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Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark 一、单项选择(共20小题;共20分) 1.My little brother shy, but now he a little outgoing.A. used to; isB. used to be; isC. used to; hasD. used to be; has 2. you to get up early?A. Did; usedB. Do; useC. Did; useD. Do; used 3.My sister long hair, but now she wears short hair.A. used to haveB. hasC. used to beD. used to has 4.- Hi, Ann! I won the first prize in the English Speech Contest.- Congratulations! And I guess your parents must you.A. be mad atB. be proud ofC. be angry withD. be impolite to 5.If you try your best, we will you even you may fail again and again.A. be pride ofB. take proud ofC. be proud inD. take pride in 6.The flowers some water because they havent been watered for many days.A. gainB. requestC. rescueD. require 7.My little sister the room, because its too dark outside.A. dare not leaveB. dare leaveC. dare to leaveD. dare not to leave 8.- I want to know more about how to use this word.- You can look it up in the dictionary.A. mostlyB. exactlyC. nearlyD. hardly 9.Kangkang the math exam because he was not careful enough.A. passedB. failedC. finishedD. won10.This kind of plant is seen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard to find.A. commonlyB. alwaysC. seldomD. easily11.My grandma in the country. Now she in the city.A. used to live; livesB. used to living; livedC. uses to live; is livingD. was used to live; lives12.- you take a bus to school?- Yes. But now I go to school on foot.A. Did; use toB. Were; used toC. Do; use to13.- you to ride a motorbike?- Yes. But last month I sold it and bought a car.A. Did; useB. Are; usedC. Do; useD. Did; used14.Parents enjoy any progress their children have made and will feel them.A. angry withB. interested inC. proud ofD. worried about15.All Chinese that China launched its second unmanned lunar probe(无人探月卫星), Change-2.A. take proud inB. are proud inC. take pride inD. take pride of16.Its well-known that learning English well time and efforts.A. requiresB. wastesC. takes17.My sister at home by herself. So I have to stay with her today.A. dare not stayB. doesnt dare stayC. dare not to stayD. doesnt dare staying18.- Can you understand me?- Sorry. I can understand what youve said.A. nearlyB. easilyC. hardlyD. exactly19.- She tried hard to stop her husband from smoking, didnt she?- Yes. But she .A. failedB. fellC. made itD. got it20.Lucy likes staying at home. She goes traveling during holidays.A. usuallyB. seldomC. alwaysD. often二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)21. Lucy is ill in hospital and cant go to school, so she is a .22. His mother died two days ago. It had a bad i on him.23. Barry had a very successful i this morning. He will go to work next week.24. The h story made all of us laugh.25. Mr. Wu felt sick. The doctor gave him a careful e .26. We should keep s in the reading room at the school library.27. Im sure this dictionary will be h to you.28. There is an i about China in this magazine.29. In g , we have made progress in learning English in recent months.30. You cant use the car. Its p . Its owner is Mr. Green.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)31. Wise people are always very (幽默).32. If the teacher asks you a question(问题), you shouldnt keep (沉默的).33. Lucy is polite and (乐于助人的) and we all like her.34. You have to get at least 80 (分数) to pass the test.35. Sally became a member of the company after the job (面试).36. Enshi is a fantastic place to enjoy holidays. Here is an (介绍) about tourist attractions of Enshi.37. I (失败) my math test last week because of my carelessness.38. Its impolite to read others (私人的) letters without permission.39. People with different (背景) can be close friends when they work together as volunteers.40. This kind of film has a bad (影响) on students.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)41. 他们过去不常看电影。They films.42. 他以前是一名老师。 (词数不限)He a teacher.43. 是时候采取措施治理污染了。Its time to take measures to pollution.44. Its polite to keep our voice down (在公共场合). (词数不限)45. 我们应该为成功发射神舟九号载人飞船而感到自豪。We are supposed to be sending up Shenzhou IX spaceship with astronauts successfully.五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) An eleven-year-old boy in a small town wanted to be come at rain driver. But the boy was born with out 46 . His father taught him to use his feet 47 hands. He couldnt go to school, so he 48 all his time watching trains 49 and going because he lived near the station. How he wanted to 50 a train driver! One day he saw an empty train and climbed in. It was not 51 for him to start it with his feet. Soon the train was 52 at seventy kilometers an hour. The railway officials could not see the boy in the train and tried to 53 the train. The train reached a small station and then the boy didnt want to stop it. When he was near a town, a worker caught up with the train and stopped it. At first he was very 54 , but he laughed when the boy said, I like 55 . Well. Im glad you dont like planes!46.A. armsB. legsC. earsD. feet47.A. withB. asC. ofD. from48.A. tookB. paidC. spentD. cost49.A. runningB. flyingC. walkingD. coming50.A. beB. amC. areD. is51.A. difficultB. safeC. fastD. funny52.A. stayingB. jumpingC. travelingD. beginning53.A. makeB. driveC. stopD. start54.A. hungryB. angryC. happyD. lazy55.A. busesB. bikesC. planesD. trains六、阅读理解(共14小题;共28分)A