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三上Module 1本模块需要掌握的内容:需掌握的词汇:名词: bottom; composition; distance; edge; event; face; grade; ground; height; light; meeting; pupil; pyramid; review; side; wonder.动词:call; disappear; face; rise; wonder形容词: ancient; clear; huge; light; natural. 介词: below短语:at the bottom of; get out of; listen up; on the edge of理解词汇: band; clear; reply; canyon; sight; lift; view; attract; description, location语法:能够在实际运用中,体会和领悟现在进行时,过去进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般讲来时和现在完成时语言形式的表意功能.用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子:I.完成下面的句子.1.我们还不知道这事._.2.那个会议是关于什么的?_?3.注意听!我有重要的事情告诉你们._! Ive got _to tell you.4.你昨天晚上看了对Beckey Wang 的采访吗?_?5.她每天写日记记下学校发生的大事.She writes _.6.你能评论一下你最喜欢的书吗? Can you _your _?7.明天我们将采访Crazy Feet. Well _Crazy Feet tomorrow.8.你能给我一些得高分的好主意吗? Can you give me some ideas_?9.他喜欢看有关历史方面的书.He likes _ history.10.她刚刚从一辆小轿车上下来.She _ a car just now. 11.穿过那道门你就能看到我的办公室了. _that door and you can see my office.12.我们走的路对吗?_we _?13.我们两个月后就要离开这个学校了.We_ this school _.14.我仔细向岩石远处看去,但天太黑了什么也看不见.I_ _ _the rocks, but it was _ _ _ _ _.15.现在我正站在大峡谷的边缘.I _the Grand Canyon.16.在太平洋底有很多火山.Therere lots of volcanoes _the Pacific.17.他正俯视着大海. He _the sea.18.请向马路对面看. Please _of the road.19.这条马路两边有很多饭店. Therere many restaurants _.20.我不知道这个湖有多深. I dont know how _.21.我知道长江有多长,但我不知道它有多宽. I know how _the Changjiang River is, but I dont know _.22.我们在期待着见到我们最喜欢的明星.Were _our favorite stars.23.即使你把世界上最高的三座建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,还是到不了顶. If you put the three _of the world _the canyon, they _.三上Module 2本模块需要掌握的内容:需掌握的词汇:名词:behavior; cave; freedom; funeral; literature; state; theme; treasure; work. 动词:influence; respect.形容词: alive; clever; dead; pleased; social; southern; wise.短语:as far as; for a time; grow up; millions of; not any more; run away; talk about.理解词汇: thinker; monthly; outsider; version; historical; editor; publisher; reviewer.语法:能够在实际运用中,体会和领悟一般现在时被动语态语言形式的表意功能.用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子:1.我们仍然受孔子思想的影响.We _ _ _ _Confucius_.2.鲁迅的作品仍有很多人看. Lu Xuns _ _ _ _ _lots of people.3.他作为一个老师很有名. He is _ _ /_ _a teacher.4.他因为那场比赛而出了名. He _ _/_ _that match.5.小红最喜欢的文学作品是什么? Whats Xiao Hongs _ _ _ _.6.那听起来是个有趣的故事.That _ _ _ _story.7.今天这本书仍然被人为师美国文学史上最伟大的作品之一. Its_ books in American _.8.他们正打算组建一个篮球队.They _ _ _ _a basketball team.9.如果我没有弄错的话,他在你们公司工作,对吧? If I _, he works in your company. Is that right?10.根据我所记得的,这篇文章是吴教授写的 _, this article _ _ _ Professor Wu.11.现在我不再住在那座房子里了. I dont live in that old house_.12.孔子因他的睿智的思想而出名.Confucius is _/_ _ his _ _.13.马克吐温并不是作为一个伟大的思想家而闻名于世的Mark Twin _ _/_ _ a _ _.14.他一度当过工人.He _.15.在巴黎看到他的老朋友,他非常高兴.He _his old friend in Paris.16.听了他的话,我们很吃惊.We _ _ _ _his words.17.在像日本那样的大城市里很容易迷路. Its easy _ in a big city _Tokyo.18.我很怕蛇 I_.19.故事的主题和孩子的成长和成熟有关.The_of the story _.20.他因为他的恶劣的行为受到了惩罚.He _.21.这部小说用日常英语写的.This novel _.22.那个故事听起来很真实.That story _.23.那被看作是一部好影片.That _a nice film.24.莎士比亚是一位伟大的作家,他写了很多戏剧和诗歌 Shakespeare _ _ _ _. He _.25.这本书至今仍被全世界的人们所阅读和喜爱 This book _today.26.数百万人观看了北京奥运会._watched Beijing Olympics.27.