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七年级期末测试题英语试卷一、 单项填空。在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。(本小题共20分,每小题1分。)1.Your mother does some_ every Sunday, doesnt she?A. cooks B. cooking C. cooker D. cook2. The old man has no hair, so he is _ . A. blonde B. bald C. medium build D. curly3.Thank you for _ me the good newsA. tell B to tell C telling Dtold4.Uncle Li often _ stories to us after supper. A. tells B. speaks C. talks D. says5.Would you like _ for us?A. playing the guitar B. to play guitarC. to play the guitar D. to playing the guitar6.Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood?A. in B on C to D off7.“Mom, Im hungry. Its time _ .”A. for have dinner B. to has dinner C. to have dinner D. having dinner8.Jay is very popular _ us. We like his music very much. A. to B. in C. of D. with 9.Laura enjoys _ story books. A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading10.Id like _ noodles. A. beef and tomatoes B. beefs and tomatoes C. beef and cabbage D. beef and cabbages11.What did you do last week?-I _ for exams and _ some food in the supermarket. A. study, buy B. studied, buyed C. studied, bought D. studyed, bought12.When I came home, I _ my father _ a newspaper. A. find, read B. found, reading C. found, reads D. find, reading13.-_did you go last Sunday? - I went to the zoo.A. How BWhere CWhen DWhy.14.Peter, remember _ your umbrella. Its raining. A. to take B. taking C. took D. for taking15. _ in class, please. A. Not talk B. Not talking C. Dont talk D. Not to talk16.My mom asked me _ her to do housework. A. help B. to help C. helping D. help with17.Those jokes made me _ . A. laughing B. laughed C. laugh D. to laugh18.Tom Sawyer spent 2 months _ his book. A. on writing B. in writting C. in D. writing19.-_does your uncle do? He is an engineer.A What BWhere C How DWhy20.There _ some iced tea in the cup.A are Bis Chave Dhas二,完形填空。通读下文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。(本小题共15分,每小题1.5分。)It 21 Sunday yesterday . We had 22 classes. I got up at 6:30 23 morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some 24 _. My mother wanted to buy some food 25_ super and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop _26_early in the morning. 27 _ a lot of people in the shop. They were 28 , old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap ,some were not. We bought some food and school things. The people in the shop 29 friendly 30_.21Ais Bwas Cits Dit was22Ano Bnot Cnot any Dmuch23Ain Bin the Cat Dat the24Ashops Bshoping Cshopping Dshop25Afor Bto Cwith Dat26Aopen Bopening Cis opening Dopened27A. There isBThere has CThere were DThere have28Aman and woman Bmans and womans C.men and women Da man and a woman29Awas Bwere Cdid Dhave30Afor we B to us C for our D to ours三、 阅读理解。One day Liu Hongs class had an English exam. The teacher marked(评分) the students papers and then gave them back to the students. Liu Hong got 80 marks. Class was over. The students all went out to play on the playground(操场),but Liu Hong still sat in the classroom. He did the exercises again(再次), then gave the paper to the teacher. This time he got all the exercises right. One of his classmates said to him, “Why did you do the exercises again? You cant get more marks for that.” Liu Hong answered, “I dont look at a thing in this way(按这种方式). I know how I can do the exercises now.”