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Howdoyougettoschool Unit3 SectionA1a 1c Warming upLookandSay train takethe 乘火车 car takethe bus takethe subway takethe taxi takethe plane takethe ship takethe boat takethe bike rideabicycle ridea ridethe motorbike walk ridethe electricbike Listenandguesswhatitis car motorbike train plane ship bike bicycle subway Games d e b c Howdoyougettoschool Iwalktoschool Iridemybiketoschool Howdoyougettoschool Itakethebustoschool Itaketheshiptoschool Itakethetraintoschool Itakethesubwaytoschool Howdoyougettoschool ridethebicycle takethebus takethetrain takethesubway takethetaxi Pairwork walk A Howdoyougettoschool B Itakethebus A Howaboutyou B I Howdoeshegettoschool Heridesabiketoschool Hegoestoschoolbybike Hetakesabustoschool Hegetstoschoolbybus Howdoeshegettoschool Shetakesthesubwaytoschool Howdoesshegettoschool Shegoestoschoolbysubway Heridesabike Hegetstoschoolbybike Howdoeshegettoschool Hewalkstoschool Hegetstoschoolonfoot Guess Howdoesshegotowork Shetakesatrain Shegoestoworkbytrain Howdoesshegotowork Shetakesataxi Shetakesaship Howdoeshegotowork Hetakesasubway subway 1 Bob2 Mary4 Paul5 YangLan3 John6 Jim 1 2 5 4 3 Listening 6 1c BobtakesthebusPaulwalksYangLantakesthetrainMarytakesthesubwayJohnrideshisbikeJim A HowdoesMarygettoschool B Shetakesthesubwaytoschool Pairwork Task1Makeasurvey 做调查 Askthreeorfourclassmatesthefollowingquestion thenreportlikethis Question Howdoyougettoschool Report Inmygroup walkstoschool takesthecartoschool goestoschoolbybus and ridetheirbikestoschool WhereareyougoingonNationalDay Howareyougoing Task2 A Hello howareyou B I mfinethanks NationalDayiscoming wheredoyouwanttogo Makeconversationslikethis A IwanttogotoBeijing B Oh thatsoundsinteresting buthowdoyougettoBeijing A ItakethetraintogettoBeijing 按照图画内容完成下列句子 1 Howdoyougettoschool Igettoschool I toschool 3 HowdoyougettoXi an IgettoXi an I toXi an 2 Howdoyougettoschool Igettoschool I toschool byboat taketheboat bytrain takethetrain bybus takethebus Exercises 5 Howdoesshegettoschool Shegetstoschool She toschool 4 Howdoeshegettoschool Hegetstoschool He toschool 6 Howdotheygettoschool Theygettoschool They toschool bycar takesthecar bybicycle ridesthebicycle byplane air taketheplane Phrase takethebus taketheboat takethesubway takethetaxi taketheship takethetrain driveacar rideabike walk bybus byboat bysubway bytaxi byship bytrain bycar bybike onfoot Summary taketheplane air byplane air 1 take 限定词 a an the my his 交通工具 单数 乘坐 take 交通工具复数 eg Hetakesthebustoschool Hetakesbusestoschool 2 by 交通工具 乘坐 eg Hegoestoschoolbybus bybus bycar byair byplane byship bysea 注意 Hegoestoschoolbyabus Hegoestoschoolbybuses takethecar takecars Summary 区别 takethebus是动词短语 bybus是介词短语 转换 takethebusto 地点 goto 地点 bybus 练习 同义句转化 Tomtakesthecartogohome Maryridesthebiketoschool 注意 Shewalkstoschool Shegoestoschoolonfoot Tomgoeshomebycar Marygoestoschoolbybike Sum


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