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名词冠词练习1.1.When Linda was a child, her mother always let her have _ bed.a. a. the breakfast in b. the breakfast in the c. breakfast in d. breakfast in the2. 2.He has promised to give up _ hundreds of times.a. a. a tobacco b. tobacco c. the tobacco d. tobaccos3. 3._ usually go to church every Sunday.a. a. The Brown b. A Brown c. Browns d. The Browns4. 4.The train is running fifty miles _.a. a. an hour b. one hour c. the hour d. a hour5. 5.He can play almost every kind of music instrument but he is good _.a. a. at the flute b. at flute c. at a flute d. at that flute6. 6.The investigators found that more should be done for _ in India.a. a. those poor b. a poor c. poor d. the poor7. 7.You look in high spirit. You must have _ during your holiday.a. a. wonderful time b. a wonderful time c. the wonderful time d. some wonderful time 8. 8.The city assigned a policeman to the school crossing because _ traffic there was so heavy.a. a. a b. an c. the d. one9. 9.A new teacher was sent to the village in place of _ one who had retired.a. a. a b. the c. an d. its 10. 10.Virtue and vice are before you;_ leads you to happiness,_ to misery.a. the formerlatter b. a formera latterc. c. the formerthe latter d. formerlatter11. 11.The children in the kinder-garden soon took _ to their teachers.a. a. quite fancy b. a quite fancy c. quite a fancy d. the quite fancy12. 12._ tend to bemoan the lack of character in the young generation.a. a. The old b. Old c. Elderly d. Older13. 13.A man suffering from a chock should be given _.a. a. hot sweet tea b. a hot sweet tea c. the hot sweet tea d. one hot sweet tea14. 14.He answered my questions with _ not to be expected of an ordinary schoolboy.a. a. his accuracy b. a accuracy c. the accuracy d. an accuracy15. 15.If you go by train you can have quite _ comfortable journey.a. a. the b. one c. a d. that16. 16.Were going to _ with _ today, arent we?a. a. the teathe Smiths b. teathose Smiths c. a teaa Smith d. teathe Smiths17. 17.I want an assistant with _ knowledge of French and _ experience of office routine.a. a. thethe b. athe c. aan d. thean18. 18.Anns habit of riding a motorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed the neighbors and _ they took her to the court.a. a. in the end b. at the end c. in an end d. in end19. 19.It is reported that today _ president will have lunch with _ President Omon.a. a. thethe b. aa c. the/ d. /20. 20.Tianan Men Square and _ Great Wall are tow of the places everyone should see in _ Peoples Republic of China.a. a. thethe b. / c. the/ d. /the21. 21.It has long been known that there is an electric field _.a. a. inside the earth b. inside earth c. inside an earth d. on earth22. 22._ much harder work, the volunteers were able to place the raging forest fire_.a. By the means ofunder the control b. By means ofunder controlc. c.By means ofunder a control d. By a means ofunder control23. 23.No sooner had the man departed than the tree began dropping coffee beans _.a. a. by the thousand b. by a thousand c. by thousands d. by thousand24. 24.He expressed _ of their having ever been married.a. a. the doubt b. a doubt c. doubt d. an doubt25. 25.He saw through the little boys tricks _.a. a. at glance b. at the glance c. at some glance d. at a glance26. 26.Their victory is _,for theyve lost too many men.a. a. out of question b. out of the question c. out question d. of question27. 27.Many a girl wants to become _.a. a. some secretary b. a secretary c. secretary d. secretaries28. 28.He grabbed me _ and pulled me onto the bus.a. a. a arm b. an arm c. the arm d. by the arm29. 29.Ill come in _ minute; in fact Ill come _ moment Im through.a. a./the b. athe c. thea d. /30. 30.This is one of _ interesting books on your subject.a. a. the most b. the most of the c. most d. most of the 31. 31.He enjoys life _ the “Queen Anne”.a. a. on a board b . on board c. in the board d. board32. 32.He lost his fob and _ his wife left him.a. a. on that top b. on top of that c. on a top of that d. on the top33. 33.Most of the representatives think that _ the meeting was very successful.a. a. on whole of b. on a whole c. on the whole d. on the whole that34. 34.Under no circumstances will there be wage control while I am _ of the government.a. a. the head b. a head c. head d. that head35. 35.Like his sister, David needed _ from some generous person in order to get home.a. a. a ride b. some ride c. ride d. the ride36. 36.The brains left hemisphere controls logic and language, while _controls intuitive talents and musical ability.a. a. the right b. a right c. that right d. right one37. 37._ is setting up a research team to see how children react to video games.a. a. The Japans Health Ministry b. Japans health Ministryb. b. A Japans health Ministry d. Japan health Ministry38. 38.Unlike Americans, who seem to prefer coffee,_ a great deal of tea.a. a. English drink b. The English drink c. English man drink d. the English drinks39. 