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七年级英语摇 第 1 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 示示示示示示示示示 示 示示示示示示示示示 示司 司 司 司 七 年 级 英 语 安徽省 2013 2014 学年度第四次月考 期末 试卷 注 意 本卷满分 120 分 考试时间为 120 分钟 请将答案填写在答题卷上 第一部分摇 听力 共四大题摇 满分 20 分 玉 句子理解 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 根据所听句子选择与所听内容相符的图片 每个句子读两遍 1 AB C 2 AB C 3 AB C 4 AB C 5 AB C 域 情景反应 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 选择你所听到的句子的正确答语 每个句子读两遍 6 A Mary 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 B His name is Eric 摇 摇 摇 摇 C I蒺m Gina 7 A Yes I have one 摇B Yes I do 摇 摇C Yes I am 8 A It蒺s black B Yes it is 摇C It蒺s in the backpack 9 A Yes I do B Yes thank you 摇 摇 摇C No I don蒺t 10 A That蒺s a baseball 摇B No it isn蒺t 摇C That sounds good 芋 对话理解 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 你将听到 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A B C 三个选项中选 出一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍 11 When is Mum蒺s birthday A On September 11th 摇 摇 B On October 11th 摇 摇 摇C On November 11th 12 When is the basketball game on TV A In the evening 摇 摇B In the morning 摇 摇C In the afternoon 七年级英语摇 第 2 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 13 When is the school trip A It蒺s on November 18th 摇 B It蒺s on November 8th 摇C It蒺s on December 8th 14 Who does the boy usually play computer games with on Sunday evening A His brother 摇 摇B His sister C His father 15 Why does Jack like Wednesday A Because he has science on that day B Because he has history on that day C Because he has music on that day 郁 短文理解 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 你将听到一篇短文 短文后有 5 个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A B C 三个 选项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍 16 Where does Kate work A In a shop B In a school C On a bus 17 What does she have for breakfast A Some bread and milk B Some cakes and milk C Some chocolates and cakes 18 How does she go to work A By bike B On foot C By bus 19 How many hours does she work on a weekday A Nine B Eight C Six 20 What does she like A New photos B New clothes C New sports 第二部分摇 英语知识运用 满分 100 分 吁 单项选择 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 从每小题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 21 Sandra hasorange after dinner orange is good for her A an A摇摇 摇 摇 B an The摇 摇摇 摇 C a The 摇 摇 摇 摇 D a An 22 This isroom It蒺s big and nice A Lily and Lucy摇B Lily and Lucy蒺s C Lily蒺s and LucyD Lily蒺s and Lucy蒺s 23 Mr Yang teachesEnglish We all likeclasses very much A us his摇B our he摇C us he摇D we his 24 Do you want to eat the Yes I do They are healthy vegetables A chicken摇B apples 摇C broccoli 摇D carrots 25 Cindy is from America but she canChinese A find摇B join摇C speak 摇D listen 26 Does your brother eat well He has healthy food every day A Yes he has摇B No he hasn蒺t 摇C Yes he does 摇D No he doesn蒺t 27 The blue shirtsixty yuan and the shortstwenty yuan A is is摇B is are摇C are is 摇D are are 28 I lost my dictionary Let meyou find it A help摇B helps 摇C helping摇 摇D to help 七年级英语摇 第 3 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 29 is your school sports day It蒺s great A When摇B How摇 摇C What摇 摇D Where 30 Do you know theof your mother蒺s birth Yes It蒺s July 28th A age摇 摇B year摇C month摇 摇D date 31 My room is on thefloor A two摇 摇B twelve摇 摇C twelfth摇 摇D twenty 