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2015届高考英语一轮复习 课下限时训练作业39.单项填空1(2014南京四校阶段调研)dont press the button,john.what if i_?adidbwouldcwilldshall2(2014江西赣州市适应性考试)the differences in the childrens achievements can not be completely explained_their social backgrounds.ain terms ofbin favor ofcin honor ofdin charge of3(2013成都第三次诊断)when first_down in chengdu,maria found herself unable to get used to the spicy food.asettlingbsettledcsettlesdto settle4(2014辽宁省六校高三上学期联合考试)i told mom that not everyone could manage to have 3 meals on time everyday,_?acould hebdidnt icdidnt shedcould they5(2014宁夏银川高三年级模拟考试)can you introduce me a high quality machine?my pleasure._well even on wet roads,this kind of car is very popular.ahandled bto handlechandling dbeing handled6(2014石家庄质量检测二)the man went to bed,_and when he woke up,he found his shoes still on.ahaving drunk bbeing drunkcdrinking ddrunk7(2013东北师大附中模拟)even though he went through the papers carefully again and again,he regretted finding that he had still_one important detail.adroppedboverlookedcignoreddshowed8(2012浙江卷)according to scientists,our mental abilities begin to_from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.adifferbshrink cfailddecline9(2014江西省六校联考)i wonder why you wont do it as_and its the third time you_so.ai told you;dobtold to;have donecbe told;have donedtold;do10(2013银川一中月考)when he opened his mouth to speak,his strong accent at once_the fact that he was from the south of china.abelievedbexpressedcpresseddbetrayed11lucy was chosen for the job because she was superior_the other candidates.aatbforctodin12(2013山东省实验中学高三检测)he tried his best to make the_of the famous professor and persuaded him to be his tutor.may he succeed.adecisionbfunctioncacquaintancedfriends13(2014江苏两校期中联考)_by curiosity,he opened his wifes notebook and began reading her diary.adrivingbbeing drivencdrivendhaving driven14(2013四川省六校联合诊断)both sides are determined to get what they want,and there seems to be no possibility of_.acompetencebcompositionccompetitiondcompromise15(2014山东省十二校高三联考)do you think i should accept the invitation to his birthday party?_if i were in your shoes,i certainly would.anone of your business.bwhy not?cit depends.di dont think so.阅读理解a(2013济南5月针对性测试)walking home from his work as a new york city bus driver,stephen st.bernard,52,heard screaming and saw sevenyearold keyla mccree standing on top of an airconditioning unit outside the window of her thirdfloor apartment.he rushed over in time to catch the child as she fell the 25 feet.the force of the lifesaving catch tore a tendon (肌健) in st.bernards shoulder,and the girl suffered only minor injuries.when lezlie bicknell pulled into a parking space near albuquerque,new mexico,she noticed two unattended kids in the lorry parked next to her,one of them sitting in the drivers seat.before she could move her own truck into park,the lorry began to roll backward toward a busy street.when bicknell jumped out of her truck to help,it,too,drifted (随意移动) backward,preventing the lorry from rolling onto the road.a 72yearold man visiting new hampshire suddenly lost his memory.he didnt know who he was,but something told him he belonged in north carolina.so he walked and got free rides all the way back to the tar heel state.with the help of police and the initials on his wedding ring,he figured out his identity and located his family.an online game of words with friends became a lifesaver when georgie fletcher of australia wrote to beth lelger of blue springs,missouri,that her husband.simon,was having chest pains.beth told her husband,larry,a doctor,who suggested he go immediately to