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南京海关物流信息化管理系统空运部分 理货报告报文结构定义和填制规范 目目 录录 一 一 理货报告理货报告 XMLXML 报文示例报文示例 4 二 二 理货报告报文结构理货报告报文结构 6 三 三 报文节点详细说明报文节点详细说明 8 四 四 报文填制规范报文填制规范 41 1 报文填制规范 41 2 报文填制要求 41 一 一 理货报告理货报告 XMLXML 报文示例报文示例 理货报告理货报告 XMLXML 报文示例报文示例 二 二 理货报告报文结构理货报告报文结构 理货报告报文结构定义理货报告报文结构定义 循环次数 节点名称 1 Manifest 1 Head 报文头 1 MessageID 报文编号 1 FunctionCode 报文功能代码 1 MessageType 报文类型代码 1 SenderID 发送方代码 1 ReceiverID 接受方代码 1 SendTime 发送时间 1 Version 报文版本 1 Declaration 报文体 1 DeclarationOfficeID 申报地海关代码 0 1 BorderTransportMeans 运输工具信息 1 JourneyID 航次航班编号 1 TypeCode 运输方式代码 0 1 ID 运输工具代码 0 1 Name 运输工具名称 1 ActualDateTime 装卸开始时间 1 CompletedDateTime 装卸结束时间 1 LoadingLocation 装货地信息 1 ID 装货地代码 1 UnloadingLocation 卸货地信息 1 ID 卸货地代码 0 1 Master 船长 大副信息 1 Name 船长 大副名称 0 3 Communication 船长 大副联系方式 1 ID 通讯方式号码 1 TypeID 通讯方式类别代码 1 TallyParty 理货部门信息 1 ID 理货部门代码 0 1 Contact 理货责任人信息 1 Name 理货责任人名称 0 3 Communication 理货责任人联系方式 1 ID 通讯方式号码 1 TypeID 通讯方式类别代 1 9999 Consignment 提运单信息 0 1 NativeBillNo 境内运单号 1 TransportContractDocument 运输合同信息 1 ID 总提运单号 0 1 AssociatedTransportDocument 运输合同附加信 息 1 ID 分提运单号 1 ConsignmentPackaging 提运单包装信息 1 QuantityQuantity 托运货物件数 0 1 TypeCode 包装种类代码 1 TotalGrossMassMeasure 货物总毛重 0 99 StoreInformation 库位信息 1 LibInfo 库位信息 0 1 GrossVolumeMeasure 货物体积 0 1 AdditionalInformation 补充信息 1 LineFlag 航线标记 0 1 NativeVoyageNo 境内航次航班编号 0 1 NativeTrafMode 境内运输方式 1 Content 备注 序序 号号 中国海关数据元名中国海关数据元名 称称 WCOWCO DATADATA MODELMODEL 或或 UNTDEDUNTDED 编号编号填制条件填制条件 1 航次航班编号 149 Conveyance reference number 必填 如航线标记是支线 为 空 2 运输方式代码 183 Mode type of means of transport crossing the border coded 必填 如航线标记是支线 为 空 3 运输工具代码 167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border coded 选填 如航线标记是支线 为 空 4 运输工具名称 160 Identification of means of transport crossing the border 选填 如航线标记是支线 为 空 5 装卸开始时间 UNTDED 2380 Date time period 必填 6 装卸结束时间 UNTDED 2380 Date time period 必填 7 申报地海关代码 065 Customs office of declaration coded 必填 8 理货部门代码 238 Party ID identification 必填 9 理货责任人名称 246 Department or employee contact name 选填 10 理货责任人联系号 码 240 Communication number 选填 11 通讯方式类别代码 253 Communication number Type 选填 12 船长 大副名称 246 Department or employee contact name 选填 13 船长 大副联系号码 240 Communication number 选填 14 通讯方式类别代码 253 Communication number Type 选填 15 总提运单号 015 Transport document number 必填 16 分提运单号 189 Associated transport document number 条件 17 装货地代码 070 Place of loading coded 条件 18 卸货地代码 080 Place of discharge coded 条件 19 包装种类代码 141 Type of packages identification 选填 20 托运货物件数 146 Total number of packages 必填 21 货物总毛重 131 Total gross weight 必填 22 货物体积 134 Cube 选填 23 库位信息Store Information of Gross length 20bytes条件 24 备注 105 Free text 选填 25 航线标记 LineFlag include international flight and native flight length 1bytes 必填 26 境内运单号 Native BillNo length 32bytes 条件 27 境内航次航班编号 Native VoyageNo length 32bytes 条件 支线必填写 28 境内运输方式 Native TrafMode length 1bytes 条件 支线必填写 三 三 报文节点详细说明报文节点详细说明 element ManifestManifest diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeManifestManifest properti es conte nt comple x childrenHeadHead DeclarationDeclaration annotati on documentati on 理货报告 complexType AdditionalInformationAdditionalInformation diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenContentContent used by elemenDeclaration AdditionalInformatDeclaration AdditionalInformat t ionion annotati on documentati on 补充信息 element AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation LineFlagLineFlag diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentati on 航线标记 element AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation TrafNameTrafName diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 境内航次航班编号 element AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation TrafDateTrafDate diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentatio n 境内运输方式 element AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation NativeBillNoNativeBillNo diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentati on 境内运单号 element AdditionalInformation ContentAdditionalInformation Content diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 105 Free text 备注 complexType AssociatedTransportDocumentAssociatedTransportDocument diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenIDID used by elemen t Consignment AssociatedTransportDocumenConsignment AssociatedTransportDocumen t t annotati on documentation 运输合同附加信息 element AssociatedTransportDocument IDAssociatedTransportDocument ID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 189 Associated transport document number 分提 运单号 complexType BorderTransportMeansBorderTransportMeans diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenJourneyIDJourneyID TypeCodeTypeCode IDID NameName ActualDateTimeActualDateTime CompletedDateTimeCompletedDateTime LoadingLocationLoadingLocation UnloadingLocationUnloadingLocation MasterMaster used by elemen t Declaration BorderTransportMeanDeclaration BorderTransportMean s s annotati on documentatio n 运输工具信息 element BorderTransportMeans JourneyIDBorderTransportMeans JourneyID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 149 Conveyance reference number 航次航班 编号 element BorderTransportMeans TypeCodeBorderTransportMeans TypeCode diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 183 Mode type of means of transport crossing the border code 运输方式代码 element BorderTransportMeans IDBorderTransportMeans ID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border code 运输工具代码 element BorderTransportMeans