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叮叮小文库1、Prometheus Prometheus is the son of Iapetus, brother of Epimetheus. After time of the creation, he and his brother were ordered to create man to rule over the plants and all kinds of living creatures on the earth. Prometheus with his brother fashioned man from clay. Prometheus loved man so much that he risked his own life to steal fire from Olympus but was discovered by Zeus. To give him punishment, Zeus sent him to the Caucasian Mountain, chaining him to a rock, having an eagle to bite his liver which grew back daily. Suffering for centuries, Prometheus was saved by Heracles, who killed the eagle and broke the chains.2、After the creation of the world, who decided to create a superior being? For what purpose?Eros, the god of love, son of Aphrodite, decided to create a superior being. After the creation of the world, there were luxuriant vegetation and all kinds of living creatures covering the newborn Earth. Eros let Prometheus and his brother to endow them with instincts and in order to rule over the other creatures, and Eros wanted the two brothers to create a superior being called man. Man were made by the image of the god, filled with spirit of life and endowed with a soul. Man being the ruler of all creatures, things on the earth could be well-ruled and the world would be more complete.3、How do you think of Prometheus? Why did he pay such high price to bring fire to human beings?Prometheus is the son of Iapetus, brother of Epimetheus. After the creation of the world, Eros bade Prometheus and his brother create and endow a superior being called man to rule over all the others. They fashioned man form clay. Prometheus was very kind and merciful, for he observed man and longed to bestow upon him great power; he was very brave and adamantine, for he stole heavenly fire for man and suffered from torture for centuries. He was to man what a mother was to her children. In order to let his man to have fire, which was the possession and prerogative of gods and they wouldnt share with man, he risked his own life to steal it but unfortunately was discovered by Zeus. Despite the prolonging torture, Prometheus never gave in. Thanks to his effort, man lived on the earth generation after generation and became more civilized.4、PandoraIn Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on the earth. Each god endowed her with some special charm to make her more attractive. She was made to punish mankind for acceptance of the heavenly fire. Zeus wanted to give Pandora to Prometheus while he refused. Pandora was later became the wife of Epimetheus. At the beginning the couple lived a happy life. However, out of curiosity, Pandora opened the box which was brought in by Hermes. The box contained all evils of mankind. The world was then soon full of unhappiness and evils. She later opened the box at the second time and the hope flew out and seized the evils. The world was healed again.5、Why was Zeus displeased and decided to punish human beings?Zeus, the god of the sky, ruler of the Olympian gods and spiritual father of gods and mortals, is the god with greatest power and everyone should be subordinated to him. Prometheus, the so of Iapetus, brother of Epimetheus stole heavenly fire for man. However, fire was the possession and prerogative of gods and they wouldnt share with man. Zeus was furious with Prometheus and man. He then tried to devise some means to punish mankind for the acceptance of he heavenly fire and sent Pandora who would bring evils to Prometheus.6、What are the 4 Ages? How was peoples living condition in each Age?The four Ages are the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Age of Brass and the Iron Age.In the Golden Age, the world was peopled slowly and years were of pure happiness. There was no occasion for labor and innocence, virtue and truth prevailed. It was a time of bliss. In the Silver Age, a year was first divided into seasons and men were obliged to toil for their daily bread. It was a time of happiness and hardship. In the Age of Brass, strife became customary and differences were settled by blows. In the Iron Age, mens passions knew mo bounds and they even dared to refuse to respect gods. Was occurred and increased and the earth was full of blood. It is the worst of all Ages.7、ApolloApollo is the son of Zeus and Leto. In Greek mythology, Apollo was in many respects the role model of a Greek god. He represents order, harmony and civilization in a way that most other Olympian deities cannot equal. He was described as bright and rational and often associated with the cultivated arts of music and medicine. He was admired by many goddesses, but he retired form them. He was a fighter, for he killed Python; he was a lover as well, for he fell in love with many deities and people.8、How do you think of Apollo as a god?Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto. In Greek mythology, Apollo was in many respects the role model of a Greek god. He represents order, harmony and civilization in a way that most other Olympian deities cannot equal. He was described as bright and rational and often associated with the cultivated arts of music and medicine. As a fighter, he was adventurous and brave. He encountered and killed Python. He was also conquered. He punished the goddesses who had insulted his mother Leto. He was full of love; he fell in love with many deities and people. 