏味的语法解释,Put aside those sentences that even foreigners wonder at!;抛弃那此连外国人都不懂 的句子!Grammar is no more than speaking!;学语法就是这么简单扼要 !只不过是说说而已!We are both grammar experts and communication kings!;我们既是语法专家,更是沟通高手!-1、 【过去进行时】王牌句型:Top 1:One day I was at home listening to music when suddenly I felt a pain in my neckTop 2: I was taking a shower when you calledTop 3: I wasnt trying to annoy you2、【一般过去式】王牌句型:Top 1: I came from a poor family. 我出身贫寒。【成功之后常用】Top 2: I was very shy when I was young.我小时候很害羞Top 3: I hated going to school.; 我以前不喜欢去上学。Top 4:Did you have a good day today?Top 5:I was afraid to speak English; but I was saved by Crazy English;我不敢说英语,但疯狂英语拯救了我Top 6:I got the fright of my life我吓得魂都没了Top 7:I was amazed by how much my life changed in a very short time.Top 8:I was suddenly able to do things I had never done before. It really was a miracle.实时对话:一、A: I didnt have breakfast this morning;今天早上我没吃早餐。 B: You must be starving to death by now!;那你一定饿坏了。二、A:Crazy English really works! 疯狂英语真的有用! B: I told you so.我早就告诉过你了。3、 【过去完成进行时】王牌句型:Top 1:I realized then that I had been dreamingTop 2: He had been training for the marathon for ten years;他为马拉松训练了十年之 久。Top 3: At last I got the package I had been expecting.最后我终于拿到了我盼望 以久的包裹。Top 4: He had been working very hard until he got sick.他一直努力工作到生病为止。实用对话:一、A:Nobody knew what this rascal had been doing all these years没人知道这个坏蛋这些年做了些什么。B:But we found out that he made a big fortune!;但我们发现他赚了大钱!二、A:I had not even finished school when I got my first job.;B:Wow! Youre lucky. It took me a long time to land a job.;4、【过去完成时】王牌句型:Top 1、By the end of the year,we had helped 50 000 homeless people;到年底,我们已经帮了 50 000 个无家可归的人。Top 2、After talking to her again, I realized that I had been wrong.;再次跟她谈话后,我认识到我错了。Top 3、 I had never used chop sticks before I came to China;我来中国前没用过筷子。5、【现在完成时】王牌句型:Top 1:I cant believe how much progress I have made in my spoken English!;我无法相信我的口语竟然 提高了这么多Top 2:Ive heard so much about youTop 3: I really love that movie. Ive seen it ten timesTop 4: Ive never met him before.Top 5:The United States has not put as much importance on diplomacy as it should;美国没有在外交方面给予应有的重视Top 6:This is the best movie Ive ever seen.Top 7:He is the best guy Ive ever known.Top 8:Youre the most beautiful girl Ive ever met!Top 9:Ive never dreamed I could see you again.Top 10:Ive never been to America.;我从来没去过美国。Top 11:Ive never met a better man before 我没有见过比他更好的人。Top 12、I have made a remarkable progress in English实用对话:一、A:Ive heard its pretty good. Why not get one?B:I dont get paid until Friday.二、A: I have been very busy lastly;我最近比较忙。B:Ive been really worried about you. You should take care of yourself.;我真为你担心。你得照顾好自己三、A:He is a very famous actor. B:Really? Ive never heard of him.;4、 A:Have you eaten lunch yet? B:Yes. I ate a few minutes ago.五、A:Hi, I havent seen you all week. Where have you been?B:Ive been really busy lately.This is the first free time Ive had in a month.;我最近非常忙。一个月来这是我第一次有空。六、A:I loved it! I think its one of the BEST movies Ive ever seen.;我太喜欢了!我想这是我 看过的最好的一部电影。Id even see it again if I had a chance.;如果有机会的话,我还想 再看一次。【三最短文突破现在完成时】(1) Hi, my name is Sarah. I know we havent met before but Id like to tell you about myself and the company where I have worked for the past year.(2) Im an employee of the World Publishing Company.This is a typical Friday afternoon at our office All the employees are working overtime.We havent gone home because we havent finished our work yet.Friday is always a very busy day.(3) The secretary still hasnt typed two important letters.;The accountant hasnt written all the paychecks.;The office clerks havent delivered all the mail.;And the boss still hasnt spoken to three important people who are waiting to see him;【李阳疯狂英语一口气训练记录为:2 口气】The managers havent turned in their work reports.;Its after six oclock and we havent even had dinner yet.As for me, Im the custodian, and I havent finished my work yet either.;I still havent cleaned all the offices because my coworkers havent gone home yet!6、 【现在完成进行时】王牌句型:Top 1: Ive been learning English for ten years.;Top 2: Ive been teaching in this school since I graduated.Top 3: Ive been dying to see you since I talked to you on the phone last week.;Top 4:Ive been looking forward to meeting youTop 5:where have you been hiding lately?Top 6、Ive been thinking about what kind of person my baby will be实用对话:A:At last! Where on earth have you been? Ive been waiting 40 minutes.;嘿!