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小学三年级英语下册教案Unit 1 In classThe first period一、 教学内容:Story time.二、 教学目标:1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇:door.2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句:Stand up. Sit down. Open/ Close the door.3、使学生能正确地连读祈使句:Stand up.三、教学重点:1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇:door.2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句:Stand up. Sit down. Open/ Close the door.四、教学难点:1、祈使句Stand up.的连读。2、词汇open 和close 学生容易混淆。五、教学准备:歌曲Stand up; door的图片。六、教学过程:Step 1. Greeting.T: Good morning, class.S: Good morning, Step 2. Leading in: Listen to a song: Stand up.Step 3. Teaching the sentence: Stand up.1. Lead Ss to find the new sentence in the song, then write it on the blackboard.2. Lead Ss to read it by themselves.3. Teach Ss to read it, then choose someone to read one by one.4. Teacher does the action, lead Ss to guess the meaning of it.5. Listen to the song again, try to sing it.6. Sing after the computer sometimes.(The students only sing the sentence: Stand up. The teacher sings the others.)76. Sing it without the music.87. Ss sing it in pairs.9. Choose some pairs to sing.10. Teach Ss to(连读) Step 4. Teaching the sentence: Sit down.1. Write the sentence on the blackboard, then lead Ss to read it by themselves.2. Teach Ss to read it, then choose someone to read one by one.3. Teacher does the action, lead Ss to guess the meaning of it.4. Give Ss the music, ask them to try to use this sentence instead of Sit down, then sing the song again.(Two times)5. Ss try to sing the song together.(Two times)6. Choose some groups to sing.Step 5. Practice the two sentences.1. Lead Ss to sing the song with the two sentences. First, ask Ss try to sing in groups, then sing it together. At last, choose some groups to sing together.2. Lead Ss to know the meaning of the four words: stand sit, up down.3. Ss read the words one by one. At the same time, teach Ss to do the action of them.Step 6. Teach these words: open, close, door.1. Teach the word: door.(1). Show Ss the card of the word, then ask Ss to try to read it by themselves.(2). Teach Ss to read it some times.2. Teach the words: open, close.(1).Write the two words on the blackboard, then ask Ss to try to read them by themselves.(2).Teach Ss to read them some times.(3). Do an exercise: Read and match.open 关上 close打开(4). Help Ss to remember the two words.3. Practice.(1). Make phrases with the three words.(2). Sing the song Stand up. with the two sentences: Open the door. Close the door.Step 7. Consolidation.Sing the song Stand up. with the four sentences: Stand up. Sit down. Open the door. Close the door.1. Give Ss some minutes to sing it in groups.2. Ss sing it together.3. Choose some groups to sing.Homework: Sing the song Stand up. with the four sentences: Stand up. Sit down. Open the door. Close the door.板书设计:Unit 1 In classStand up.Sit down.Open the door .CloseThe second period一、 教学内容:Story time.二、教学目标:1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇:a window, a blackboard, Mr, please.2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用句型:Im sorry. Come in, 3、使学生能正确的理解并朗读故事。4、使学生了解和“Mr”、“Green”相关的文化。三、教学重点:1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇:a window, a blackboard, Mr, please.2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用句型:Im sorry. Come in, 四、教学难点:词汇“please”出现在句子的末尾时需加逗号,而在句子开头却不需要。学生对于这一点容易混淆。五、教学准备:window, blackboard的图片。六、教学过程:Step 1. Greeting.T: Good morning, class.S: Good morning, Step 2. Sing the song: Stand up.Ss sing the song with the teacher.Step 3. Revision.1. Lead Ss to find these sentences in the song: Stand up. Sit down. Open/Close the door. (When Ss say about them, the teacher write them on the blackboard.)2. Ss read the four sentences together.Step 4. Teaching the new word: window.1. Show Ss the card of the word, then ask Ss to try to read it by themselves.2. Teach Ss to read it some times.3. Choose some one to read it.4. Lead Ss to make phrases and sentences with the word.5. Ask Ss to try to sing the song Stand up. with the two new sentences Open the window. Close the window. in groups.6. Choose some groups to sing the song.7. Ss sing the song together.Step 5. Teaching the new word: please.1. Ss read the sentences on the blackboard together.2. Lead Ss to think how to give these orders politely, then show them the word: please.3. Ask Ss try to read this word by themselves.4. Teach Ss to read it some times.5. Choose some one to read it.6. Lead Ss to think how to use it.7. Practice it: Ss make sentences with it.Step 6. Teaching the new word: blackboard.1. Show Ss the card of the word, then ask Ss to try to read it by themselves.2. Teach Ss to read it some times.3. Choose some one to read.4. Ask Ss to make phrases and sentences with it.Step 7. Learning the story.1. Watch the cartoon, then find the new words and sentences in the story.2. Teach the new words and sentences: Mr, Im sorry. Come in.