39.Hundreds of people are _ now, so there are about 50 people trying for the same position.a. a.out of the work b. out work c. out of work d. out of a work40. 40.His mother taught _ ,but his father was only a blue-collar worker.a. a. piano b. an piano c. the piano d. a piano41. 41.Contrary to what I had expected, he lost for _.a. a. second time b. a second time c. second times d. the second time42. 42.Fashions change and people change too, but the old feeling remains _.a. a. the same b. same c. that same d. as same43. 43.We are going to dine tomorrow with _ to celebrate Christmas Day.a. a. the Cunning b. Cunnings c. The Cunnings d. Cunnings 44. 44.This is _ which is collected before the first rain in Spring.a. a. one tea b. a tea c. the tea d. that tea45. 45._ is known by its note,_ is known by his talk.a. a. A bird/a man b. One bird/one man c. The bird/the man d. Bird/man46. 46.Never travel with _ who leaves you in case of danger.a. a. the friend b. that friend c. a friend d. friend47. 47.Do you think it possible for the North Pole to have _ a few thousand years from now?a. a. Shanghai b. a Shanghai c. the Shanghai d. one Shanghai48. 48.I dont think _ is a better car than our makes.a. a. a Ford b. Fords c. the Ford d. Ford49. 49.I didnt know why he looked angry when I patted him _.a. a. on the head b. on head c. on a head d. on his head50. 50.he never fails to give you _ when you are in trouble.a. a. his helping hands b. the helping hand c. helping hands d. a helping hand51. 51.The historical events of that period are arranged _.a. a. in alphabetical order b. in an alphabetical orderb. b. in the alphabetical orders d. in a alphabetical orders52. 52.The like to take a vacation _.a. a. one time the year b. one time in a year c. once a year d. once in a year53. 53.“What is Todger?” “He is _.”a. a. a poet and novelist b. a poet and a novelistb. b. poet and novelist d. the poet and novelist54.“How did you pay the workers?”“As a rule, they are paid _.”a. a. by an your b. by the hour c. by a hour d. by hours55. 55.The DMZ extends about two hundred kilometers _.a. from east to west b. from the east to west c. from the east to the west d. from eastern to western56. 56.What _ are you planning to buy?a. a. make of car b. make of the car c. make of a car d. make of cars57. 57._,you cant fool her.a. a. The child though Rowena is b. Though child Rowena isb. b. As child Rowena is d. Child as Rowena is 58. 58.Whats _ is to get information about the situation first.a. a. the wisest b. a wisest c. the wiser d. wisest59. 59.The differences between _ are gradually being eliminated.a. a. the town and the country b. town and countryb. b. a town and a country d. a town and the country60. 60.Scientists hope to send an expedition to Mars during _.a. the 1990s b. the 1990 c. 1990s d. 1990s 数词练习1. 1._ martyrs have heroically laid down their lives for the people.a. Thousand upon thousand of b. Thousand and thousands ofc. Thousands upon thousands of d. Thousand and thousand of2. 2.They received _ of letters about their TV programs.a. dozen b. dozen and dozen c score d. dozens3. 3.Who is that man,_ in the front row?a. one b. the one c. first d. the first4. 4.We have produced _ this year as we did in 1993.a. as much cotton twice b. as twice much cottonc. much as twice cotton d. twice as much cotton5. 5.The earth is about _ as the moon.a. as fifty time big b. fifty times as big c. as big fifty time d. fifty as times big6. 6.The population of many Alaskan cities has _ in the past three years.a. more than doubled b. more doubled than c. much than doubled d. much doubled than7. 7.The moon is about _ in diameter as diameter as the earth.a. one-three as large b. one three as large c. one-third as large d. one third as large8. 8.Five hundred yuan a month _ enough to live on.a. is b. are c. is being d. has been9. 9._ of the buildings were ruined.a. Three fourth b. Three four c. Three-fourths d. Three-four10. 10.Consult _ for questions about earthquakes.a. the six index b. index six c. sixth index d. index numbering six11. 11.She went to the countryside _.a. a. in the morning at nine/on June first,1968 b. on June first,1968/in the morning at nineb. b. at nine in the morning/on June first,1968 d. on June first,1968/at nine in the morning12. 12.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth _ covered with water.a. are b. is c. were d. be13. 13.This month the production of stainless steel in our steelworks has increased _ 2,000 tons.a. a. with b. in c. on d. by14. 14.With the miniaturization of the structural components the weight of these electric devices has decreased _ 30 percent.a. as b. with c. in d. by15. 15.The Olympic Games are held _.a. a. every four years b. every four year c. every fourth years d. every four-years16. 16.As he is not in good health, he goes to his factory only _ just to learn something about the progress of experiment.a. a. once a week b. one week c. one time a week d. one a week17. 17.Three students _ in this university come from the South.a. of ten b. out of in ten c. out of ten d. in tens18. 