32 Our English teacher is A 24 year old摇 摇B 24 year old摇C 24 years old摇 摇D 24 years old 33 My father蒺s birthday is A June five摇 摇 摇B June fifth摇C June fifteen摇 摇D fifteen June 34 The School Day isJanuary A on摇 摇 摇B in摇 摇 摇C for摇 摇D at 35 Happy birthday to you A That蒺s OK 摇 摇B Here you are 摇C Thank you 摇 摇 D I蒺m happy 36 What蒺s your favorite P E A sport摇B subject摇 摇C color摇 摇D food 37 Do you like the room Yes I do It蒺s small but A old摇B boring摇 摇C nice摇 摇D scary 38 I like musicit蒺s relaxing A 摇B but摇 摇C or摇 摇 摇D because 39 What蒺s the third day of the week in America It蒺s A Sunday摇B Monday摇C Tuesday摇D Wednesday 40 Can I help you I don蒺t need any things A OK please摇B I want a book 摇C No thanks 摇D Sorry I can蒺t 遇 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 阅读下列短文 从每小题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 A 摇 摇 Barry is an English boy He is my new 摇 41摇 He teaches 教 me many 摇 42摇 songs 歌曲 I 摇 43摇Barry and his songs That蒺s a good way for 摇 44摇to learn 学 English After class he plays games with me He likes 摇 45摇 We often play basketball in the afternoon 摇 摇 Today is November 2nd It is 摇 46摇birthday He doesn蒺t tell 告诉 me but I 摇 47摇 it from his sister I 摇 48摇him a present 礼物 and a birthday card He is very 摇 49摇 He likes the present very much 摇 50摇the present It蒺s a basketball 41 A class 摇B father 摇 摇C friend 摇D family 42 A blue 摇B Chinese 摇C boring 摇D English 43 A meet摇B like摇 摇 摇C see 摇 摇D have 44 A her 摇 摇B itC me 摇 摇 摇D them 45 A picturesB sports 摇 摇C books 摇D fruits 七年级英语摇 第 4 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 46 A Barry蒺s摇 摇 摇B Barry蒺s sister蒺sC my brother蒺s摇D my sister蒺s 47 A bring 摇B know 摇 摇C help 摇 摇D afford 48 A sell 摇 摇B want 摇 摇C watch 摇 摇D buy 49 A happy 摇B sorry 摇 摇C relaxing 摇D short 50 A Where蒺sB How蒺s 摇C What蒺s 摇D When蒺s B 摇 摇 Hi I蒺m Mike I蒺m a 摇 51摇in No 1 Middle School in America My 摇 52摇 has many after school clubs for students Students can do different activities 不同的活动 摇 53摇the clubs after school Some are 摇 54摇activities like 像 soccer games baseball games and volleyball games There are also some activities like English parties and dance shows I like 摇 55摇very much and I蒺m in an English club I often 摇 56摇the club after school I meet many friends there We all 摇 57摇English there It is fun I蒺m 摇 58摇to be in the English club 摇59摇about you Do you have any 摇60摇in your school What do you do after school 51 A teacher 摇B runner 摇C parent 摇 摇D student 52 A home 摇 摇B school 摇C hotel 摇 摇D family 53 A in摇 摇 摇B on 摇 摇 摇C to 摇 摇 摇D of 54 A collectionB music摇C sports 摇 摇D art 55 A English 摇B Chinese摇C math 摇 摇D history 56 A look at 摇B go to 摇 摇C play with 摇D write to 57 A teach 摇 摇B take 摇 摇C speak 摇 摇D draw 58 A new 摇 摇 摇B happy 摇C old 摇 摇 摇D tired 59 A When 摇 摇B How 摇 摇C Where 摇D Who 60 A clubs 摇 摇B subjectsC rooms 摇D words 喻 补全对话 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 根据对话内容 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 选项中有两项为多余选项 A What is your favorite subject B 61 A Why do you like science best B 62What is your favorite subject A Oh I like math best B Math I think it is difficult and boring 63 A I don蒺t like it at all B Because it is interesting C My favorite subject is science D Why do you like Sunday best E Because it is very boring F What day is your favorite day G I like it very much