河北省中考英语总复习 第四课时 七下 Units 712试题 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
河北省中考英语总复习 第四课时 七下 Units 712试题 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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第四课时七年级(下)units 712(课时重点话题:学校旅行)高频单词和词组学校旅行【单词】1_(pron.)(常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物2_(v.)种植;生长3_(n.)农场(v.)务农;种田4_(adj.)极好的;优秀的5_(v.)采;摘6_(n.)花7_(v.& n)担心;担忧8_(adv.)幸运地9._(n.)博物馆10_(adj.)使人兴奋的;令人激动的11_(adj.)可爱的12_(adj.)昂贵的13_(adj.)缓慢的;迟缓的14_(n.)导游15_(pron.)所有事物;一切16_(adj.)感兴趣的17_(adj.)黑暗的;昏暗的【词组】18_ 给奶牛挤奶19_ 骑马20_ 喂鸡21_ 许多22_带领参观23_在乡下;在农村24_ 总的说来25_ 对感兴趣26_一点儿也不天气【单词】1_(v.)下雨(n.)雨水2_(adj.)多风的3_(adj.)多云的4_(adj.)晴朗的5_(v.)下雪(n.)雪6_(n.)天气7._(adj.)干燥的8_(adj.)寒冷的9_(adj.)热的10_(adj.)温暖的11_(n.)夏天;夏季12_(adj.)下雪的13_(n.)冬天;冬季14._(n.)雪人15_(adj.)阴雨的;多雨的【词组】16_ 捎个口信;传话17_(给某人)回电话18_ 度假周围环境【单词】1_(n.)旅馆;酒店2_(n.)餐馆3_(n.)银行4_(n.)医院5_(prep.)在附近6_(prep.)在后面7._(n.)镇;市镇8_(v.)花(时间、钱等)9_(v.)爬10_(adj.)免费的11_(v.)享受;喜爱12_(adv.)容易地【词组】13_ 在对面14_ 在前面15_ 沿着(这条街走)16_向右/左转17_ 花时间18_ 喜欢阅读个人情况【单词】1_(adj.)直的2_(adj.)高的3_(adj.)瘦的4_(adj.)重的5._(n.)眼镜6_(adj.)英俊的7_(n.)女演员8_(n.)艺术家9_(v.)描述【词组】10_中等身高11_中等身材12_一点儿;少量13_最后;终于饮食【单词】1_(n.)面条2_(n.)牛肉3_(n.)土豆;马铃薯4_(n.)特色菜;特价品(adj.)特别的;特殊的5._(n.)饺子6_(n.)鱼;鱼肉7_(n.)蛋糕【词组】8_ 点菜9._ 世界各地10_许愿11_ 吹灭12_ 切碎13_ 给带来好运过去的经历【单词】1_(v.)扎营;搭帐篷2_(n.)湖3_(n.)海滩;沙滩4_(n.)羊;绵羊5_(adj.)自然的6_(n.)游客;访问者7_(adj.)疲倦的;疲劳的8._(n.)(pl. mice)老鼠9_(n.)语言10_(v.)飞11_(n.)月亮12_(n.)惊奇;惊讶(v.)使吃惊13_(v.)移动14_(v.)跳;跃15_(n.)森林【词组】16_深夜不睡;熬夜17_ 冲大声叫嚷18_ 放风筝19_ 搭起;举起20_对大声喊叫21_上上下下;起伏22_把叫醒词汇拓展1. height(高的)_2build(楼房;建筑物)_ 3sheep(复数)_4natural(自然)_5visit(游客;访问者)_6mouse(复数)_7exciting(感到兴奋的)_(动词)_(名词)_8. relax(感到放松的)_(令人放松的)_9beautiful(名词)_(反义词)_10sleep(反义词)_(困倦的)_(睡着的)_(醒着的)_11danger(反义词)_(形容词)_12across(穿过)_(十字路口)_13bad(比较级)_(最高级)_14enjoy(有乐趣的;令人愉快的)_重点句型1._ the weather _ shanghai?上海的天气怎样?2can i _ _ _ _ him?要我给他捎个口信吗?3_ _ there,i usually walk out and _ _ _ bridge road.要去那里的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右转。4_ _ _ restaurants near here?这附近有一些饭店吗?yes,_ _._ one _ _ _ the post office.有。在邮局前面有一个。5_ _ he _ _?他长得什么样?he is _ _ _,and he _ short curly hair.他中等身高,留着一头短的卷发。6._ _ _ noodles _ _ _?你想要哪种面条?7_ _ your trip last week?你上周的行程怎样?8the guide taught us _ _ _ a model robot.导游教我们怎样制作机器人模型。9_ _ you _ last weekend?你上个周末做什么了?i _ pingpong _ my good friend.我和我的好朋友打乒乓球了。10i was _ _ _ i _ to sleep early.我太累了,早早就睡着了。核心语法1. 现在进行时2一般过去时3there be句型4. 地点介词5选择疑问句6would like,some/any. 听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。( )1. a. yes,she did. bno,she cant. cwe dont know.( )2. a. to france. bto england. cto australia.( )3. a. by bus. bby bike. con foot.( )4. a. sydney. bnew york. cparis.( )5. a. she lost her backpack. bshe missed her bus. cshe was late for class. 听短文,选择正确的答案。( )6. what did john want to have?aa black hat. ba red hat. ca brown hat.( )7. john was _ enough to have a hat.aold bnot big cnot old( )8. where was the big market?ain the next village. bin a city. cin a small town.( )9. where did they buy the red hat?ain a clothing shop. bin a supermarket. cin a hat shop.( )10. where did johns father put the hat?ain johns hand. bon johns head. con his own head.1. is there a hospital near here? 这附近有医院吗?. 单项选择。()1.(2015张家口二模)there _ a football match this evening. how happy we are!ais bwill have chas dwill be()2.(2015石家庄桥西区、裕华区三月联考)there _ a teacher and some students in the classroom.ais bare cam dbe()3.(2015石家庄一模)there _ nobody in the room when i arrived.ais bwas care dwere. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。