中考英语模拟试题汇编 同义句转换.doc_第1页
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中考英语模拟试题汇编 同义句转换.doc_第3页




同义句转换【2016河北石家庄一模】a) 从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能替代的那一项。()26.look out, david! a car is coming.a. be carefulb. look insidec. look aroundd. look back()27.do remember me to your family when you get back home. i miss your parents very much.a. show welcome tob. say good-bye toc. say hello tod. write to()28. i couldnt come up with a good excuse for being late.a. think ofb. put upc. get d. say()29. i treat him as my best friend.a. lookb. regardc. workd. act()30. our teacher goes on a picnic with us at times.a. sometimesb. some timec. sometimed. some times26-30acaba【2016深圳一模】从下面每小题的 a、b、c三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分或与其意思相近的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分;计8分)( ) 1. there is no wind and the sea is still. a. noisy b. huge c. quiet( ) 2. the task should be completed before christmas. a. started b. damaged c. finished( ) 3. switch off the tv when you leave the room. a. turn off b. turn on c. turn over( ) 4. on my twelfth birthday, i treated myself to a doll with my pocket money. a. made a doll myself b. bought myself a doll c. borrowed a doll for myself( ) 5. all the people should keep off drugs(毒品). a. keep in touch with b. stay away from c. keep on ( ) 6. this dress is out of date. i suggest you take another one. a. out of place b. very modern c. not fashionable( ) 7. my parents often tell me not to laugh at the people in trouble. a. make fun of b. help with c. give up ( ) 8. lucy is not only smart but also hard-working, so she always does well in exams. a. clever b. silly c. harmful1-5 ccabb 6-10 caa【2016深圳市龙岗区二测】i. 从下面每小题的a、b、c三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。( )16. i apologized to him when i knew i had taken away his book by mistake.a. said sorry to b. said hello to c. chatted to ( )17. it appears that most of the teenagers today like playing computer games.a. says b. seems c. happens ( )18. when we realized the importance of that case, it was too late.a. missed b. got to know c. be unaware of ( )19. everyone didnt believe that he could finish the work, but he made it. a. invented it b. hid it c. succeeded ( )20. hemingway is one of the most celebrated writers in america.a. important b. famous c. humorous ( )21. amy failed the exam. she felt sad. lets go to help raise her spirits.a. look her up b. take care of her c. cheer her up ( )22. i havent heard from her for a long time. a. heard of her b. received her letter c. listened to her( )23. if you want to be ahead of your classmates, you have to work hard.a. in touch with b. better than c. away from1620 abbcb 2123 cbb【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项,并在答题卷选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑:【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】14. we work hard in order that we wont let ourselves down.a. go downb. make disappointedc. keep off【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】15. he kept still for a while and then left the room.a. didnt moveb. didnt smilec. didnt speak【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】16. theres almost no water in the bottle. let me get some from the pot.a. no longerb. hardly anyc. nearly never【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】17. she filled the box with beautiful flowers and put it on the table.a. made the box full ofb. made the box empty ofc. make up the box with【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】18. we finally managed to get the first prize in the competition.a. wanted to getb. went to getc. succeeded in getting【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】19. mr. wang was absent from the meeting yesterday.a. was late forb. didnt attendc. showed up【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】20. this programme consists of seven amazing units.a. is made ofb. combinesc. is made up of【广东深


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