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北师大版2020届英语中考第二次模拟考试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I am enjoying playing _ football at_ Great Wall.A . a; theB . a; aC . the; theD . /; the2. (2分) What else would you like to eat? _ Im full. Thanks.A . Nothing else.B . Else nothing.C . Something else.D . Else something.3. (2分) _ can I keep the books? Two weeks.A . How longB . How oftenC . How farD . How soon4. (2分)I hope you _our English party. A . to enjoyB . enjoyingC . can enjoyD . enjoys5. (2分)He left his hometown three years ago. His father _ him _ three years.A . hasnt saw; inB . hasnt seen; forC . didnt see; sinceD . doesnt see; with6. (2分) I wss fifteen years old, I got a new bike from my father.You are so lucky. My father gave me at my age of fifteen.A . If; anythingB . When; anythingC . When; nothingD . If; nothing7. (2分)The book _ I read last night was fantastic. A . thatB . whatC . whoseD . who8. (2分)Its a Chinese _ to eat zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival. A . methodB . traditionC . festivalD . food9. (2分)You dont have to take a raincoat. It isnt going to rain.Well, I am not sure. It _ do.A . mustB . needC . mayD . would10. (2分)_ have some more tea. A . DoB . ForC . DoesD . But11. (2分)Those books which _ often _ well.A . are well received; are soldB . are well received; sellC . well receive; sellD . were received; sell12. (2分)Its getting for young people to wear sunglasses in summer this yearA . scaryB . interestingC . difficultD . popular13. (2分)_ he _ tennis after classes next month? A . Will; playedB . Did; playC . Does; playD . Will; play14. (2分)Excuse me, could you please tell me _?Sure. He lives on Center Street.A . where does Bob liveB . where Bob livesC . why Bob lives thereD . what does Bob do15. (2分)Im very nervous before tests._.You can do it well.A . Never mind.B . Take it easy.C . Yes, youve right.D . Its not serious!二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Amy is a 26-year-old single mother witha daughter. She was moving into her house in Atlanta early on the morning ofMarch 12, when a man 1 her to her door, and put a gun(枪) to her side.I started walking to my door, and I feltreally, really 2 ,she said in a TV interview last week.The man was Brian Nichols, 33 years old. He killed three people at an Atlanta courthouse on March 11.The police were3 him.Nichols tied Smith up with tape, but sether free after she begged(恳求) him not to take her 4 again and again. I told him if he hurt me, my little girl wouldnt have a mummy,she said with tears.I just talked to him and tried to make him believe me,Smith said.She asked Nichols 5 he chose her. Hesaid he thought I was an angel 6 from God, and God asked him to do so.Smith even 7 for the man before he allowed her to leave. Nichols was 8 when she made him breakfast and that the two of them watched TV, seeing the police looking for him. I cannot believe thats me on the TV!Nichols told the woman.Then, Nichols asked Smith what she thought he 9 do. She said, I think you should turn yourself in. If you dont,more people are going to get 10 .Finally, he let her go. Then she called the police.(1)A . took B . followed C . found D . noticed (2)A . sad B . angry C . frightened D . amazed (3)A . waiting for B . thinking of C . looking at D . searching for (4)A . money B . life C . daughter D . clothes (5)A . how B . why C . when D . where (6)A . sent B . taken C . given D . come (7)A . cooked dinner B . made tea C . made cakes D . cooked breakfast (8)A . surprised B . excited C . afraid D . unhappy (9)A . might B . could C . should D . was able to (10)A . tired B . hurt C . caught D . worried 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(B)Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favourite food, but youd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients (营养物质) your body needs.Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When youre really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium (钙) your body needs to grow strong bones.Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.Fourth, limit (限制) screen times. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise, such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You cant watch TV for more than two hours a day.Fifth, be active. One thing youd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.(1)You should eat different foods especially .A . meatB . junk foodC . hamburgersD . fruit and vegetable(2)Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?A . Milk.B . Juice.C . Cold water.D . Cola.(3)According to the passage, you should follow rules if you want to be healthy.A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(4)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A . We should try to live in an active way in our life.B . You can eat your favourite food as much as possible.C . When youre eating, you dont have to notice how your body feels.D . Dont limit screen times.(5)Which is the best title of the passage?A . How to be active.B . How to make yourself important.C . How to make your parents healthy.D . How to be a healthy kid.18. (6分)阅读理解 Nowadays problems and worries are normal in our life. In order to deal with them, there are many ways, but I think asking others for help is a good way. Here are the examples.ProblemsAdvice I have a fear of the dark. When I am out camping with my friends, I can hardly sleep. Im so afraid. What can I do? -Jack Oh man. I was the same way when I was a kid! As I got older, I got over it, but if you arent there yet, try these tips. Firstly, try to think about what makes you afraid, and try to reason with yourself. Then think about pleasant things before going to bed. Besides, you could keep a small flashlight close to you, and put your sleeping bag over it so it gives off a weak light-Steve Keeping a flashlight nearby is a great idea. I like to read before going to bed to help clear my mind of worries. Just avoid reading anything scary!