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47期轮机英语考试题目一单项选择题A1.The_ engine is used for alternators and some times for main propulsion provide a propeller of between 90 to 120 rpm. A.four-stroke B.two-stroke. C.slow speed D.reversibleB2.The abbreviation”MIP”stands for_,A.middle indicating pressure B.mean indicated pressure C.mean pitch D.middle indicated powerD3.The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its_.A.viscosity B.acid content C.heating value D.ignition qualityC4.In a two-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at_the enging rotational speed.A.half B.twice C.the same speed as D.four timesD5.A diesel enging is similar to a gasoline engine except that the former has no _.A.cross-head B.cylinder C.connecting rod D.spark plugC6.It is easier to replace a dry cylinder liner than a wet one because_.A.of the thin wall thickedssB.honing makes it easier to maintain the desired oil filmC.water seals are not requiredD.it fits more loosely due to a decrease in heat transfer through the composite wall D7.A main bearing consists of two shells which are secured by means of studs and_.A.tie rods B.though bolts C.lead wires D.bearing capsC8.However fast or slow the combustion rate,it is still a_between carbon,hydrogen,sulph and oxygen that releases heat.A.physical deformation B.state exchangeC.chemical reaction D.coalescenceA9.During the fuel injection period,fuel pressure must exceed cylinder gas pressure to_.A.ensure penetration and distribution of the fuel in the combustion chamberB.ensure the needle valves is flushed clean duringeach injectionC.prevent combustion gas blowback into the open needle valveDprevent reflected pressure waves when the neddle valve close.B10.In a diesel engine lube oil system ,which of the following parts should be lubricated first?A.Camshaft bearings B.Main bearings C.Piston crowns D.Cylinder walls B11.In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system,the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled by the _,A.suction pressure regulator B.thermostatic bypass valve C.sea water temperature D.water level in the expansion tankC12.Which of diesel engine compnents listed increases air density and helps to improve engine operating efficiency?A.Impeller B.Air bottle C.Air cooler D.Exhaust diffuserB13.A large two-stroke/cycle direct reversing diesel engine is to be revered. Prior to the admission of starting air you must_.A.line up the engine for restarting with diesel oilB.reposition the fuel injection camC.change the intake and exhaust valve cam positionsD.place the starting cam in the intermediate positionC14.Which of the listed governer characteristics will greatly affect the load sharing relationship between paralleled diesel generators?A.Sensitivity B.Power C.Speed droop D.Compensation C15.Thermocouple pytometers are used on large,main propulsion diesel engines to indicate the temperature of the _.A.cooling water leaving each cylinder B.fuel oil entering the injectorC.exhaust gases atvarious loactionsD.lube oil at the bearing suppliesB16.After starting a diesel engine,which of the listed oprating conditions should be checked first?A.Air box pressure B.Lube oil pressure C.Exhaust temperatures D.Raw water pressureC17.To shut down a diesel engine after it exceeds the set maximum speed ,which type of device listed should be used?A.Speed limiting governor B.Over-speed governor C.Over-speed trip D.Over-speed relay A18.The treatment of the fuel oils involves storage,heating,filtering and_.A.centrifuging B.pressurizing C.atomization D.ignitingB19.A propeller,in order to operate efficiently,must rolate at a relatively_ speedA.high B.low C.fast D.lowlyA20.Latcnt heat changes the_ of water.A.physical-state B.temperature C.atmospheric-pressure D.sensible-pressureC21.The primary function of a flame safeguard system, as used on am automatically fired auxiliary boiler,is toprevent_.A.accidental dry firing and overpressure B.uncontrolled fires in the furnace C.explosions in the boiler furnace D.overheating of the pressure partsA22.Improper maintenance of the fule oil burners in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler could resuit in_.A.increased fule consumption B.increased feed-water consumption C.fule pump failure D.combustion control systerm failureA23.Bumer ignition failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler could result in_.A.a burned out solenoid in the oil supply valva B.high tempersure excess air C.incorrectly setting the hot-welldump valveD.an incorrectly positioned burner smubber(缓冲器)relaryB24.If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler,the cause may be_.A.high steam pressure in the boiler B.abnormally high feed-water tempreture C.abnormally high boiler water temperature D.steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity0C25.Gear pumps are of positive displacement type pumps because they discharge a near constant amount of liquid_pressure.A.depending on B.in relative C.regardless D.because ofC26.A supr gear pump should be operated with the discharge valves_.A.slightly opened B.thorttled C.fully opened D.halfway openedC27.An independent bilge suction is reqired for_.A.ballast tanks B.sludge tanks C.machinery space bilges D.cargo hold bilgesA28.To thoroughly pump out the bilges ueing a horizontally mounted centrifugal pump,the_.A.pump must always be primedB.volute must impart a radial and rotary motion of the waterC.suction side connectin must guide the liquid to the lantern ringsD.stuffing box should not be allowed any water leakageB29.An