9、Trojan WarAfter Paris stole Helen, wife of Menelaus from Sparta, the Greek launched a war against Troy. But it was difficult to find Troy. At the end, the Greeks failed to take back Helen. The war happened when Telephus had gone to Greece in the hope of having wound cured. The first nine years of the war consisted of both war in Troy and war against the neighboring regions. It came to no result. Then clever Odysseus ordered a large wooden horse to be built. Its insides were to be hollow. Once, a number of the Greek warriors climbed inside. The rest of the Creek fleet sailed away. The wooden horse was taken into Troy. That night, the Greek warriors came out from the horse, and they slaughtered the Trojans. Finally, the Greek won the war.10、How does the Trojan Horse work in achieving the victory of Greeks? After Paris stole Helen, wife of Menelaus from Sparta, the Greek launched a war against Troy. This war was called Trojan War. The first nine years of the war consisted of both war in Troy and war against the neighboring regions. It came to no result. Still seeking to gain entrance into Troy, clever Odysseus (some say with the aid of Athena) ordered a large wooden horse to be built. Its insides were to be hollow so that soldiers could hide within it. Once the statue had been built by the artist Epeius, a number of the Greek warriors, along with Odysseus, climbed inside. The rest of the Creek fleet sailed away, so as to deceive the Trojans. Sinon pretended to be angry with the Greeks, and he assured the Trojans that the wooden horse was safe and would bring luck to the Trojans. And the Trojans believed and dragged the wooden horse into Troy. That night, after the Trojans were asleep or in a drunken stupor, the Greek warriors came out from the horse, and they slaughtered the Trojans. Finally, the Greek won the war. Because the Greek hid in the Trojan horse, so that they could went into Troy, slaughtered the Trojans and won the war.11、Garden of EdenThe Garden of Eden is described in the Book of Genesis as being the place where the first man, Adam and his wife, Eve lived after they were created by God. The Garden of Eden was planted by God. It was a place that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. In the middle of the garden stood two trees:the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve enjoyed to its fullest before they ate the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But when they ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, they were banished from the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden forms part of the creation and is often used to explain the origin of sin and mankinds wrongdoings. 12、AdamAdam was the first man created by God after God created the heaven and the earth. He called his wife who was made by his rib Eve. Adam lived in the Garden of Eden. He was told by God that he could freely from every tree of the garden except for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But after Eve was deceived by Satan and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, Adam also ate it. Instantly, his eyes were opened and his spirit became dead. Because of his disobedience to God, sin and death entered the world. Adam with his wife was banished from the Garden of Eden.13、EveEve was the first woman made by Adams rib after God created world and Adam. She was named by his husband, Adam. Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. He was told by God that he could freely from every tree of the garden except for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But later, Eve was deceived by Satan and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. At the same time, she gave the fruit to Adam. Instantly, her eyes were opened and her spirit became dead. Because of her disobedience to God, sin and death entered the world. Eve with his husband was banished from the Garden of Eden.14、Before God created human, who he also created in heaven? Who is Lucifer? Why is he banished from heaven to hell?Before God created human, he also created the angels in heaven. The angels inhabited the spirit realm and they respected God very much. When the angels were given freedom of choice, most of the angels worship the Lord and carry out his bidding, helping people in many ways. But other angels made a bed choice. They rejected Gods love, selecting instead Lucifer.Lucifer is the most beautiful angel that God created. Lucifer, known also in the Bible as the Devil or Satan, desires worship which belongs only to God. He is the archangel cast from heaven for leading the revolt of the angels. Lucifer had challenge God by saying in his heart: I would elevate my throne above the stars of God: I will be like the Highest God.” In the end, his arrogance and pride caused him to lose the honored position above Gods throne. Because of his rebellion, God pronounced doom to Lucifer, and banished him from heaven to hell. 15、How was the plan of sacrificing of innocent life for humankinds disobedience implied?God put Adam and Eve to care for everything in Garden of Eden and commanded them not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, Eve was deceived by Satan who was in the form of a serpent and both Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After that, they became ashamed of their naked body. The fig leaves which they sewed together did not cover their nakedness. So, God had to kill an innocent animal to provide covering for them. Through Adam and Eve, sin and death entered the world. It became the sin of humankind for the innocent sacrifice because their distrust of God. Gods plan implied that God and Gods words should be trust and obey by everything in the world. Those who disobey God should be ashamed of their sin. Only man trust God, can they relief form sin.16、Noahs ArkAfter many years, more and more people refused to honor God and evil continued to spread throughout the earth. So God decided to destroy mankind by sending a big flood except Noah who was loyal to him. God told Noah to make a wooden ark to avoid the flood. Noah was also told to take his family and a male and female of every animal by seven. Noah followed Gods order and survived while everything on earth was destroyed. As water receded, God blessed his family and established promise with Noah and his descendants that never again will all people and animal die from a flood. At last, God put his rainbow as a token of his promise.17、What does rainbow symbolize according to the story?The rainbow