unit 1 第3课时learning about language.单项填空 从a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(原创)she says,“i want to be an allround entertainer. i want to act, make films,make albums,do_i can.”awhateverbthat cwhich dwhichever答案:a本题题意:她说:“我想成为一个多面手的艺人。我想表演、拍电影、出专辑,做我能做的一切事情。”本题考查宾语从句。动词do后的宾语从句中,i can 承前省略了do,可以判断出宾语从句中缺少宾语,需要连接代词引导宾语从句,排除that. whatever相当于anything that, 在宾语从句中担任宾语,同时具有连接主句和从句的作用。注意:which表示“从一定范围内进行选择”,此处为“泛指概念”, 不合题意。2(原创)he helped to keep us in touch with_was going on there.awhat bthat cwhich dwhichever答案:a本题题意:他帮助我们了解那儿的情况。what表示“(the thing or things that.)的事物”。that在名词性从句中,只具有连接功能,在从句中不担任句子成分。3(原创)yes, thats_i am calling about. we do not receive page three of the fax.ahow bwhatcwhich dwhere答案:b本题题意:是的,我就是为了这件事才打电话来。 我们没有收到传真的第三页。what表示“( the thing or things that.)的事物”,引导表语从句,并在从句中担任了介词 about的宾语。4(原创)_fuels like coal and oil cause a lot of pollution is certain.athat bbecause cas dsince答案:a本题题意:煤和石油这类燃料能造成大量的污染,这是肯定的。本题考查主语从句的用法。本句还可以表达为:it is certain that fuels like coal and oil cause a lot of pollution.5(原创)so, thats_the document was. i can never find it when i was looking for it.awhere bwhycwhat dhow 答案:a本题题意:哦,那文件原来在这里呀。害我找都找不到。表语从句主要成分完整,含义和“地点”有关,采用where.6(原创)we dont doubt, in any case,_he can do a good job of it.ahow bwhethercthat d/答案:c本题题意:在任何情况下,我们相信他能把事情做好。本题考查动词doubt后接宾语从句的用法。当doubt采用否定结构时,其后的宾语从句通常采用that引导,当采用肯定句式时,则采用whether/if引导。例如: i doubt whether hell come. 我不敢肯定他来不来。7(原创)the problem is_we are to make good sales.awhen bwherechow dthat答案:c本题题意:问题是我们该怎样去找到好的销路。此题考查表语从句,采用how 表示方式。8(原创)pick yourself up from_you fellcorrect your mistake_you made it.awhere;where bwhich;wherecwhere; that dwhich; that答案:a本题题意:在哪儿跌倒就从哪儿爬起来。第一空考查宾语从句的用法。介词from后接宾语从句,从句的主要成分完整,不需要连接代词;含义和“地点”有关,选用where. 第二空考查地点状语从句的用法。9(原创) the news_is broadcast repeatedly on the television is_he has been defeated in the election is not true.awhich; which b/; that cthat; which dthat; that答案:d本题题意:他落选的消息不真实,电视里反复播出这条新闻。第一空考查定语从句的用法,从句缺少主语,需要关系代词that/which引导。第二空考查表语从句的用法,在从句中,主要成分完整,采用that引导。10(原创)instead of just giving children the toys or clothing they desire, give them an allowance and show them_they can save up for_they want.ahow;whatever bwhat;whatever chow; whichever dwhat;whichever答案:a本题题意:与其给孩子买他们中意的玩具和衣服,还不如给他们零用钱教他们把钱存起来以便日后用在自己想做的事情上面。两个空均考查宾语从句的用法。第一空,宾语从句主要结构完整,不需要连接代词内容,和“方式”有关,采用how. 在第二空,whatever引导宾语从句,同时在从句中担任了动词want的宾语,相当于anything that.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。on christmas eve, i gave each of the children three pieces of stationery(文具)with envelopes. at the_1_of each page were the_2_,“what i love about my sister mia”, “what i love about my brother kris”,“what i love about my sister lisa”what i love about my brother erik”. the_3_were 16, 14,10 and 8, and it_4_some time to make it clear to them that they could find just one thing they_5_about each other. as they wrote in privacy, i went to my bedroom and wrapped their few storebought_6_.when i returned to the kitchen, the children had finished their_7_to one another. each name was written on the outside of the envelope. we_8_hugs and goodnight kisses and they hurried off to bed. lisa was given special_9_to sleep in my bed, with the promise not to steal a_10_at the gifts until christmas morning.early in the_11_, we all got up and sat around the tree and opened the few wrapped presents._12_the children were given their_13_envelopes. we read the words with_14_eyes and red noses. erik, at 8, wasnt expecting to hear anything_15_. his brother had written:“what i love about my brother erik is that hes not_16_of anything.”mia had written, “what i love about my brother erik is that he can talk to_17_!” lisa had written,“what i love about my brother erik is that he can_18_trees higher than anyone!”i felt gentle pull at my sleeve, and then a small hand cupped around my ear and erik_19_,“gee, mom, i didnt_20_know they like me!”文章大意:圣诞节前夕,母亲让孩子们相互写信告知对方喜欢对方哪一方面,这样,孩子们之间的友谊大大增进了。1a.topbendcmiddle dside答案:aat the top of page指“信纸的顶部”,母亲在每个信纸上写下了一句话。2a.phrases bsentencescwords ddemands答案:cwords指“下文的话”,即“what i love about my sister mia.”。3a.boys bgirlscdaughters dkids答案:dkids “孩子们”,不分性别。