inadequate reciprocating bilge pump discharge ismost often caused by_.A.defective safety valves B.clogged suction stainersC.scarred cylinder walls D.clogged drain valvesB30.In a compression refrigeration plant,the hot,high pressure refrigerant gas is cooled by the sea water and becomes liquid in the_.A.compressor B.condenser C.throttle valve D.evaporatorD31.The_only allows for adjustment of temperature in each room by the occupant manually controlling the air volurne admitted.A.central air conditioning system B.high velocity system C .low velocity system D.single duct systemD32.The opening of the humidifiers valva of air-conditioner should be_,when the circurnstanc temperature is raised to above 58 0C in the winter.A.desreased B.increased C.fixed D.closedC33.Under normal conditions,the quantity of air circulation becomes less and less.Whatis the reason?A.dirty dclivery ducts B.too mush refrigerantC.the fouling filters D.high temperature outsideD34.When bilge water is heated in a holding tank,which one of the following statementsis not accurate?A.The relative high temperature facilitates primary gravity separationB.Most of the oil and organic solvenits are rised to the top layerC.The relative high the temperature is, the more the top oil wil be collectedD.The normal high temperature has little use on the separation of emuslsified oil.C35.If scparating efffct of the oily water separeator is not good, we can improve it by_.A.flushing separator with cold water B.increasing bilge water supply flowC.heat oily wather properlyD.opening manual oil discharge vavleC36.Which is the pollution prevention equipmen?A.booster pump B.evaporator C.incinerator D.coolerB37When does auxiliary burner of rotary nozzle type incinerator put into use? .when igniting .the waste oil for dealing-water is too mush .before stopping incineratorA.+ B.+ C.+ D+A38.When anacrobic bacteria cinvert the sewage to an inert sludge,_.A.no oxygen is needed B.oxygen is necessaryC.oxygen is given off D.no gas is produced.C39.For a I.O purifier, if the back pressure of the oil outlet ie too high, the interface between oil and water in the bolw will_.A.be interrupted B.move downwardsC.move outwards D.retain original positionA40.When scperating the lube oil without additive,it is ususlly working with hot waher; the aim isto remove_from it.A.acid B.oil sludge C.mechanical impurity D.salinityC41. If the bolw of a disk type centrifugal purifier when opened as a separator is not primed the_.A.oil has a tendency to emulsify in the bowlB.purifier wil act as a clarifier at the discharge ringC.oil wil act lost through the water discharge portsD.oil solids will be dsposited only at the intermediate top diskB42.Tube leaks in the distillate cooler of a two stage flash evaporator will result in_.A.loss of secong stage vacuum B.contamination of the distillateC.lower feed inlet tempercratureD.contarnination of the second stage condenserB43.Small droplets of water entrained in the flashed vapor produced in a flash-type evaporator,are removed by the_.A.spray pipes B.demisters C.condensers D.splash bafflesB44.Overflow valve usually be used to_.A.control the fluid flow through itB.prevent the pressure before overflow valve over the specified valueC.make the pressure after overflow valve steadyD.control the direction of oil flowA45.Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to convert menchanical into hydraulic energy?A.the hydraulic pumps B.valvesC.hydraulic cylinders D.hydraulic motorsC46.Cargo handing unit is rated according to the_.A.cargo crane B.jib C.safe working load D.oil pressureC47.The part of the anchor windlass that cngages the anchor chain for lifting is called the_.A.warping head B.fairleadC.wildcat D.capstanD48.In automatic_,the which may be overhanled and wire is piad off the barrel at a pre-determined maximum tension.A.cranes B.windlass C.capstans D.mooring winchesD49.The major source of chemical contaminants in hydraulic fluid is_,A.microscopic steel shavings B.abrasive waste C.anti-oxidant compounds D.oxidation by-productsB50.Before doing any work on a hydraulic system equippe with accumulators , you should _.A.drain the accumulators and purge with oxygenB.bleed off all stored energy from the accumulators completelyC.charge the accumulators to prevent system energy lossD.pupm the hydraulic fluid into the accumulators to prevent fluid lossB51. One factor that determines the frequency of an alternator is the_.A.number of turns of wire in the armature coil B.number of magnetic poles C.strength of the magnets used D.output voltageA52.The frequency of an operating altemator is controlled by the_.A relative speed of the rotor poles B number of tums of wire in the armature coilC strenghth of the magnets usedD output voltageC53.Prior to closing the breaker when paralleling two AC generators,the recommended practice is to have the frequency of incoming machine_.A slightly less then line frequencyB the same as the line frequencyC shightly less than the line frequencyD have nothing to do with the line frequencyC54.If two A.C.generators are to be operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by_.A means of rheostat B a balance coilC adjusting the govemor settings D changing exciationB55.The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to_.A.collect all available data on a casualty B.recognize normal operation C.identify the probable cause of a symptom D.isolate the faulty componentD56._ is (are) not power supplied by main switchboard directly.A.Steering gear and windlass B.Navigation light and