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Unit2I llhelpcleanupthecitypark SectionB1a 1e Leadin Whatwillyoudoifyouhavesuchabrokenbike 学习目标 1 熟练掌握新单词 repair fix broken wheel短语 runoutof takeafter fixup giveaway2 学习用动词短语造句子 repairfixfixupgiveawaytakeafterbrokenwheel v 修理 修补v 修理 安装修理 装饰赠送 捐赠 外貌或行为 像adj 破损的 残缺的n 车轮 轮子 Wordsandexpressions 预习检查 预习本页的生词及短语 完成下列内容 Matchthesentenceswithsimilarmeanings I verunoutofit Itakeaftermymother Ifixeditup Igaveitaway Irepairedit Idon thaveanymoreofit Iamsimilartoher Ididn tkeepit b c a d Task1 Matchthephrasalverbswiththenouns Thenmakesentenceswiththephrases 1b runoutoftakeafterfixupgiveaway mybikemoneymyfatheroldclothes Task2 I myoldbookstothepoorchildreninthevillage giveaway Thegirl hermoneyonclothes ranoutof Lily hermother takesafter Mybikehasbrokendown soIwill fixitup 1 Igaveawaymybiketoachildren shome 2 3 4 5 Itookaftermyfather Igaveawaymyoldclothestothepoorkid Iranoutofmymoneylastweekend Ifixupmybikeandgiveitaway Pleasemakeothersentenceswiththesephrases Listening Listenandnumberthepictures 1 4 inthecorrectorder 1c Task3 1c Listenandnumberthepictures 1 4 inthecorrectorder 1 2 3 4 1d Listenagain CircleTfortrueorFforfalse F T F T Jimmy or oldbikes nobodywants Thenhe thebikesand them tokids don thaveenoughmoneytobuytheirownbikes That sfantastic Whatgavehimtheidea Heguesshe hisfather Butnowhehas moneytobuyanymoreoldbikes heneedsto somewayofgettingmoney Listenagainandfillintheblanks finds buys that fixesup gives away who takesafter runoutof comeupwith 疑难探究 fixup意为 相当于 名词做宾语时 可放在 或 代词做宾语应放在 Mywatchisbroken Couldyouhelpme A fixitupB putitupC setitupD makeitup 修理 修补 repair 后面 中间 中间 A 1 Ididn tfinishwritingmymathtestbecauseI 用完了 thetime 2 Mr Coolhas 修理 thebike 3 Yesterdaymymother 赠送 myoldpenstomycousin 4 Mr Greenlosttwo 车轮 ofhisnewbike ranoutof fixedup gaveaway 根据汉语提示完成句子 每空一词 wheels 当堂训练 5 Lucy 相像 hergrandmother 6 Theoldtrousersareso 破损的 thathecouldn twearthemanymore 7 Don t 张贴 theposteronthewall 8 Yourp
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