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2011年度CCTV“希望之星”英语风采大赛银川市决赛初中年级组培训资料C组(初中组)银川市决赛(口语)考试流程及形式:考试流程:银川市决赛(口语)采取计时考试,每位考生约9分钟,其中,备考时间约6分钟,作答时间约3分钟,一个考生考试两个考生备考。考试形式:第一部分:口语综合能力考试。朗读短文并回答两个问题,主要考查学生的词汇量、快速阅读能力以及语音语调、发音技巧,重点考查学生回答问题时的思维发散能力。时间约2分钟,分值约占50%。第二部分:给单词编故事。陈述时间约40-50秒,学生从所给的三个题目中抽取其中一个进行作答。分值约占50%。一、口语综合测试。范例与模拟练习:范例一: City and CountrysideI live in a big city. But this summer holiday I want to go to the countryside to relax.The big city is modern and livelylaivli热闹的, but there is much noise, pollution, traffic jam, and the people in it are very busy. I dont like it.I like to visit nice and quiet countryside far away from(远离) the city. I like walking where there are no shops, crowds(人群) or the tubestju:b(地铁). The air is fresh, the water is clean, the trees are green, and the atmospheretmsfi(环境、氛围) is quiet. I can boat in the lake, fish and swim in the river, climb the hills and pick up the fruit.I hope that I can go to the countryside. That will be very interesting and healthy.heli Question 1:If you were an old man, which kind of life would you choose?Question 2:Why?Living in the counrtyside is simple and quite. The air is fragrant and fresh. People there are in close contact with nature. They are friendly with one another. You can never fail to receive a friendly nod or a kind word from anyone you chance to meet.范例二:I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens br:dn (使宽,使阔;使扩大)my horizonshraizn( 范围;眼界;视野) but also opens my eyes to the world. Whats more(而且、此外), it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what its like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the greatest sights in the world, such as the Great Wall and feel the greatness of human being! Just forget all burdensb:dn(负担) that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of (一种)living knowledge. Youll be sure to experience many new thingsi when traveling. You dont even need a tour guide if you long for(向往) more freedom. Just dont forget to bring your backpack!Question 1:Where is your hometown?Question 2:Try to say something about it.范例三:English StudyNowadays more and more people are learning English, or going to learn English. Butsometimes they feel uncertainns:tn(不能确信,不确知ZF(+of/about)) about how to learn English well. To learn English well,firstly, you need to read English as muchas you can, so that you can know many words. Secondly, you should listen to Englishradio programs and watch English TV programs as often as you can so that the new words you have learned will be your friends. Thirdly and lastly, you have to practice what you have learned. Speak more and write more, and your spoken and written English will be improved soon. Follow my advice, and you wont miss it.Question 1:Do you think that we can learn a foreign language well in China?Question 2:Do you believe those who will say Your English will be excellent in a week?范例四:About Self-StudyWe all know that for a school student the amount of (大量)time spent in classrooms with teachers is very limitedlimitid(有限的,不多的). It is thereforef:(因此;因而;所以) very important for him to take full advantage of(充分利用) his spare time to have self-study. To make his self-study successful sksesfl, one needs both good methods med(方法) and perseverance ,p:sivirns(坚持不懈,锲而不舍). Before starting his self-study, one should recall(回想,回忆;使想起) theway his teacher gives lessons. With those methods in mind, one would study more efficiently ifintli(效率高地;有能力地). Perseverance is also essentialisenl (必要的,不可缺)in self-study. Since on one would urge:d (催促;力劝;激励;怂恿)him to finish something in self-study, one can only rely on rilai(信赖,相信;指望(+on/upon)) himself to overcome ,uvkm(战胜;克服) the lazinessleizinis(怠惰,懒散;徐缓) to continue with his study. Question 1:Do you have any difficulties in self-study?Question 2:Do you think it is easy to learn by yourself?范例五:My Idealaidil(理想的) FriendIn American Indian Languages(美国印第安语), “friend” means the one who is willing to suffersf for(为.受苦) you. To me, an ideal friend would at least stand by(站在旁边、帮助;与.合力;支持)you and support you when you are in trouble. He would share your happiness and sorrow sru(悲痛,悲哀,悲伤,忧伤). It would be better if he can drive you towards right direction and always help you to be more successful. I met met such a friend in my college days. We spent the first year in college together and supported each other in almost everything ranging from(range from A to B包括从到之间的各类事物) dailydeili(每日的;日常的)dormitoryd:mitri (大寝室,团体寝室)life to coursek:s choosing. Friendship is based on(基于) trust, and to gain the trust from someone you need to be honestnist(诚实的;正直的) and sinceresinsi (衷心的,真诚的,真心实意的)towards him. Of course, even close friends(密友) may need some room(空间) for privacypraivsi(私人、隐私) and therefore should refrain rifrein(忍住;抑制,节制;戒除(+from)) from interfering,intfi(干涉) in each others privacy.Question 1:What kind of people do you think could be your friends?Question 2:How do you maintainmeintein(维持;保持;使继续)a friendship?二、给单词编故事。1. Monday visit boring2. teeth hurt hungry3. engineer sleep busy4. cousin swim hard5. living room ugly sleep6. jacket play broken7. duck dance happy8. home want difficult9. computer work red10. summer wash tired11. party take a rest sick12. yesterday look at funny13. doctor eat heavy14. October travel pretty15. subway see interesting16. skirt like dirty 17. kangaroo take a walk thirsty18. bus leave important 19. postman smile smart20. socks find different范例一:( Monday visit boring)There are seven days in a week. As we all know Monday is the second day of a week. And most people are busy on Monday. So do I. So I dont like Monday, and I feel boring and blue. I hope that there will be a day on Monday I can visit my parents who are in American now. I really miss them.2. teeth hurt hungryToday is a bad day ,I m so hungry but i cant eat anything. Because something happens to my teeth. So I have to pull two teeth in the hospital. I dont think hospital is an interesting place. I really afraid of dentist.Is it going to hurt? I asked dentist. Actually , yes. Dentist said.I dont think I can take it, but i have to do. Could you give me something?Lets see.Okay, how about some beer.Itll give you a lot more courage. Said the dentist. So i drink a bottle of beer, But the worst is still to come. Im drunk. What a bad day it is!3. engineer sleep busyMy Dream JobBeing an engineer is my dream job when I grow up. Do you know why ? Firstly, my father is an excellent engineer in car industry. He is my idol. Secondly, I love cars, especially the race car. Its so cool. Thirdly, I have a dream, I want to design a car which is environmentally-friendly, it can use rubbish as fuel to run. Although i know job of the engineer so busy that i have no time to sleep, but i dont think that can stop me.So what I have to do now is to study well and make my dream come true.4. cousin swim hardMany people like to swim in summer. So do I. My favorite sport is swimming. Just imagine! What fun it is to jump into the water in hot summer! In hot weather, I often go to swim in the swimming pool with my cousin. Swimming can not only make us strong and healthy, but also helps us to keep in good shape. But its hard


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