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uploadFile.aspx-模板页引入js及css文件 删除 标 题 上传者 $(function () $(#file_upload).uploadify( height: 30, swf: ././uploadify/uploadify.swf, uploader: ././ajax/uploadFile.ashx, width: 120, cancelImg: ././uploadify/uploadify-cancel.png, buttonText: 选择文件, fileTypeExts: *.bmp;*.doc;*.docx;*.gif;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.pdf;*.png;*.ppt;*.pptx;*.rar;*.txt;*.zip, fileSizeLimit: 6000KB, removeCompleted: false, formData: flagID: 1 , onUploadSuccess: function (file, data, response) if (data.indexOf(错误提示) -1) alert(data); return false; else /alert(The file + + was successfully uploaded with a response of + response + : + data); /$(#fileSpan).append(- + + ); $(#tab_list).datagrid(reload); , onUploadError: function (file, errorCode, errorMsg, errorString) alert(文件: + + 上传失败: + errorString); return false; ); InitGird(); /初始化表格 InitSearch(); /初始化搜索栏 ); var _status = id: 1, name: 是 , id: 0, name: 否 ; function statusFormatter(value) for (var i = 0; i 0 ? $(parent.document).find(#mainPanle).height() - 90 : 500, /高度 nowrap: false, /是否换行,True 就会把数据显示在一行里 striped: true, /True 奇偶行使用不同背景色 collapsible: false, /可折叠 sortOrder: desc, /排序类型 remoteSort: true, /定义是否从服务器给数据排序 columns: field: cbx, checkbox: true , title: 文件标题, field: JSON_filetitle, nowrap: true , title: 上 传 者, field: JSON_uploader, width: 100 , title: 文件路径, field: JSON_filepath, nowrap: true , title: 文件大小, field: JSON_filesize, width: 80, sortable: true , title: 文件类型, field: JSON_filetype, width: 80 , title: 提交时间, field: JSON_posttime, width: 120, sortable: true , title: 通过审批, field: JSON_docapproval, width: 60, formatter: statusFormatter, editor: type: checkbox, options: on: 1, off: 0 , title: 操作, field: action, width: 90, align: center, formatter: function (value, row, index) if (row.editing) /alert(row.JSON_fileid); var s = Save ; var c = Cancel; return s + | + c; else var e = Edit ; var d = Delete; return e + | + d; , onBeforeEdit: function (index, row) row.editing = true; updateActions(); , onAfterEdit: function (index, row) row.editing = false; updateActions(); , onCancelEdit: function (index, row) row.editing = false; updateActions(); , toolbar: #tab_toolbar, queryParams: action: query , pagination: true, /是否开启分页 pageNumber: 1, /默认索引页 pageSize: 10, /默认一页数据条数 rownumbers: true /行号 ); function updateActions() var rowcount = $(#tab_list).datagrid(getRows).length; for (var i = 0; i rowcount; i+) $(#tab_list).datagrid(updateRow, index: i, row: action: ); /编辑按钮事件 function editrow(index) $(#tab_list).datagrid(beginEdit, index); /保存按钮事件 function saverow(index) var n = $(inputtype=checkbox:checked).length; $.post(location.href, action: submit, id: index, n: n , function (data) $.messager.alert(提示, data, info, function () $(#tab_list).datagrid(reload); ); ) $(#tab_list).datagrid(endEdit, index); /取消按钮事件 function cancelrow(index) $(#tab_list).datagrid(cancelEdit, index); /删除按钮事件 function DelData(id) $.messager.confirm(提示, 确认删除?, function (r) if (r) var selected = ; if (id = 0) $($(#tab_list).datagrid(getSelections).each(function () selected += this.JSON_fileid + ,; ); selected = selected.substr(0, selected.length - 1); if (selected = ) $.messager.alert(提示, 请选择要删除的数据!, info); return; else selected = id; $.post(location.href, action: del, cbx_select: selected , function (data) $.messager.alert(提示, data, info, function () $(#tab_list).datagrid(reload); ); ); ); /初始化搜索框 function InitSearch() $(#ipt_search).searchbox( width: 220, iconCls: icon-save, searcher: function (val, name) if (val != ) $(#tab_list).datagrid(options).queryParams.search_type = name; $(#tab_list).datagrid(options).queryParams.search_value = val; $(#tab_list).datagrid(reload); else InitGird(); , prompt: 请输入要查询的关键字 ); uploadFile.aspx.csusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Text;using System.Data;using BLL;using DBUtility;using Models;using Common;using System.Web.Security;public partial class Sys_File_uploadFile : System.Web.UI.Page UploadFileMana bll = new UploadFileMana(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) string action = ; if (Request.Formaction != ) action = Request.Formaction; switch (action) case query: /查询数据 QueryData(); break; case submit:/提交数据,添加或修改 UpdateData(); break; case del:/删除数据 DelData(); break; default: break; #region 查询数据 / / 组合搜索条件 / / private string GetWhere() StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1=1);/需要引入using System.Text; string searchType = Request.Formsearch_type != ? Request.Formsearch_type : string.Empty; string searchValue = Request.Formsearch_value != ? Request.Formsearch_value : string.Empty; if (searchType != null & searchValue != null) sb.AppendFormat( and charindex(0,1)0, searchValue, searchType); return sb.ToString(); / / 查询数据 / private void QueryData() int page = Request.Formpage != ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Formpage) : 0; int size = Request.Formrows != ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Formrows) : 0; string sort = Request.Formsort != ? Request.Formsort : ; string order = Request.Formorder != ? Request.Formorder : ; if (page 1) return; string orderField = sort.Replace(JSON_, ); string strWhere = GetWhere(); DataSet dsTea = DataHandler.GetList(UploadFileInfo, *, fileID, size, page, false, false, strWhere); int count = bll.GetList(strWhere).Tables0.Rows.Count;/获取总数 string strJSON = JsonHelper.CreateJsonParameters(dsTea.Tables0, true, count); Response.Write(strJSON); Response.End(); #endregion #region 查询指定ID 的数据 / / 获取指定ID的数据 / private void QueryOneData() int fileid = Request.Formid != ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Formid) : 0; DataSet ds = bll.GetList(1, fileID= + fileid, PostTime ASC); string strJSON = JsonHelper.CreateJsonOne(ds.Tables0, false); Response.Clear(); Response.Write(strJSON); Response.End(); #endregion #region 修改提交的数据 / / 修改数据 / private void UpdateData() int id = Request.Formid != ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Formid) : 0; /int n = Request.Formn != ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Formn) : 0; UploadFileInfo model = new UploadFileInfo(); model.fileID = id; model.DocApproval = Request.Formn != 0 ? 1 : 0; string writeMsg = 操作失败!; if (model != null) if (bll.Update(model) writeMsg = 更新成功!; else writeMsg = 更新失败!; Response.Clear(); Response.Write(writeMsg); Response.End(); #endregion #region 删除指定ID 的数据 / / 删除数据 / private void DelData() string writeMsg = 删除失败!; string selectID = Request.Formcbx_select != ? Request.Formcbx_select : ; if (selectID != string.Empty & selectID != 0) int delNum = DataHandler.DelData(UploadFileInfo, fileID, selectID); if (delNum 0) writeMsg = string.Format(删除成功,本次共删除0条, delNum.ToString(); else writeMsg = 删除失败!; Response.Clear(); Response.Write(writeMsg); Response.End(); #endregionuploadFile.ashxusing System;using System.Web;using System.IO;using Models;using BLL;using System.Web.SessionState;public class uploadFile : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState protected string AllowExt = bmp|doc|docx|gif|jpeg|jpg|pdf|png|ppt|pptx|rar|txt|zip;/支持的文件格式 int FileMaxSize = 10240;/文件大小,单位为K public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) context.Response.ContentType = text/plain; string flagID = context.Request.ParamsflagID; HttpPostedFile fileUpload = context.Request.Files0; if (fileUpload != null & flagID = 1) try string UploadDir = /UploadFile/; string path = context.Server.MapPath(UploadDir); string folder = DateTime.Now.ToString(yyyyMM); /文件夹不存在,则创建 if (!Directory.Exists(path + folder) Directory.CreateDirectory(path + folder); /上传的扩展名 string fileExtension = fileUpload.FileName.Substring(fileUpload.FileName.LastIndexOf(.); /判断文件格式 if (!CheckValidExt(fileExtension) context.Response.Write(错误提示:文件格式不正确! + fileExtension); return; /判断文件大小 if (fileUpload.ContentLength FileMaxSize * 1024) context.Response.Write(错误提示:上传的文件( + fileUpload.FileName + )超过最大限制: + FileMaxSize + KB); return; /保存文件的文件名 /string saveName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + fileExtension; /使用时间+随机数重命名文件 string strDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(yyMMddhhmmssfff);/取得时间字符串 Random ran = new Random(); string strRan = Convert.ToString(ran.Next(100, 999);/生成三位随机数 string saveName = strDateTime + strRan + fileExtension; UploadFileInfo model = new UploadFileInfo(); model.FileTitle = fileUpload.FileName.Substring(0, fileUpload.FileName.LastIndexOf(
- 1. 本站所有资源如无特殊说明,都需要本地电脑安装OFFICE2007和PDF阅读器。图纸软件为CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.压缩文件请下载最新的WinRAR软件解压。
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