即使你不告诉我那事,我也能猜得到.I can guess _you dont tell me that thing.28.有的人为了自由而死,其他的人为了爱情而死. _freedom. _love. 三上Module 3本模块需要掌握的内容:需掌握的词汇:名词:advertisement; coach; medal; race; record.动词:allow; encourage; record; represent; set; defeat. 形容词: tough副词:regularly介词: against短语:finishing line; first of all; set up; stand for.理解词汇: sporting; season; overnight; yearbook; sportsman; hurdle; hurdling; sportswoman; discussion; award; marathon; turn; taekwondo; belt.语法:能够在实际运用中,体会和领悟一般过去时和一般讲来时被动语态语言形式的表意功能.用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子:1.明天你们将和谁进行比赛?Who _ you _tomorrow?2.这个符号表示什么意思? What _this _?3.比赛的比分是多少? _the _of the _?4.我们上次被打败了. We _.5.聚会将在哪里举行? _the party _?6.音乐会将在什么时候举行? _the concert _?7.那是一场非常艰苦的比赛. That _.8.这一次他没有被选上. He _this time.9.我这个赛季看过几次他们比赛. I _them _this_.10.你觉得呢?(两种) What _/_?11.他们将不允许参加比赛. They _ _ _ _ take part in the match.12.我们不允许在教室里大声喧哗.We _talk loudly in the classroom.13.我们打得很好,所以我们将被邀请到奥运会上比赛. Were _well _in /at the Olympic Games.14.别让他们影响到你. Dont _.15.你没有机会了! You_!16.干得好! _!17.他们叫你气疯了. Theyre _!18.如果你想学好英语,首先,你得喜欢它. If you want to learn English well, _, you must like it.19.他将被邀请到世界各地参加音乐会. He _concerts _.20.他们将被选拔代表我们城市参加比赛. They _our city in the competition.21.他是中国在国际体坛成功的标志. He is the _.22.既然你完成了工作,咱们去打乒乓球吧. _you _your work, lets play table tennis.23.她将被邀请去拍广告. She _to _in advertisements.24.他将被建议去录唱片. He _music.25.他现在在全国很有名. (两种) He is _/_ all over the country.26.你应该多锻炼,定时进餐.You should _and eat _.27.他被一个特殊的训练项目所帮助. He _by a _.28.教练经常鼓励他们刻苦训练.They _train _by their coach.29.他是一夜成名的.He was _.30.他经常被他妈妈和他姐姐进行比较.He _his sister by his mother.31.这个项目是在七年前建的.This program _.32.我女儿喜欢这首歌,我也喜欢My daughter likes this song and _.初三英语上Module 4 复习提纲词汇:名词:advantage, battery, block, cotton, favour, ink, introduction, invention, knowledge, wood动词:create,dry, produce, replace, spread形容词:digital, dry, ordinary短语:at a time, at the beginning of, by hand, digital camera, look through, rather than, see to ,be replaced by理解下列单词:printing, charge, issue, age, feather, sharpen, steel, popularity语法:现在完成时的被动语态 情态动词的被动语态1 造纸和印刷已经被使用很多年了Paper and printing_2 网上杂志与普通杂志相同吗? _ an online magazine_ _ _ _ _ _?3.我想在下周全校学生去参观博物馆时拍些照片.Id _take some photos _.4.你的意思是在这里等你? Do you _5 已经出版两期了_6 如果杂志上网的话,就不需要纸了 If the magazine is online,paper_7.爸爸的话使我思考. What my father _8电池很长时间没充电了 The battery_9没关系,我会处理的It doesnt matter,_10你必须保证数码相机不借给任何人,也不会落在学校 You must promise that the digital camera wont _and it wont_11帮我个忙好吗?_?12 大约在2000年前纸首次被制造 _ _ _ _ _ 2000 _ _13在那时,书籍只能手工操作一次生产一本 _ _ _,books could only _14其结果是书籍昂贵又稀少 _,books_ _ _ _15在11世纪初,印刷术极大发展时,书籍生产更快更便宜When printing was _ _ _ _ _ _the 11th century books could _ _ _ _ and _ 16从那以后,知识和思想快速传播,其速度之快,可与20世纪因特网的引入相媲美_ _,knowledge and ideas_ _,in a way that can _ _ _ the introduction of the Internet in the 20th century17有一天书籍将会被电脑所代替吗? _18大鸟的羽毛被清洗干燥 The feathers of big birds_ _ _ _19 比起钢笔,圆珠笔便宜多了 Ballpoint pens are _ _ _,_ _foutain pens Ballpoint pens are_ _than fountain pens20 Could you imagine a digital image of Yao Ming on the wall _(而不是)a poster?21手工做的东西通常比工厂里生产的贵 _ _ _ _are usually _ _ than_ _in factories22现在我们可以用电子邮件互相写信 _23电子书在技术方面已取得了很大的提高E-books _ _ _ _ in their techology24最高级的电子书看起来像一本真书 _ _ -_ e-book _ _ _ _ _25随着电子技术的快速发展,电子书将变得更方便,更便宜_electronic techonology,e-books will _ _初三上册Module 5复习提纲需掌握的词汇:名词:attention, communication, downstairs, entry, experiment, guard, human, physics, position, rocket, sand, sculpture, speed, toilet, travel, truck wheel, 动词:obey, travel形容词:either, familiar, human, unusual 副词:downstairs, upstairs短语:above all, as as, drop in at /on pay attention to, try out, work out, be familiar to sb arrive at/in , come back , hurry up, look forward to, kind of , go off , on ones own, come on, this way, no wonder, be allowed to do, fill with, compare with, in the southeast of, from to 理解词汇:Photography, sign, exhibit, falling, court, store, cloakroom, inventor, cafe语法:1 合成词 2 表达禁止做某事 No+n. No+v-ing Dont+v. You mustnt You cantYou arent allowed to用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子:1 我妈妈非常熟悉这家博物院The museum _ very _ _ my mother2禁止喧哗,这是违反规定的 _!Its_3 孩子们期待着去发现王国The children _ _ _ _the Discovery Kingdom4科技室一直关门到五月 TheScience and Techonology room_ _ _May5 禁止入内_6 A thousand _(参赛作品)were received within the first week of the competition7 你也不能拍照片 You cant _8 我没在意你在说什么 I _ _ _ _ what you were saying9 别理睬妮娜,他根本不知道自己在说些什么 _ _ _ -_Nina,she doesnt know what shes talking about10 怪不得它看起来这么逼真 _ it _11在大多数博物馆,没有喧哗跑动 _12不允许你莫展品 You _13 参观博物馆很有意思,并且这也是了解科学的一个好办法,因为你可以寻求答案、尝试想法 _the Science Museum _ _and its a good way _ _ _ _Because you can _ things _ and _ _ ideas. 14.我最喜欢做物理实验. I like _most/best.15请把这些杯里倒上茶. Please _.16.那些箱子里装满了书.(两种) Those boxes _/ _books.17在那里,你可以和动物比比速度You can _ your speed _ animals there18.我的亲戚们总是把我和我姐姐相比较.Im always _my sister _my _.19最重要的是,科学博物馆是是免费参观的 _ _,the Science Museum _ _20 也就是说,你可以顺便进去看一会,也可以愿意停留多久就停留多久 That means you can _ _ for a few minutes or you can _ _ _ _you _21 你有空的时候,何不来我办公室坐坐? _ _ you _ _ _ my office when you _ _22 Bath is a great favourite for _ _(游览观光)23.那是一个鲜为人知的博物馆. That is a _ museum.24故宫是世界最重要的博物馆之一 The Palace Museum is _ _ _ _ _ _ _25 当你在蓝天的映衬下看他们的时候,那会是一到非常优美的景观 When you see them _ a blue sky,its _ _ _ _初三上册Module 6复习提纲需掌握的词汇:名词:bottle, cloth, difference, energy, harm, material, metal, plastic, pollution, product, waste动词:care , recycle, reduce, repair, reuse, sort, waste形容词:environmental, hopeless, necessary, plastic, wasteful, 介词:instead理解下列单词:reader, reusable, china, fashion, boil, wildlife短语:throw away, instead of, do harm to, make a difference to , in fact get an email from sb , be careful about, thousands of, ask sb. to do sth., bothand, neithernor, care about, as long as possible , changeinto, take part in, be off to, try ones best to do sth, be good for , keep sth. adj. ,look around , in the 1960s , put up , be made up of, a number of , the number of语法:理解常用前缀和后缀意义 -able,-ful, -less, -er, in(m), un- ,re-, dis-,anti-用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子:1 在我做“我最喜欢的书”家庭作业时,我看到了你们令人愉快的网络杂志I saw your _ _ _ while I_ my homework _ favuurite books2 大家一致认为我们必须谨慎地对待环境 Everyone _we must _ _ _ the environment3 扔掉玻璃、纸张和金属是很浪费的行为 _ _ _ _ _ glass ,paper and metal4 每个班级都筹钱来帮助贫困地区的学生 