A But I think it is interesting though 虽然 it is a little difficult B 64 A My favorite day is Sunday B 65 A Because I can stay at home and have a good rest on Sunday 峪 阅读理解 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每小题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 A 摇 摇 Hello my name蒺s Gina Green I am from the USA I am ten years old My birthday is June 3rd I like strawberries and bananas I have a little brother His name is Tony Green Tony likes French fries His birthday is October 25th He is eight years old Mary Miller my best friend is eleven years old and her birthday is September 5th She likes ice cream best 七年级英语摇 第 5 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 66 Gina isyears old A ten摇B nine摇C eight摇 摇D eleven 67 Gina likes A French fries摇 摇 摇B strawberries and bananas C French fries and bananas摇 摇D strawberries and French fries 68 Tony蒺s birthday is A June 3rd摇B October 25th摇 摇C September 5th摇 摇D October 5th 69 Mary likes A French fries摇 摇 B strawberries摇 摇C ice cream摇 摇D bananas 70 Mary is Gina蒺s A friend摇 摇 摇摇B brotherC sister摇 摇 摇D cousin B 摇 摇 Happy Birthday 摇 摇Do you want to have a special 特别的 birthday Have a look at our website 网站 摇 摇 音Birthday party 摇 摇 We have two kinds of parties The party will be in your home Girls please visit 访问 www g birthday com boys please visit www b birthday com 摇 摇 音Birthday dinner 摇 摇 We have three kinds of set dinners 晚餐套餐 at the cost of 10 30 Set A 10 per person 每人 Set B 20 per person Set C 30 per person Tel 659 487 71 The website doesn蒺t offer information 信息 about A birthday parties摇 摇 B birthday dinnersC birthday trips摇 摇 D birthday places 72 We can know more aboutbirthday parties at www g birthday com A parents蒺摇B girls蒺摇C boys蒺 摇D teachers蒺 73 The underlined word cost冶 means 冶 A 调查摇 摇B 描述摇 摇C 费用摇 摇D 职位 74 Set dinner B isper person A 10摇 摇B 20 摇C 25摇 摇D 30 75 We can see the words above 上述文字 A in a dictionaryB in a math book C in a newspaper 报纸 摇D in a family photo C Green Trees Gym 体育馆 Swimming摇 摇 摇 摇摇 Mon Sun 摇 摇 摇 摇8 颐 00 a m 8 颐 00 p m Basketball摇 摇 摇 摇摇 Sat Sun 摇摇 摇 摇 8 颐 00 a m 6 颐 00 p m Volleyball摇 摇 摇 摇 摇Mon Sat 摇 摇摇 摇 10 颐 00 a m 6 颐 00 p m Aerobics 健身操 摇Mon Sun 摇 摇 摇摇 6 颐 00 a m 9 颐 00 p m Tel 6227225 E mail greentrees yahoo com Red Apples Gym Swimming摇 摇 摇 摇 摇Mon Fri 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 6 颐 00 a m 6 颐 00 p m Basketball摇 摇 摇摇 摇 Mon Sun 摇 摇 摇 摇8 颐 00 a m 6 颐 00 p m Volleyball摇 摇 摇 摇 摇Mon Sun 摇 摇 摇 摇8 颐 00 a m 6 颐 00 p m Aerobics摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 Mon Sun 摇 摇 摇 摇8 颐 00 a m 9 颐 00 p m Tel 6589417 Welcome You 七年级英语摇 第 6 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 76 I want to go swimming on Sunday Where can I go A Green Trees Gym B Red Apples Gym C Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym D You can蒺t go swimming on Sunday 77 I want to play basketball on Monday morning Where can I go A Green Trees Gym B Red Apples Gym C Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym D Green Apples Gym 78 I play volleyball at 9 颐 00 every morning Where can you find me A Green Trees Gym B Red Apples Gym C Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym D At home 79 I do aerobics every afternoon So you can call me at 6589417 Do you know where I蒺m going to be 将会在 A At Green Balls Gym 摇 摇 摇摇 