NameBorderTransportMeans Name diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 160 Identification of means of transport crossing the border 运输工具名称 element BorderTransportMeans ActualDateTimeBorderTransportMeans ActualDateTime diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation UNTDED 2380 Date time period 装卸开始时间 格式为 YYYYMMDDhhmmZZZ element BorderTransportMeans CompletedDateTimeBorderTransportMeans CompletedDateTime diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation UNTDED 2380 Date time period 装卸结束时间 格式为 YYYYMMDDhhmmZZZ element BorderTransportMeans LoadingLocationBorderTransportMeans LoadingLocation diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeLoadingLocationLoadingLocation properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenIDID annotati on documentati on 装货地信息 element BorderTransportMeans UnloadingLocationBorderTransportMeans UnloadingLocation diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeUnloadingLocationUnloadingLocation properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenIDID annotati on documentati on 卸货地信息 element BorderTransportMeans MasterBorderTransportMeans Master diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeCaptainCaptain properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenNameName CommunicationCommunication annotati on documentatio n 船长 大副信 息 complexType CaptainCaptain diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenNameName CommunicationCommunication used by elemen t BorderTransportMeans MasterBorderTransportMeans Master annotati on documentatio n 船长 大副信 息 element Captain NameCaptain Name diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 246 Department or employee contact name 船长 大 副名称 element Captain CommunicationCaptain Communication diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeCommunicationCommunication properti es isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc 3 conten t comple x childrenIDID TypeIDTypeID annotati on documentation 船长 大副联系方 式 complexType CommunicationCommunication diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenIDID TypeIDTypeID used by element s Contact CommunicationContact Communication Captain CommunicationCaptain Communication annotati on documentatio n 通讯方式信息 element Communication IDCommunication ID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 240 Communication number 通讯方式号 码 element Communication TypeIDCommunication TypeID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 253 Communication number Type 通讯方式类别代 码 complexType ConsignmentConsignment diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenTransportContractDocumentTransportContractDocument AssociatedTransportDocumentAssociatedTransportDocument ConsignmentPackagingConsignmentPackaging TotalGrossMassMeasureTotalGrossMassMeasure GrossVolumeMeasureGrossVolumeMeasure used by elemen t Declaration ConsignmeDeclaration Consignme ntnt annotati on documentati on 提运单信息 element Consignment TransportContractDocumentConsignment TransportContractDocument diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeTransportContractDocumentTransportContractDocument properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenIDID annotati on documentatio n 运输合同信息 element Consignment AssociatedTransportDocumentConsignment AssociatedTransportDocument diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeAssociatedTransportDocumentAssociatedTransportDocument properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenIDID annotati on documentation 运输合同附加信息 element Consignment ConsignmentPackagingConsignment ConsignmentPackaging diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeConsignmentPackagingConsignmentPackaging properti isRef 0 contecomple esnt x childrenQuantityQuantityQuantityQuantity TypeCodeTypeCode annotati on documentation 提运单包装信息 element Consignment TotalGrossMassMeasureConsignment TotalGrossMassMeasure diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 131 Total gross weight 货物总 毛重 element Consignment GrossVolumeMeasureConsignment GrossVolumeMeasure diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 134 Cube 货物体 积 element Consignment StoreInformationConsignment StoreInformation diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc 99 annotati on documentation 134 Cube 库位信 息 complexType ConsignmentPackagingConsignmentPackaging diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenQuantityQuantityQuantityQuantity TypeCodeTypeCode used by elemen t Consignment ConsignmentPackagingConsignment ConsignmentPackaging annotati on documentation 提运单包装信息 element ConsignmentPackaging QuantityQuantityConsignmentPackaging QuantityQuantity diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 146 Total number of packages 托运货物 件数 element ConsignmentPackaging TypeCodeConsignmentPackaging TypeCode diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 141 Type of packages identification 包装 种类代码 complexType ContactContact diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenNameName CommunicationCommunication used by elemen t Party ContacParty Contac t t annotati on documentation 理货责任人信息 element Contact NameContact Name diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 246 Department or employee contact name 理货责任 人名称 element Contact CommunicationContact Communication diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeCommunicationCommunication properti es isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc 3 conten