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Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (10 points) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered -An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered1. US told not to exploit Tibet issue2. Rubin, Greenspan at odds3. Visitors flocking to Maos birth place 4. Man quizzed after wife is knifed in sports storeII. Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (30 points) and B 35-45 (20 points).Tuition Reform for Higher EducationChinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees.Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last years figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way.In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is noncompulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder.The reform will take effect in two directions. Statefinanced students will begin paying part of the costs of their education, and more selfpaying students will be accepted.In August 1989, under the direction of the State council, the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Sate Price Bureau drew up stipulations concerning the amount of charges on tuition, accommodation and other expenses for students of institutions of higher learning. Beginning from that year, freshmen at regular universities and colleges and professional schools (including cadres taking special training courses and students working on a second degree) were charged 100 yuan (about us $17) each for their tuition fee, and this low charge is expected to be raised gradually. The figure was higher in special economic zones and economically developed regions such as Guangdong Province and Shanghai, but was capped at 300 yuan. Students living on campus paid about 20 yuan per year for accommodation and the charge was slightly higher for better furnishing. Normal school students and those admitted on scholarships need only pay for accommodation. Reduced tuitions and fees are available to students in need of financial assistance, but accommodation expenses will remain the same.In June 1992, the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau decided to allow regular institutions of higher education to set their own tuition rates and charges for accommodation, shortterm training programs, correspondence courses and night school. These should be determined according to the needs of each school, the abilities of students to pay and general conditions in each area. The tuition for students in the sciences and engineering can range from 300 to 500 yuan per academic year. Liberal arts, history and economics students of the fine arts pay 400 to 600 yuan per year, and students of the fine arts 400 to 750 yuan. Statistics for 1992 show students paid an average of 340 yuan in tuition that year, only 5 percent of the real cost.Measures have been taken to limit the possible detrimental affects of rising tuition. Shanghai, for instance, exempts the children of revolutionary martyrs from paying tuition. And these costs may be reduced or waived for students with limited family financial support as their parents are either both dead or are receiving subsidies from their work units. Some colleges have also set up workstudy programs to benefit students with financial difficultiesGuidelines concerning selfpaying students were first set out in 1989. The State Education Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau stipulated that these students should pay 80 percent of the cost of their education. Such students who live on campus pay the standard rate for accommodation and must cover their own medical expenses. The charge for each selfpaying student averaged 2 000 yuan of the cost in 1992, or 30 percent of the cost. Charges for undergraduates and students of special colleges whose education is sponsored by work units, with payment coming either in part or in full from their units, are somewhat higher. Selfpaying students are not assigned jobs by the state after graduation, whereas students sent by their units will return to them after graduating.Charges for correspondence courses and night school are equal to or slightly higher than those for full-time students enrolled according to the state plan.With their improvement of their living standards and the deepening of reform, people in general accept the changes in the tuition system. To facilitate the development of higher education, the increases in tuition rates will be more flexible and diversified. Student payments will be augmented by finding from the state, enterprises and funds raised from the public. Laws and regulations will by enacted to ensure steady progress, and overseas organizations and individuals are encouraged to set up and operate schools in China.-21st Century, Apr.20, 1992Reading ComprehensionCircle the letter that best suits the answer or completes the statement.5. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees _.A. pay an important part in the reformB. make up an important part of the reformC. include an important part of the reformD. hold an important part of the reform6. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year _.A. which is the same as last years figureB. which is more than last years figure by 158 200C. which is 25 per cent over last years figureD. both B and C7. Among 786 200 students _ will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way.A. 158 200 B. 21 600C. 27.4 per cent D. 25 per cent8. Since New China was established, all tuition and school fees for university students _A. Were paid by their work groupsB. Were paid by the students themselvesC. Were paid by the stateD. Were paid by the local government9. The policy which the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students _.A. Brought lots of profits to the stateB. Was helpful to further development of higher educationC. Brought many advantages to the stateD. Brought expense and trouble to the state10. Which statement is not true?A. To charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities.B. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder.C. Higher education is compulsory education in China.D. Tuition reform for higher education will take effect in two directions.11. Stipulations concerning the amount of charges on tuition, accommodation and other expenses for students of institutions of higher learning was drafted by _.A. the State Education CommissionB. the State CouncilC. the universities and collegesD. the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau12. The figure on tuition fee was higher in special economic zones and economically developed regions, but was _.A. fixed at 300 yuan B. limited in 300 yuanC. over 300 yuan D. much more than 300 yuan13. Students in need of financial assistance _.A. can get a grantB. need only pay for accommodationC. can get support from the local governmentD. can enjoy reduced tuitions and fees14. According to the stipulations made by the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau, the tuition for students in the sciences and engineering can _.A. be changed between 300 and 500 yuan per academic year B. be fixed at 300 or 500 yuan per yearC. be set at 400 or 600 yuan per yearD. be extended from 400 to 750 yuan per year15. The children of revolutionary martyrs in Shanghai _.A. enjoy reduced tuitionB. enjoy free charge tuitionC. gain allowance from governmentD. receive subsidies from their parents work units16. Stipulations concerning selfpaying students took effect in _.A. 1989 B. 1992C. 1990 D. 199117. Charges for undergraduates and students of special colleges whose education is sponsored by work units _.A. are set at 2 000 yuan per yearB. are exempted 50 per cent from the whole cost of their educationC. are rather higherD. are exempted 30 percent18. Selfpaying students, after their graduation, _.A. will return to their unitsB. will be appointed to do some work by the stateC. are provided employments by the statD. are not assigned jobs by the state19. Which statement is true?A. The increases in tuition rates can not be changed easily.B. Students payment will be decreased by funding from the state and enterprises.C. Laws and regulations will be made to ensure steady progress.D. People in general cant accept the change in the tuition reform.VocabularyChoose the best answer to explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.20. Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent yearA. walking B. stepC. foot D. speed21. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute an important part of the reform.i. Make up B. establish C. hold D. complete 22. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the state.A. it brought the state expense and troubleB. it brought the state sufferingC. it made the state involve in difficultiesD. it caused the state involved in troubles 23. The reform will take effect in two directions.A. will take place B. will come into forceC. will affect D. will have an influence 24. The figure was higher in special economic zones and economically developed regions such as Guangdong, province and Shanghai, but was capped at 300 yuan.A. covered B. about C. over D. much more than 25. This Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau decided to allow regular institutions of higher education to set their own tuition rates and charges for accommodation. A. decide B. fix C. put forward D. Both A and B 26. The tuition for students in the sciences and engineering can range from 300 to 500 yuan per academic year.A. be charged between 300 and 500B. set at 300 or 500C. be decided at 300 or 500D. extend from 300 to 500 27. Measures have been taken to limit the possible detrimental affects of rising tuition.A. determined B. damage C. harmful D. influential 28. Shanghai, for instance, exempts the children of revolutionary martyrs from paying tuition.A. charges a little for B. makes free charge forC. reduces the charge for D. Both A and B 29. And these costs may be reduced or waived for students with limited family financial support as their parents are either both dead or are receiving subsidies from their work units.insisted on B. not enforced C. charged D. exempted 30. Some colleges have also set up workstudy programs to benefit students with financial difficulties.A. help B. give money to C. give profits to D. send allowance of money to 31. The State Educational Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau stipulated that these students should pay 80 percent of the cost of their education.A. arranged B. advocated C. stated clearly D. stimulated 32. Such students who live on campus pay the standard rate for accommodation and must cover their own medical expenses.A. include B. exempt C. change D. provide money for 33. Selfpaying students are not assigned jobs by the state after graduation, whereas students sent by their units will return to them after graduation.A. After graduation the state doesnt give employments to the selfpaying studentsB. .After graduation, the state doesnt appoint the selfpaying students to do some workC. After graduation, the self-paying students are not going to apply for jobsD. All are wrong. 34. To facilitate the development of higher education, the increases in tuition rates will be more flexible and diversified.A. will be more easily bent and variousB. will be more limited and variousC. will be easily changed and in variety to adapt to new conditionsD. will be raised more than beforeB Endangered Trade (The Asian Wall Street Journal, Mar., 1999)Such is the special relationship between America and its NATO partners that while that alliance cooperates to bomb Serbian forces, the U.S. and the EU are managing a trade war against each other. Fortunately, no lives are at stake in the latter conflict. Yet if it spreads unchecked, the rest of the world is sure to feel the pain of it.Its hard to decide whether the U.S. or Europe deserves the most contempt for expanding their trade war. The first fight, over bananas, is essentially a struggle between two fruit distributors with strong political connections. Now Washington and Brussels are escalating their battle over beef, with European farmers stooping to phony science in their claims that hormone-treated American beef is unsafe.In his first term in office, President Bill Clinton teamed up with the Republicans to push major free-trade liberalizations. Now, however, he seems bent on pursuing level even if playing fields, torpedoing the world economy. The latest salvo was fired this week, with the U.S. announcing it has targeted close to $1 billion of European products for 100% tariffs if the European Union doesnt drop the hormone nonsense.The move follows an earlier announcement that the U.S. administration will fight Europes banana import regime by hitting a range of European goods with prohibitive tariffs. Add to this renewed American threats to raise the drawbridge to Russian, Japanese and Brazilian steel, as well as administration support for a congressional vote to ban Concorde flights from Europe in relation for EU threats to refuse landing rights to old-American planes retrofitted with noise reducing technology.Mr. Clinton sounded the protectionist battle cry in his January State of the Union address, where he vowed to fight for a freer and fairer trading system for 21st century America. In the case of agriculture, when the respective lobbies on both sides of the Atlantic enter the fray, that translates into a sticky situation. On the whole, American farmers are major exporters. And U.S. farmers have a good case on beef hormones. But it is nonetheless dangerous for the U.S. to shut off $1 billion in trade.This is not to excuse the EU. The hormone argument is nonsense. The World Trade Organization has acknowledged as much, ordering the EU to allow imports of American meat by May 13. Brussels has responded by saying that it needs more time because European citizens, who supposedly dont like hormones in their food, would rebel against their governments if American meat suddenly appeared on their store shelves.Were it not for the high stakes involved for both producers and consumers, the argument might be amusing. When governments curtail trade the global economy shrinks and for all the jobs saved by protections, there are a lot more lost. The Smoot-Hawley agricultural protections imposed by the U.S. Congress in the late 1920s certainly contributed to the Great Depression. Mr. Clinton may believe he is fighting the good fight. But weve never thought much of the kind of war where you pose even when you win.Judge whether the following statement are True or False:35. ( ) The Trade war between the U.S. and the EU has cost no lives but is equally dangerous.36. ( ) Its very easy to decide who is to blame for expanding the trade war.37. ( ) The very beginning of the trade war suggests that it bears political significance.38. ( ) The author agrees that hormone-treated beef is harmful to ones health.39. ( ) President Bill Clinton used to be a believer of free trade, but not now.40. ( ) Level playing fields ca do good to the world economy.41. ( ) Besides its t
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