B At Red Apples Gym C in the school 摇 摇摇 D On the playground 80 Which gym accepts 接受 mail from computer A Green Balls Gym 摇 B Red Apples Gym C Green Trees Gym 摇 D Red Trees Gym 御 单词拼写 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 根据首字母及汉语提示 完成下列单词的拼写 使句意通顺 81 Are those your b 盒子 82 The teacher s 说 English is useful 83 This is my sister蒺s t 第二十 birthday 84 This is really b 忙碌的 weekend 85 I o 仅仅 have two yuan 愈 书面表达 共 1 小题 满分 20 分 摇 摇 假如你是凯蒂 Katy 你的美国笔友瑞克 Rick 来信询问你的学校生活及你喜欢的 科目 请简要描述一下你的学校生活 所学科目 以及上课时间等 并说明你喜欢的科目 及原因 60 词左右 Dear Rick 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 Yours Katy 七年级英语答题卷摇 第 1 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 安徽省 2013 2014 学年度第四次月考 期末 试卷 七年级英语答题卷 题 号 得 分 第一部分第二部分 玉 郁吁遇喻峪御愈 总 分 第一部分摇 听摇 摇 力 共四大题 满分 20 分 评卷人 得摇 分 玉 郁郾 听力 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 题号12345678910 答案 题号11121314151617181920 答案 第二部分摇 英语知识运用 共六大题 满分 100 分 评卷人 得摇 分 吁 愈郾 英语知识运用 21 65 小题每题 1 分 66 80 小题每题 2 分 81 85 小题每题 1 分 书面表达 20 分 满分 100 分 题号21222324252627282930 答案 题号31323334353637383940 答案 题号41424344454647484950 答案 题号51525354555657585960 答案 七年级英语答题卷摇 第 2 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 题号6162636465 答案 题号6667686970 答案 题号7172737475 答案 题号7677787980 答案 题号8182838485 答案 评卷人 得摇 分 愈郾 书面表达 满分 20 分 Dear Rick 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 Yours Katy 安徽省 2013 2014 学年度第四次月考 期末 试卷 七年级英语听力材料 玉 句子理解 根据所听句子选择与所听内容相符的图片 每个句子读两遍 1 Here is a photo of my family 2 How much are the shorts 3 I lost my pen 4 I like dog very much 5 My favorite subject is math 域 情景反应 选择你所听到的句子的正确答语 每个句子读两遍 6 What蒺s her name 7 Do you like soccer 8 Where is your pencil 9 Excuse me Is this your eraser 10 Let蒺s play baseball 芋 对话理解 你将听到 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A B C 三个选项中选 出一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍 11 W Jeff do you know Mum蒺s birthday M It蒺s September 11th W No it蒺s October 11th 12 W Let蒺s watch the basketball game on TV this afternoon M In the afternoon I think it蒺s in the evening W Oh yes it蒺s in the evening 13 W Mr Jones when is our school trip M This Sunday W Great That蒺s November 8th 14 W What do you usually do on Sunday evening Scott M I usually play computer games with my sister at home 15 W Jack what蒺s your favorite day of a week M It蒺s Wednesday I have music on Wednesday And you W I like Friday I have science and history 郁 短文理解 你将听到一篇短文 短文后有 5 个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A B C 三个 选项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍 摇 摇 Kate works in a school She gets up at seven and has some bread and milk for breakfast She goes to work by bus Work begins at nine o蒺clock and she must get to the school at eight forty five On weekdays she works six hours a day She has lunch at the school She likes new clothes She often goes to the shops on her way home after work Now she is looking at a red dress in a big shop and she wants to buy it 参 考 答 案 安徽省 2013 2014 学年度第四次月考 期末 试卷 七年级英语 第一部分摇 听 力 玉 1 5 AACBA 域 6 10 ABCBC 芋 11 15 BABBC 郁 16 20 BACCB 第二部分摇 英语知识运用 吁 21 25 BBADC摇 26 30 CBABD摇 31 35 CCBBC摇 36 40 BCDCC 遇 41 45 CDBCB摇 46 50 ABDAC摇 51 55 DBACA摇 56 60 BCBBA 喻 61 65 CBAFD 峪 66 70 ABBCA摇 71 75 CBCBC摇 76 80 ABBBC 御 81 boxes 摇 82 says 摇 83 twentieth 摇 84 busy 摇 85 only 愈 书面表达 Dear Rick 摇 摇 Thanks for your letter Now let