I used to hate my mother because she worked a lot and didnt spend much time with me. Then one Friday morning I took part in a three-day self-help program for teenagers. Whether you believe it or not, that weekend changed my life. About 100 other teenagers were there. During the first two days I met a lot of great people. I was glad because I made so many friends there. On Sunday, the leader did an interesting exercise called Chocolate or Toys. He asked a girl which she liked better, chocolate or toys. She chose chocolate. Then he asked her to choose again between chocolate and chocolate. Of course, she didnt have a choice. This exercise told us that sometimes we dont have a choice in life, and that sometimes we have to accept something, rather than complaining(抱怨). A girl stood up and started talking about her mom who was a drug addict (吸毒者) and how much she hated her mother. I want a new mom, she cried. Unluckily, you cant have one, the leader replied. You have to accept the mother that you have. This hit me hard. I realized that, for better or worse, my mom was my mom. I couldnt choose another mom, but I could try to make the best of the situation.56. The writer used to hate his mother because .A. she didnt care for himB. she had no time to be with himC. she was a drug addictD. she was too strict with him57. The self-help program for teenagers lasted .A. a weekB. two daysC. three daysD. only one day58. The writer started to change his thinking .A. during the first two days of the programB. after the exercise named Chocolate or ToysC. as soon as he came to the programD. after he left the program some time59. From the end of the passage, we can know that .A. the writer used to love his mom for yearsB. the writers mom is a very bad personC. the writers mom loves her son very muchD. the writer will try to get along with his mother60. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Choices can be made as we like.B. Everyone should take part in a self-help program.C. Chocolate can influence ones attitude toward things.D. We should try to accept things instead of complaining about them.B When I was young, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didnt look like any other doctor Id ever known. He was very nice. In his spare time, he was always planting trees. The good doctor had some interesting views about planting trees. He didnt often water his trees and he often beat them with a rolled-up newspaper to wake them up and push them to grow faster. I didnt understand why. Watering plants too often is bad for them, Dr. Gibbs explained when I asked him one day. You have to make things hard for them. Those trees that arent watered enough will have to grow deeper into the ground for water, and then they will be strong. To be honest, I didnt believe what the doctor had told me. I planted a few trees several years ago. I still tried to water my trees and take good care of them every week. I wanted to make sure that my trees would grow much better than his. Twenty-five years later, when I came back to my hometown to check those trees, I was shocked. Dr. Gibbs trees were extremely tall and big. My trees, however, were very weak. Dr. Gibbs views suddenly came back to me. Hard conditions seemed to be good for Dr. Gibbs trees. I used to try to make my sons life comfortable and easy. Since then, I changed a lot. When children are growing up, they have to face lots of difficulties like Dr. Gibbs trees, and difficulties can lead them to be strong and brave people to face everything.61. Dr. Gibbs probably used to work .A. in a bankB. on a farmC. in a schoolD. in a hospital62. From the passage we know that the writer when he was young.A. learned how to plant trees from Dr. GibbsB. didnt agree with Dr. Gibbs viewsC. planted thousands of treesD. watered his trees every day63. The passage mainly wants to tell us .A. hard conditions are good for children when they are growing upB. rich families can make their children get good educationC. its important to plant trees in a proper wayD. how Dr. Gibbs used to plant his treesC Tahiti is the largest island of the French Polynesia in South Pacific. It covers 1,045 km and has a population of 183,600. The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold. Its always warm and humid. Tahitian people are very friendly and welcoming. They welcome visitors with music, dance and flowers. The Tiare Tahiti flower, which can only be found in Tahiti, is used for greeting arriving visitors and returning family. Its popular for women and men to wear the flowers behind their left ears. In Tahiti, there are always a lot of things to do and to see. Around the island are hundreds of places perfect for driving. In the waters, you can meet all kinds of colorful fish and many other living things that you cant name. Feeding sharks is another exciting popular activity. You can stand in the water behind a safe rope to watch a shark trainer hand-feed the sharks, or enjoy this fantastic scene from the boat. If you want to find a place to swim, have a sun bath or admire the beautiful sunset, Pointe Venus Lighthouse, a