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时态的基本判定方式:一、时间状语同时态的关系:一般情况下,简单句可根据句中的时间状语确定谓语动词的时态。其判定方式如下:1、句中含有yesterday; last year(last + 具体时间); two days ago(一段时间 + ago); just now; this morning; in 2008(in + 过去的年代); the other day; over the weekend等时间状语时,谓语动词用一般过去时;2、句中含有tomorrow; next week(next +具体时间); in two hours(in +一段时间); (how) soon; from now on; 10 years from now(一段时间+from now); in the future; in 2012(in +将来的年代); by (the end of) next month(by+将来时间); for the weekend; this afternoon; this evening; tonight; this weekend等时间状语时,谓语动词用一般将来时;3、句中既有yesterday等过去时间状语,又有一个具体时间点(at 5:00; this time; at that time)时,谓语动词用过去进行时;4、句中含有recently; in the last/past two years(in the last/past+一段时间); over the years(over the+一段时间); since 2005(since+具体时间或从句); for two years(for+一段时间,句中无其它时间状语); before(单独用于句尾)等时间状语时,谓语动词用现在完成时;5、by (the end of) last year(by+过去时间); two days before(一段时间+before); for和since说明的时间同时用于句中;by the time + 从句(过去时态)等时间状语时,谓语动词用过去完成时;6、简单句中如不含上述时间状语或有含说话时间在内的表示现在时间关系的词语时(如now; today; these days等词),其时态的判定一般按以下步骤进行: - 句中是否含有表示频率关系的词。如有,用一般现在时; - 句子是否说明客观规律。如是,用一般现在时; - 句中动词是否表示状况。如是,用一般现在时; - 句中动词是否为延续性动态动词。如是,用现在进行时; - 句中动词是否为完成性动词(瞬间动词)。如是,用现在完成时。二、主从句时态的一致性原则:主从复合句可根据其时态一致性原则,通过主从句中任意一个句子的时态确定另外一个句子的时态;含有时间状语从句的主从句还可通过其引导词所表示的不同时间关系,确定主句和从句的时态。三、通过上下文关系判定时态:另外我们还可以根据并列谓语的时态一致性原则、问句和答语的时态一致关系、无转折时间的短文时态一致原则等上下文时态的关联以及句子的逻辑关系来判定句子中谓语动词的时态。Exercise( )1. What _ you _ over the weekend? A. will; do B. does; do C. did; do D. were,; doing( )2. Xiao Li usually _ to school by bike last year.A. goes B. went C. will go D. is going( )3. What _ in our town 100 years from now? A. happened B. is happened C. has happened D. will happen( )4. Mr. Smith _ to see you in an hour.A. cameB. has comeC. will comeD. comes( )5. _ you _ from your parents recently? A. Did; hear B. Have; heard C. Do; hear D. Will; hear( )6. We _ TV at home this time last night.A. were watching B. watched C. have watched D. would watch( )7. We _ over 1500 English words by the end of last month. A. have learned B. had learned C. will learn D. learnt( )8. She _ in Shanghai for ten years since 1992.A. has lived B. had lived C. lived D. will live( )9. She _ in Shanghai for ten years. A. has livedB. had livedC. livedD. will live( )10. We all know that the earth _ round the sun.A. goes B. went C. is going D. will go( )11. “Where are the boys?” “They _ soccer on the playground.”A. play B. are playing C. were playing D. played( )12. Look! Lucy _ under the tree.A. reads B. is reading C. was reading D. read( )13. He _ more than 200 model cars in the last five years.A. has collected B. had collected C. collected D. will collect( )14. Jim _ a letter to his parents at 7:30 last night.A. had written B. wrote C. would write D. was writing( )15. The Smiths _ in Beijing since two weeks ago.A. stayed B. were staying C. would stay D. have stayed( )16. “When _ you _ the bike?” “Last Monday.”A. have; bought B. did; buy C. will; buy D. do; buy( )17. Look! The boy _English now. A. likesB. likedC. is likingD. was liking( )18. Most students in our class _ TV twice a week.A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. are watching( )19. How soon _ they _ back from work?A. do; come B. did; come C. have; come D. will; come( )20. “Where _ you _ Mr. Li?” “In his office, half an hour ago.”A. will; see B. did; see C. have, seen D. do; see( )21. I _ a new dictionary. Look! Its very useful. A. bought B. will buy C. have bought D. would buy( )22. I wont watch the movie tonight. I _ it before.A. will see B. have seen C. saw D. had seen( )23. Hello! I _ know you _ in Chengdu. How long have you been here?A. didnt; were B. dont are C. didnt; are D. dont; were( )24. He _ a fire and then cooked a meal.A. had made B. was making C. made D. has made( )25. If I _ time tomorrow, I will go to visit my grandfather.A. have B. will have C. would have D. am having( )26. Im going to be a doctor when I _ up.A. grow B. will grow C. grew D. am growing( )27. The film _ on for five minutes when I got to the cinema.A. has been B. had been C. was D. is( )28. She _ dinner when her son came in.A. has cooked B. had cooked C. was cooking D. would cook( )29. The train _ when we got to the station. We had to wait for the next one.A. has left B. had left C. left D. was leaving( )30. He said that he _ to the barbers tomorrow morning.A. will go B. went C. is going D. would go )31. In the last years I _ a lot of friends.A. have madeB. madeC. will makeD. was making( )32. The boys _ for about two hours.A. are playing soccerB. have been playing soccerC. were playingD. play soccer( )33. He _ so quickly that he could win the race.A. is runningB. will runC. ranD. had run( )34. He didnt go there with us because he _ there before.A. has beenB. had beenC. wentD. would go( )35. I dont know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, I will tell you.A. will come; will comeB. comes; comesC. will come; comesD. comes; will come( )36. When I was young, my mother told me that the sun _ in the east.A. riseB. risesC. roseD. had risen( )37. “_ you _ your work?” “Yes. I finished it an hour ago.”A. Did; finishB. Have; finishedC. Will; finishD. Had; finished( )38. Hurry up, or you _ the early bus.A. will missB. has missedC. would missD. missed( )39. I _ Mr. Green while I _ along the street last Sunday.A. met; walkedB. was meeting; walkedC. met; was walkingD. was meeting; was walking( )40. Tom is strong and he _ to school every day.A. walkedB. walksC. will walkD. has walked( )41. He said that he _ with Mr. Black at that time.A. talkedB. was talkingC. is talkingD. would talk( )42. We _ English in this school since we came here.A. have studiedB. studiedC. had studiedD. were studying( )43. She _ at home until her mother came back.A. has stayedB. stayedC. had stayedD. will stay( )44. There will be an interesting movie _ two days.A. forB. inC. afterD. since( )45. She _ there until I came back.A. didnt leaveB. has stayedC. leftD. was staying( )46. It has been raining _ two hours ago.A. untilB. forC. sinceD. by( )47. His father _ since he was two years old.A. has diedB. diedC. has deathD. has been dead( )48. The meeting _ for ten minutes when I got there yesterday.A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. had been on( )49. He had collected over 500 stamps _ he was twelve years old.A. sinceB. forC. untilD. by the time( )50. I was doing my homework _ she rang me up last night.A. whenB. whileC. sinceD. before( )51. “Where is John?” “He _ the library.”A. has been toB. has gone toC. has been inD. has been at( )52. How long _ you _ the computer?A. have; boughtB. did; buyC. have ; hadD. will; buy( )53. She _ Shanghai for two days.A. leftB. has leftC. will leaveD. has been away from( )54. He didnt tell me anything about it _ he left.A. sinceB. untilC. by the timeD. while( )55. She _ China since she was five years old.A. has come toB. has arrived atC. has arrived inD. has been in( )56. I had finished my homework _ I watched TV last night.A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. until( )57. Miss White has been _ the music club for 4 years.A. joiningB. joinC. joinedD. in( )58. What do you think he will _ ten years?A. be forB. be atC. be toD. be in( )59. There _ two football games in our school next week.A. is going to beB. will haveC. will beD. is going to have( )60. They _ a birthday party next Friday afternoon.A. is going to beB. will beC. will haveD. is going to have( )61. How long have you _ the pen?A. kept B. bought C. borrowed D. got( )62. I _ Mr. Brown since I left Shanghai in 2004.A. have seenB. sawC. havent seenD. didnt see( )63. You dont have to describe her. I _ her several times.A. had metB. have metC. metD. meet( )64. I _ a cold for five days. I still cant get rid of it.A. caughtB. hadC. have caughtD. have had( )65. What _ you _ at nine oclock that morning?A. are; doingB. did; doC. were; doingD. had; done( )66. What _ you _ by nine oclock that morning?A. are; doingB. did; doC. were; doingD. had; done( )67. The sign _, “ No Parking!” A. readsB. was readC. is readingD. read( )68. “_ you _ your lunch?” “Yes. I _ it at school.”A. Did; have; have hadB. Have; had; hadC. Did; have; hadD. Have; had; have( )69. Lily _ for her mother until she _ home.A. will wait; will comeB. wont wait; comesC. will wait; comesD. waits; will come( )70. “Mr. Brown is leaving for a trip.” “Really? Where _ he _?”A. has; goneB. will; goC. did; goD. does; go( )71. Tom, you _ the book for two weeks. You have to return it now.A. borrowedB. have borrowedC. keptD. have kept( )72. “Have you mended your shoes?” “Yes. I _ it twenty minutes ago.”A. have mendedB. mendedC. had mendedD. will mend( )73. Mr. Smith _ to China last year and _ in love with her.A. goes; fallsB. went; fellC. went; feltD. has gone; fell( )74. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _.A. he will, tooB. he wont, eitherC. he does, tooD. he doesnt, either( )75. “Shall we go watching the match?” “Sorry, I cant. I _ my homework.”A. doB. have doneC. am doingD. did( )76. The children wont go hiking if it _ next Sunday.A. rainB. rainsC. will rainD. is raining( )77. “_ you _ to Japan?” “Yes. I will go there next month.”A. Have; beenB. Have; goneC. Are; goingD. Did; go( )78. When I got there, the film _ for five minutes.A. had been onB. had begunC. was beginningD. began( )79. Dont open the door until the bus _.A. will stopB. doesnt stopC. is stoppingD. stops( )80. “_ you _ to Japan?” “Yes. We went there last year.”A. Have; beenB. Have; goneC. Did; goD. Are; going过去将来时1.LiMingsaidhe_happyifBrian_toChinanextmonth.A.as;comeB.was;wouldcomeC.wouldbe;cameD.willbe;come2.Jennysaidshe_herholidayinChina.A.spentB.wouldspentC.wasgoingtospentD.wouldspend3.Whatdidyoursonsayintheletter?Hetoldmethathe_theDisneyWorldthenextday.A.willvisitB.hasvisitedC.isgoingtovisitD.wouldvisit4.IhopedTina_tomybirthdaypartyontimethenextWednesday. A.tocomeB.iscomingC.willcomeD.wascoming5.Fathersaidthathe_metoBeijingthenextyear.A.tookB.wouldtakeC.takesD.willtake6.Wewerenotsurewhetherthey_morevegetables.A.aregoingtogrowB.weregoingtogrowC.willgrowD.havegrown7.She_toworkwhenthetelephonerang.A. isgoingB.willgoC.wasabouttogoD.istogoII.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.MissZhangsaidshe_(visit)theGreatWallnextsummer.2. Shetoldhimthatshe_(notstay)hereforlong.3.IwasntsurewhetherLucy_(come)thenextyear.4.Thescientistssaidtheworldspopulation_(slow)downinfuture.5.Shesaidthebus_(leave)atfivethenextmorning.6.Iwasntsurewhetherhe_(lend)mehisbookthenextmorning.7.Hewasfifty-six.Intwoyearshe_(be)fifty-eight.8.Whenevershehastime,she_(help)themintheirwork.及物动词和不及物动词指出下列各句中划线部分是什么动词,并说明词义,例如:All of us study hard.(vi. 学习)1、He began to work at seven this morning.( )2、I have left the key at home.( )3、We must take the old woman to the hospital at once.( )4、Billy felt very sad when he heard the bad news.( )5、Think it over, and you will have a good idea.( )6、Dont think of yourself;think of others.( )8、Mr. Black got angry when he saw Jenny come to school late again.