radio power panel C.Navigation device power box D.Daily fresh water pump C57.The emergency generation or emergency battery is connected to_ on most large ships.A.distribution boards B.section boards C.emergency switch boards D.main switch boardsA58_ connectors hold best if a wire is accidentally pulled or a connection becomes loose A.Ring type B.Fork type C.Spade type D.Push on, pull off typeA59.The primary function of an electric motor is to_.A.Develop torque B.generate high voltages C.peoduce a magnetic field D.generate high electrical resistanceB60 Fusos placed in series with a thermal trip-type circuit breaker are used for_.A.time-delay protection B.short-circuit protectionC.short duration surge protection D.sustained overlaod protectionD61.Shore power must be_during dock repair.A.disconnected B.switched off C.cut off D.connectedB62.The operator of electrical motors should keep a constant check on the loads they carry because_.A.low loads necessitate frequent insulation cleaningB.exceeding nameplate values shortens useful lifeC.energy is wasted if full loading is not utilizedD.power factor correction methods are load dependentB63.Before a marine diesel engine is started the cylinders and pistons must be_.A.cooled to appropriate temperatureB.warmed up gradually to appropriate temperatureC.opened up and renewedD.ground and polishedA64._is a precaution which contributees to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.A.Constant inspection B.Keeping constant loadC.Remaining constant temperature D.Varying speedC65.During ship manoeuvering,when the diesel is stopped,which of the following items is wrong?A.keep all systems running normallyB.main engine is available at any momentC.shut off the starting air bottle outlet valveD.pay attention to the changes of the system parametersA66.A tank which has been scaled for a long period of time can be dangerous because_.A.steel surfaces consume oxygen by rustingB.sealed tanks usually form a vacuum C.moisture condenses in the tank,displacing the oxygen D.most tanks coatings give off poisonous vapors in the presence of moisture B67.The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is_.A.ClassA B.ClassB C.ClassC D.ClassDA68.Fire in escaping flammable gas are quickly brought under control by_.A.stopping the flow of gas B.reducing the chemical chain reaction C.increasing the oxygen supply D.cooling below the autoignition pointD69.Which of the following stateements is ture coucerning carbon dioxide when used as a fire extinguishing agent?A.Carbon dioxide is corrosive when exposed to fire.B.Carbon dioxide should be applised slowly to a large engine room fire.C.Its total cooling effect is far greater than water D.Its smothering effect is excellent for class B firesC70.While on watch in the engine room,you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm,Which of the following actions should you take?A.Make an entry in the official logbook.B.Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system.C.Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D.Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge.B71.To determine that a compartment contains sufficient oxygen to sustain life,you should use a/an_.A.explosimeser B.oxygen indicator C.fresh air indicator D.emergency escape breathing deviceD72.If the overflow tank high-level alarm sounds while the fuel oil tanks are being topped off,the engineer should_.A.close the static leg filling valve B.close the overflow tank filling valve C.reduce the oil pumping rate D.stop the fuel oil pumping operationB73.The_tool is used in precision work to smooth or enlarge a slightly undersized hole.A.round out B.round life C.reamer D.hole drillerC74.During the dock repair,each sea valve must be disassembled,cleaned and ground well,the sealing surface between the valve and the valve seat should be checked and ratified by_before reassembled.A.chief engineer B.surveyor C.the engineer D.the technique personnel of the shipyardC75.The additional mark_in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station is unmanned periodically.A.BRC B.MCC C.AUT-O D.AUT-1D76.The Oil Record Book, as a part of the ships official logbook , shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of_.A.3 years after making the first entry B.2 years after the last entry C 3months after last entry D.3 years after the last entryD77.The valid period of the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate on board isnt more than _.A.one year B.two years C.four years D.five years D78.During the PSC inspection, under the provisions of SOLAS 74, which one may not be regarded as clear grounds for ships detainment?A.failure of the proper operation of emergency generatorB.insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil C.improper operation of bilge pumping arrangementsD.damaged sanitary pumpA79.“Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers” is an identification of a _.A.substandard ship B.standard ship C.over-standard ship D.regerence ship B80.STCW 78/95 Convention shall apply to seafarers_on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.A.served B.serving C.surveyed D.surveyingC81.All engineer officers and enginer room ratings shall be aware of the serious cffects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment and shall take all possible_to prevent such pollution, particularly within the framework of relevant international and port regulations.A.steps B.procedures C.precautions D.programsA82When the ord


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