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住户问卷调查表尊敬的业主:您好!为提升 的生活品质, 公司营销部联合 物业管理有限公司 共同进行本年度的住户意见问卷调查。希望能够得到您的意见反馈,并从中了解您对本园区的意见,以及对我们工作上的建议,您的意见反馈将是我们改进的方向,您的一函倾诉将为我们的家园贡献更多的温暖。 请您抽空填妥下面表格,于2010年春节前交回售楼处或通知物业客服人员上门领取,我们将赠送精美礼品一份以感谢您对我们工作的大力支持。祝新年快乐! PERSONAL DATA 个人资料1.My house number我的房号 2. I have been living in Dragon Bay Villa for o1 month o2-6 month o 1 year 我在此处居住已有 1个月 2至6个月 少于1年 3.I am living here as oOwner oTenantoCompany house我使用此房是 业主 租户 公司用房PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 物业管理方面GENERAL excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1)总的情况 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Overall evaluation o oooo整体服务2. Compared to other similar villaso oooo与其它园区比较3. Environment o oooo小区环境MANAGERS excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1)管理层 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Accessibilityo oooo易接近程度2. Flexibilityo oooo灵活性3. Initiativeo oooo主动性4. Services attitude and timeliness o oooo服务的态度和及时性5. Overall compared to beforeo oooo与以前比较Other comments: 其它意见: SECURITY MEASURE excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1)保安方面 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. I feel the security measure areo oooo整体感觉2. Services attitude and timeliness o oooo服务的态度和及时性3. Security management o oooo小区内的治安管理4. Vehicle management o oooo小区内的车辆管理5. Emergency handlingo oooo紧急情况处理6. Overall compared to beforeo oooo与以前比较Other comments: 其它意见: ENGINEERING excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1)工程部 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Expertiseo oooo员工专业知识2. Service efficiencyo oooo工作速度3. Services attitude and timeliness o oooo服务的态度和及时性4. Cleaning after repairingo oooo完工后的收尾工作5. Following up on outstanding worko oooo对未完工作的跟进6. Overall compared to beforeooooo与以前比较Other comments: 其它意见: RECEPTION STAFF excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1)客务部员工 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Language ability (English)o oooo英文水平2. General capabilitieso oooo知识水平3. Services attitude and timelinesso oooo服务的态度和及时性4. Following upo oooo跟进方面及主动性5. Overall compared to beforeo oooo与以前比较Other comments: 其它意见: HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1)管家部服务 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Services attitude and timelinesso oooo服务态度和及时性2. Environmental Health ooooo卫生保洁情况3. Garden Service ooooo园林服务4. Rubbish cleaning ooooo垃圾清运情况5. Overall compared to beforeooooo与以前比较Other comments: 其它意见: EQUIPMENT 设施设备 excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. City water qualityo oooo自来水水质2. Spring Water o oooo温泉水3. Satellite TVo oooo卫星电视4. Gas System o oooo燃气系统5. House heating o oooo采暖6. Air Conditioner o oooo空调PUBLIC AREAS 公共区域excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Creation of Natural environmento oooo对自然的观感2. Styleo oooo 规化设计方面3. Cleanliness and neatnesso oooo小区内的清洁保洁4. Public Facilities Management o oooo公共设施管理、服务5.Overall compared to beforeo oooo与以前比较Other comments: 其它意见: PLANNING & DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE规划设计及园林景观excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Overall evaluation o oooo建筑整体外观2. Effect o oooo小区景观效果3. Road infrastructure o oooo 小区道路设施4. Lighting facilities o oooo小区内照明设施Other comments: 其它意见: CONSTRUCTION QUALITY建筑质量 excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Appearance quality 外观的工程质量 o o o o o 2. Indoor water and electricity facilities 室内水电设施 o o o o o3. Main door usage ( Lockclosed effect sound-proof effect) 入户门的使用情况(门锁、封闭性、隔音效果) o o o o o4. Windows quality ( Switch closed effect) 窗的质量(开关、密封性能等) o o o o o5. Bathroom & basement waterproof 卫生间及地下室防水处理 o o o o oOther comments: 其它意见: 客户服务 CUSTOMER SERVICEexcellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Customer complaints channels客诉渠道的便利性 o ooo o2. Timelinessfor dealing with customer complaints客诉处理的及时性 o ooo o3. Satisfactionfor dealing with customer complaints客诉处理的满意度 o ooo o4. Services attitude and initiative客户服务的态度和主动性 o ooo o5. Customer service satisfaction客户服务的满意度 o ooo oOther comments: 其它意见: MARKETING SERVICES 营销服务方面 Marketing services销售服务excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Marketing services 销售服务 o o o o o2. Marketing question feedback speed and result 销售问题反馈速度与结果 o o o o o3. Reception and courtesy of sales person 销售人员的接待与礼节礼貌 o o o o o4. Speciality of sales person 销售人员的专业性 o o o o o5. Overall quality for sales person 销售人员的整体素质 o o o o o6. Do you have any comments and suggestionsfor sales person?您对销售人员的意见及建议? Sales Office售楼处excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Overall evaluation 售楼处的整体感觉 o o oo o2. Style售楼处的整体风格 oo oo o3. Service售楼处的服务 o o oo o4. Environmental Health售楼处的卫生 o o oo oOther comments: 其它意见: Model House for Harmonious Villa样板间excellent(5) good(4) average (3) need to improve(2) poor(1) 很好 好 一般 不好 很差1. Overall


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