the hospital.simon had a 99 percent blockage in an artery (动脉) near his heart and would have died.1what might be the authors purpose in writing the text?ato tell some amazing stories.bto introduce first aid methods.cto give examples of emergency.dto attract readers attention.2according to the text,stephen st.bernard_.agot a free ride home.bworked in a parking lotcsaved a girl on his way home dsuffered an injury during work3how did lezlie bicknell prevent the lorry from rolling onto the road?awith great efforts.btotally by accident.cwith the help of kids.dby jumping onto the lorry.4which of the following is true of the 72yearold man in paragraph 3?ahe was visiting north carolina.bhe lived in new hampshire.che walked all the way home.dhe suddenly forgot his identity.5which section of the newspaper is the text probably taken from?anews.bhealth.centertainment.dlifestyle.b(2014枣庄高三模拟)the works of shakespeare and wordsworth are “rocketboosters” to the brain and better than the other selfhelp books,researchers will say this week.scientists,psychologists and the english experts at liverpool university have found that reading the works of shakespeare and other classical writers has a beneficial effect on the mind,catches the readers attention and triggers moments of selfreflection.using scanners,they monitored the brain activity of volunteers as they read the works by william shakespeare,william wordsworth,t.s eliot and other classical writers.they then “translated” the texts into more “straightforward”,modern language and again monitored the readers brains as they read the words.scans showed that the more “challenging” articles and poetry set off far more electrical activity in the brain than the modern versions.scientists were able to study the brain activity as it responded to each word and record how it “lit up” as the readers came across unusual words,surprising phrases or difficult sentence structures.this “lighting up” of the mind lasts longer than the initial electrical spark,shifting the brain to a higher speed,encouraging further reading.the research also found that reading poetry,in particular,increases the activities in the right side of the brain,an area concerned with “autobiographical memory”,helping readers to reflect on their own experiences in light of what they have read.the experts said this meant the classics were more useful than selfhelp books.philip davis,an english professor who has worked on the study with the university,will tell a conference this week:“serious literature acts like a rocketbooster (火箭助推器) to the brain.”“the research shows the power of classical literature to shift mental pathways,to create new thoughts,shapes and connections in the young and the old alike.” 6the author mentioned shakespeare and wordsworth in paragraph one to_.ashow their great achievements battract our interest in literaturecintroduce the topic of the text dencourage us to read their works7according to the text,reading classical works can_.ahelp deal with some physical problemsbbenefit our mind and thinkingcimprove our reading skillsdhelp learn more about history8the scientists and experts did the experiment by_.ascanning the readers brain activitiesbreading works of different writersclighting up the activities of the brainsdinvestigating the habits of the readers9we can learn from paragraph 4 that reading poetry_.ais concerned with the right side of the brainbhas the same effects as reading selfhelp bookschelps you forget the things in the pastdmakes you more serious and objective10what might be the authors purpose in writing the text?ato introduce some great writers in england.bto present a study on brain activities.cto introduce a research on reading classics.dto show the power of classical literature.