(1). Ss spell them one by one, the teacher writes them on the blackboard at the same time.(2). Ss try to read them by themselves. (3). Teach Ss to read them.(4). Watch the cartoon again, guess the meaning of them.(5).Tell Ss the culture of Mr.(6).Tell Ss the culture of Green.3. Read the book, then answer the question: Why Mike says Im sorry.?4. Listen to the tape, then answer the question: How many orders does Mr. Green give? What are they?5. Ss read the story after the tape.6. Ss read it in groups.7. Show Ss the pictures of the story, then lead them to repeat all the story.8. Ss practice in groups.9. Choose some groups to act.Homework: Read the story.板书设计:Unit 1 In classStand up. Sit down. PleaseOpen/ Close the door/ window. , please.Look at the blackboard.Come in.Im sorry.The third period一、教学内容:Story time,Rhyme time, Checkout time.二、教学目标:1、使学生能熟练运用Story time中的句型:Stand up. Sit down. Open/ Close the door. Im sorry. Come in, 2、使学生能熟练地复述Story time中的故事。3、使学生能基本会说歌谣:Open the window.三、教学重点:1、使学生能熟练运用Story time中的句型:Stand up. Sit down. Open/ Close the door. Im sorry. Come in, 2、使学生能基本会说歌谣:Open the window.四、教学难点:能熟练地复述Story time中的故事。五、教学准备:歌谣Open the window.六、教学过程:Step 1. Greeting.T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.S: Good morning/ afternoon, Step 2. Revision.1. Ss read the story together.2. Show Ss the pictures of the story one by one, at the same time, ask Ss to repeat the story together.3. Ss recite the story in groups.4. Choose some groups to act.5. Ss recite the story together.Step 3. Learning the rhyme: Open the window.1. Watch the cartoon.2. Ss read the rhyme by themselves, then try to find the new words and sentences in the rhyme. 3. Ss says the new words and sentences one by one, at the same time, the teacher write them on the blackboard.4. Teach Ss to read the new words and sentences. (After that, ask Ss to make new phrases and sentences to practice them. )5. Follow the tape some times.6. Ss practice in pairs.7. Ss try to say it together.Step 4. Consolidation: Checkout time.1. Lead Ss to look at the pictures one by one.2. Ss discuss in groups.3. Ss try to say the pictures one by one.4. Discuss together.5. Ss practice in pairs.6. Ss say them together.Homework:1. Read the rhyme.2. Recite the story.板书设计:Unit 1 In class Open/Close the book.The fourth period一、教学内容:Fun time,Cartoon time, Sound time.二、教学目标:1、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,并能结合情境进行表达。2、能自己动手完成Fun time的机器人制作,并能熟练自然地运用本课所学句型,对自己制作的机器人发出指令。三、教学重点:理解Cartoon time中词句的功能意义,知道如何运用此中的词句并能迁移到新的情境中加以运用。三、 教学难点:Cartoon time中的句型 Dont listen to the parrot. 中有三个新单词,对于学生来说存在一定的困难。四、 教学准备:Cartoon time光碟五、教学过程:Step 1. Greeting.T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.S: Good morning/ afternoon, Step 2. Leading in.T: Today we go on stay Unit 2. In class. Who can tell me the meaning of in class ?S: T: Yes. Now we are in class. Sam is in class, too. Is he a good student?Step 3. Learning the story in Cartoon time.1. Watch the cartoon, then answer the question.T: Is Sam a good student?S: No. T: Why ? 2. Ss read the book by themselves, then answer the question.T: Yes. We must listen to the teacher carefully in class.3. Teach the sentence: Listen to (1). Show Ss the word listen on the blackboard, then lead Ss to read it.(2). Teach Ss to read the word some times.(3). Teacher does the action, then ask Ss to guess the meaning of it.(4). Help Ss to remember the word.(5). Ss practice it in groups.(6). Choose some one to read.(7). Teacher makes a sentence with it as a model, then ask Ss to make sentences with it.