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www.FreeKaoY历年真题中的单词与词组总结2007年 Text 1 1.birth certificate 出生证明2.soccer player 足球运动员3.the World Cup 世界杯4.be likely to do 可能做5.national youth team 国家青年队6.professional rank 专业级别7.strange phenomenon 奇怪的现象8.account for 解释,说明;占(比例)9.psychology professor 心理学教授10.believe in 相信11.grow up 成长12.be switched to 被转变到13.a series of 一系列的14.be coupled with 与一起15.cognitive exercise 认知练习16.in other words 换句话说17.inborn difference 天生的差异18.be known as 以而著名19.deliberate practice 审慎的实践20.specific goal 具体的目标21.immediate feedback 直接的反馈22.concentrate on 集中于23.take to 开始24.expert performer 杰出人物;专家级行为人25.a wide range of 大范围的26.laboratory experiment 实验室的实验27.put another way 换句话说28.professional training 职业培训29.rather than 宁愿;而不是30.psychological factor 心理因素31.a high degree of concentration 高度的集中32.a dominating factor 主导因素33.professional success 专业的成功34.biographical data 传记数据35.the key to excellent performance 出色表现的关键36.high achiever 取得高成就的人37.owe to 把归于38.be close to 接近39.Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。40.One reaps what one sows. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。41.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。42.Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。Text 2 1.newspaper supplement 报纸副刊2.a mental level 智力水平3.the highest score 最高分4.verbal and visual analogy 词语和视觉的类比5.numerical sequence 数列6.figure out 想出;理解7.numerical pattern 数字的模式8.defining term 限定性词语9.population distribution 人口分布10.age peer 同龄的人;同辈的人11.rather than 宁愿;而不是12.mental age 智力年龄13.chronological age 生理年龄;按照年代顺序的年龄14.standardized test 标准化测试15.analytical and verbal skill 分析和语言表达能力16.fail to do 没有做到17.practical knowledge 实践知识18.critical to 对是重要的19.life success 人生成功20.not necessarily 未必21.leadership skill 领导技能22.low-stress condition 低压力的状况23.high-stress condition 高压力的状况24.be correlated with 和有关系25.that is 也就是说26.intelligence test 智力测试27.philosophical question 哲学问题28.be similar to 和类似29.an indicator of intelligence 智力指标30.version of IQ tests 智力测试的版本31.human intelligence 人类智力32.computational procedure 计算过程33.analytical skill 分析技能34.the defining characteristic 根本特点35.test score 成绩36.reliable indicator 可靠指标37.traditional test 传统测试38.be out of date 过时的Text 3 1.middle-class family 中产阶级家庭2.count on 依靠;指望3.fair play 公平竞争4.economic risk 经济风险5.a pink slip 解雇6.a bad diagnosis 不详的医学诊断7.disappearing spouse 去世的配偶8.middle class 中产阶级9.social implication 社会含意10.side effect 副作用11.as well 也12.two-paycheck status 双份收入状况13.as a result 其结果14.in times of 在的时候15.financial setback 金融挫折16.be laid off 失业;下岗17.fall sick 得病18.unemployment insurance 失业保险19.disability insurance 残疾保险20.bad times 艰难时刻21.family fortune 家庭财产;家庭命运22.no longer 不再23.be made up 被构成24.extra income 额外收入25.retirement income 退休金26.airline employee 航空雇员27.auto industry 汽车行业28.worry about 担心29.interest rate 利率30.stock market fluctuation 股市波动31.harsh reality 严酷的现实32.social security 社会保险33.savings-account model 储蓄账户模式34.tradefor 换取35.guaranteed payment 保证金36.depend on 依赖37.investment return 投资回报38.health-savings plan 健康储蓄计划39.work against 对不利40.middle class family 中产阶级家庭41.attend the need for 照料对的需要42.financial assistance 经济援助43.exercise more financial responsibility 履行更多的经济责任44.a good deal 许多45.financial risk 经济风险46.financial