你到底去哪儿了? 我都等了40分钟了。B:Sorry. Traffic jam.;对不起,塞车了。7、【一般现在时】王牌句型:Top 1:Im crazy about learning EnglishTop 2:You look nice in that dressTop 3:I work for an international companyTop 4:Do you know how late the store is open?Top 5:I hope you enjoy your stay here.Top 6:Blood is thicker than water.Top 7:Health is better than wealth. Top 8:Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.Top 9:Time is money.; Time is knowledge,time is everything.Top 10:Mothers always worry about their children. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst实用对话:A:Whats wrong with you? You look terrible.;你怎么了? 看上去脸色很差。B:I have a serious problem. I need your advice and support.;我碰到了大问题.我需要你的忠告和支持。【三最短文突破一般现在时】:Alice is a very outgoing person. She spends a lot of time with her friends.She goes to parties. She goes to movies. And she goes to nightclubs.;She takes a Crazy English class every weekend.;She knows everyone in her class. Shes very popular.She also likes sports very much. She plays basketball. She plays baseball ,She plays volleyball. And she also plays golf.;Shes very athletic and she loves being outside.; Alice doesnt stay home alone very often. She doesnt read many books.;She doesnt watch TV. She doesnt listen to music.;And she doesnt talk on the phone. Shes very active.;She doesnt like to waste her time inside.; As you can see, Alice is a very outgoing person.;Shes energetic and healthy. She has a lot of friends.I enjoy her company very much. Everyone loves Alice.8、 【现在进行时】表示不断重复的动作,带有某种感情色彩王牌句型:Top 1:Are you having fun? Top 2:Im working on itTop 3:Why am I feeling tipsy我怎么有微醺的感觉?Top 4:why are you always complainingTop 5: Whos calling, please?; 请问是哪位(打电话)?实用对话:Is Susan working this week? B:No, shes on vacation.【将来进行时】Ill be here waiting for you 9、I will call you later【一般将来时】王牌句型:Top 1:whenever you need me,Ill be thereTop 2:I will think about it.Top 3: China will increase dialogue and cooperation with the United States and the international community to crack down on all forms of terrorist activities.Top 4: Im going to look for a better job.Top 5:Ill try to do better with my English. Ill practice more and speak more.实用对话:一、A:Theres a movie on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?B:No, Im tired. Im going to sleep early.二、A:Ill loan you the money.(will表示建议);我把钱借给你吧。B:OK, thanks a lot. Ill pay you back on Friday.(will表示保证);10、过去将来时would+动原,was / were+going to + 动原王牌句型:Top 1: I was going to call you when you came in.;Top 2: She said she would come.; 她说她会来的。Top 3、I didnt know it was going to rain实用对话:.A:He said he was going to try.;他说过他会试试的。B:He never does what he says. I dont believe him.11、 【与过去事实相反的虚拟语气】 表现形式: could have+过分/should have+过分王牌经典句;Top 1: I could have done a lot better.;我本来能够做得更好的。Top 2: I could have helped you, but I didnt know you were in trouble.;我本来能够帮你的,但我不知道你有麻烦。Top 3: I could have been anything. I could have been a doctor;Top 4:I could have been a lawyer; but I chose to be a teacher.;Top 5、I could have done better if I had been more careful.;我要是细心一点,是可以 做得更好的。Top 6、I could have shown you around the city if I had known you were in Beijing.;我要是早知道你在北京,我就会带你到处去转转。Top 7、If he had known it was going to rain, he would have taken his umbrella to work.;如果他早知道要下雨,他就会带上伞去上班了。实用对话:一、A:You should have worn warmer clothes. Its cold in Beijing These days.;你应该穿暖和一点的衣服 最近北京很冷。B:Well you should have told me it was cold before I left home.;The weather is still warm in Guangzhou.;广州的天气还很暖和。 那你在我离开家之前就应 该告诉我。二、A:You wouldnt have met her if it hadnt been for me.;如果不是我的话,你根本就不会认识她。B:Yeah, and my life wouldnt be so miserable now if it hadnt been for you!;没错,如果不是你,我的生活也不会这么悲惨。【三最短文突破虚拟语气】 Unexpected Guests不速之客 (1) Linda had a very difficult situation at her house a few daysago. Her relatives from Hong Kong arrived unexpectedly,without any advance notice at all, and they wanted to stay for the weekend.They didnt even knock at the door. They just walked right in.