symbolizes Gods covenant. At first, God saw man becoming more and more wick. So God decided to destroy mankind except Noah, who was loyal to God. God told Noah to make a wooden ark which would be covered with tar inside and out to avoid the flood which would be sent by him. Noah was also told to take his wife, three sons and their wives, a male and female of every animal by seven. Noah followed Gods order and he survived while other living creatures were all dead in the big flood. When the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat, God told Noah to go out and blessed him and his sons. God asked Noah to be fruitful and refill the earth. God also said anyone who kills another human being must forfeit his own life. Then, God established promise with Noah and his descendants after him, never again will all people and animal die from a flood. At last, God put his rainbow as a token of his promise.18、The Tower of BabelMany generations after Noah, when the whole earth still spoke the same language, people traveled to a plain in the Middle East and settled there. They want to make a name of themselves. So, they decided to build a city for settling and a tower for worshiping the sun, moon and stars, which was a direct refusal to obey Gods command to go out and fill the earth. Then, God mixed up their language, causing them to stop building the city. Therefore, the name of that city became “Babel”, which means confusion; because there the Lord multiplied language on the earth, causing people to scatter abroad.19、Why did people want to build a city and a tower?Because many generations after Noah, when the whole earth still spoke the same language, people became more and more bumptious and wanted to make a name of themselves. So they decided to build a city for settling and a tower for worshiping the sun, moon and stars. Actuarially, this was a direct refusal to obey Gods command to go out and fill the earth, because man chose to worship Gods creation instead of God himself. So later, God mixed up their language, causing them to stop building the city. Therefore, the name of that city became “Babel”, which means confusion; because there the Lord multiplied language on the earth, causing people to scatter abroad.20、How do you think of him as a father, a husband and an adherent?As a father, Abraham is not qualified. Because when God asked to sacrifice his only son to demonstrate his faith, he didnt hesitated and he did what the Lord instructed him to do. He really was about to kill his son if without prevention of the angel.As a husband, Abraham has no definite idea and is also not qualified. He was loyal to God, but his faith was shacked when his wife told him to have a child with the maid. And when God asked to sacrifice his only son, he immediately agreed without considering his wifes feeling.As an adherent, Abraham was loyal to God. When God asked Abraham to leave his country and travel to a land where God would make a great nation from him, he went there immediately. Even though Abraham and his wife had no children, Abraham still believed God that God would bless him and his descendants shall be countless. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son to demonstrate his faith to God, he brought his son to the place where God pointed. When he decided to kill his son, the angel of Lord stopped him. All this showed that Abraham was loyal to God.21、What spirit can you find in Abraham? Do you have experience in pursuing your own belief?I found worship and loyalty in Abraham. When God asked Abraham to leave his country and travel to a land where God would make a great nation from him, he went there immediately. Even though Abraham and his wife had no children, Abraham still believed God that God would bless him and his descendants shall be countless. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son to demonstrate his faith to God, he brought his son to the place where God pointed. When he decided to kill his son, the angel of Lord stopped him. All this showed that Abraham was loyal to God.(own belief根据自身情况)22、The ExodusAfter Joseph died, the new Pharaoh turned the Hebrews into slaves and treated them cruelly in fear that they would gain too much power. He gave orders to kill all the Hebrew newborn sons. However, his daughter named one Hebrew son Moses and raised him up. As Moses grew up, he was told by God to lead the Hebrew out of Egypt together with his brother Aaron. Each time God brought a disease to strike Egypt, the Pharaoh would promise to set the Hebrews free, but each time he would go back on his promise. So, God told the Israel to strike the top of the door frame and two side posts with the lambs blood and stayed at home until the next morning. At the same time, they must eat the lamb without breaking any of its bones with unleavened bread that night. Finally, the Hebrew families were passed over while all the firstborn sons of Egypt were killed. God destroyed the Egyptian army who were pursuing the Hebrews in Red sea and helped the Hebrews walk over the Red sea.23、Ten commandmentsThe Israelites lived in the wilderness with no water and no food after their rescue from Egypt. So, the Lord brought water and rained bread for them. Soon, the nation camped around a mountain in the desert of Sinai. Suddenly, the Lord descended and called Moses to him. Then the Lord wrote down these Ten Commandments.You shall have no other gods before me. (It means Im the only God of you)You shall not make idols or bow down to them, nor server them. (It means you are a valued person, you dont need to worship others.)You shall not use the name of the Lord your God disrespectfully. (It means your name cant be the same as the Gods)Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (It means you should celebrate the Sabbath day.)Honor your father and your mother. (It means you should take pride in your parents.)You shall not murder. (It means


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