fallout 经济回落47.political fallout 政治衰退48.be at risk 处于风险之中49.in that 因为50.be vulnerable to 容易受到的损害51.be deprived of 被剥夺;丧失52.as a result of 作为的结果53.retired people 退休的人54.a higher sense of security 更高的安全感55.a guaranteed future 一个有保障的未来56.health-savings plan 健康储蓄计划57.the cost of healthcare 医疗成本58.compensate for 补偿59.the reduced pensions 减少的养老金60.investment risk 投资风险61.political risk 政治风险62.political challenge 政治挑战63.financial problem 经济问题64.bring about 引发65.financial responsibility 金融责任66.political status 政治状况67.be on the alert 在警惕中的68.be on the cliff 在危险中的69.be in conflict 在冲突中的Text 4 1.It never rains but it pours. 不雨则已,雨则倾盆。2.sort out 整理,分类3.corporation governance 公司制理4.nasty headline 令人讨厌的头版头条消息5.lead to 导致6.executive suite 管理层7.data insecurity 数据不安全8.put right 纠正9.such as 例如10.be high on the sb.s agenda 某人的首要日程11.massive leakage 大规模泄露12.peer into 凝视,注视13.in search of 搜索14.business school 商学院15.market value 市场价值16.be responsible for 对负责17.on behalf of 代表,为了18.it is time (that) 是的时候19.proper investment level 适当的投资水平20.management issue 管理问题21.economic assets 经济资产22.be likely to 有可能23.personal data 个人数据24.get into the wrong hands 落入不法之手25.the current state of affairs 事情的目前状态26.legal penalty 法律惩罚27.data leakage 数据泄露28.go astray 走失;走上邪路29.doing the rounds 巡回;传遍30.put sb/sth on notice 警告某人/某事31.adequate data security 充分的数据安全32.fierce business competition 激烈的商业竞争33.news report 新闻报道34.potential spy 潜伏的间谍35.bring up 教育,培养;提出36.attend to 照顾37.give due attention to 对给予应有的注意38.accounting security 财物安全39.data restoration 数据恢复40.be essential to 对非常重要41.take the lead 带头42.security legislation 安全法43.a major solution to 解决的主要办法2006年 Text 1 1.in spite of 尽管2.endless talk 无休止的谈论3.absence of deference 缺乏依从4.be characteristic of 是的特点5.popular culture 大众文化6.department store 百货商店7.vast arrays of 大量的8.elegant atmosphere 优雅的气氛9.cater to 迎和10.regardless of 不管,不顾11.turninto 把转化为12.democratic act 民主行为13.mass media 大众媒介14.fit into 适合15.neithernor 既不也不16.unprecedented level 前所未有的水平17.be resistant to 对抵抗的18.prior to 在之前19.be proficient in 精通20.original language 原来的语言21.immigrant family 移民家庭22.native-born American 本土出生的美国人23.foreign-born Asian 外国出生的亚洲人24.rate of intermarriage 通婚率25.be married to 与结婚26.remote village 边远的村庄27.be immune to 对免疫28.assimilative power 同化的力量29.divisive issue 引起分歧的问题30.seething anger 激烈的愤怒31.turbulent past 动荡的过去32.social index 社会指数33.social environment 社会环境34.play a role in 在起作用35.common consumer 普通消费者36.satisfy the needs of 满足的需求37.knowledgeable elite 知识精英38.oweto 把归因于39.the culture of consumption 消费文化40.be resistant to 对抵抗的41.exert a great influence on 对发挥巨大的影响42.a threat to 对威胁43.the majority of the population 人口的大多数44.the powerful influence 巨大的影响45.in the sb.s opinion 根据某人的意见Text 2 1.live off 靠生活2.look at 注视3.addto 给增加4.take in 参观5.along with 和一起6.pourinto 把注入7.contribute directly to 对直接起作用8.be decorated with 用装饰9.and so forth 等等10.attendance record 上座记录11.in a row 一排12.It would be a shame to 将是一件憾事13.drive away 赶走14.look alike 看起来一样15.bed down 准备住处;使用住处16.standing-room ticket 站票17.box office 售票处18.contribution to 对起作用19.on and off stage 台上台下20.be (not) on good terms 关系(不)好21.expansion project 扩展计划22.in financial difficulties 经济困难23.be short of 缺乏24.socially acceptable 社会上可以接受的25.be on the rise 上升26.be supportive of 支持27.take a detached attitude 采取客观的态度28.be sympathetic to 同情Text 3 1.prehistoric man 史前人类2.arrive in 到达3.happen to sb./sth. 