八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister(第1课时)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.docx_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister(第1课时)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.docx_第2页




Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister(第1课时) 【学习目标】1. 熟练掌握以下词汇和短语:outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working, competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win, singing competition, have fun 2. 熟练掌握并运用下列句型。(1) Sam has longer hair than Tom. (2) Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. (3) I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. (4) But the most important thing is to learn something and have fun.【重点难点】重点:形容词和副词的比较级难点:形容词和副词的用法及其区别【新知预习】根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. My brother is quiet, but my sister is _ (爱交际的). 2. Can you speak _ (大声地)? I cant hear you. 3. There is a writing _ (比赛) next week. Are you going to take part in it? 4. _ (哪一个) do you like better, soccer or basketball? I prefer soccer. 5. I cant see the words on the blackboard _ (清楚地). How about you?【课堂探究】探究1 than的用法: than连词,意为“比”,用于形容词、副词的比较级之后,引出比较的对象,并且比较的对象要前后一致。例如:Mobile phones are very popular now and they are cheaper than before. 手机现在非常流行,而且比以前便宜。探究2 loudly的用法: loudly为副词,意为“喧闹地;大声地;洪亮地”,其形容词形式为loud,反义词为quietly。例如:Listen, they are talking loudly in the classroom. 听,他们正在教室里大声谈论。【达标练习】一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My friend learns English _ (well) than me. 2. They are talking so _ (loudly) that the teacher becomes angry. 3. The girl is shy and she always speaks _ (quiet). She is afraid to meet people. 4. Wang Xue is a beautiful girl and she is _ (thin) than me. 5. I think Tom is as _ (smart) as Jack, but he doesnt work hard. 二、单项选择。 1. Sam is very _, but Tom is _. A. tall; heavy B. short; thin C. taller; short D. tall; short 2. Ma Lin is outgoing and he speaks _ than all of us. A. clearly B. loudly C. more loudly D. loudlier 3. Alice can sing _ and she dances _ than Mary. A. well; better B. good; better C. well; well D. good; good 4. Why dont you like the _ competition yesterday? Because the singers didnt sing _. A. sing; clear B. sing; clearly C. singing; clear D. singing; clearly 5. Li Ming runs as _ as Li Lei. They both like to exercise. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest 三、根据汉语完成英语句子。1. He plays the guitar _ _ _ (比我好). 2. She reads English _ _ _ _ (声音比我大) in the morning. 3. My brother studies _ _ _ (一样努力) my sister. 4. Who _ _ _ (起床更早), your father or your mother? My mother does. 5. Did you take part in the _ _ (歌咏比赛) yesterday? No, I didnt. I went to Beijing with my parents. 6. Do you know the girl _ _ _ (留着短发的)? Of course I do. She is my cousin. 【学后反思】_参考答案【新知预习】1. outgoing 2. loudly 3. competition 4. Which 5. clearly 【达标练习】一、1. better 2. loudly 3. quietly 4. thinner 5. smart 二、1. D 2. C 3


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