(2) Needless to say, Linda was very upset.If she had known that her relatives from H.K were going to arrive and want to stay for the weekend,;she would have been prepared for their visit.与现在事实相反的虚拟语气;A:If you loved me you wouldnt say that.;如果你爱我的话,就不会 说这种话了。 A: If I could help you, I would help you, but Im not sure what to do.B: Thats OK. I know you would help me if you could.;没问题,我知道你只要能 帮我都会帮我的。【超级虚拟语气句型】 If I were you, I would quit smoking. If I were you, I would run for the President.3、与将来事实相反或实现的可能性不大的虚拟语气A:If you were to miss the party, you would be sorry for it.B:Forget it, I go to a different party every night. This one is not so special!4、虚拟语气中if的省略 (条件句倒装)A:Were you in my position, you would do the same. B:Im not that stupid!;5、虚拟语气的错综时间 条件从句与主句所表示的时间不一致A:If Jack had taken my advice, he would feel much better now.;如果杰克一早听了我的劝告,他现在就会感觉好得多。B: What makes you so sure of that? Your advice never helped me;你凭什么这么肯定?你的劝告从来就对我没帮助!12、cant have/couldnt have+过分-表示觉得过去不可能发生的事实用对话:A:Has Jim left for home? I cant find him in the office.;B:He couldnt have left so soon. He must be somewhere else in the company.;他不可能这么快就走了, 一定在公司其他什么地方13、should-表示应该 做或发生的事,可用于建 议、命令等 王牌句型:Top 1: You should be more carefulTop 2: You should think twice before you make a decision.;Top 3: I think you should try againTop 5: You should respect your parents.; Top 6: You should save more money for the future.Top 7: You should take good care of yourself. 实用对话:A:I am serious this time.You should be ashamed of yourself.B:You just dont understand how hard it is to do well in school!;14、 had better-表示建 议,意为最好做 王牌经典句; Top 1: Youd better not waste time. Top 2: Youd better practice more.Top 3: Youd better get going or youll be late.;你最好现在就走,要不然你会迟到的。【三最短文突破语法】:A:You know, I owe you an apology. B:What for?A:You must have been angry with me yesterday.;B:I dont understand. Why should I have been angry with you?A:Dont you remember? We had planned to see a movie yesterday, but I completely forgot!B:Dont worry about it Actually, I owe you an apology! A:You do? Why?B:I couldnt have seen a movie with you anyway.I had to work overtime yesterdayand I completely forgot to tell you.A:Thats okay. Maybe we can see a movie some time soon.15、 主谓一致:【三最短文突破主谓一致】:Both my brother and I are outgoing people,he as well as I likes being in the sun.It goes without saying,therefore,that we spend a lot of our free time at the beach.We go there to relax as well as to keep fit,To be frank,though,he no less than I enjoys looking at the beautiful scenery around the beach.第四章 不定式动词 1、不定式当主语;A:To become President of the United States used to be my goal.;过去我的梦想是成为美国总统。B:I think every American kid has dreamed about that.;我想每个美国小孩都这么 想过。A:To be a leader in your own city is a lot more realistic.;做自己那个城市的领导要 实际得多。B:True, but its also less glamorous.;对,但也没那么吸引人。(1)It isnt right to gossip about others.;说别人闲话是不对的。(2)It is not an easy thing to master a language.;学好一种语言是不容易的(3)How would it be to start tomorrow?;明天出发怎么样?(4)It cost me a lot of money to have the car repaired.;修车花了我好多钱。(5)It made us very angry to hear him talk like that.;听到这么说话我们很生气(6)It was beyond me to help them.;我无力帮助他们。2、不定式当表语 A:My wish is to be a doctor. What about yours?;我的志愿是成为一名医生 你的呢?B:My wish is to be a billionaire!;我的志愿是成为亿万富翁3、be+不定式-在主语为 人时,可表示义务、计划 或可能、希望等将要发生 的事;She thought it unnecessary to argue with him at the meeting.;她认为没有必要在会议上 和他争辩。(3)Dont you think it better to translate this way?;你难道不觉得这样翻译好 些吗?(4)All these worries made it impossible for her to concentrate on her work.;这种种烦恼使她不能专心 工作。(5)The teacher made it a rule to speak only English in class.;老师规定在课堂上只能讲 英语。5、不定式当宾语补足语 -Top 1: Jim wants you to call him back.; 吉姆要你给他回电话。Top 2: My teacher encouraged me to try again.;我的老师鼓励我再试一次7、不定式当状语-A:Ill do everything I can to help you.(目的)B:Youre really very kind to say so.(原因);你这么说真的太好了。8、不定式当状语A:He is old enough to make his own decision.;B:I know he is old enough, but he is not smart enough!;A:Youd better work harder in order to catch up with the others.B:I know. Im working on it.;我知道,我正在努力呢。