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A-2008143-1 房 屋 安 全 鉴 定 报 告 Building Safety Appraisal Report项目负责人Project Manager审 核 人Audited by批 准 人Approved by 签 发 机 构 Issuing Agency 发 文 日 期 年 月 日Issuing Date 鉴定报告包括以下内容:1. 基本情况。2. 房屋概况。3. 现场检测结果。4. 工程检测结果。5. 复核计算结果。6. 房屋损坏原因分析。7. 鉴定结论及处理意见。8. 本鉴定报告共 5页。This appraisal report include the following contents:1、 General information.2、Overall conditions of the building.3、Results of site-testing.4、Results of engineering testing.5、Results of recomputation.6、Analysis of the causes of building damages.7、Conclusion of the appraisal and treatment recommendations.8、This appraisal report consists of 5 pages in total.注:报告内容中4、5项不是每处房屋鉴定都需要,应视实际发生而定。Note: Item 4 or 5 listed above is not required in all building appraisals and should be provided on a case-by-case basis.注 意 事 项1、鉴定结论依据危险房屋鉴定标准(JGJ12599)、建筑抗震鉴定标准(GB5002395)和有关技术规范提出。2、项目负责人、审核人、批准人三级签字均应符合北京市房屋安全鉴定工作管理办法的要求,签发机构应填写鉴定机构的全称,并加盖公章方为有效。3、鉴定结论为安全使用的,房屋安全鉴定报告自签发之日起一年内有效,当鉴定为危险房屋或局部危险房屋时,请按解危时限及时处理。4、一般情况本报告仅对检验时的房屋现状负责。5、本报告结论有异议时,请于鉴定报告签发之日起十五日内持本鉴定报告向北京市房屋鉴定管理所书面申请复核鉴定。Notices1、The conclusion of this appraisal report is provided on the basis of the Standard of Dangerous Building Appraisal (JGJ125-99) 、Standard for Seismic Appraiser of Buildings (GB50023-95), as well as other relevant technical codes.2、This report must be duly signed by the three levels of authority. Including the Project Manager 、the Appraiser and the Approver. incompliance with the requirements of the Administrative Measures on the Management of Building Safety Appraisal in Beijing. The issuing agency shall present its name in full and attach an official stamp to its name in order to make this report effective.3、If the conclusion of the appraisal is “safe for use” , the Building Safety Appraisal Report will remain valid for a period of one year commencing from the issuing date ;if the building has been appraised to be “dangerous” or “partially dangerous” ,such building must be treated within the timeframe set for the treatment of “dangerous buildings.4、In general , the appraiser of this report is only responsible for the conditions of the building at time when the building is being appraised.5、If there any objection to the conclusion of this appraisal report ,a written application can be filed with Beijing Building Appraisal Administrative office for an audit of the appraisal within 15 days upon receipt of this appraisal report. 基本情况及鉴定结论 p:1申请人(单位)联系人 电 话 所有权人(单位) 使用人(单位) 房屋名称 结构类型 房屋地址 建筑面积 鉴定结论本鉴定仅针对云南省*档案馆馆舍结构。根据检测结果,依据民用建筑可靠性鉴定标准GB 50292-1999、危险房屋鉴定标准JGJ125-99(2004年版)等规范评定分析如下:1、该馆使用性符合GB 50292-1999规范中Css级房屋要求,既该房屋已经不能满足正常使用要求,应对房屋维护结构进行翻修。2、该档案馆楼板结构荷载承载力远低于12KN/m2要求,其结构安全性不能满足档案馆的使用要求,依据GB 50292-1999、JGJ125-99(2004年版)规范,该档案馆处于D级房屋状态整幢危险房屋,不宜做为档案馆使用。3、该档案馆抗震横墙间距、圈梁设置、构造柱设置等大部分抗震措施和墙体砖、砂浆的强度等级不符合建筑抗震鉴定标准GB50023-2009中云南地区8度抗震设防要求,应进行加固处理。4、建议对该档案馆进行落地翻建或选址重建。项目负责人参加鉴定人员 年 月 日 房 屋 概 况 P:2房屋名称房屋地址设计单位施工单位建筑年代年原用途现用途总 长 度(m)檐 高(m)层 数层一、房屋概况现场检测、工程检测、复核计算结果,房屋损坏原因分析,鉴定结论,处理意见。 P:3二、现场检测结果年 月 日 ,我单位对云南省*档案馆馆舍进行了现场检查,结果如下


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