me tell you about my school life I have six classes every day The first class starts at 8 颐 00 and the last one finishes at 3 颐 40 I have ten subjects at school I have Chinese and math every day My favorite subject is history I think it蒺s fun Please write and tell me about your school life Yours Katy 八年级英语摇 第 1 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 示示示示示示示示示 示 示示示示示示示示示 示司 司 司 司 八 年 级 英 语 安徽省 2013 2014 学年度第四次月考 期末 试卷 注 意 本卷满分 120 分 考试时间为 120 分钟 请将答案填写在答题卷上 第一部分摇 听力 共四大题摇 满分 20 分 玉 句子理解 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 根据所听句子选择与所听内容相符的图片 每个句子读两遍 1 AB C 2 AB C 3 AB C 4 AB C 5 AB C 域 情景反应 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 选择你所听到的句子的正确答语 每个句子读两遍 6 A Sorry she can蒺t 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 B Yes they do 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 C Sure I蒺d love to 7 A You蒺re welcome B Good idea C Don蒺t worry 8 A It蒺s June 6th B It蒺s Friday C It蒺s cloudy 9 A He is going fishing B I蒺m doing my homework C We are playing soccer 10 A No thanks 摇摇 摇B I hope so 摇摇C Sure Here you are 芋 对话理解 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 你将听到 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 请在每小题所给的 A B C 三个选项中选 出一个最佳选项 每段对话读两遍 11 When is the woman蒺s birthday A This Saturday B Next Saturday C Next Sunday 12 Where is Dave going tomorrow A To another country B To the mountain C To the countryside 13 What do you think the woman is A A teacher B A doctor C An actor 八年级英语摇 第 2 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 14 Who is younger than Susan A Amy B Kate C Mary 15 Why can蒺t Henry go out A He has to wash his clothes B He has to clean his room C He has to make dinner 郁 短文理解 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 你将听到一篇短文 短文后有 5 个小题 请根据短文内容 在每小题所给的 A B C 三个 选项中选出一个最佳选项 短文读两遍 16 How old is Cindy A 12 years old B 13 years old C 14 years old 17 Why can蒺t Lisa go to the party A She has to look after her sister B She has to stay at school C She has to visit her uncle 18 What is Tom going to do first before going to the party A Go shopping B Do his homework C Watch a movie 19 What time is Linda going to the party A At 6 颐 30 pm B At 7 颐 00 pm C At 7 颐 30 pm 20 Who is going to give a pen to Cindy A Lisa B Tom C Linda 第二部分摇 英语知识运用 满分 100 分 吁 单项选择 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 从每小题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 21 They are going to watch a movieFriday night A in摇 摇摇 摇 摇 摇 B at摇 摇摇 摇 摇 摇 C on摇 摇 摇 摇摇 摇 D for 22 I gotinvitation from Mary She asked me to go toconcert with her A a aB an theC an D a the 23 Thanks forme the CD I like it very much A sendB sentC sendingD to send 24 My father is coming back on Wednesday Oh today is Monday so you can see your father A todayB the day before tomorrow C tomorrowD the day after tomorrow 25 They are tryingthese children to go to school A helpB helpsC helpedD to help 26 It蒺s Thursday the 24th A What蒺s the date todayB When is your birthday C What time is it nowD How long does it take 27 My best friend often invites medelicious food A enjoy摇B enjoying摇C enjoyed摇D to enjoy 28 Sorry but I have to look after my brother That蒺s too Maybetime A bad another摇B bad other摇C good another摇D good other 29 The students are veryat thenews A surprised surprisingB surprising surprised C