某人/某事碰巧4.for years 多年5.look at 看6.around the world 全世界7.over time 长时间以来8.large predator 大的捕食者9.on average 平均10.fishing technology 捕鱼技术11.a higher proportion 更大的比例12.the real difference 实际差异13.catch size 捕捉规模14.be saturated with 充满15.lead to 导致;产生16.future management efforts 未来的管理努力17.take into account 考虑18.marine biologist 海洋生物学家19.fail to do 没有做到20.massive changes 巨大的变化21.look back 回顾22.a relatively short time 相对短的时间23.the maximum sustainable yield 最大的可持续产量24.original level 原来的水平25.the extinction of large prehistoric animals 大的史前动物的灭绝26.be vulnerable to 易受攻击的27.new fishery 新的渔场28.the original amount 原来的数量29.suffer a greater loss 遭受更大的损失30.be out of date 过时的31.look for 寻找32.adjustto 调整以适应33.be mainly concerned with 主要与有关34.management efficiency 管理效率35.biomass level 生物量水平36.technological application 技术应用Text 4 1.focus on 聚焦2.worst of all 最糟糕的是3.be skeptical of 对持怀疑态度4.modern times 当代5.as if 仿佛6.after all 总之7.be dedicated to 致力于8.mass media 大众媒体9.commercial culture 商业文化10.die young 夭折11.mass medium 大众媒体(单数)12.be in danger 处于危险之中13.news anchor 新闻主持人14.text messenger 文本信息发送者15.beaming celebrities 光彩夺目的名人16.find out 填写17.heart attacks 心脏病18.depend on 取决于,依赖19.a breath of fresh air 呼吸一口新鲜的空气20.be expressive of 表达,表现21.grow out of 来自于22.positive and negative feelings 正反两面的情感23.in the wake of 随着而来24.the general public 公众25.a major source of information 信息的主要来源26.create an illusion of 产生一种幻觉27.be disappointed at 对失望28.be inclined to 倾向于2005年 Text 1 1.be regarded as 把看作2.be capable of 能够3.finely developed sense of grievance 充分发展的不满的感觉4.all too 太5.above all 总之6.perfect candidate 完美的候选者7.spend two years teaching 花两年教8.exchange tokens for food 用纪念品交换食物9.adjoining chambers 相邻的房间10.in return 作为回报11.markedly different 明显地不同12.luxury goods 奢侈品13.be preferable to 对更喜欢14.in exchange for 交换15.be reluctant to 不愿意16.hand sth. over 把递给17.in exchange 交换18.social emotions 社会情感19.in the wild 野外20.righteous indignation 正当的愤怒21.a sense of fairness 公平感22.stem from 来自于23.common ancestor 共同的祖先24.as yet 至今25.make a comparison 进行比较26.be jealous of 忌妒27.other than 除了28.be inclined to 倾向于29.be attentive to 注意30.male companions 雄性同伴31.prefer grapes to cucumbers 更喜欢葡萄而不是黄瓜32.be separated from 与分离33.human indignation 人类的愤怒34.uncertain source 不确定的来源Text 2 1.insist that 坚持2.for sure 确定3.antismoking lobby 反对吸烟的游说4.our way of life 我们的生活方式5.stay out of the way 退到旁边去6.go to early graves 夭折7.growing threat 增长的威胁8.global warming 全球变暖9.preface to 的前言10.provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供11.it is critical that 至关重要的是12.baseon 把基于之上13.important policy 重要的政策14.future consequence 未来的结果15.present action 目前的行为16.just as 正如17.pour fumes into the air 把烟雾注入空气18.know for sure 确定地知道19.a prudent people 谨慎的人20.take out 取得,领取21.insurance policy 保险单22.its obvious that 显而易见的是23.take global warming seriously 认真地对待全球变暖24.press for 催促;迫切要求25.classic case 经典案例26.serve as 充当27.responsible stewards 负责的服务员28.press forward on 奋力前进29.take the legislative initiative 首先采取法律行动30.conservation measure 保护措施31.financial incentive 经济激励;经济动机32.power plant 电厂33.meet our energy needs 满足我们的能源需要34.it is crucial that 