black sand beach, is a great choice. In the evening, you can have Tahitian food, Chinese food and French-style dishes at Toata, a square with many small restaurants. All kinds of fruit juice from coconut milk to pineapple juice can be found everywhere. Some hotels in Tahiti are built above the waters. Beautiful fish swimming below can be seen through the glass floor or coffee table. They are really wonderful places to relax and refresh you. Tahiti, an amazing place to do everything or nothing at all, is waiting for you.64. The weather in Tahiti is usually .A. hotB. coldC. warmD. dry65. Tahitian people use to greet arriving visitors.A. flowersB. drinksC. fruitD. fish66. Paragraph 3 mainly talks about .A. delicious Tahitian foodB. fun activities in TahitiC. friendly Tahitian peopleD. wonderful hotels in Tahiti67. Which of the following is TURE about Tahiti?A. Visitors are not allowed to dive in Tahiti.B. It is not easy to find something to eat at Toate.C. Visitors can enjoy themselves in over-water hotels.D. Pointe Venus Lighthouse is famous for its white sand.D Some of the greatest problems we face today are the destruction(破坏) of our environment. Brown clouds, polluted water, endangered wild animals., these problems seem so huge. So my family does what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we dont have to drive. But does it do any good? When I am the only one in line at the market with cloth bags, am I doing any good? Does my walking to stores make any real difference to the world? I recently learned something about flamingos(火烈鸟) which like to get together in groups of a thousand or more. Every year, when the time comes for migration(迁徙), a few of them first take off from the lake. But none of the others seem to notice, so the small group returns. However, the next day they try again. This time few more fly along with them, but most of them still pay no attention, so they return again. They try for several times. Every time a few more birds join in but, since the thousands of others still take no notice, the great migration plan is once more stopped. Then one day something changes. The same small group of birds once again starts flying and a small number more join in just as before, then more. Finally, they all take flight and the migration really begins. What a spectacular sight it must bethousands of flamingos taking off into the sky at once! A few can make a difference. Even if youre the one to take the first step, and continue trying, others will someday take notice and together we will solve even our greatest problems.68. Where would you most probably read this passage?A. A guidebook.B. A movie poster.C. A personal blog.D. A geology(地质) magazine.69. Whats the writers purpose of writing this article?A. To show that the writer loves to see the migration of flamingos.B. To tell readers to continue trying and it can make a difference.C. To introduce a special kind of flamingo to readers.D. To show that therere many problems in the world.七、短文7选5(5选5等)(共4小题;共8分) My dear dad, where are we going? 70. Its a line from the theme song of Hunan TV stations reality show Where Are We Going, Dad? All of my classmates are big fans, said Ning Yun, 14, from Guangxi. On Fridays, we remind each other: dont forget to watch it tonight! In the show, five pairs of fathers and kids go to strange places and finish interesting tasks. 71. Clumsy(笨手笨脚的) fathers learn to cook and comfort their kids. The kids learn about teamwork and being independent. But growing up needs courage. In the show, 4-year-old Kimi finds it hard to finish his work alone. When I saw Kimi looking for his dad, I burst into tears, said Chen Yufang, 13, from Guangxi. It reminded me of my first night at the school dormitory. 72. When people see the fathers trying to help their kids, it also hits a soft spot in their hearts. Tian Xiaofeng, 14, from Jiangsu, said his father is like Guo Tao in the program. He is strict. And I was sad about it, he said. But now he sees it in a different way. Guo Taos son looks strong-minded. I think his parenting style works. 73. On the journey of life, kids learn to grow up, and adults learn to be better parents. Maybe we can plan a trip with our parents. Shall we go?A. And I guess my father just wants me to be like that.B. Here are some tips on keeping your travel experience as healthy as possible.C. This has become the most popular question recently.D. Its also about growing up.E. I really felt the pain of growing up that night.八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共5小题;共10分) It was early evening on September 14th. Glen James, a homeless man was passing by a store in Boston when he happened upon a black bag. To see whose the bag is, Glen opened it only to find that it was filled with money$2,400 in cash and almost $40,000 in travelers checks, as well as, a passport and other papers. While other people in similar situations would have been tempted(引诱), Glen who has been homeless since 2005, did not even think twice. He showed the bag to a police officer, and the police officer gave it back to a Chinese tourist who had reported it lost. What Glen did was reported by newspapers, all over the


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