江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 Module1 Unit2 reading学案 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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江苏省常州市西夏墅中学2012-2013学年高一英语学案:module1 unit2 reading(外研版必修1)教材:牛津高中英语(模块一)高一上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:unit 2 growing pains板块:reading ithoughts on the design:本节课是以学生掌握阅读剧本的方式、理解文章细节、分析文章要点为主的阅读课的第一部分。本文是一个剧本,所以本阅读课的特色在于学会阅读剧本的方法,以及根据文章的细节去掌握每个剧本角色的人物特征和性格特点,最终达到理解文章的主题。把阅读分为两个课时去教,本课时主要集中于对剧本内容的把握和一些阅读技巧,例如,快速阅读文章抓住人物角色,大声朗读把握对剧本的阅读方式,同时体会人物的情感。精读深入文章细节,解决一些深层次问题。通过本课时希望让学生达到对文章内容融会贯通,对人物性格特点清楚把握,对剧本的阅读方式初步掌握,甚至可以进行小规模创作的理想目标。teaching aims:1 by showing pictures of a boy and the film poster “home alone”, the students will be reminded of the boy and take interest in the main character in the play and introduce the reading “home alone”.2 after skimming and scanning, the ss will be able to get the main characters in the play.3 after listening to the tape, the ss will be able to better understand the play through t or f questions. at the same time, they will be able to know how to read a play.4 after acting the play, the students will be able to practise their acting skills and arouse their activeness. and they will be able to analyze the emotions of the main characters.5 after some multiple choices and relative exercises, the students will be able to improve their skills in reading comprehension. 6 after a discussion, the students will be able to solve some practical growing pains in real life.teaching procedures:step 1 lead-in (ppt 4-5)show a photo of a boy on the screen and ask the students like this: ok, everyone, do you still remember the film clip in the previous lesson? and the boy who impressed us deeply, can you recognize him? in this class he will be with us all the time. and he is a starring role in the film “home alone”, and in our class today, he is called “daniel”, a naughty and lovely boy who also has difficulty dealing with his growing pains. now open your textbooks and turn to page 22 说明:通过小男孩的照片使学生回想起上节课的电影剪辑以及有趣的画面和内容(必要的话可以再看一下)来调动学生的兴趣,同时回忆他所遇到的烦恼。通过这些来引入今天的课,“小鬼当家”的节选剧本,进入阅读。step 2 skimming and scanning require the students to skim and scan the text to answer some questions and then conduct a feedback activity. who are the main characters in the play? (eric, daniel, mom and dad.) why do the parents get angry? (the room was a mess.) what happened to their dog, spot? (spot was ill.)step 3 listening and understanding (ppt 7-9)listen to the tape and finish the exercises on the screen(mainly from c1 and c2)1. the boys do not expect their parents to come back so early. 2. spot, the dog, looks full of time.3. daniels parents still think of him as an adult.4. eric does not want to explain to their parents.5. the boys didnt clean the house because they went to the clinic.6. the mother thinks the father should be stricter with daniel.1. what are the boys doing when their parents come home?2. how does the room look when the parents arrive home?3. why are the parents angrier with daniel than with eric?4. what is the emergency that eric wants to tell his parents about?5. what does the father want to do with daniel?c1 1.t 2. f 3. f 4. f 5. t 6.f c2 1. they are playing with a soccer ball.2. the room is in a complete mess.3. because they left daniel in charge.4. spot was sick and they had to take him to the clinic.5. he wants to punish daniel.step 4 performing the play(ppt6-15)now lets divide into several groups of 5 students(better 2 girls and 3 boys) and act the play out (several groups practice act one, and the rest act two). pay attention to imitating the tones and intonations of each character while acting. we can hold a competition to see which group is the best. and before that, lets learn something about each character. (ppt 10-15)(下表是用来帮助学生更好地了解人物的性格和做的事情,从而把表演组织地更生动,教师可以自己模仿部分让学生明白如何操作更加有效果。表格建议印在学案上)act 1charactersthings they dofeelingsmom and dadjust coming back from vacationexcited, disappointed, angryericplaying soccer at homesurprised and frighteneddanielstaying in another roomsorryangryact 2 charactersthings they dofeelingsdanielexpressing his angerangryericcomforting his brothercalmmomtalking about the things happened todaysorry and regretfuldadstubborn(固执的)说明:步骤2、3、4是一个统一的整体。通过在第一单元学过的快速阅读方法来了解这个剧本的概要,并解决几个简单的问题。通过听磁带来理解文章内容并通过语音语调来了解剧本中的人物和情感,并完成一些书后的理解练习(c1 and c2)。然后让学生自己朗读和精读来更深刻的了解文中主人公daniel的烦恼,和父母亲与孩子们之间的误解来具体的理解课文,融会贯通,其中又融入了学生的表演来活跃课堂气氛,也同时可以帮助学生学会如何去读剧本,做到真正的寓教于乐。step 5 reading comprehension (ppt16-18)after the play, the students should have a deep understanding of the play. so ask students to finish some multiple choices about the play and fill in the blanks of a task-based reading.(印在学案上)answers for multiple choices: 1. d 2.a 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. d 7. banswers for task-based reading: expected, missing/gone, in , angry, explanation, illness, taking, clinic, blamed, crossed.说明:精心改编了一些阅读理解选择题和一篇任务型阅读来提高学生阅读理解能力和针对高考的解题能力。任务型阅读也是对文章总体的一个回顾,可以帮助学生把零碎的事件通过这个阅读串联起来,到达巩固阅读的作用。(练习印在学案上发给学生)step 6 discussion(ppt19)how do you think good parents should treat their children?and how do you think children should understand their parents?说明:通过讨论,让学生利用在上节课学到的信息和知识来对父母亲与孩子之间的代沟问题和孩子的成长烦恼进行总结并加强学生在现实生活中实际解决这些问题的能力。step 7 homework (ppt20)1. finish the part d, e on page 25 and a1 and a2 on page 94.2. try to write an ending to act two after class in the same group that performed in the class. 说明:作业中的part e是为了下节课导入时使用的。 