重要的是35.environmentally sound 环境上合理的36.scientific evidence 科学证据37.the number of 的数量38.in the past decades 在过去的10年里39.their own way of life 它们自己的生活方式40.talk nonsense 胡说41.prudent planning 谨慎的计划42.extensive research 广泛的研究43.public awareness 公众意识44.further scientific research 进一步科学研究45.legislative measure 法律措施46.associatewith 把与相关联47.suffer from 遭受48.governments negligence 政府的忽略49.be applicable to 应用于50.from bad to worse 从不好到更糟Text 3 1.of all 在所有的之中2.revolutionary theory 进化的理论3.the disguised shadows 被掩饰的影子4.unconscious desires and fears 无意识的欲望和担心5.switch to 转换到6.random byproduct 随意的副产品7.go on 继续8.emotional thermostat 情感调节器9.mental event 思维事件10.be brought under conscious control 把带入有意识的控制11.brain imaging 大脑造型12.wake up 醒来;叫醒13.show up 出现14.negative feelings 负面的感觉15.conscious mind 有意识的思想16.be occupied with 被所占据17.daily life 日常生活18.exercise conscious control over 对产生有意识的控制19.as soon as 一就20.at the end of 在结束的时候21.keep us from sleeping 使我们不睡觉22.in a panic 处于惊恐23.economic uncertainties 经济的不确定性24.suffer from 遭受;患25.persistent nightmare 持续的噩梦26.work through 通过工作27.come to believe 逐渐认为28.be susceptible to 容易遭受的影响29.emotional changes 情感变化30.random outcome 随意的后果31.refer to 涉及32.fall asleep 入睡33.in time 及时34.rid of 消除35.bringunder control 控制36.belong to 属于37.lead ones life 生活38.as usual 像通常一样39.professional help 专业帮助Text 4 1.expectto do 期待做2.public figure 公众人物3.whetheror 无论还是4.aspire to 渴望5.conservative views 保守的观点6.seeas 把看作7.be responsible for 负责8.formal English 正规英语9.academic speciality 学术专业10.gradual disappearance 逐渐的消失11.the modestly educated 受过中等教育的人12.an elevated tone 提高的音调13.put pen to paper 书写14.triumph over 在方面成功15.be illustrated with 用举例说明16.an entertaining array of 有趣的一系列17.there exists 存在着18.think straight 正确地认为19.talk proper 合适地谈话20.have a deep love for 对有着深深的爱21.large chunks of 大量的22.memorized poetry 背诵的诗歌23.formal language 正规语言24.radical education reform 根本的教育改革25.grieve over 悲痛,伤心26.paper plate 纸盘子27.all too 太28.language development 语言发展29.controversy over 对的争议30.bring about 带来,产生31.public attitude 公共态度32.logical thinking 逻辑思维33.not necessarily 未必34.be related to 与有关系35.standard English 标准英语36.of all 在所有的当中37.complex idea 复杂的想法38.memorize poetry 背诵诗歌39.interest in 对的兴趣40. A is to B as C is to D A跟B的关系如同C跟D的关系2004年 Text 1 1.hunt for 寻找2.search agent 搜索代理3.let sb. do 让某人做某事4.job criteria 职业标准5.a matching position 一个匹配的职务6.promising openings 有希望的空缺职务7.repeated visit to 反复登陆8.work against 对不利9.the best strategy 最佳的策略10.use the agent as 把代理用作11.keep abreast of 与并列;不落后于12.rely on 依靠,依赖13.add to 增加14.send out 发送15.sign up 签署16.vice president 副总统17.hunt for 寻找18.keep a close watch on 密切注视19.demand for 对的需求20.look out 留神,提防21.focus on 聚焦22.returning visits 回访23.the rate of success 成功率24.be indispensable to 对必不可少的Text 2 1.be unaware of 没有注意到2.refer to 涉及3.begin with 以开始4.It has long been known that 长期以来人所共知的是5.have a big advantage over 对有很大的优势6.thumb through 翻阅7.a large number of 大量的8.begin with 以开始9.start with 以开始10.heads of government 政府领导11.be all close to 接近12.even if 即使13.Japanese characters 日本的特点14.dream up 虚构,凭空想出15.spare time 业余时间16.set in 开始;到来17.infant school 儿童学校18.make it easier to do 使做更容易19.get stuck 被困在地方20.in the back row 在后排21.confidence in 对的信心22.by the time 到的时候23.election ballot papers 选票24.draw up 