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六年级英语复习资料一 按顺序写出下列字母,注意大小写1_ G _ 2. _ t _ 3. o _ _ 4. _ _ L 5. X _ _ 6. _ x _ 7. _ y_ 8. D _ _ 9. _ R _ 10. _ _ w 11. _ B _ 12. _ _ O二单词填空,并写出汉语意思。1.l_tt_r () 2.te_m ( ) 3 c_la ( ) 4.c_nt ( ) 5._our ( ) 6.c_rd ( ) 7.du_k ( ) 8._s ( ) 9.m_ss ( ) 10.h_mb_rger ( ) 11.sp_cesh_p ( ) 12.p_l_t ( ) 13.m_st_ke ( ) 14.wo_ _y ( ) 15.ch_ld ( ) 16.en_oy ( ) 17 rin_ ( ) 18.ev_ry_ne ( ) 19.l_ud_y ( ) 20.no_sy ( ) 21.p_o_d ( ) 22.st_dy ( ) 23.c_ref_l ( ) 24.wr_ng ( ) 25.d_ll_r ( ) 26.st_irs ( ) 27.tr_mp_t ( ) 28.bas_b_ll ( ) 29.d_ _rb_ll ( ) 30.l_t_r ( ) 31.la_gh ( ) 32.h_rs_lf ( ) 33.c_p ( ) 34.pr_ct_se ( ) 35.m_d_l ( ) 36.und_rst_ _d ( ) 37.b_ _n ( ) 38.ball_ _n ( ) 39.shin_ ( ) 40.s_n ( )三将下列单词按要求变换(一)现在分词:1.ring_ 2.sing_ 3.look_ 4.shine_ 5.eat_ 6.swim_ 7.rain_ 8.sleep_ 9.play_ 10.come_ 11.have_ 12.buy_13.fall_ 14.fly_ 15.make_ 16.sit_ 17.call_ 18.talk_ 19.do_ 20.watch_ (二)过去式: 1.have_ 2.bring_ 3.become_ 4.write_ 5.spend_ 6.make_ 7.give_ 8.take_ 9.buy_ 10.fly_ 11.send_ 12.ride_ 13.eat_ 14.play_ 15.is_16.drink_ 17.see_ 18.watch_ 19.go_ 20.win_ 21.say_ 22.draw_ 23.learn_ 24.happen_ 25.put_ 四选出划线字母发音不相同的一项() 1.A.cola B.dollar C.careful D.practise( ) 2.A.became B.space C.card D.baseball( ) 3.A.mistake B.shine C.pilot D.child( ) 4.A.everyone B.be C.doorbell D.letter( ) 5.A.dollar B.wrong C.worry D.model( ) 6.A.cola B.balloon C.flew D.school( ) 7.hamburger B.practise C.understand D.laugh( ) 8.A.mess B.herself C.trumpet D.spent( ) 9.A.careful B.stairs C.there D.team( ) 10.A.doorbell B.baseball C.son D.born( ) 11.A.spaceship B.child C.later D.baseball( ) 12.A.model B.cola C.coat D.boat ( ) 13.A.loudly B.doorbell C.laugh D.letter( ) 14.A.cola B.careful C.card D.cent( ) 15.A.loudly B.cup C.study D.but 五将不同类型的单词符号填入前面括号内( ) 1.A.bus B.car C.cup ( ) 2.A.ten B.there C.thirteen( ) 3.A.bird B.boy C.girl ( ) 4.A.brother B.sister C.family( ) 5.A.are B.in C.under( ) 6.A.China B.American C.Russia( ) 7.A.please B.sit C.stand( ) 8.A.teacher B.student C.school( ) 9.A.red B.apple C.green( ) 10.A.Spring B.Summer C.weather( ) 11.A.sunny B.windy C.rain( ) 12.A.fish B.cola C.milk( ) 13.A.noodles B.hot dog C.tea( ) 14.A.going B.bought C.singing ( ) 15.A.hot B.cold C.cola( ) 16.A.windy B.snow C.rain ( ) 17.A.today B.Wednesday C.Monday( ) 18.A.ate B.is C.drank( ) 19.A.October B.September C.day( ) 20.A.Chemistry B.China C.Physics( ) 21.A.duck B.bike C.pig( ) 22.A.cup B.cap C.T-shirt六单词分类 A.Maths B.rain C.Sunday D.hot dog E.drew F.apple G.Monday H.windy I.won J.ScienceK.hamburger L.sunny M.Saturday N.became O.English食品: 动词过去式: 天气: 星期: 学科: 七(一)选出下列词组的汉语意思。( ) out of A.到处 ( )fly away B.棒球队( ) all over C.举行生日晚会 ( )make a vedio D. 往外( )play the trumpet E.太空旅行 ( )fall down F. 为感到骄傲( )a baseball team G.吹小号 ( )have a birthday party H.制作录像带( )space travel I.飘走 ( )be proud of J.掉下( )come back K.回来(二)连线 野餐 A.enjoy your meal 往窗外看 B.at half past twelve用餐愉快 C.make mistake在12点半 D.pick up 怎么啦? E.What a mess!犯错误 F.was born in 生于 G.have a picnic全世界 H.look out of the window捡起来 I.all over the world 好脏啊! J.Whats the matter?八选择题1.What you want to eat ? A:do B: is C: are2.We are going to a picnic . A: having B: have C:has 3.Its going to snow in Harbin. A:be B: is C:X4.The sun is . A: shining B:shine C:tree5.Im looking out the window . A: in B: on C: on 6.The apples falling down the stairs. A: was B: is C: are7.He is riding his bike, its starting to rain. A: but B: and C: or8.Daming is back in China his family. A:in B:with C:on 9.Shenzhou V flew space. A: in B:off C:into10.He spent twenty-one hours in space. A:with B:about C:in11.Pigs are sleeping the tree. A:in B:on C:under12.The birds are in the trees. A:sing B:singing C:sang13.This