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Riveiro a, D.V. Jauregui b, P. Arias c, J. Armesto c, R. Jiang da.Department of Materials Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Construction, School of Industrial Engineering, University of Vigo, C.P. 36208, Vigo, Spainb. Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USAc.Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of Mining Engineering, University of Vigo, C.P. 36310, Vigo, Spaind.Department of Engineering Technology and Surveying Engineering, College of Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USAArticleinfoabstractArticle history:Accepted 18 April 2012Available online 17 May 2012This paper presents an innovative and low cost procedure for the complete and accurate measurement of minimum vertical underclearance in a safe environment for operators. This procedure draws on the principlesof terrestrial convergent photogrammetry which makes possible the reconstruction of the bridge components and surrounding features in 3D space. Using themeasured 3D coordinates, an algorithm was developed in the Matlab software to calculate the vertical underclearance. Furthermore, a procedure based on 3D curve fitting was developed to estimate the mathematical expression of the beam curve. The resulting methodology is suitable and advantageous for implementation in routine bridge inspection because it provides a more extensive and accurate measurement of vertical underclearance under much safer conditions. In addition, the estimate of the beam equation can be used not only for clearance measurement but also for periodic monitoring of the beam shape over time.Keywords:Bridge inspection ;Close range photogrammetry ;Vertical underclearance.1 IntroductionIt is true that extensive knowledge of the functional and conservation states of a structure is needed in order to properly schedule its maintenance and ultimately, ensure its preservation. Periodic monitoring of geometry usually plays a key role in the detection of structural anomalies, and in some cases such as stone arch bridges, can aid in preventing collapse due to problems with equilibrium and stability 1. In the case of modern bridges (mainly composed of concrete or steel), although the diagnosis of their condition state is assessed based primarily on the physical condition of the structural elements, the external shape and geometry also plays a very important role in the overall evaluation. The presence of deterioration, defects, and damages (e.g., impact damage caused by truck collisions, concrete spalls or delaminations, fatigue or shear cracks, section loss) and evidence of irregular movement are the most important parameters considered during a routine bridge inspection, and move advanced tools for their detection and quantification need to be investigated.Bridge inspection is a key factor in the maintenance and preservation of the civil infrastructure of a country. Many parameters have to be periodically evaluated in order to determine the physical condition of the structure 45. In the bridge management protocol of transportation agencies, there usually exists an initial phase focused on routine inspection, where, by means of quick and simple documentation, the first diagnosis of the current state of the structure is obtained 68. When some evidence of distress about the physical condition or stability of the structure is found in this initial step such as excessive beam sag or support settlement, a special inspection plan should be initiated to perform an in-depth evaluation of the bridge. Currently, there are several basic techniques available to measure irregular bridge movement such as plumb bobs, laser levels, theodolites, and total stations.Horizontal and vertical clearances are important geometric parameters that must be measured to a high level of accuracy during a routine bridge inspection. The acquisition of these dimensions is traditionally accomplished by means of basic contact tools such as tape measures and range poles that lack metric accuracy, and which also require the operators to perform the clearance measurements under dangerous traffic conditions. Fig. 1 illustrates the use of a range pole to measure the minimum vertical underclearance which is the distance from the roadway or railroad track beneath the bridge to the underside of the superstructure . As shown in the figure, measurements are usually taken at discrete points on the bottom surface of the beam to save time and also due to safety concerns. Furthermore, it is difficult to keep the range pole perfectly vertical to obtain an accurate measurement particularly for higher clearances. Consequently, it is possible that the minimum vertical underclearance is not measured accurately at the correct location. There are 116 items of bridge data used by the FHWA to monitor and manage the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) in the United States as given in the Structure Inventory and Appraisal (SI&P) sheet. The data are divided between inventory items that pertain to the permanent conditions of the bridge and appraisal items that pertain to the condition of the bridge component in comparison to current standards . In the SI&P sheet, geometric data are considered inventory items under which the minimum vertical underclearance is item 54. This particular item is coded with 5 digits; the first digit represents the reference feature (highway or railroad beneath structure) and the remaining four digits represent the minimum vertical underclearance (in feet and inches). Underclearance information is used by personnel involved with the permitting of oversize/overweight vehicles and is used in evaluating the sufficiency of a bridge to remain in service (i.e., sufficiency rating). Four separate factors are determined (using 19 of the 116 items reported in the SI&A sheet) to arrive at the sufficiency