( )9、Please wash your hands before each meal.( )10、Li Ming often works for the wall-newspaper after school.( )延续性和非延续性动词1、Alice has (come, been) back for a week.2、His grandmother has (been dead, died) for ten years.3、When we got to the cinema, the film had (begun, been on) for a few minutes.4、The lights have (turned on, been on) for over half a day.5、Have you (bought, had) the book on grammar for a week? Yes, since last Sunday.1. When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus _ for 20 minutes. A. has left B. had left C. has been away D. had been away 2. I _ the League for 5 years so far. A. joined B. have joined C. have been in 3. The factory _ since the February of 1988. A . has been open B. has opened C. was open D. opened 4. Mary and Rose _friends since they met in 2000. A. have made B. have been C. made D. have become 5.You mustnt _ until he comes back. A. be away B. leave C. be left 6.The meeting _ for a week now. A. has finished B. has ended C. has been over 7.Miss Gao _ this school for nearly 5 years. A. has been in B. has come to C. has taught 8.Ben _ a teacher for 4 years . A. has been B. has become C. was D. became 9. I _ home for a week. A. have returned B. have been back C. returned 10. How long _ he _ ? A. died B. has, died C. has, been dead 11. He _ at eight yesterday afternoon. A. slept B. was sleeping C. has sleep D. had slept 12.He _ the car for a week. A. bought B. has bought C. has had 13.-How long _ you _ ill ? -Two weeks. A. did fall B. have, fell C. have, been 14.Since 2000, he _ his hometown. A. has left B. has moved away C. has been away from 15.Ill lend you the book , but you can only _ it for 2 days. A. borrow B. keep C. take 16.The bus _ on the road for 2 hours so far. A. has stopped B. stopped C. has been 17.Are you _ the jacket these days? A. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. on 18.He _ foe 2 hours. A. got up B. has got up C. has been up 19. Tom is ill in hospital. He _ a cold for several days. A. is B. catches C. has caught D. has had 20.- How long can I _ the book? - Two weeks. A. borrow B. lend C. get D. keep 系动词1. What is Mr Wang like?_.A. He is a teacher B. He is old and kind C. He looks like a balloon D. He likes English2. What Mr White said sounds_.A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely3. The poor boy _ blind at the age of three.A. turned B. goes C. became D. went4. When he was a child he_ .A. grew patience B. was alive C. ran wild D. came true5. His voice_ as if he has a cold.A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. seems6. This shirt_ as if it is made of cotton.A. is B. looks C. feels D. seems7. He looks _ he hadnt had a good meal for a monthA. that B. as if C. when D. so far8. It _that he was late for the train.A. looks B. turns C. gets D. seems9. These apples taste_.A. to he good B. to be well C. well D. good10. Do you like the shirt?Yes, it _ very soft.A. feels B. felt C. is feeling D. is felt11. The moment Mr Zhang went to bed, he_ asleepA. kept B. got C. fell D. fall12. When I went home yesterday, it was _ dark.A. going B. getting C. running D. coming13. Their plan _ to be a perfect one.A. proved B. was proved C. is proving D. proving14. The flowers in the garden _ sweet.A. sound B. taste C. become D. smell15. She_ like her mother in character.A. looks B. seems C. is D. feels16. It_ another fine day tomorrow.A. seems B. promises C. appears D. looks17. He _ much younger than he really is.A. appears B. grows C. becomes D. turns18. You_ very pale. Do you feel sick?A. looked B. are looking C. looking D. are looked19


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