4there are some pictures on the wall. (改为否定句)there _ _ pictures on the wall.5there are some strawberries in the bag. (改为反意疑问句)there are some strawberries in the bag,_ _?要点速记there be句型表示“某处存在某人或某物”。在there be句型中,be用单数形成(is,was) 还是用复数形式(are,were) 取决于后面的名词。当名词为不可数名词或单数可数名词时,be用单数形式;当名词为复数可数名词时,be用复数形式。如果there be后面是两个或两个以上的名词,be的形式要和最临近的名词保持一致。there be句型的一般将来时可有两种形式:there be going to be和there will be,注意其中的be不能用have替换。there be句型的反意疑问句的附加部分要用there作主语。【拓展】there besb./sth.doing 意为“有某人(某物) 正在做”。doing是句中sb.或sth.正在发出的动作,作定语。2. hows the weather in beijing? 北京的天气怎么样?. 单项选择。( )1. (2015十堰) how was your trip?_. i hope i can go there again.anothing special bjust so so cfantastic dit serves you right( )2. (2015凉山) the news reported that the rainstorm was in the area last night.yes._ bad weather it was!awhat a bhow a cwhat dhow( )3. (2014黔西南)whats the weather like in your hometown?_ayes,i like it. bits warm in winter.cwhy not? dyes,very much. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。4(2014达州)the weather is too hot today.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the weather like today?5how was the weather there?(改为同义句)_ was the weather _ there?要点速记(1)询问天气如何,英语中最常见的有两种句式,分别为“hows the weather?”和“whats the weather like?”回答用“its描述天气的形容词”。如:hows the weather today?今天的天气怎样?its cloudy.天气多云。whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?its very cold.天气很冷。(2)weather作名词,意为“天气”。注意 weather为不可数名词,其前面不可用不定冠词a,且无复数形式。如:what bad weather it is today!今天天气多么糟糕呀!3. sounds like youre having_a_good time似乎你玩得正高兴。. 单项选择。()1.(2015河北二模)lets go in and enjoy janes songs. they _ so beautiful.asmell btaste cfeel dsound()2.(2015温州)shall we go to alberta for the summer holiday?_.its one of the worlds cleanest cities.asounds great bnot at allcyoure kidding dyoure welcome()3.(2015随州)the exchange student from australia is a friend of _.she enjoyed _ at the art festival held in beijing yesterday.ame;herself bmine;herscmine;herself dme;hers. 同义句改写,每空一词。4the students had a good time on the field trip.the students _ _ on the field trip.5we enjoyed ourselves in the park last sunday.we _ a lot of _ in the park last sunday.要点速记(1)sounds like意为“听起来像”,like是介词,意为“像”。如:he looks like his father.他看上去像他父亲。(2)have a good time意为“玩得高兴,过得愉快”,good可以换成great,wonderful等。其同义短语为have fun,enjoy oneself,其后均接动词的现在分词形式。如:she has a good time playing tennis every day.她每天都快乐地打网球。4. what does your friend look like? 你朋友长什么样?.单项选择。()1.(2015石家庄长安区一模)no one can be sure _ in a million years.awhat man will look likebthat will man look likecthat man will look likedwhat will man look like()2.what does your brother look like?he is_.afine bnice and friendlycgood dtall and handsome()3._does your new friend look like?he is tall with short blonde hair and big blue eyes.ahow bwho cwhat dwhere. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。4miss liu is very tall with long black hair(对画线部分提问)_ _ miss liu _ _?5my father is kind(对画线部分提问)what _ your father _?要点速记what do/does sb.look like?用来询问某人的相貌,回答时可以从身高、体重等方面去描述,也可以从发型、面部特征等方面去说明,即可用“主语be动词形容词”或“主语have/has名词”来回答。【链接】我们可以用whatbe主语like?句型来询问某人的性格。5. well, son, thats why its important to learn a second language. 所以嘛,儿子,那就是为什么学习一门第二语言是很重要的。. 单项选择。()1.(2015石家庄二中上学期期末考试)helen thinks _ difficult to climb to the top of the mountain in an hour.athat bthis con dit()2.(2014河北升学模拟一)its very kind _ you to help me with my math. it is hard for me to learn it well.afor bto cof dat()3.(2014河北升学预测考试一)its right to say sorry to her,although its hard _ me to do so.aof bin cwith dfor. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。4(2015烟台)等公共汽车时插队是不礼貌的。its _ to cut in _ when waiting for the bus.5在业余爱好上花些时间对我们来说是必要的。