Every class _5 Such as_(关灯)6 我们请她写些什么吧 Lets _ _ _ _ _7 骑自行车上学既令人愉快又是对环保的支持 _ to school is _ enjoyable_ environmentally_8 科学家们对节能的新方法充满希望 Scientists_ _ _new ways_ _ _9 我们应该阻止工厂污染河流 We should _ the factories _ _ the river10 你关注环保和节能吗? Do you _11你开窗户取代开空调吗Do you open a window _ _ _ _ air conditioning?12 你扔垃圾之前给它分类吗? Do you _ _ _ before _ it _?13 我们都需要一个有益健康的环境,但是我们每天都会制造垃圾 ,而这些垃圾垃圾对我们的环境有危害 We all need _ _ _,but we _ _every day and it_ _ _ our environment14 其实,即使最简单的日常活动也能对环境产生很大影响 _ _,even_15 尽量不要买太多的国外的东西_16 使用瓷杯和午餐盒更好 _a china cup and a lunch box17 虽然把一种东西变成另一种东西会消耗能源,但还是比把它们扔掉或烧掉好_ it takes energy_ _ something _ something _, it is better than _ _ _or _ _ 18 不要买那些由濒危动物或是植物制成的任何产品 Dont buy anything_ _ _ animals or plants19 Why did some animals_ _(灭绝)?20 这是浪费时间 Its _ _ _ _ 别浪费时间 _ _ _ 初三英语 上半册第7模块复习提纲本模块需要掌握的内容:需掌握的词汇:名词 Shark;hand;detail;grape;ham;lamb;relative;sheep;spirit;win;helicopter;purple;rugby;Sunshine;expression;grey;形容词: Pruple;similar;grey介词:alongside;代词:ours短语: Similar to; have a look at; have a look at be similar to be the same as give sb. a hand would like a hand to do write(a letter) to sb. in the centre of by the way on ones way to on onesway back from . at the moment . on the first day at different times of the day . arrive at/in get to reach . keep doing sth. keep sb. doing sth. . any other country . get back . as soon as . at once do ones project onTake a/an tour ; in many ways;full of;go on a camel ride;First.SecondAfter that.Finally.理解词汇: crocodile;outback;surfing;cricket;mate;temper;lifestyle;water sports;ancestor语法:that引导的定语从句功能:能够询问他人的旅游经历;能够向他人介绍自己的旅游经历;1. Its amazing!Did you see any kangaroos or crocodiles?2. Its a huge rock in the center of Austrilia.用本模块的重点短语和句型完成下面句子:1. 这么多的书放在地上,你在干什么?2. 让我看看你的新衣服3. 你能帮我个忙?4. 你的书法酷似我的5. 我老想着下午的这场比赛6. 其他人都认为我的骆驼总躺下,很有趣。7. 我们给他们送你去鲜花表示谢意8. 这个建筑物被当成这个城市的标志9. 看看我旅行时照的照片10. 我爸爸有个能在水下照相的相机11. 我买的那些书是关于保护环境的 12. 顺便问一下,我能借你的相机?13. 小羊肉的味道比火腿的好14. 没人习惯于早起15. 需要我帮你找它们吗? 16. 他们的家庭生活与我们的相似,喜欢的食品与爱好也相同 17. 内陆更像一个沙漠,到处都是岩石与沙子 18. 每个人都觉得我的骆驼总是躺下这件事很搞笑 as soon as; at once; get back; over there; similar to; surprised at Sara: Was it nice and hot?John: You bet it was!Sara: It must have been a welcome change from the weather at home.John: Yes, I realized, (2) _ I stepped off the plane, how cold the winters are in England!Sara: What did you find most interesting about the Australian people?John: Well, I was (3) _ just how (4) _us they are. I suppose its because we share the same language, and many of our ancestors moved to Australia long ago. And you know, I didnt feel like a visitor at all. I got used to the lifestyle there (5) _ .初三英语 上半册第8模块复习提纲需掌握的词汇:名词 Trouble;size;beauty;category;movement;congratulation;photographer;cermony;形容词: rich 动词:expect;include;短语: On the left;on the right;pickup; even though; get sb.doing; by the way; at the front; lool after; get on; be in with a chance to do; a minute ago; expect to do ; try out; at the back; be pleased with; compared with; read on to do ; be far from; from north to south; at the northern end; ;a


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