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实验中学七年级英语复习课导学案Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 How do you usually come to school?第一部分:课堂复习练习一、词形变化:写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式、ing形式及过去式:go _ _ _ catch _ _ _ walk _ _ _ ride _ _ _ watch _ _ _ play _ _ _ swim _ _ _ come _ _ _take _ _ _ eat _ _ _二、翻译下面的英文词组。1. at the school gate _2. look nice _3. come to school by bike _4. go to school on foot _5. get up _6. walk to the park_7. ride a bike to school _8. Its time for class. _9. take a bus to the zoo _10. take the subway home _11. do ones homework _ 12. eat out _ 13. have a rest _14. listen to music _ 15. play soccer _ 16. once a week _17. be over _18. how often _19. have ball games _20. and so on _21. at a quarter past / to five_22. have breakfast _23. at half past seven _24. i n the afternoon_25. after school _26. with her classmates _27. get home _28. watch TV _29. for a little while _30. go to bed _二、根据句意、音标或首字母填词:1. Can we go to Beijing by _/ ip/ from Dalian? No. But we can go there by _/trein/ or by _/plein/.2. _/hau/ do your father go to work? He usually _/guz/ to work by _/k:/3. Lets meet at the school g_, then go to the zoo.4. A g_ of boys are in Mr. Gaos office.5. My g_ loves me very much. She is very kind!6. What time do you go to bed every evening? I a_ go to bed at 9 oclock.7. I s_ walk to school. I always t_ a bus to school. What a_ you?8. They want to know something about your school l_.9. The l_ in our school is very big. There are a lot of books in it.10. Lin Tao wants to be a player like Yao Ming, so he often plays b_ after school.三、句型转换1.The old man usually walks to the shop.(改为同义句)The old man usually goes to the shop _ _ .2.Mike often goes to the zoo by bus. Mike often _ a _ to the zoo.3.Maria often takes the subway home.(改为一般疑问句) _ Maria often _ the subway home?4.Mrs.Read goes shopping three times a week.(对画线部分提问)_ _ does Mrs. Read go shopping?5. They usually go to school by school bus. _ _ they usually go to school?四、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。have, do , while, class, usually, be ,by, at ,play ,pastMary is my good friend. She is thirteen years old. She _ gets up at seven oclock and _ breakfast with her parents. Classes begin _ eight in the morning. She has lunch at school.She has two _ in the afternoon. After class, she often _ with her classmates. School _ over at half _ four, and she goes home _ subway. After dinner, she often _ her homework, and then watches TV for a little _. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.五、完形填空。On Sundays, Li Lei gets up at six thirty. He has 1 at eight. Then he helps his mother 2 the housework. At ten he leaves 3 and goes shopping 4 . At about eleven oclock he comes 5 home.He likes 6 very much. He helps his mother with the cooking. They 7 lunch at twelve. In the afternoon he often 8 games with his friends. They have 9 at six thirty. In the evening he does his homework. Sometimes, he 10 TV. He goes to bed at nine.( )1. A.foodB.breakfastC.lunchD.supper( )2. A.inB.onC.withD.from( )3. A.homeB.houseC.roomD.classroom( )4. A.by bikeB.by a bikeC.by the bikeD.by his bike( )5. A.forB.toC.backD.from( )6. A.cookB.cookingC.the cookD.the cooking( )7. A.to haveB.havingC.haveD.has( )8. A.playsB.is playingC.takesD.is taking( )9. A.workB.homeworkC.houseworkD.supper( )10. A.seesB.looksC.is watchingD.watches六、阅读理解。Jeff and John are good friends. They are from different countries. They are now in China. They are in the same class. Jeff is twelve, but John is eleven. Jeff is from the U.S.A. and John is from England. They both speak English. Jeff usually goes to school on foot. John usually goes to school by subway. Mr.Yang is their Chinese teacher. Jeff is good at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very well. But John cant. He can only speak a little Chinese. Mr.Yang and Jeff often help him with his Chinese.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。36.Jeff is American, but John is English.(改为同义句)Jeff and John _ from different _ .37.Jeff usually goes to school on foot.(改为同义句)Jeff usually _ _ school.38.Who can speak Chinese very well, Jeff or John?39.How does John usually go to school?40.Do you think Mr.Yang is a good teacher?第二部分:课后复习练习一、选出恰当的词完成句子。1. Its time _ (for, to) get up.2. Come on! Its time _ (for, to) the ball game.3. How about _(go, going) home by _(bus, a car) ?4. Jane and _(I, me) meet _(an, at) the school gate.5.We usually go to school _(on, by) foot.6. Han Xu, _(thiss , heres) Alice. Hi, Alice. Nice to _(see, meet) you.7. Nice _ (to talk, talking) to you. Bye!8. (Do, Does) _he usually go to school _(by, on) the No.3 bus?9. (How , What)_ do your parents go to work? By subway.10. (How often, How) _ does she go to the library every week? Never.