9、不定式作独立成份A: To tell the truth, I have no money with me.B: Then why did you invite me to lunch? A:Because I need someone to pay the bill【额外奉献】 (1) To be honest, I dont like western food. (2) To be frank, you need to lose weight.(3) I hate to be blunt, this idea is stupid. 恕我直言(4) To tell the truth, I didnt take any money with meA:Umm.I dont know how to tell you this exactly, but ummB:Spit it out. Whats the problem?;爽快点讲出来。怎么了?11、 不带to的动词不定式A: I heard him sing but wished I hadnt!B:Is he really that bad?69.A:Mother always makes me do what I dont want to do.B:Parents think they have the right to make their kids do anything12、 动名词当主语/表语 A:Working on computers is his hobby;搞电脑是他的爱好。B:Really? My hobby is working on cars.;是吗?我的爱好是修车。A:My hobbies are reading good books and listening to music.B: Really? I thought your hobby was chasing girls.13、动名词当宾语A:He should appreciate having such a nice teacher.B:Forget it,he doesnt appreciate anything.14、动名词和动词不定式 作宾语的区别;A:I remember meeting her, but I forget her name.B: Try to remember, I want you to introduce me to her. Shes beautiful!【经典长句】 Im really sorry, but I forgot to bring my wallet.I remember seeing it on my desk this morning,but I didnt remember to bring it with me.【额外奉献】 (1)I remember seeing her somewhere, but I dont know her name.(2)Remember to call me as soon as you get home.(3)I forget buying this book. Im not sure when I bought it, maybe last year?(5)I regret not having accepted your advice.(6)I regret to tell you I cant give you any help.(7)Try studying for an hour as soon as you wake up in the morning;(8)Try to find Jims phone number for me. I need to call him.;A:The food smells so inviting.;这食物闻起来很诱人。B: Ill bet it tastes even better than it smells!A:I was bored by her endless bragging.;B: Everyone was bored by her and her stupid stories!A:He is a promising young man.;他是个很有前途的年轻人B:What makes you so sure of that?你为什么这么肯定?A:I heard some girls gossiping about you.B: Its not true! A: Oh, too bad. They said you were a nice guy.A:Weather permitting, well leave for Beijing tomorrow.;如果天气允许,我们明天去北京。B:Wow, that will be great!;哇,太棒了!I never thought we would get done with this project!;我还以为我们永远也完成 不了这个项目呢!第五章 被动语态A:Your spoken English is really amazing!B:Thank you. Im flattered.你过奖了A:Ive been practicing English with the Crazy English method for several days. But I dont notice any difference.B:Rome wasnt built in a day. You should yell English more.A:I dont like being told what to do.B:Well, youre married now, so youd better get used to it.第十二章 主谓一致 1、语法一致;就近原则A:I just dont know who is right about this.;我就是不知道关于这一点到底谁对。B:Neither he nor they are mistaken.;他不对,他们也不对。A:Why is there so much noise coming from that classroom?;为什么那个教室传来这么大的嘈杂声?B:Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the party.;学生们和他们的老师都很 喜欢那个聚会。第十三章 倒装 1,强调句It is/ was +被 强调部分 + that/who +;A:It is I who told your boss the truth.;是我告诉你们老板真相的B:Youre supposed to be my friend! I always cover for you!你应该是我的朋友啊! 我总是帮你隐瞒。2、Never, seldom, little, nor, hardly, scarcely, no sooner,not only等否定词在句首时的倒装-全句倒装;A:I cant stand really hot weather. B:Nor can I. I always feel tired3、Here和There开头的倒装Here comes the bus!汽车来了!A:There goes my last chance! 我最后的机会来了B:Then dont let it slip away.那就不要让它溜走。A:May you succeed in everything you do! B:Thank you.A:Whether he will come or not is unknown;他来不来还不知道。B:He likes to be mysterious. He never tells anyone his plans;他喜欢神神秘秘的,他从来不告诉别人他的计划。A:What I told you is between you and me.B:I promise I wont breathe a word to anyone.A:I really hope we can move to a better place.B:The question is whether we can afford a house.A:Do you know if Jim went there last night?B:Sure, I saw him there acting like a big shot.;当然,我看见他在那儿, 活象个大人物似的。A:Do you by any chance know你是不是刚好知道If there is going to be an English exam tomorrow?【疯狂奉献】 下面再给大家送上五段对 话,让你一举突破I wish 句型及虚拟条件句!(1)A:You know, I wish I knew my neighbors.你知道,我希望我认识我的邻居。【六星级句子大奉献】 It was as if a huge piece of chocolate had been melted down.;目击者描述美国世贸中心大厦倒塌情形)就象是一块巨大的巧克力被熔化一 样。 A:It is


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