it is necessary _ _ _ _ _ time on our hobbies.要点速记it is形容词for/of sb.to do sth.是一个非常重要的句型,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth.,意为“做某事对某人来说是的”。如果其中的形容词是描述动词不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind,good,nice,friendly,careless,polite等,用介词of;当其中的形容词仅仅是用来描述事物,如important,easy,difficult,impossible,dangerous等,用介词for。 6. something/anything/nothing/everything. 单项选择。()1.(2015石家庄28中模拟)there is _ wrong with your arm,so you can work with it as usual.asomething banythingceverything dnothing()2.(2015石家庄二模)smile costs _,but gives a lot.asomething banythingcnothing deverything()3.(2015邯郸二模)we cant learn _ in one day. we should work step by step.asomething banythingcnothing deverything. 用适当的不定代词填空。4the children were all so tired that they could do _ but sleep.5mum,im thirsty now. could i have _ to drink?ok. heres some green tea.6spring is coming,and _ begins to grow.要点速记everything,something,anything,nothing都是复合不定代词,常见用法详见下表:相同点作主语时,谓语动词用单数当形容词或动词不定式修饰它们时,要后置不同点everything意为“所有事物;一切”,可用于肯定句、疑问句或否定句中;not everything意为“并非一切”,表示部分否定。something意为“某事;某物”,常用于肯定句中,也可用于征求对方意见或期望得到肯定回答的疑问句中。anything意为“某事;任何事”,常用于否定句或疑问句中。nothing意为“没有什么;没有东西”,用于肯定句,表示否定意义,相当于not anything。7. another/other/the other/others/the others. 单项选择。()1.(2015张家口一模)dont be afraid of making mistakes because it is simply _ way of learning.aanother bthe othercother dthe others()2.(2015保定一模)im afraid this sweater is too big for me. can you show me _?aother bthe other canother dothers()3.(2014河北二模)my sister has two skirts. one is yellow,_ is black.aother banother cothers dthe other.用another,other,the other,others,the others填空。4we will study chinese,english,math,geography and _ lessons this term.5lily and her sister look the same. i cant tell one from _.6some people like to rest in their spare time,_ like to travel.7there are twenty-six students in the class. twelve of them are boys,_ are girls.8i dont like this small bag. would you please show me _?要点速记考点词义及用法固定搭配another再一个;另一个 (泛指三者或三者以上的人或物中的另一个) one another (each other) 相互other别的 (泛指,可修饰名词)/the other另一个(特指,两者中的另一个) onethe other 一个,另一个others其余的,别的(泛指,表示除去一部分后的另一些,但不是剩下的全体) some others 一些,另一些the others其余的,别的(特指,指一定范围内除去一部分后,剩余的全部人或物) /学校旅行一、话题分析命题者一般是针对学校组织的集体外出活动来设计试题,要求考生对活动的过程、所见所闻以及感受进行描写。通常会从旅行前的准备(旅行目的、旅行地点、出游交通方式、必备物品、出发时间等)、旅行时需要注意的事项(保护环境,不乱扔垃圾、遵守规章制度、积极主动帮助他人等)、旅游方式的描述及旅行后的收获四方面进行设题。此类试题通常以文字、图画提示或者表格提示的方式来考查。这类文章多用一般过去式。二、话题常用表达1my school trip was great/good/wonderful.2we went towith3we went toby bus/took a bus to4we took many/ a lot of photos there.5id like to go somewhere quiet/relaxing/interesting6it was fun/interesting/relaxingto do sth.7we stayed there for8we had so much fun/great time doing【谚语积累】1travel broadens the mind.旅游开阔眼界。2read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.读万卷书,行万里路。3he who travels far knows more.远行者见识广。4he who does not reach the great wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。三、话题常用句式模仿1i really enjoy walking around the town.【enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事】【翻译】我确实喜欢观赏城里的花草树木。_2because of the bad weather,we couldnt see anything below.【because of 因为】【翻译】因为天气好,我们可以在湖里游泳。_3we saw lots of beautiful flowers and tall trees along the way.【along the way沿途】【翻译】沿途我们看到了许多美丽的风景。_4it was so beautiful that we forgot the last five hours.【sothat如此以至于】【翻译】 北海公园是如此漂亮,我们将永远难忘这次旅行。_四、范例作文模拟你的美国朋友tom非常喜欢中国文化,去年暑假你和他一起从桂林出发去北京旅游了几天。你们参观了一些著名景点,还品尝了一些有名的小吃请把你们的旅游经历写成一篇短文。要求:1.文章字数在80100词之间,要点齐全,可以适当发挥。2文章中不得出现真实的姓名、学校等信息。