book interesting. A: looking B:look C:looks14.I cant carry all. A:they B:them C:their15.In this photo, The ducks our picnic. A:eat B:eating C:are eating 16.China a man into space in this spaceship. A:will sent B:send C:sent17.ShenzhouV flew into space Yang Liwei. A:and B:but C:with18.I middle school this September. A:is going to B:am going to C:going19.Im really . A:excited B:exciting C:excite20.Whats the matter? A:a B:an C:the 21.I didnt “cups”, I “caps”. A: say , say B: said , said C: say , said22.I wanted you to the baseball caps. A:bring B:bronght C:brings23.Helen Keller was born . A: in 1880 B: on 1880 C: at 188024.Helen Keller was a girl. A: blind B:deaf C:A and B25.In this photo, The birds singing in the trees. A:am B is C:are26.- can help me ? A:What B:When C:Who27.Shes talking to her friend, her phone is ringing. A: and B:but C:with28.Why are you laughing ? A:Im happy B:Im sad C: Im tired29. Ill miss you! A:Ill miss you,too B:Sorry, you cant C:Youre welcome30.A; is it ? B:Its one dollar and twenty cents. A:How many B:How much C: how often31.Look! It rain soon. A: is B: is going to C:was32.Why are you wearing a raincoat? its going to rain. A: because B:Because C:became33.Shes playing, her mother is calling. A:and B:but C:or34.Helen Keller see but she read. A:could could B:couldnt couldnt C:couldnt could35.The balloons are away. A:fly B:flying C:fall36.I you this book about America.A:bought B:buy C:brought37.Lots of people saw Yang Liweis video now he is very famous. A: and B:but C:or38.Im to study English. A:going B:go C:went九根据问句选择相应的答句。( ) 1.How much is it ? ( )2.Whats the matter?( )3.What happened to him? ( )4.What time is it ?( )5.Why are you wearing a raincoat?( )6.When are we going to eat ?( )7.What do you want? ( )8.Who can help me?( )9.Who gave it to you ? ( )10.Where are you going?( )11.Wheres your mum? ( )12.Whats this, Daming?( )13.Whats it about? ( )14.When was he born?( )15.What are you going to study?( )16.What are you going to do?A:Im going to Dalian. B: Sorry, I cant.C:Because its going to rain. D:I want a cola, please.E:Its twelve. F:Were going to eat at 12:30G:Its 5 yuan H:Simons family gave it to me.I:Why are you laughing? J:He became blind in 1812.K:Its for playing baseball. L:He was born in 1809.M:Shes at the supermarket. N:Its about America.O:Im going to go to the park.P:Im going to study Chinese.十将问句与答语用线连接起来。What day is it today? Its twenty dollars and five cents.Who gave it to you ? Its about China.How much is it? FridayWhats it about? At twelveWhen are we going to eat? Lingling gave it to me.十一将英汉互译合适的句子搭配起来。( )1.We had a picnic. ( )2.I am looking out of the window.( )3.He spent about twenty-one hours in space.( )4.We are going to study English. ( )5.I bought a book for my father.( )6.I want a hot dog, please. ( )7.The ducks are eating our picnic.( )8.Look! Its going to rain soon. ( )9.I miss everyone in China.( )10.The sun is shining. ( )11.I can help you.( )12.Happy birthday, Daming! ( )13.The ducks are very noisy.( )14.We are going to walk around the lake.( )15.What a mess! ( )16.Daming is having a birthday party.( )17.He is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.( )18.I bought you this book.( )19.In October 2003, ShenzhouV flew into space with Yang Liwei.( )20.ShenzhouV flew into space.( )21.First he became a pilot, then he became a taikonaut.( )22.Helen Keller was born in 1880.( )23.She became blind and deaf.( )24.Helen Keller wrote a book about herself.( )25.Were going to have a baseball team.( )26.I dont understand.A:我给爸爸买了一本书。 B:我们举行了一次野餐。C:我们将要学习英语。 D:我正在往窗外看。E:他在太空大约度过了21个小时。F:我可以帮助你。 G:我想要一个热狗。H:大明,生日快乐! I:看,快要下雨了。J:我思念中国的每个人。 K:鸭子正在吃我们的野餐。L:阳光照耀! M:大明正在举行一场生日晚会。