( ) 31. This story is about _. A. a teacher B. a class C. a boy D. a girl( ) 32. _ went to play on the playground after class. A. Everyone B. Liu Hong C. The boys D. Liu Hongs classmates( ) 33. Liu Hong did the exercise again and got _. A. 80 marks B. 95 marks C. nothing D. everything right( ) 34. _said Liu Hong couldnt get more marks for that. A. The teacher B. Some boys C. His classmates D. One student( ) 35. Liu Hong didnt study for _. A. himself B. his father C. his teacher D. marks四、单词拼写。(本小题10分,每小题1分。)46Linda is ill(生病) in bed. But n_ knows that.47In this restaurant, Special 1 is just 10RMB for 20 d_.48My favorite subject is g_.49This shirt is beautiful but e_. I cant buy it.50We went to the m_ last weekend. There were many old things in it.51Do you mind_(close) the door?Its windy outside.52I _(visit) my grandpa last month.53Mary was ill and she _(feel) bad.54We bought some beef and _(potato) from the supermarket.55 My uncle is of medium _(high).五、句型转换(每空一词,每空0.5分,共5分。)56What do you think of talk shows? (同义句转换)_ do you _ talk shows?57He would like a cup of tea. (变为否定句)He _ _ a cup of tea.58We had some noodles in NO. 9 Noodle House yesterday. (变为一般疑问句) _ you have _ noodles in NO. 9 Noodle House yesterday?59I paid 88RMB for that T-shirt. (同义句转换)I _ 88RMB _ that T-shirt.60 He often walked to school when he was a student. (同义句转换)He often went to school _ _ when he was a student.六、翻译下列句子。 (每空一词,每空0.5分,共5分。)61他不同意我的说法。He doesnt _ _ me.62 上课了,让我们停止讲话吧!Its time for class. Lets _ _.63 请让我看一看你的身份证。Please _ your ID card _ me.64昨天,我呆在家里给我的笔友写了一封信。I _ at home and _ a letter to my pen pal yesterday.66Jane 每天放学后必须练习弹钢琴。 Jane _ to practice _ the piano after school every day. 短文填空。(每空一词,每空1分,共10分。)Our school l_67_ like a beautiful garden. There are many flowers and trees. All of us e_68_ our life(生活) here. We have classes every day and have fun p_69_ games after class. Were f_70_ to each other. There is a small playground in the c_71_ of the school. We often play ping-pong and badminton there. But some people s_72_ food to us through the railing(围栏). Some students like it because they think the food is very d_73_. In f_74_, it is kind of dirty. Our teachers ask us not to buy it. Its one of the school r_75_. We have to obey (遵守)it. Its good for our h_76_.作文。(5分。)请用日记记录下你完整的一天。注意日记的格式。今天是7月2日星期四,阳光明媚。你做了很多有意义的事情:1 和朋友们打了整个上午的篮球,打的很尽兴。2 下午去看望了奶奶并帮助她打扫了房间。3 为奶奶做了晚饭,这使我感觉很开心。4 晚上在家里看了最喜欢的访谈节目。一、单项选择1.-MayIspeaktoJim,please?-_. A.IamJimB.ThatisJimC.ThisisJimD.Speak2.-WhatsthatinEnglish-Its_car.Its_orangecar. A.a,anB.a,aC.an,aD.an,an3.-Doyoulikecoffee?-No,Idontlikeit_. A.alittleB.alotC.muchD.atall4.Help_tosomeapples,Children. A.youselvesB.yourselfC.yourselvesD.you5.Heisthirsty.Hewants_todrink. A.cupofteaB.teacupC.cupsofteaD.cupsofteas6.-Whatclassareyouin?-Imin_ A.class2,grade8B.Classone,GradesevenC.Grade6,Class3D.ClassTwo,GradeSeven7.-Whosthis?-_ A.ShesMaryB.ThisisMichaelC.ShesfromtheUSD.ItsMaria8.Thegirlhasbigeyes,asmallmouth. A.andB.butC.withD.or9.Tomisfull.He_anyfood. A.needntB.dontneedC.doesntneedD.needs10.-Doyouhave_friendshere?-No,Ihavent_. A.some;someB.any;anyC.some;anyD.any;some11.Itslate.Itstime_,mychildren. A.tobedsB.forbedsC.tobedD.forbed12.Hismotheroften_earlyinthemorning.A.wakeshimupB.wakesuphimC.wakinguphimD.wakinghimup13.Letme_youfindit. A.helpB.tohelpC.helpsD.helping 14.