the palace museum,tiananmen squaresee beijing operathe great wallvisit,take photoslao she teahouseback to guilinbeijing roast ducka trip to beijingmy american friend tom and i went to beijing by plane last summer._【审题思路】细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息:1本题要求写一篇记叙文。记叙自己和汤姆一起旅游的经历,写作时主要用第一人称,写汤姆时用第三人称。2记叙的是过去的事情,主要用一般过去时。3要点要齐全,可适当发挥。4字数在80100词之间,不得出现真实的姓名、学校等信息。【佳作赏析】a trip to beijingmy american friend tom and i went to beijing by plane last summer. on the first day,we visited the palace museum and tiananmen square. the next day,we climbed the great wall. 1. 我们拍了很多照片。 it was a fantastic experience,but we felt tired. the third day we relaxed.2. 然后我们午饭吃了北京烤鸭。 i think it is the most delicious food in the world!tom is interested in chinese culture,so we drank tea and saw beijing opera in lao she teahouse in the evening. finally,we did some shopping and flew back to guilin. the trip to beijing was short,but it was wonderful. 3. 汤姆说他将永远不会忘记这次旅行。将短文中的汉语句子翻译成英语。1_2_3_. 单项选择。( )1. how is helen in the new school?she is doing very well. there is _ to worry about.asomething banything cnothing deverything( )2. could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?sorry,lets make it _ time.aothers banother cother dthe other( )3. lets do something interesting this sunday. what about _ to the movies?no. id like _ swimming.ato go;to go bgoing;going cgoing;to go dto go;going( )4. mr smith,i dont think we can get there on time by bike.you mean its necessary _ a taxi?afor us to take bof us to take cfor us taking dof us taking( )5. theres going to _ an english evening tonight?would you like to go with us?id love to.ahave bhas cis dbe( )6. must i finish the work by myself?no,you _.you _ ask your friends for help.amustnt;need bmustnt;may cneednt;would dneednt;can( )7. _ is the weather like today?its cloudy.awhen bhow cwhere dwhat( )8. i often _ some time reading on sunday evening. how about you?apay btake cspend dcost( )9._ you _ a good time last weekend?no. it was a terrible experience.adid;have bare;having cwill;have ddo;have( )10. _ ?he has a round face and a big nose.awhat does he like bwhat does he look likecwhats he like dwhy does he like it. 完形填空。i was flying to new york at night. suddenly,a storm broke and the plane began to be tossed (颠簸)around.when i looked_11_ the plane,i could see that nearly all the passengers were worried and afraid. the future seemed terrible and many were _12_ if they would make it through the storm.then,i _13_ saw a little girl. it seemed that the storm meant _14_ to her. she sat on her seat reading a book. sometimes she closed her eyes,then she would read again,with no _15_ or fear in her eyes. when the other passengers were scared (惊恐的)half to death,that child was completely calm and _16_i couldnt believe my eyes.when the plane finally reached new york,i was not surprised to_17_ that all the passengers were hurrying to come out. i stopped and spoke to the girl whom i had _18_ for such a long time. i asked _19_ she had not been afraid.the child replied,“my daddy is the_20_,and he is taking me home.”()11.a.atbaroundcupdinto()12.a.wondering bexpectingcdreaming drealizing()13.a.probably bluckilycsuddenly dcertainly()14.a.something banythingceverything dnothing()15.a.pride bworry canger dregret()16.a.unafraid bnervouscactive dtired()17.a.say bhear cfind dthink()18.a.known bwatchedchelped dprotected()19.a.whether bhowcwhen dwhy()20.a.guard bdriver cpilot dtraveler. 阅读理解。tom and his cousin took a boat trip. when they got on the boat,every passenger (乘客)should answer the keeper a questi


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