N:这些鸭子很吵。 O:2003年10月。神舟五号带着杨利伟飞入太空。P:我们打算沿着湖边散步。Q:我给你买了这本书。R:好脏啊! S:他正在吹小号,但是电话响了。T:首先他成为一个飞行员,然后成为一个宇航员。U:海伦凯勒生于1880年。 V:海伦凯勒写了一本自传。W:神舟五号飞入太空。 X:我不明白。Y:我们要建一个棒球队。 Z:她变得又瞎又聋。十二。连线Its easy to make mistakes with Chinese. 你们为什么跑?Why are you laughing? 我真的很激动。Im really excited. 在英语方面很容易犯错误。What are you going to study? 不要担心Lots of children are learning Chinese in England. 我也会想你的。Dont worry! 你打算学习什么?Ill miss you, too. 许多英国的孩子都在学习汉语。十三.读一读,用所给词语填空。rode ate went watched played drank saw bought 1.Daming a cola in the zoo.2.Sam TV yesterday.3.Linging swimming last Sunday.4.I a book for my brother.5.Daming and Sinmon their bike.6.We football very well.7.They their favorite team.8.She a hamburger in the restaurant.十四. 用“but”和“and”填写句子。1.Hes eating dinner, the doorbell is ringing.2.Shes playing , her mother is calling.3.Shenzhou V flew into space Yang Liwei was inside.4.I bought a new dress I like it very much.5.Yang Liweis son saw his father in space he was very proud of him.6.Daming is playing the trumpet again now the doorbell is ringing.十五.用“could”和“couldnt”填空。1.Helen Keller see but she learn.2.She hear but she speak.3.When I was a baby. I see but I read.4.Helen Keller see and hear.5.Later, Helen Keller read and write.十六.选择正确的单词填空。A: become B: became C: Childs D: Childrens E:saw F:watched G:pick H: is picking1.As a small child, Helen Keller blind and deaf.2.6月1日被称为: Day!3.Look! The boy up the apples.4.She TV yesterday.十七.根据句意和汉语意思,在横线上填写单词的适当形式。1.Why have you got (杯子) on your heads?2.He spent about twenty-one (小时) in space.3.Its going to (下雨) in Dalian.4.The (苹果) are falling down the ( 楼梯).5.Im making Damings birthday (卡片).6.I made lots of (错误) with English.十八.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Look! The ducks are (eat) our picnic.2.What do you want (eat)?3.Helen Keller couldnt (hear).4.In this photo, the sun is (shine).5.Why are you (laugh)?6.It (look) interesting.7.When are we (go ) to eat, mum?8.Its going to (snow)in Harbin.9.In this photo, the birds are (sing) in the trees.10.The balloons are (fly) away.11.Daming is (have) a birthday party.12.I (buy)you this book.13.Simons family (give) it to me.14.Yang Liwei (spend) about twenty-one hours in space.15.In October2003, ShenzhouV (fly) into space with Yang Liwei.16.Lots of people (see) Yang Liweis video.17.Helen Keller (become) blind and deaf.18.The teacher (draw) letters in Helens hand.19.Why have you got (cup) on your heads?20.Daming and Sam (ride) their bicycies last Sunday.十九.选择适当的疑问词填空。Why who what when where how how much 1.A: gave it to you ? B:Zhangwei gave it to me.2.A: are you? B: Im fine, Thank you!3.A: are you crying ? B: Because Im sad.4.A: are you going to study? B: Im going to study English.5.A: is it? B: Its five yuan.6.A: are you going to go? B: Im going to go to Beijing.7.A: are we going to have a picnic? B:Its 12:30二十.连词成句。1. is a party birthday Daming . having 2. I you this . bought book3. interesting . it looks4. he was in 1970 . born5. the ? is what matter6. ? can I English speak7. are what ? you to going study8. are going ? they summer this what to do 9. you what ? to do drink want10. going have to . we are picnic a11. snow it is to . in Harbin going12. is sun shining the 13. window out . of am I the looking14. making . birthday Damings Im card15. flying are balloons . the away16. down stairs . the apples falling are the17. into flew ShenzhouV . space18. is about what it ?19. spent twenty-one space in he about hours . 20. rain it . is to going because21. was name his . Louis Braille22. speak . to Chinese are we going二十一.句子翻译1. 用餐愉快! 2好脏呀! 3怎么啦? 4. 我生于1997年。 5我能帮助你吗? 6给你 7多少钱? 8几点了? 9这张照


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