起草25.lose interest in 对失去兴趣26.plough through 跋涉;奋力前进;钻研27.illustratewith 用举例说明28.overlooked inequality 被忽略的不平等29.conspicuous bias 明显的偏见30.personal prejudice 个人的偏见31.brand discrimination 品牌歧视32.be essential to 对非常重要33.be to blame for 因而受到指责34.pay a lot of attention to 对予以许多注意35.too subtle to recognize 太微妙以至于无法识别36.intelligent student 聪明的学生37.doze off 瞌睡38.be busy with 忙于39.word puzzle 字谜40.a great deal 大量的41.have a long way to go 仍有很长的路要走42.lead to 导致,产生43.unintentional bias 非故意的偏见Text 3 1.When it comes to 当谈到2.bite ones nails 咬手指甲3.show up 出现4.softening economy 疲软的经济5.economic indicator 经济的指示物6.do without 没有也行7.be concerned about 关心,关注8.department store 百货商店9.instead of 代替,而不是10.red-hot economy 过热的经济11.working folks 劳动者12.take in 吸入;获有13.cautious approach 谨慎的办法14.at a crucial time 在关键时刻15.sound any alarms 拉响任何警报16.long-term prospects 长期的前景17.be in despair 绝望18.dreadful headlines 可怕的头版头条新闻19.gold rush 淘金热20.frenzied overbidding 疯狂的出价21.real-estate broker 房地产经纪人22.silver linings 一线希望23.cheer for 为而欢呼24.lower interest rates 更低的利率25.job market 就业市场26.stock-market swings 股市的波动27.viewas 把看作28.a sustained boom 持续的繁荣29.used to do 过去常常30.be engaged in 从事于31.grow out of 从发展32.in a desperate situation 处于绝境33.stock exchange 股票交易34.venture investment 风险投资35.stock market 股市36.signs of recovery 恢复的迹象37.purchasing power 购买力38.be on the horizon 即将来临Text 4 1.place a very high value on 高度重视2.for the sake of 为了,因为3.be anything but 除以外任何事物;根本不4.be vulnerable to 容易遭到破坏5.participate in 参与6.civil society 文明社会7.smells of 的味道8.common sense 常识9.native intelligence 天生的智力10.noble qualities 高贵的品质11.put unnatural restraints on 对加以不自然的限制12.shut up 关闭13.a bellyful of 满腹14.innate goodness 天生的德行15.be different from 与不同16.be in the grips of 在的控制之中17.identify with 认为等同于18.intellectual promise 知识未来19.profound knowledge 深厚的知识20.practical abilities 实践的能力21.future career 未来职业22.intellectual pursuits 知识的追求23.in favor of 赞成,支持24.regular schooling 常规教育25.be second to 次于2003年 Text 1 1.lay the roots for 为奠定基础2.everyday pastimes 日常的娱乐活动3.electronic spying 电子间谍4.go on 继续5.give birth to 生育6.by a large margin 一很大的优势7.make the biggest splash 引人注目8.make money 赚钱9.seeas 把看作10.online world 网络世界11.information collection and distribution 信息收集和发送12.be busy doing 忙于做13.vacuum up 深入打探14.as soon as 一就15.hear back from 回收16.tell good information from bad 区分好的信息与不好的信息17.earn ones keep 赢得一席之地18.rely on 依靠,依赖19.the key to ones success 某人成功的关键20.sound like 听起来像21.dramatic declaration 惊人的声明或陈述22.on the chance 抱(一线)希望23.take pride in 为而自豪24.intelligence service 情报服务25.common pastimes 常见的娱乐活动26.online spying 网上间谍27.fight for 为而战28.information war 信息战29.unique service 独特的服务30.exert the greatest effort 做出最大的努力31.achieve the greatest success 取得最大的成功32.enjoy the widest popularity 享有最广泛的流行度33.prove true 证明是真实的34.the truthfulness of information 信息的真实性35.be characterized by 是的特点36.fairly reliable information 相当可靠的信息37.be proud of 为而自豪38.official status 官方的地位39.efficient staff 有效率的工作人员40.military background 军事背景Text 2 1.because of 因为2.rule out 取消,排除;拒绝考虑3.respondto 对做出反应4.animal rights advocate 动物权利提倡者5.the public 公众6.health knowledge and care 卫生知识和医疗7.animal rights movement 动物权利运动8.depend on 取决于,依赖9.public funding 公众的资金


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