二、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空:1What does Ellen usually do after school? She usually _ (watch) TV.2How do _ (America) students usually go to school?Well, they usually walk or take a yellow school bus to school.3Betty writes to his father _ (two) a week.4He usually goes _ (swim) in his free time.5Yu Jing sometimes _ (ride) a bike to school.6The life of Americans is _ (difference) from ours.7In _ (ones) free time, we can play with our friends.8Well done! Work must come _ (one)!9School _ (begin)at eight in the morning and _(end) at half past four in the afternoon.10 What time is the movie over? -At about a _ (fifteen) to five.三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. She usually _ _ _ (乘地铁) to the office.2. She often _ to Japan _ _(乘飞机).3. Your new dress _ _(看起来漂亮).4. Does he _ _ _(骑车)or _ _(步行)school?5. Its time _ _(上课).6. My mother sometimes _ _(起床)late _ _(在周末).7.My father often _ _(看电视) in the evening.8.The girl always _ _ _(做家庭作业)at school.9.Would you like _ _ _ _(看电影)with me ? Yes, Id love to.10. Its good to _ _ _(帮助你父母)at home.时间活动内容早晨6:00起床6:40读半小时英语7:10早餐上午上四节课中餐下午上三节课(4:305:30)体育活动晚餐晚上看报或散步(7:309:00)做功课(9:30)睡觉四、根据提示词,看图写句。 Jack, always twice, week school Jane, park, Sunday after school Ellen, usually 五、请根据下面日程表的活动内容,以”My School Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。Topic 2 He is running on the playground. 第一部分:课堂复习练习一、词形变化:写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式、ing形式及过去式:1. make makes making made 2. Run runs running ran3. dance dances dancingdanced 4. sleep sleeps sleeping slept5. clean cleans cleaning cleaned 6. swim swims swimming swam7. borrow borrows borrowing borrowed 8. use uses use using used9. look looks looking looked 10. keep keeps keeping kept11. return returns returning returned 12. Put puts putting put 13. show shows showing showed14. sit sits sitting sat15. write writes writing wrote 16. draw draws drawing drew二、英汉互译1. make cards 制作卡片2. play basketball 打篮球3. listen to music听音乐4. at the moment 在此刻5. a few workbooks一些练习册6. do well in English 擅长英语7. look for the books on the shelf在架子上找书本8. return them on time 准时归还它们9. Its a pleasure.这是我的荣幸10. Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你11.at the Lost and Found在失物招领处12. what else 其他什么13. a picture of my family全家福 14. put on his shoes 穿上鞋子15. show his mother around his school带他妈妈参观他的学校16. have a soccer game 举行一场足球赛17. over there在那里18. do his homework做他的家庭作业19. talk to a Japanese girl跟一个日本女孩子交谈20. on the Great Wall在长城21.在操场上 on the playground 22.在健身房 in the gym23.在宿舍 in the dormitory 24.在教室里 in the classroom25.听音乐 listen to music 26.弹吉他 play the guitar27.踢足球 play soccer 28.唱歌 sing songs 29.看起来很愉快 look happy 30.喜爱游泳 like swimming31.与-交谈 32.有一天 one day 33.一些他的相片 some photos of his34. 写信 write a letter三、按要求完成句子.1. Im doing my homework in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句) Are you doing your homework in the classroom?2. I usually do my homework at home. (改为一般疑问句)_Do_ you usually _do_ _your_ homework at home?3. He rides a bike on the road. (改为现在进行时)He is riding a bike on the road4. I am playing computer games now. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _Are_you_ playing_ computer games now ? _No_, _I_ _am_.5. She is singing in the next room. (改为复数形式) They are singing in the next room.四、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. My father usually goes (go)to work by bike.2.Where are they? They are running (run) on the playground.3.My classroom is (be) next to the lab.4.He often plays (play) soccer after school.5.She is having (have) lunch in the dining hall now.6. -Look! Whats the dog doing ? -It _is running_ (run ) after the cat.7. -Listen ! Who _is singing_ ( sing ) in the next room ? -Lucy and Lily.8. Dont _make_ ( make ) any noise. My father _is listening_( listen ) to the radio.9. -Does your sister like _reading_( read )? -Yes, she _is reading_ ( read ) in the library now.10. -Are they _making_ ( make ) cards in the lab ? -Yes, they _are_ (be ).六、根据句意和汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. The students are _doing better in_(做得更好) in their English.2. Wait a moment, please. The books are _on the shelf_(在书架上).3. We must teturn the things _on time_(准时).4. She _is looking for_(正在寻找) her new bike.5. Michael _is putting on_(正在穿) his coat and pants at the moment.6. They are talking _at the Lost and Found_(在失物招领处).7. They play ball games _at a quarter to five_(在五点差一刻)in the afternoon.8. They have _a short rest_(短暂休息)after supper.9. Ann often _goes shopping in her free time_(在空闲时间去购物).10. Some of them can _play the piano_(弹钢琴).11. She goes shopping _once a week_(一周一次).12. They listen to music _twice a year_ (一年两次)13. His father_is _ _talking_ _with_(在交谈) his English teacher.14. Jane _is _playing the guitar _(在弹吉他)under the tree.15. The students _are_ _playing_ _basketball_(在打篮球) on the playground.16. My sister _likes_ _dancing_(喜欢跳舞).