-Jenny Some of my friends make fun of me because Im scared of heights. What can I do to get over this fear? -Jane For this question, I want to say you should face your fear head on. In your mind, imagine going to the top of a building, starting on the lowest floor and making it up to higher floors, one at a time. By the time you get to the top floor, you shouldnt feel nervous! This will help you get over your fear of heights.-Steve I completely understand, heights arent my friend either. And were not alone. Its very common. What has helped me is to take a few deep breaths. It immediately relaxes me.-Jenny(1)Both Steve and Jenny advise Jack to _. A . use a flashlightB . read before bedC . think about pleasant thingsD . find out what makes him scared(2)We can learn from the passage that _. A . Steve wants Jane to climb stairs every dayB . Steve tells Jane to take a few deep breathsC . Jenny advises Jane to have a great imaginationD . Jenny feels pity for Jane because of the same feeling of fear(3)The passage is probably taken from _. A . a story bookB . a magazineC . a diaryD . a travel guide19. (10分)阅读理解Last year in the UK at least 45 people died and 900 more were injured (受伤的) in car accidents where drivers were using their mobile phonesYet many people continue to use them while driving even though its dangerous.Research has shown that it is difficult to concentrate on (专注于) driving and talking at the same timeIt can even be more dangerous than driving after drinking too much. A recent study found that when drivers were talking on their mobile phones,their stopping times were 30 percent slower than when they had drunk too muchand nearly 50 percent slower than when they were driving normally. It also found that drivers talking on mobile phones were less able to control their cars than drunk drivers.And talking isnt even the most serious problem, but texting is. Unbelievably, another recent study reported that 22 of adults admitted (承认) they had sent a text message while driving at least once in the past month. An average (平均的) text message takes 90 seconds to write and send. That means for one and a half minutes a driver is looking at their phones screen and not at the road. The arrival of new smart phones such as the iPhone will only make things worse as they will allow users to do more things than ever beforeUsing a mobile phone while driving puts others lives at risk. No matter how well we drive,if another driver is not careful,we are put in danger by their actions. Such drivers are selfish,careless and should have their driving licences (驾照) cancelled (撤销).There is no doubt that mobile phones can be fun and are useful,especially when youre in troubleBut there is no need to use them while driving. Just wait until you stop or you will probably get into trouble of your own. (1)The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to _.A . phone usersB . mobile phonesC . driversD . ears(2)According to the passage,if a driver needs 10 seconds to stop when driving normally, they will need _ seconds to stop when talking on a mobile phoneA . 12B . 13C . 14D . 15(3)According to the passage,in what order do the following activities influence driving?DangerousMore dangerousMost dangerousA . drinkingtalking on phonetextingB . textingtalking on phonedrinkingC . talking on phonedrinkingtextingD . drinkingtextingtalking on phone(4)Why will new types of mobile phones make the driving problem worse?A . It will take longer to send text messages.B . People will want to talk on their phones more often.C . There will be more things for people to do with their phones.D . People think the new phones are easier and safer to use.(5)According to the writer, what should be done to people who use mobile phones when driving?A . They should be put into prison (监狱).B . Their cars should be taken away.C . Their phones should be taken from them.D . They should not be allowed to drive any longer.20. (6分)阅读理解A Attraction- - RoadRiver(1)There are _ attractions in the map. A . 12B . 13C . 14D . 15(2)The Slender West Lake is to the _ of He Garden. A . northwestB . southwestC . northeastD . southeast(3)The mark of means “_”. A . houseB . lakeC . hillD . bridge四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)Do you know that the elephant is a _(象征) of good luck? 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据短文内容写出图中建筑物的名称。You are in the park. There is a big shop next to the park. There is a school near here. Its on the left side of the street. Between the school and the bank there is a hotel. A hospital is near the bank. Walk down Queen Street, and you will see a theatre on the First Street._六、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,补全文中所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。I had a great time on my trip to CanadaI went with two t_and all my classmatesI _my family at first but at the end of the holiday, I didnt want to go home!On my favorite day, we went on a really long walk in the mountainsWe had to c_all our things in bags on our backs(背)It was hard work, but we never got b_because we chatted(聊天)all


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