t comple x childrenIDID TypeIDTypeID annotati on documentation 理货责任人联系方式 complexType DeclarationDeclaration diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenDeclarationOfficeIDDeclarationOfficeID BorderTransportMeansBorderTransportMeans TallyPartyTallyParty ConsignmentConsignment TransportEquipmentTransportEquipment AdditionalInformationAdditionalInformation used by elemen t Manifest DeclaratiManifest Declarati onon annotati on documentati on 报文体 element Declaration DeclarationOfficeIDDeclaration DeclarationOfficeID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 065 Customs office of declaration coded 申报地 海关代码 element Declaration BorderTransportMeansDeclaration BorderTransportMeans diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeBorderTransportMeansBorderTransportMeans properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenJourneyIDJourneyID TypeCodeTypeCode IDID NameName ActualDateTimeActualDateTime CompletedDateTimeCompletedDateTime LoadingLocationLoadingLocation UnloadingLocationUnloadingLocation MasterMaster annotati on documentatio n 运输工具信息 element Declaration TallyPartyDeclaration TallyParty diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typePartyParty properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenIDID ContactContact annotati on documentatio n 理货部门信息 element Declaration ConsignmentDeclaration Consignment diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeConsignmentConsignment properti es isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc 9999 conten t comple x childrenTransportContractDocumentTransportContractDocument AssociatedTransportDocumentAssociatedTransportDocument ConsignmentPackagingConsignmentPackaging TotalGrossMassMeasureTotalGrossMassMeasure GrossVolumeMeasureGrossVolumeMeasure annotati on documentati on 提运单信息 element Declaration AdditionalInformationDeclaration AdditionalInformation diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeAdditionalInformationAdditionalInformation properti es isRef 0 contecomple nt x childrenContentContent annotati on documentati on 备注 complexType HeadHead diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenMessageIDMessageID FunctionCodeFunctionCode MessageTypeMessageType SenderIDSenderID ReceiverIDReceiverID SendTimeSendTime VersionVersion used by elemen t Manifest HeaManifest Hea d d annotati on documentati on 报文头 element Head MessageIDHead MessageID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati documentati onon 报文编号 element Head FunctionCodeHead FunctionCode diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 017 报文功能代码 element Head MessageTypeHead MessageType diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 001 报文类型代码 element Head SenderIDHead SenderID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentati on 发送方代码 element Head ReceiverIDHead ReceiverID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentati on 接受方代码 element Head SendTimeHead SendTime diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 发送时间 格式 YYYYMMDDhhmmssfff element Head VersionHead Version diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentati on 报文版本 complexType LoadingLocationLoadingLocation diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenIDID used by elemen t BorderTransportMeans LoadingLocatioBorderTransportMeans LoadingLocatio n n annotati on documentati on 装货地信息 element LoadingLocation IDLoadingLocation ID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 070 Place of loading coded 装货 地代码 complexType ManifestManifest diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenHeadHead DeclarationDeclaration used by elemen t ManifesManifes t t annotati on documentati on 理货报告 element Manifest HeadManifest Head diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeHeadHead properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenMessageIDMessageID FunctionCodeFunctionCode MessageTypeMessageType SenderIDSenderID ReceiverIDReceiverID SendTimeSendTime VersionVersion annotati on documentati on 报文头 element Manifest DeclarationManifest Declaration diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeDeclarationDeclaration properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenDeclarationOfficeIDDeclarationOfficeID BorderTransportMeansBorderTransportMeans TallyPartyTallyParty ConsignmentConsignment TransportEquipmentTransportEquipment AdditionalInformationAdditionalInformation annotati on documentati on 报文体 complexType PartyParty diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 childrenIDID ContactContact used by elemen t Declaration TallyPaDeclaration TallyPa rtyrty annotati on documentatio n 理货部门信息 element Party IDParty ID diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 properti es isRe f 0 annotati on documentation 238 Party ID identification 理货部 门代码 element Party ContactParty Contact diagram namespac e urn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 typeContactContact properti es isRef 0 conte nt comple x childrenNameName CommunicationCommunication annotati on documentation 理货责任人信息 complexType TransportContractDocumentTransportContractDocument diagram namespacurn Declaration datamodel standard CN Name 1 e childrenIDID used by elemen t Consignment TransportContractDocumentConsignment TransportContractDocument annotati on documentatio n 运输合同信息 element TransportContractDocument IDTransportContractDocument ID diagram namespac e urn D


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