七、根据所提供的信息,用第一人称写一份失物招领和一份寻物启示。1. Lucy lost the new black watch. Her phone number is 83945618.2. Kate found a nice bag. She wants to give it back to the owner. Her phone number is 87954836.LOSTFOUND 八、完形填空Look! The bus 1 at a small bus stop. A man 2 out of the window. He sees a woman. She is selling 3 . The man wants 4 a cake. But he doesnt want to go out because it is raining. The man sees a boy. The boy is 5 the window. “Come here, boy.” the man says, “Do you know 6 the cake is?” “Twenty fen.” the boy says. The man 7 the boy forty fen and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and 8 is for me.” he says to the boy. After 9 minutes, the boy comes back. He 10 a cake. He gives the man twenty fen and says, “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”( B)1.A.stopB.is stoppingC.stoppingD.stops( C)2.A.looksB.lookC.is lookingD.are looking( C)3.A.cakeB.breadC.cakesD.breads( C)4.A.buyB.buysC.to buyD.buying( A)5.A.nearB.onC.inD.of( A)6.A.how muchB.how manyC.whoseD.what( D)7.A.buysB.borrowsC.sellsD.gives( D)8.A.anotherB.the other cakeC.oneD.the other( C)9.A.muchB.aC.a fewD.a little( B )10.A.haveB.is havingC.is hasingD.is have九、任务型阅读Its five oclock in the afternoon. The last class is over. Some students are going home and some students are going to the dining room.The football players are doing some exercise on the playground. Some students are swimming in the swimming pool. Others are warming up(做准备动作) near the pool. Many students love music. The members of the school band are practicing(练习) in the garden. In the computer room, there are some students playing computer games. In the library, some students are reading Renai English Post.After-school activities(课外活动) are really fun.根据短文内容,回答问题。36.When is the last class over? At five o clock.37.Are some students going home after class? Yes, they are38.Where are some students swimming? In the swimming pool.39.What are some students doing in the computer room? They are playing computer games.40.What are some students doing in the library? They are reading Renai English Post.第二部分:课后复习练习一、词汇部分(A)根据句意,从方框中选择合适的单词或词组并用其适当形式填空。shelf, keep, picture, use, clean1.Many students _are using_ Renai Project English workbooks now. Theyre helpful for them to study English well.2.Here is a _picture_ of our town. It looks beautiful.3.There are many books on these _shelves_ .4.How long can I _keep_ the book? Two weeks.5.Where is Mom? She _is cleaning_ the house.(B)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。6.You must return_ the books to the library on time.7.He is good at swimming. He likes to swim in the swimming pool_.8.I cant see anybody else_ in the classroom but(除了) Lily.9.He often borrows_ some books from the school library.10.The Great Wall is wonderful_. I hope(希望) I can go to climb it one day.(C)选词填空: good ; wonderful; of; to; one; gym; swim; look; love; go. Wen Wei is my _good_friend .Here are some photos _of_his. Look! He is exercising in the _gym_in Picture 1.In picture 2 he _is swimming_in a swimming pool. He _looks_happy because he _loves_swimming. In Picture 3 he is talking _to_ a Japanese on the Great Wall. The Great Wall is _wonderful_.I also want _to go_to the Great wall one_day.二、情景会话,从方框中选出最后选项填入空白处,其中有两项是多余的。A. How do you go to school? B. We have a new car. C. Yes, thats great.D. Oh! Im late. E. How is he going to work today?F.What time is it, mom? G. Its too early.M-Mother; J-JaneM: Jane! Jane! Its time to get up.J: _1_F_M: Its 7:30.J: _2_D_M: Dont worry, Jane. You can go to school with your father.J: _3_E_M: He often goes to work by bus. But he is going to work by car today.J: Car? Oh, I almost forget. _4_B_M: So you can go to school by car today!J: _5_C_三、书面表达今天是星期天,布朗一家(the Browns)都在家。根据下面插图,写一篇5060个词的短文。要求:语句通顺,条理清楚。参考词汇:garden(花园) Mrs. Brown Mr. Brown Jim and his friend, Mike Sue and her friend, AnnTopic 3 My school life is very interesting. 第一部分:课堂复习练习一、词形变化:写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式、ing形式及过去式:1. learn _2. wish _3. have _4. speak _5. talk _ 6. read _7. think _8. begin _9. study _10. tell _二、翻译下面的英文词组。1. have an art class _2. every week _3. on Wednesdays _4. do outdoor activities _5. learn about the past _ 6. work on math problems _7. work on computers _ 8. be friendly to me _9. a little boring _10. tell me something about it _11. like a lot _12. a student of Class 1 _13. some other subjects _14. between and _15. this afternoon _16. the stamps of the world _17. from to_18. learn a lot from it _19. thank you for _ 20. best wishes _三、词汇部分。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。1.What day is it today? M_. Its the second day of the week.2.H_ is boring, but it is useful. We can learn about the past.3.It is i_ to fly kites in spring.4.Xiao Hong is the best student in her clas


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