18.Strings of the same thickness made of nylon are _.a. a. five times stronger than those b. five time stronger than thoseb. b. five times strong than those d. five times stronger as those19.the wheels of the old wagon are nearly _ those of a modern car.a. a. twice the size of b. twice size of c. twice sizes of d. twice the size of20. 20.One day on the moon is _.a. a. two Earth week long b. two Earth weeks long b. b. two Earth weeks longer d. two Earth weeks length限定词练习1. 1.My hand was hurt. Could you do _ typing for me?a. a. some b. many c. such d. any2. 2.There were _ students in the reading room.a. a. neither b. not c. no d. none3. 3.If it is of _ use to you, please take it.a. a. some b. many c. no d. any4. 4.Ive invited five people to tea this afternoon. Out of them, only John and Mary can come,_ cant.a. a. other b. the other c. others d. the others5. 5.Most English people go to Spain for the sea, the sun and all the _ things associated with a relaxing holiday.a. a. any b. another c. some d. other6. 6._ were ironed by my mother yesterday.a. a. The all sheets b. all of sheets c. All the sheets d. Sheets of all7. 7.As usual,_ man was given his individual assignment.a. a. every b. each c. all d. both8. 8.They saw _ girls the day before yesterday.a. a. both the other two b. the two other both c. the both other two d. the both two other9. 9.One uses the freezer, the computer and the business school to manufacture _ dishes in never a tick longer than 100 seconds.a. a. such others b. other such c. such other d. other such a 10. 10._ boxer was strong, but _ had a good build and was light on his feet.a. a.Either/every b. Neither/each c. Both/both d. All the/all11. 11._ was astonished to find himself rooting and shouting in a most undignified manner.a. Many elderly man b. A many elderly men c. Many an elderly man d. Many elderly men12. 12.I know now, of course, there is _ as love.a. a. no such a thing b. not such thing c. not a thing d. no such thing13. 13.As there were _ life-boats for everybody,40 lives were lost.a. a. as little b. so little c. too few d. very few14. 14.He was brave;_ soldiers fought so bravely in that battle.a. a. no others b. no another c. no other d. not other15. 15.I dont think we have met before. Im afraid youre confusing me with _.a. a. some other b. some other person c. other person d. one other 16. 16.Weekends last from Friday evening to Sunday night._ days are week-days.a. a. The other b. Another c. Other d. Every other17. 17.We had _ good time that we hated to leave the party.a. a. such a b. such c. so d. pretty18. 18.Paris is _ that we can hardly visit all the beautiful parks in two or three days.a. such large a city b. so a large city c. such a large city d. a such large city 19. 19.Deputies to the National Peoples Congress are elected_.a. every four year b. each four years c. every of four years d. every four years20. 20.There is hardly _difference between the two libraries.a. no b. any c. much d. some21. 21.For young people, Carpenter is _ singer. a. most their popular b. most popular of theirs c. c.their most popular d. most popular of their22. 22._ are about the American Independent War.a. a. Both book b. Both books c. All the two book d. all of two books23. 23.When I am in trouble, my friends will give me their hands without _ hesitation.a. a. some b. a c. any d. the24. 24.Youre welcome to my house _ time youd like.a. a. the b. any c. no d. some25. 25.He was very much disappointed because _ went to his wedding party.a. a. no his friends b. all no his friends c. none his friends d. none of his friends26. 26.You shouldnt stop your car here since there is a sign _.a. a. Not Parking b. No Park c. No Parking d. Not a Park27. 27.I cannot invited _ of you, since Ive got only one extra ticket.a. a. either b. both c. some d. one28. 28._ the idioms are not easy to remember and use.a. a. Every b. Some c. All d. Each29. 29.There is a line of trees in _ side of the river.a. a. every b. each c. per d. none30. 30._ our countries are developing countries.a. a. Each b. Either c. Every d. Both31. 31.The scientist wrote a number of books, but _ books were novels.a. a. last two his b. his last two c. two his last d. last two of his 32. 32.Have you got _ copies to go around?a. a. much c. a large amount of c. enough d. great33. 33.You can never use my car. _ time should you touch it.a. a. At no b. At any c. any d. No34. 34.My brother is going on the picnic with _ friends.a. a. his two little other b. other his two little c. his other little two d. his two other little35. 35.Those examples are not enough, you should give _ examples to make your argument convincing.a. a. some b. any c. some more d. any more36. 36._ feels entitled to more in life than just housework.a. a. Many women b. A lot of woman c. Many a woman d. A few woman37. 37.You will have to practice _ times before you can do it.a. a.many more b. more many c. more often d. more several38. 38.It is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.a. a. a so unusual b. such an unusual c. so unusual d. such u


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