-_isit? -Itseightyuanakilo. A.HowmuchB.HowmoneyC.WhattimeD.Howmanymoney15.Doyouknowthegirl_greenonthebike? A.withB.inC.underD.over16.Wouldyoulike_outforapicnicwithme?A.goB.togoC.goingD.goes17.Thatsnotpicture.isonthedesk. A.his,HisB.her,HerC.here,HerD.yours,Yours18.Istheboytallshort? A.andB.orC.butD.so19.ShemyaddressandIhers. A.know,knowsB.knows,knowsC.know,knowD.knows,know20.-MayItakeyourorder?-Whataboutthesameorder_? A.astheyB.astheirC.asthemD.astheirs 二、按要求进行句型转换(1.ZhangJunlikestheEnglishCorner.(改为否定句ZhangJun_theEnglishcorner.2.Theyareoldwomen.(改为单数形式 _.3ThegirlinredisMary.(对划线部分提问 _isMary? 4Shehassupperatseveneveryevening.(改为一般疑问句 _she_supperatseveneveryevening?5Theywanttobuysomeapples.(改为同义 They_tobuysomeapples. 6Wegohomeatfivefifteenintheafternoon.(改为同义句 Wegohomeata_fiveintheafternoon.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Jim,letme_(help)youcarrythebag?2.Whydoesntshewant_(go)outtoeat?3.-What_he_(do)?-Heisateacher. 4.Whatabout_(go)therewithme?5.He_(notdo)hishomeworkathome. 6._yourfather_(go)toseeyoueveryday?7.Lets_(sing)thissonginEnglish.8.Dont_(play)footballinthestreet.9.Wouldyoulike_(have)teawithme?10.Letme_(help)youtodoit. 8初一下词组Module One1. take photos 拍照 2. wait for 等候have a good time过得愉快,玩得很开心4. a lot 非常5. put on 穿上6. at home 在家7.at the moment 现在,此时8. look at 看9. see you later 再见10. good night 晚安11. get dressed 穿衣12. in the sun在阳光下13. on a trip在旅行中14. afternoon tea下午茶 Module Two1. get ready for 为准备好2. write down 写下3. cook the meal 做饭4. make lanterns 做灯笼5. sweep away 扫去 6. have a haircut 理发7. go shopping 去买东西8. at work 在工作9. in front of 在。前面10. a few 一些11. all the year round一年到头12. a kind of 一种13. lots of 许多14. dragon dance舞龙15. Spring Festival春节16. paper cut剪纸17. be interested in对。感兴趣Module Three1 .at the weekend 在周末2.have a piano lesson 上钢琴课3.buy some clothes 买衣服4.listen to the music 听音乐5.stay in bed 呆在床上6.revise for my test 复习考试7.get up early 早起床8.check the email 查邮件 9.do ones homework 做家庭作业10.have a picnic 吃野餐11.go to a party 去参加晚会 12. look forward to doing 期待13. take the plane/by plane 乘飞机14.do some sightseeing/ go sightseeing 旅游,去观光15. walk up 沿走, 登上16. make friends 交朋友17. enjoy the sun and the sea 18. 享受阳光和大海19. lie on the beach 躺在沙滩上20. travel around the world周游世界21. get (from)to(从)到达Module Four1. in the future 未来2. get warm 变暖3. heavy rain 大雨4. send .toby email 通过邮件发送5. strong winds 大风6. use to do 用做某事7. do heavy work 做重活8. three days a week 一周三天9. care for/look after/take care of 照顾Module Five1. answer the question 回答问题2. Whats the population of? 。的人口是多少?3. in the east/west/south/north of 在东/西/南/北边4. the capital of 。的首都或省会5. on the River Thames 在泰晤士河畔6. be famous for 因。而闻名Module Six1. be good at擅长 more than 多于2. leave for 前往某处3. Its difficult to do sth. 4. take around领某人四处参观5. work hard 努力学习Module Seven1. far from 远离2. by bicycle 骑单车3. by subway/ferry 乘地铁/渡船4. by taxi 打的5. be close to 靠近.6. take the train乘火车7. nine and a half hours/nine hours and a half 九个半小时8. millions of 数以百万计的Module Eight1. be born 出生于2. primary school 小学3. go back 回去4. be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好6. on the wall 在墙上7. what about+ doing?怎么样?8. whatslike? .怎么样?9. answer the question


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