人教版高中英语教案必修二Unit4 Wildlife protection--Period2 Learning about Language.doc_第1页
人教版高中英语教案必修二Unit4 Wildlife protection--Period2 Learning about Language.doc_第2页
人教版高中英语教案必修二Unit4 Wildlife protection--Period2 Learning about Language.doc_第3页




Period 2 Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This Period:This period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:the Present Progressive Passive Voice.You will have systematic explanations of it and assign some exercises for the students to complete to consolidate what you learn.Teaching Aims:1.Help the students recognize the useful words and expressions learnt in Reading part:apply for,bite,have an effort on (=affect),quality,as a result,powerless.2.Master the usage of the Present Progressive Passive Voice.Teaching Important Points:1.Present Progressive Passive Voice.2.The basic usage of the Present Progressive Passive Voice and learn to use them in different situations.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help the students to learn the Present Progressive Passive Voice.Teaching Methods:Practicing independently and explaining.Teaching Aid:A multi-media computer.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision1.Greetings.2.Try to retell the passage with the help of the following chart.Step 2 Useful Words and ExpressionsT:You are expected to complete the exercises in Learning about language independently.Now lets check the answers.(Ask some students to the blackboard to write down their answers,then ask the other students to correct.)The suggested answers:.1.powerful 2.apply for 3.enemy4.mosquito 5.affect 6.container 7.loss 8.suggest 9.pay attention to 10.die out 11.drug 12.as a result.paid attention;suggested;die out;loss;apply;As a result;affected.1.after all 2.endanger 3.affect 4.powerful 5.because 6.because ofStep 3 Useful StructuresT:This part is about the Present progressive Passive Voice:am/is/are being done. At first,who can find out two more examples?S1:Daisy is being watched by an excited elephant.S2:The elephant is being protected by the farmers.T:Very good.Now lets check the answers in Exercise 2 on Page 29.(Ask some students to write the answers on the blackboard first.Then check it.) The suggested answers:QuestionAnswerWho is studying the rhino?The rhino is being studied by the university students.Who is protecting the African elephant? The African elephant is being protected by the WWF.Who is hunting the Tibetan antelope?The Tibetan antelope is being hunted by the people who wish to take the wool from it.Who is taking photos of the panda?The panda is being photographed by Daisy. Who is killing the whales?The whales are being killed by the Japanese fishermen.Who is attacking the mice?The mice are being attacked by the cat.Step 4 Exercises on WBT:In this unit we have learnt some useful words,expressions and structures,now lets do exercises about them.Check the answers of Ex.1 on Page 63,Ex.3 on Page 64 and Ex.1 of Using structures.The suggested answers:Ex.1:1.help 2.rise 3.protect 4.affect 5.suggest 6.concerned 7.attention 8.wildlife 9.rainforest 10.endangerEx.3:World Wildlife,set,international,organization,projects,protecting,endangered,consider,led,save,reserves,signEx.1 of Using structures:1.is under repair=.is being repaired2.is under discussion=.is being discussed3.are under research=.are being researched4.is under consideration=.is being considered5.is under development=.is being developedT:Now lets do some more exercises of the workbook.Please turn to Page 64,Ill give you five minutes to translate the sentences and answer the questions of Exercise 2.(Five minutes later.) T:Please change your answers with your partner,and try your best to correct the sentences,then practice the questions in pairs.(One asks,the other one answers.)The possible answers:S1:What can we do to protect Milu deer from disappearing again?Partner:We should protect their living conditions and forbid hunters to kill them freely.S2:Do you think the pandas in China are in danger?Partner:Of course.They have less and less food to eat,they are being hunted and their living conditions are being destroyed,too.S3:What are your suggestions about protecting wildlife?Partner:We should protect their living conditions,forbid hunters to kill them freely,build more natural reserves for them and we shouldnt disturb them.S4:Do you know why the dinosaurs suddenly died out about 65000000 years ago?Partner:Im not so sure about it.Maybe there were disasters on the earth.S5:The national wildlife protection parks shouldnt be open to the tourists.Do you think so?Partner:Yes.I agree.Step 5 HomeworkT:Thats all for this class,after class I hope youll review what weve learned.Step 6 The Design of the Writing


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