surprised surprisedD surprising surprising 八年级英语摇 第 3 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 30 It蒺s a secret between you and me I hope you can keep it A to us摇 摇 摇 摇B to ourselves摇 摇 摇C for usD for ourselves 31 Unless wethe problem we won蒺t be happy A solve摇B will solve摇 摇 摇C solved摇D solving 32 Do you know ifback next week If heback please let me know A he comes will come摇B will he come comes C he will come comes摇D will he come will come 33 He often makesmistakes because he doesn蒺t read A careful carefully摇B careless careful C careless carefully摇D careful carelessly 34 Some people think they are poorer just because they are not asas other people A luck摇 摇 摇B good luck摇C lucky摇 摇D much lucky 35 I saw a boyin the street this morning so I went to ask what was the matter A cry摇 摇B crying摇C to cry摇 摇D cried 36 If you go to the meeting tomorrow A he will too摇 摇B he won蒺t either C he does tooD he doesn蒺t either 37 What are you going to give your mother for her birthday I蒺m not sure But I蒺ll buy her A something specialB anything special C special somethingD special anything 38 away the old books and摇me that new one A Bring bringB Bring takeC Take takeD Take bring 39 We found it difficultthere on time A getB to get摇C getting摇D got 40 Jim would you like to go hiking with me next Friday When shall we leave A Yes I蒺d love to B Sorry I can蒺tC Yes I wouldD No I wouldn蒺t 遇 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 阅读下列短文 从每小题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 A 摇摇 It蒺s Saturday morning Kate is having her 摇 41摇 Kate蒺s mother and father are with her 摇 摇 摇 42摇Saturday morning Kate 摇 43摇to school She helps her mother and father 摇44摇 This morning she says to her mother with a smile 摇 摇 摇 45摇I help you Mum 冶 Yes you can help 摇 46摇 Kate 冶her mother says You can go to Mr Green蒺s shop Something is wrong 摇 47摇our clock 冶 摇 摇 It is in his shop Is he 摇 48摇our clock 冶 Kate asks Yes 冶 her father says And this morning it is ready 冶 Yes it蒺s ready 冶her mother says Go to Mr Green蒺s shop Kate Take this bag you can 摇 49摇the clock in the bag 冶 Kate takes the bag She goes to the shop and gets the clock 摇 50摇 41 A meal摇 摇B breakfast摇C lunch摇 摇D supper 42 A In摇 摇 摇 摇B For摇 摇 摇C At摇 摇 摇 摇D On 43 A go摇 摇 摇 摇B doesn蒺t go摇C don蒺t go摇D isn蒺t go 44 A do some houseworkB do some shopping C do their homeworkD wash some clothes 45 A Must摇 摇B May摇 摇C Do摇 摇D Can 46 A I摇 摇B my摇 摇C me 摇D mine 47 A with摇 摇B to摇 摇 摇 摇C at摇摇 摇D in 48 A mendingB doing摇C makingD selling 八年级英语摇 第 4 摇 摇 摇 摇 页 49 A look atB find摇 摇C take摇 摇D put 50 A to homeB at homeC home摇 摇D in her home B 摇 摇 Last week I got an e mail from my best friend She asked me to go to her birthday party in the 摇 51摇 I decided to go to her party 摇 52摇I didn蒺t like parties There were many people at the party but I knew 摇 53摇 of them I sat in the corner of the room It was a little 摇 54摇 Then my friend saw me and asked me to dance with others So I 摇 55摇them to dance Some of them began to 摇 56摇me I thought that maybe my dancing was very bad So I stopped 摇 57摇 Then a girl walked to me and said You dance so well Can you teach me how to dance 冶 I felt very happy and I began to teach 摇 58摇 I really had a 摇 59摇time there From then on I like to go to 摇 60摇 And I l


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