the learning plan of reading in unit2 of module 1learning aims1.by showing pictures of a boy and the film poster “home alone”, the students will be reminded of the boy and take interest in the main character in the play and introduce the reading “home alone”.2.after skimming and scanning, the ss will be able to get the main characters in the play.3.after listening to the tape, the ss will be able to better understand the play through t or f questions. at the same time, they will be able to know how to read a play.4.after acting the play, the students will be able to practise their acting skills and arouse their activeness. and they will be able to analyze the emotions of the main characters.5.after some multiple choices and relative exercises, the students will be able to improve their skills in reading comprehension. 6after a discussion, the students will be able to solve some practical growing pains in real life.step 1 lead-in show a photo of a boy on the screen and ask the students like this: ok, everyone, do you still remember the film clip in the previous lesson? and the boy who impressed us deeply, can you recognize him? in this class he will be with us all the time. and he is a starring role in the film “home alone”, and in our class today, he is called “daniel”, a naughty and lovely boy who also has difficulty dealing with his growing pains. now open your textbooks and turn to page 22 说明:通过小男孩的照片使学生回想起上节课的电影剪辑以及有趣的画面和内容(必要的话可以再看一下)来调动学生的兴趣,同时回忆他所遇到的烦恼。通过这些来引入今天的课,“小鬼当家”的节选剧本,进入阅读。step 2 skimming and scanning require the students to skim and scan the text to answer some questions . who are the main characters in the play? (eric, daniel, mom and dad.) why do the parents get angry? (the room was a mess.) what happened to their dog, spot? (spot was ill.)step 3 listening and understandinglisten to the tape and finish the exercises . (1) say true or false to the sentences.1. the boys do not expect their parents to come back so early. 2. spot, the dog, looks full of time.3. daniels parents still think of him as an adult.4. eric does not want to explain to their parents.5. the boys didnt clean the house because they went to the clinic.6. the mother thinks the father should be stricter with daniel.1.t 2. f 3. f 4. f 5. t 6.f (2)answer the questions.1. what are the boys doing when their parents come home?2. how does the room look when the parents arrive home?3. why are the parents angrier with daniel than with eric?4. what is the emergency that eric wants to tell his parents about?5. what does the father want to do with daniel? 1. they are playing with a soccer ball.2. the room is in a complete mess.3. because they left daniel in charge.4. spot was sick and they had to take him to the clinic.5. he wants to punish daniel.step 4 performing the playnow lets divide into several groups of 5 students(better 2 girls and 3 boys) and act the play out (several groups practice act one, and the rest act two). we can hold a competition to see which group is the best. and before that, lets learn something about each characteract 1charactersthings they dofeelingsmom and dadjust coming back from vacationexcited, disappointed, angryericplaying soccer at homesurprised and frighteneddanielstaying in another roomsorryangryact 2 charactersthings they dofeelingsdanielexpressing his angerangryericcomforting his brothercalmmomtalking about the things happened todaysorry and regretfuldadstubborn(固执的)说明:步骤2、3、4是一个统一的整体。通过在第一单元学过的快速阅读方法来了解这个剧本的概要,并解决几个简单的问题。通过听磁带来理解文章内容并通过语音语调来了解剧本中的人物和情感,并完成一些书后的理解练习(c1 and c2)。然后让学生自己朗读和精读来更深刻的了解文中主人公daniel的烦恼,和父母亲与孩子们之间的误解来具体的理解课文,融会贯通,其中又融入了学生的表演来活跃课堂气氛,也同时可以帮助学生学会如何去读剧本,做到真正的寓教于乐。step 5 reading comprehension after the play, the students should have a deep understanding of the play. so ask students to finish some multiple choices about the play and fill in the blanks of a task-based reading.(印在学案上)step 6 discussionhow do you think good parents should treat their children?and how do you think children should understand their parents?说明:通过讨论,让学生利用在上节课学到的信息和知识来对父母亲与孩子之间的代沟问题和孩子的成长烦恼进行总结并加强学生在现实生活中实际解决这些问题的能力。step 7 homework learning aims 1 2 3leaning proceduresstep1step2step3step4conclusionhomeworkbasic practiceability-improving practicereflection the learning plan of reading in unit2 of module 1learning aims1.by showing pictures of a boy and the film poster “home alone”, the students will be reminded of the boy and take interest in the main character in the play and introduce the reading “home alone”.2. after skimming and scanning, the ss will be able to get the main characters in the play.3. after listening to the tape, the ss will be able to better understand the play through t or f questions. at the same time, they will be able to know how to read a play.4. after acting the play, the students will be able to practise their acting skills and arouse their activeness. and they will be able to analyze the emotions of the main characters.5. after some multiple choices and relative exercises, the students will be able to improve their skills in reading comprehension. 6. after a discussion, the students will be able to solve some practical growing pains in real life.leaning proceduresstep 1 lead-in show a photo of a boy on the screen and ask the students like this: ok, everyone, do you still remember the film clip in the previous lesson? and the boy who impressed us deeply, can you recognize him? in this class he will be with us all the time. and he is a starring role in the film “home alone”, and in our class today, he is called “daniel”, a naughty and lovely boy who also has difficulty dealing with his growing pains. now open your textbooks and turn to page 22 step 2 skimming and scanning require the students to skim and scan the text to answer some questions . 