从上文“what i love. brother. sister”可知,这些孩子有的是女孩,有的是男孩,所以用 kids.4a.spent btookccost dpaid答案:b此处是it takes some time to do sth“花时间干某事”的句型。5a.liked btalkedchated dlearned答案:a母亲让孩子们找出对方的一个优点,也就是喜欢对方的哪一方面。目的是让孩子们互相夸奖,增进友谊。6a.products bclothescgifts dflowers答案:cstorebought gifts 指“商店里买的(圣诞节)礼物”。第三段首句“the few wrapped presents”有提示。7a.homework bthanksctasks dletters答案:dletters 指的是母亲让孩子们写的信。这时他们已经写完了。8a.exchanged bsparedcenjoyed dattempted答案:aexchanged hugs and goodnight kisses 意思是相互拥抱和“相互进行晚安之吻”。9a.order bpermissioncrequest dduty答案:bpermission“允许”,此处指母亲特许丽莎和她同睡。10a.notice bwatchclook dnote答案:cwith the promise not to steal a look at the gifts,指丽莎答应直到圣诞节早上都不偷看礼物(才可以睡在那儿)。11a.evening bnooncafternoon dmorning答案:dearly in the morning“一大早”,这里指圣诞节的早上。由下文的we all got up 得出。12a.afterwards bthereforechowever dfortunately答案:aafterwards“之后;接下来”,是表示时间顺序的副词。13a.two bthreecfour dmany答案:bthree envelopes,因为是兄妹四人,所以每人得到三个信封。14a.sad bbrightcteary dhappy答案:cteary“含泪的”,作定语修饰eyes,指全家人都感动得眼泪汪汪。15a.strange bfunnycnice dterrible答案:canything nice这里表示“赞扬的话”,由文章最后一句可知埃里克没有想到别人会赞扬他。16a.sure bcertainckind dafraid答案:dbe afraid of“害怕”,否定句表示“不害怕”,四个选项中只有afraid符合语境。17a.anybody bsomebodycnobody dteachers答案:aanybody,表示“任何一个人”,赞扬埃里克的交际能力。18a.feel bclimbcreach dtouch答案:bblimb trees higher than anyone,赞扬埃里克爬树爬得最高,符合小孩的语气。19a.shouted bcriedcwhispered dscreamed答案:cwhisper“耳语;悄悄地说”,由上文cupped around my ear得出。20a.ever byetcnever deven答案:d此处用even是为了加强语气,“甚至,连都”;指埃里克甚至都不知道别人喜欢他。如果表示“从来不知道”,应该用i never knew,而不是i didnt ever know,故不选ever。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最佳答案。(2010年湛江市高三年级第一次调研测试)i once had my chinese mba students brainstorming on “twohour business plans.”i separated them into six groups and give them an example: a restaurant chain. the more original their idea, the better, i said. finally, five of the six groups presented plans for restaurant chains. the sixth proposed a catering(餐饮)service. though i admitted the time limit had been difficult, i expressed my disappointment.my students were middle managers, financial analysts and financiers from stateowned enterprises(国有企业)and global companies. they were not without talent or opinions, but they had been shaped by an educational system that rarely stressed or rewarded critical thinking or inventiveness. the scene i just described came in different forms during my two years teaching at the school. papers were often copied from the web and the harvard business review. case study debates were written up and just memorized. students frequently said that copying is a superior business strategy, better than inventing and creating.in china, every product you can imagine has been made and sold. but so few welldeveloped marketing and management minds have been raised that it will be a long time before most people in the world can name a chinese brand.with this problem in mind, partnerships with institutions like yale and mit have been established. and then theres the“thousandtalent scheme”: this new government program is intended to improve technological modernization by attracting top foreigntrained scientists to the mainland with big money. but there are worries about chinas research environment. its hardly known for producing independent thinking and openness, and even big salary offers may not be attractive enough to overcome this.at last, for china, becoming a major world creator is not just about setting up partnerships with top western universities. nor is it about gathering a group of welleducated people and telling them to think creatively. its about establishing a rich learning environment for young minds. its not that simple.文章大意:这是一篇教育类夹叙夹议文,讲述了作者通过教学发现教育中存在的问题。1why does the author feel disappointed at his students?abecause there is one group presenting a catering service.bbecause the six groups made projects for restaurant topic.cbecause all the students copied a case for the difficult topic.dbecause the students ideas were lacking in creativeness.答案:d推理判断题。根据第一段和第二段的信息可知,“我”对学生们缺乏创新意识和批判性思维感到很失望。2which of the following scenes is not considered as lack of creation?apapers were often downloaded from the internet.bstudents often said that copying is a preferable business strate
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