(8). Choose some one to say.3. Teach the sentence: Dont Teach this sentence in the same way.4. Read all the story after the tape.5. Ss read the story by themselves, at the same time, try to remember the story.6. Lead Ss to repeat the story.7. Ss act the story in groups.8. Choose some groups to act.Step 4. Fun time.1. Ss look at the pictures and read the sentences by themselves, then try to guess how to play the game.2. Choose some Ss to say.3. Tell Ss how to play it.4. Teach Ss to make.Step 5. Sound time.T: Just now, the boy is playing a them. Here is a boy, too. Look! What is he doing?(Show Ss the picture of Sound time.)1. Ss answer the question.2. Lead Ss to discuss the picture. At the same time, teach the new word: big.(1). Lead Ss to read it.(2). Teach Ss to read it.(3). Lead Ss to guess the meaning of it.(4). Lead Ss to read the phrase: big books.3. Teach the new sentence: Bob has two big, big books.Teach this sentence in the same way. 4. Lead Ss to find the sound of the letter b.5. Teach Ss to read /b/.6. Ss read the words and sentences again.7. Lead Ss to say the other words what also have the letter b, and sound /b/.Homework:Read the story of Cartoon time, try to repeat it.板书设计:Unit 1 In class(Dont) Listen to the parrot. rubberBob has two big, big books. bigUnit 2 In the libraryThe first period五、 教学内容:Story time.六、 教学目标:1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇:library, shout, run, eat, talk, sleep.2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句的否定句:Dont shout/eat.3、使学生能正确地连读祈使句的否定句:Dont 三、教学重点:1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇:library, shout, run, eat, talk, sleep.2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句的否定句:Dont shout/eat.四、教学难点:1、祈使句否定句的运用。2、动词词汇的发音。五、教学准备:单词图片。六、教学过程:Step 1. Greeting.T: Good morning, class.S: Good morning, T: *, its hot today. Please open the window.S: Yes, Mrs Liu.Step 2. Leading in: Play a game1. T: (教师出示手偶) Look, this is my friend, Jimmy. Lets say hello to Jimmy.Ss: Hello./ Hi, Jimmy.T: Hello, boy and girls! Im Jimmy! Lets play a game, OK?Ss: OK.T: Do what I say quickly. Ready?Ss: Yes.T: Stand up./ Sit down./ Open the books./ Close the schoolbags.T: And now listen, when I say “Dont ”, it means you shouldnt do what I say.T: (教师继续操纵手偶说话) Dont sit down./ Dont stand up2. Have a rest. Tell a story.T: Today Ill tell you a storyThe hare and the tortoise. One day, the hare and the tortoise have a race in the forest. Look, this is the hare and this is the tortoise.“One, two, go!” The hare runs and runs and runs.T: Now, try to say and do like me: Run, run, run!Ss: Run, run, run!T: Yes. Good! But the tortoise cant run fast. He can only move slowly. So the other animals shout to him, “Run, run, run!” (出现其他小动物为乌龟加油的画面) Look, the other animals shout. Now, say and do after me: shout,shout!Ss: Shout, shout, shout!T: What do they shout?Ss: Run, run, run!Step 3.Learn the Story Time.1. Show a picture of library.T: Where is it?S: Library. (出示课题:In the library) What happened? Lets watch a cartoon.T: Look, who is this boy?S: Liu Tao.T: Yes, where does Liu Tao meet his friend Yang Ling?Ss: In the library.T: Look, Liu Tao shouts to Yang Ling.(故意大声模仿刘涛喊“Hello, Yang Ling!”) Is it good?Ss: No.T: So Yang Ling says: Dont shout!结合其他场景让学生通过思考说出Dont drink./ Dont sleep.等2. 教师可以把课文中含有Dont 的句子制成卡片,利用卡片结合课文场景进行教学。如:T: Now Ill show you some pictures. Please read the pictures and put the correct sentence in each picture.T: (指向图一) Liu Tao shouts. What does Yang Ling say?Ss: Dont shout.T: (指向图二) Liu Tao runs. What does Yang Ling say?Ss: Dont run.T: (指向图三) Liu Tao gives Yang Ling a sweet. What does Yang Ling say?Ss: No, thank you. Dont eat here.逐一教学 Dont talk./ Dont sleep.3. Read Story Time together4. Read in rollsStep4 Homework.板书设计:Unit 1 In the libraryshouteatruntalksleepThe second period二、 教学内容:Fun Time and Song Time.二、教学目标:1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇:drink .2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用句型:Dont 3. 能自己动手完成Fun time指令卡片的制作,并能熟练自然地运用本课所学句型,对自己的同桌发出指令。3、使学生会唱歌曲Dont talk, Tom!。三、教学重点:1、library, shout的发音及drink,talk 的正确拼写。2、句型:Dont 在正确情景下的运用。四、教学难点:祈使句否定的运用。五、教学准备:drink的图片和6张卡片。六、教学过程:Step 1. Greeting.T: Good morning, class.S: Good morning, Step 2. Warm up.1. Read the text together.2. Read the text in rolls.3. Act out the text.Step 3. Revision.1. Play a game. I say you do: shout, eat, drink2. Play another game. I say you do: Dont eat/ shout3. Teach a new word: drink.Step 4. Fun Time.1. 