书面表达假如你是李华,2013年春节你的加拿大朋友david在中国过新年,体验中国文化。他在微博上说给他印象最深的除了中国丰富的民俗文化,就是餐桌上的浪费现象。请你用英语写一封回复邮件,内容包括:1对david表示问候;2你对餐桌上浪费现象的认识;3关于拒绝舌尖上的浪费,你自己的具体行动。注意:1.词数120左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。dear david,_yours,li hua课时作业(三十九).单项填空1解析:考查虚拟语气。句意为:john,不要按那个按钮。如果我按了,那会怎么样?if后其实是省略句,表示对现在的虚拟,应用一般过去时,故选a。答案:a2解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:孩子们在成绩方面的差异不可能完全从他们的社会背景角度来解释。a项意为“据,按照,在方面”;b项意为“支持,赞成”;c项意为“为纪念,为庆祝,向表示敬意”;d项意为“负责,主管”。由此结合空后的“social backgrounds”和语境可知,in terms of与题意相符。答案:a3解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:刚在成都定居时,maria发现自己很不适应这里的辛辣食物。分析句子结构可知,此处应填非谓语动词,settle与其逻辑主语maria之间构成主动关系,而且动作已经发生,故选a,现在分词作时间状语。答案:a4解析:考查反意疑问句。若陈述部分是一个主从复合句,附加问句一般要与主句保持一致,根据本题中的“i told mom”可知b项正确。答案:b5解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:你能给我介绍一款高性能的机器吗?我很乐意。因为这款车即使在潮湿的道路上也能运行很好,所以很受欢迎。handle和this kind of car是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用handle的过去分词形式,选a。 答案:a6解析:考查形容词作状语。句意为:这个男人喝醉了,睡了。当他醒来的时候,他发现他的鞋子没脱。drunk喝醉的,形容词作状语表状态。答案:d7解析:考查动词词义。句意为:尽管他将文件仔细地看了一遍又一遍,但是遗憾地发现他仍忽略了一个重要细节。此句强调无意中忽视,故选overlook。答案:b8解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:据科学家说,我们的思考能力在 22 岁达到顶峰后,从 27 岁开始下降。所以用decline。differ表示“与不同”,shrink表示“收缩”,fail表示“失败”,均与语境不符。答案:d9解析:考查省略和动词时态。句意为:我不明白你为什么不按照我告诉你的去做,你已经是第三次这样了。在时间、条件、方式、让步等状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且谓语动词是系动词be时,那么就可以把从句中的主语和系动词be一起省略。因此,第一空中,as引导的方式状语从句的完整形式为:as (you are) told to (do);第二空中,在“it is the序数词timethat从句(that可省略)”句式中,that从句的谓语动词要用现在完成时。答案: b10解析:考查动词词义。句意为:当他开口说话时,他浓重的口音立刻显示出他来自中国的南部地区。 betray显露出(本来面目),背叛,符合题意。believe相信;express表达;press压,挤。答案:d11解析:be superior to意为“比优越;超过”。答案:c12解析:句意为:他尽力结识那位著名教授,并说服他当他的导师。祝他成功。make the acquaintance of sb.结识;与相见,是固定短语。make a decision about就做出决定;function作用,功能,职能;make friends with与交朋友。答案:c13解析:考查非谓语动词。主语he与动词drive之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词driven作原因状语。答案:c14解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:双方都决意得到他们想要的东西,似乎没有妥协的可能。competence能力,胜任,本领;composition成分,作品;competition竞争;compromise妥协,折中。答案:d15解析:考查情景交际。答语语意是:为什么不呢?如果我是你,我肯定会接受的。根据答语第二句可知,对方认为提问者应该接受邀请,所以b项符合语境。答案:b.阅读理解语篇解读本文是一篇新闻报道。主要报道了几则生活中出现的奇迹般的故事。1解析:写作意图题。通读全文并根据对文章的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述了几个生活中奇迹般的故事,故答案a符合文意。答案:a2解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段故事的讲述可知,本段主要讲了主人公在回家的路上,解救了一个从三层外空调机上摔下来的小孩的故事,故答案c符合文意。答案:c3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“when bicknell jumped out of her truck to help,it,too,drifted (随意移动) backward,preventing the lorry from rolling onto the road.”可知,当bicknell跳下卡车想要帮忙时,她的汽车向后移动,阻止了卡车。故答案b,偶然地,符合文意。答案:b4解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的前两句“a 72yearold man visiting new hampshire suddenly lost his memory.he didnt know who he was,but something told him he belonged in north carolina.”可知,这位老人突然失忆了,忘记了自己是谁。故答案d符合文意。答案:d5解析:推理判断题。通读全文并根据对文章的整体理解可知,这篇文章是一篇新闻报道,与健康、娱乐、生活方式都没有关系,故答案a符合文意。答案:a语篇解读本文为一篇科研报道。科学研究表明:阅读莎士比亚,华兹华斯等经典作家的作品,尤其是诗歌,对开发人的大脑有很大好处。6解析:推理判断题。文章第二至六段是通过科学家的实验来说明阅读传统作家的作品对大脑的好处,所以第一段提到莎士比亚和华兹华斯等著名作家的目的,是为了引出本文的主题。答案:c7解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“.have found that reading the works of shakespeare and other classical writers has a beneficial effect on the mind,catches the readers attention and triggers moments of selfreflection.”可知,本题选b。答案:b8解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“using scanners,they monitored the brain activity of volunt


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