六下《跟上兔子》 六年级 第2季 I love you,dad.doc_第1页
六下《跟上兔子》 六年级 第2季 I love you,dad.doc_第2页
六下《跟上兔子》 六年级 第2季 I love you,dad.doc_第3页




六下跟上兔子 六年级 第2季 I love you dadWho is your best friend ?谁是你最好的朋友?What does he / she look like ? Think about what your best friend means to you他/她长什么样?想想你最好的朋友对你意味着什么Here is a new type of mind map-a Fishbone mind map . It helps you to sort out ideas . First , write down the topic on the head of the fish . Then , write down the supporting details on the ends of different bones.这是一种新型的思维图鱼骨思维图。它帮助你理清思路。首先,把这个话题写在鱼的头上。然后,在不同骨骼的末端写下支撑细节。The story you are going to read is about a friend . His name is Click , and he is very unusual . Why is he unusual ? What can he do ?你要读的故事是关于一个朋友的。他的名字叫克里克,他很不寻常。他为什么与众不同?他能做什么?Dan gets ready to sleep . He waves goodbye to his dad on the computer screen . He hopes Dad can come back early tomorrow evening .丹准备睡觉。他在电脑屏幕上向爸爸挥手道别。他希望爸爸明天晚上早点回来。Wake up ! Wake up ! Dan , wake up !醒醒!醒醒!丹,醒醒!Dan opens his eyes . A little robot stands before him丹睁开眼睛。一个小机器人站在他面前Who are you ?你是谁?I am your new friend , Click.我是你的新朋友克里克。NOW please get up and get dressed , says Click . Dont forget to do some morning exercise“现在请起来穿衣服,” 克里克说。别忘了做早操Dan comes out of his bedroom . He finds his home different . The TV is gone.丹从卧室里出来。他觉得他的家与众不同。电视不见了。The fridge is gone too冰箱也不见了How can I watch football games with Dad again ? How can I eat nice food ? 我怎么能再和爸爸一起看足球赛?我怎么能吃到好吃的食物呢?”We dont need the TV or the fridge . I can give you what you need Click explains我们不需要电视和冰箱。我可以给你你所需要的” 克里克解释Time to have breakfast该吃早餐了Click brings Dan a box . These pills are your food点击将给丹带来一个盒子。”这些药丸是你的食物The red one is for breakfast , the green one is for lunch , and the blue one is for dinner . They can give you enough energy红色的是早餐,绿色的是午餐,蓝色的是晚餐。它们能给你足够的能量Dan doesnt want to take these food pills , hough they are convenient . He wants to eat real meals . He misses his dads cooking丹不想吃这些药丸,尽管它们很方便。他想吃正餐。他想念他爸爸的厨艺。How wonderful it would be if Dad wasnt busy managing the robot company !如果爸爸不忙于管理机器人公司,那将是多么美妙的事情啊!Dan decides to try a breakfast pill . He feels full and energetic at once How magical the pill is丹决定吃点早餐药。他立刻感到精力充沛,这药丸真是太神奇了。Click drives Dan to school . Dan is surprised to find that Click is very good at driving克里克开车送丹上学。丹惊讶地发现克里克非常擅长开车。This is a computer lesson . Click turns on the screen in his body and starts to take notes . Dan is happy because he doesnt like taking notes这是一节计算机课。克里克打开他身体的屏幕,开始做笔记。丹很高兴,因为他不喜欢记笔记After school Dan returns home . He thinks the house looks so large now放学后,丹回家了。他觉得房子现在看起来太大了I feel blue , Click . I dont want to do anything我心情很不好,克里克。我什么都不想做But I dont know why.但我不知道为什么这样。Click presses a button on his body . I stored all of your past life events in my brain . I have your first day of school , your 10th birthday party , your last trip to he sea , and so on克里克按了他身体上的一个按钮。”我把你过去所有的事情都储存在我的脑子里。我有你上学的第一天,你的10岁生日聚会,你最后一次出海,等等记忆。 Now I will replay days for you , and you can tell me the details . Sounds cool !“现在我将为您重播几天,您可以告诉我详细情况。”听起来很酷!On the screen Dan had a good time . He swam with Dad and made cakes with Mum . They looked for shells and crabs on the beach.在屏幕上丹玩得很开心。他和爸爸一起游泳,和妈妈一起做蛋糕。他们在海滩上找贝壳和螃蟹。Click finds tears in Dans eyes You miss them , dont you ? 克里克发现丹眼中的泪水:“你想念他们,不是吗?”I havent been together with Dad for a long time since we lost Mum自从我们失去妈妈后,我很久没有和爸爸在一起了The front door suddenly opens . Dad comes back home in a hurry . He doesnt even say hello to Dan前门突然开了,爸爸匆匆回家。他甚至不跟丹打招呼 Youre a big boy , Dan . Go and give your dad a hug !“丹,你是个大男孩。去给你爸爸一个拥抱!Click follows Dan to Dads room克里克跟随丹到爸爸的房间Wake up ! Wake up ! Dan , wake up !醒醒!醒醒!丹,醒醒!The voice sounds familiar . Dan opens his eyes slowly . His dad is right here before him这声音听起来很熟悉。丹慢慢地睁开眼睛。他爸爸就在他前面Whats up , Dan ? Why are you crying ?怎么了,丹?你为什么哭?Dan tells his dad about the dream丹告诉他爸爸这个梦Dad understands Dans worry If he gives Dan less attention and love , Dan will slowly stop caring about his dad爸爸理解丹的担心,如果他不给予丹太多的关注和爱


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