1.who are the main characters in the play?2.why do the parents get angry?3.what happened to their dog, spot? step 3 listening and understandinglisten to the tape and finish the exercises . (1) say true or false to the sentences.1. the boys do not expect their parents to come back so early. 2. spot, the dog, looks full of time.3. daniels parents still think of him as an adult.4. eric does not want to explain to their parents.5. the boys didnt clean the house because they went to the clinic.6. the mother thinks the father should be stricter with daniel.(2)answer the questions.1. what are the boys doing when their parents come home?2. how does the room look when the parents arrive home?3. why are the parents angrier with daniel than with eric?4. what is the emergency that eric wants to tell his parents about?5. what does the father want to do with daniel?step 4 performing the play(1) before acting the play , lets learn something about each characteract 1charactersthings they dofeelingsmom and dadericdanielact 2 charactersthings they dofeelingsdanielericmomdad(2) now lets divide into several groups of 5 students(better 2 girls and 3 boys) and act the playout.(several groups practice act one, and the rest act two). we can hold a competition to see which group is the best.step 5 reading comprehension after the play, the students should have a deep understanding of the play. so ask students to finish some multiple choices about the play and fill in the blanks of a task-based reading.(印在学案上)step 6 discussionhow do you think good parents should treat their children?and how do you think children should understand their parents? step 7 conclusionhomework ibasic practice课外阅读(基础薄弱的学生做)the “only child” generation the majority of chinese families now have only one child since the one-child policy has been in place for nearly 20 years. by the year 2001, there was already 240 million “only children”, which is about the population of the united states. in the next couple decades, the “only children” generation will become the elite(精英) of our society. no one knows how much he or she will change the world. as the only child in the family, he or she received more elaborately(苦心经营地) attendance, sometimes, even indulgence(放任). parents always try hard to fulfill each of his or her requests. those children, who are called as “little emperor”, are in the danger of being spoilt, over pampered and self-centered. as the center of the families, the kids, without any siblings(兄弟), still feel lonely, which is the origin of many kinds of psychological illness. neither the parents nor the classmates can take place of the role of brothers and sisters. seems the “only children” are still not ready to take their responsibilities. some elder “only children” has already graduated from universities. but they still cant be independent from their parents. the “only children” usually require longer period to season the change in their career, because they were brought up in a more sheltered and more dependent environment. when their parents have been retired, a couple of “only children” will have four parents and even more grandparents to look after. it will surely be a disaster if we dont well prepare to face it.iiability-improving practice1(基础中等的学生做)阅读文章,选择正确答案,回答问题。 recently a professor of philosophy in the united states has written a book called money and the meaning of life. he has discovered that how we deal with money in our day-to-day life has more meaning than we usually think. one of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week. from the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value in life. he says our relation with others often become clearly defined when money enters the picture. you might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. but youll know him only when you ask to lend you some money. if he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems stranger than ever before. or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesnt. this person may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it. since money is important to us, we consider those who possess a lot of it to be very important. the author interviewed some millionaires in researching his book. question: what is the most surprising thing you have discovered about being rich, because you are a self-made man? answer: the most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect. im nothing. i dont know much. all i am is rich. people just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? how much do i need for any given purposes in my life? in this book, the professor uncovered an important need in modern society; to bring back the idea that money is an instrument rather than the end. money plays an important role in the modern world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.1. according to the first paragraph, people havent realized _.a. how important money is in their day-to-day lifeb. how one spends money shows what is important to himc. that money is more important than their philosophy of lifed. that their understanding of life is more important than money2. the author seems to believe that asking your friend to lend you some money _.a. is a good way to test your friendb. will do harm to your friendc. will strengthen your friendshipd. is a good way to break off your friendship3. what can we learn about the millionaire from his answ


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