复习相关句子T: OK, now boy and girls. We all know what we shouldnt do in the library. Can you tell me some of them?Ss: Dont shout/ eat/2. 示范游戏过程T: Yes. Good! Now look at the sign in the library.(出示Fun Time 第一个已画好的标识牌) Look, this boy is shouting. So what should we write on the this sign?Ss: (Dont ) Shout!T: Yes. So let me write “shout” here. And now this sign is ready. Now can you also try to make some other signs?Ss: Yes.3. 谈论制作的卡片。T: OK. Now lets cut them out.(利用投影出示一张图片) Whats on the card?Ss: Dont 4. 小组合作谈论制作好的标示卡片5. 教师可以鼓励学生把制作好的卡片放在教室相应的地方。Step4. Song Time1. T: Look at the picture. This boy wants to sleep. So he says “I want to sleep.”Ss: I want to sleep.T: Now youre the boy. Try to read the lyrics.Ss:2. Learn the song one by one.3. Learn the song together.4. Sing and do.5. Show time.Homework: 1. Retell the story.2. Sing the song.板书设计: Unit2 In the library eat talk Dont shout . drink run sleepThe third period一、教学内容:Cartoon time, Sound time and Checkout time.二、教学目标:1、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,并能结合情境进行表达。2、能体会字母p在单词中的发音【p】三、教学重点:1、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,并能结合情境进行表达。2. 字母p在单词中的发音【p】四教学难点:能综合运用本单元学到的单词、词组和祈使句,发出指令或按照指令做出正确反应。五、教学准备:教学光盘六、教学过程:Step 1. Greeting.T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.S: Good morning/ afternoon, Step 2. Revision and Checkout time.1. Ss read the story together.2. Show Ss the pictures of the story one by one, at the same time, ask Ss to repeat the story together.3. Ss recite the story in groups.4. Choose some groups to act.5. Ss recite the story together.6. Show the PPT of Checkout time.7. Look at the pictures carefully and write down the answer.8. Read the sentences together.Step 3. Cartoon time1. Show the pictures about Cartoon time. Let the Ss guess: What does Bobby say?2. Watch the cartoon and answer the question: How many things does Bobbys cousin? T: Boys and girls, look, is this Bobby? Ss: No. T: This is Bobbys cousin. He is very happy to see Bobby. Look! He is shouting“Hello!”And look at Bobby. What does Bobby say? S1: Dont shout T: Yes. Look, now he is eating Bobbys cake and drinking Bobbys milk. What will Bobby say? S2: Dont eat my cake! S3: Dont drink my milk!3. Ss read the story by themselves, then try to find the new words and sentences in the story. 3. Ss says the new words and sentences one by one, at the same time, the teacher write them on the blackboard.4. Teach Ss to read the new words and sentences. (milk, English, Is this your book?)5. Follow the tape some times.6. Ss act in pairs.7. Show time.Step 4. Consolidation: Sound time.1.Say the sentencesT: Well, you did a good job. Let me introduce a new friend to you.(Show a picture of Paul)He is Paul. T: What is Paul doing? Ss: He is walking up and down. T: Can you read the sentences? Please try.2.Ss read Sound time by themselves.3. Follow the tape4.Read the wordsT:How many Ps can you find?T: Can you read them again?T:Can you tell me the sound of the letter p?Ss: 【p】T: Lets try to read like this :p, p, upT:Can you find some more words like them?学生列举,教师板书cap, pie, sleep, up, please, parrot学生读单词板书设计:Unit 1 In class Unit3. Is this your pencil?The first period一、教学内容:Story time二、教学目标:1、使学生能听懂、会读、会运用词汇:a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a rubber.2、使学生能听懂、会读、会运用句型:Is this a/an/your ? 及其答句:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.3、使学生能听懂、会读句型:This isnt your/my 4、使学生能初步理解并朗读Story time中的故事。三、教学重点:1、使学生能听懂、会读、会运用词汇:a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a rubber.2、使学生能听懂、会读、会运用句型:Is this a/an/your ? 及其答句:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.四、教学难点:句型Is this a/an/your ?中“Is this”的发音学生会比较困难。同时,“a, an”和“your”的用法学生也可能会混淆。五、教学准备:橡皮、钢笔、铅笔、文具盒的图片各一张; Mike的铅笔图片一张; Story time的光盘; 歌曲Whats this? ;装有铅笔的文具盒一个。六、教学过程:Step 1. Warming-up.Sing a song: Whats this?Ss sing the song together.Step 2. Leading in.T: Listen! Whats this?1. Teacher shakes the pencil case, then ask Ss to guess.T: Is this a rubber? Is this a pen? Is this a pencil? Is this a pencil case? (Show Ss the pictures of them at the same time.)Step 3. Teaching the new words: pen, pencil, pencil case.1. Teach the new word: pen(1). Show Ss the card of a pen.(2). Lead Ss try to read it.(3). Teach Ss to read it some times.(4). Ss practice


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