rating:(1) structural adequacy and safety; (2) serviceability and functional obsolescence; (3) essentiality for public use; and (4) special reductions. Horizontal and vertical underclearances and the deck condition affect the second factor while the superstructure and substructure conditions affect the first factor. The sufficiency rating ranges from 0 to 100% with the latter percentage representing an entirely sufficient bridge. Bridges qualify for replacement when the rating falls below 50% and rehabilitation when the rating falls below 80% . In spite of the simplicity and rapidity in using traditional instruments, the quality of metric results is poor. Surveying techniques offer better quality results in terms of accuracy, but these methods have important limitations for regular use in relation to handling of equipment and the amount of data collected. Terrestrial photogrammetry and laser scanning are two geomatic techniques which have significantly evolved, being more and more used in diverse fields including architecture 9,10; civil engineering 1114; industry15,16;and archaeology 17,18. Many investigations show the potential of these new technologies in the field of bridge engineering 19. From the captured precise 3D geometry of bridges, for example, an improved assessment of the structure can be made 20. Laser scanning is gaining popularity due to its simplicity in usage and speed of acquisition 21. A few studies of damage detection in concrete bridges using terrestrial laser scanner data can be found in 2224. Similar to traditional surveying equipment, laser scanning presents important limitations for routine inspection work including cost of equipment, necessity for trained operators, and amount of data stored during the bridge survey. Consequently, low cost technologies capable of collecting meaningful and accurate metric data without the need for overly complicated equipment operation and extensive data processing are needed. Close range photogrammetry has several strengths that make it a suitable method for measuring bridge features during a routine inspection such as it utilizes low cost equipment, it is relatively easy to use, and it provides high metric precision. An extensive review of the application of this technique in bridge engineering can be found in 19. Gonzalez-Aguilera and Gmez-Lahoz 25 present a novel photogrammetric system based on a single image for obtaining the overall geometry of bridges by means of dimensional analysis. Other studies related to bridge monitoring based on photogrammetric methods included those performed by Chang and Ji 26 and Hang et al. 27. Before new technologies are included in the protocols for metric documentation, they must first be validated. In this context, methodologies of surveying need to be adapted to overcome the existing difficulties in routine bridge inspection. This paper presents an innovative and low cost procedure for the complete and accurate measurement of minimum vertical underclearance in a safe environment for operators. This procedure draws on the principles of terrestrial convergent photogrammetry which makes possible the reconstruction of the bridge components and surrounding features in 3D space.Using the measured 3D coordinates, an algorithm was developed in the Matlab software to calculate the vertical underclearance. Furthermore, a procedure based on 3D curve fitting was developed to estimate the mathematical expression of the beam curve. The resulting methodology is suitable and advantageous for implementation inroutine bridge inspection because it provides a more extensive and accurate measurement of vertical underclearance under much safer conditions. In addition, the estimate of the beam equation can be used not only for clearance measurement but also for periodic monitoringof the beam shape over time.2 Theoretical backgrounds2.1 Photogrammetric processClose range photogrammetry is a non-destructive geomatic technique which allows the 3D shape of objects to be reconstructed from photographic images. The conversion from 2D information of images to 3D models is achieved by means of the photogrammetric process. Two main steps contribute to this process: inner orientation and external orientation. The inner orientation reconstructs the internal geometry of the imaging system, which defines the perspective system, by means of the camera calibration process. The metric parameters obtained from the camera calibration include the 3D position of the perspective centre in the image space (focal length and principal point on the sensor), sensor dimensions, and lens distortions. The lens distortions are sources of errors during the image recording and must be compensated for to obtain the most accurate reconstruction of the 3D model. The symmetric radial distortion significantly influences the photogrammetric reconstruction as shown in 28,29. There are two common formulations for radial distortion: balanced and unbalanced models. Although these models can be mathematically equivalent, the balanced model results in smaller apparent distortions so is commonly used by camera and lens manufacturers 3032. The external orientation locates the relative position of each camera used in the 3D reconstruction process at the time images were taken. Hence, if the position of one camera is known, the relative external orientation is done using the positions (X, Y, Z) and orientations (, , ) of the other cameras. For a given point in an object space, the coplanarity condition requires that the points position in two overlapped images and the cameras perspective centre are situated in the same plane. As shown by Krauss in 33, the relative orientation of images is achieved when the image coordinates of Fig. 1.Fig. 1. Measurement of minimum vertical underclearance during a routine bridge inspectionMeasurement of minimum vertical underclearance during a routine bridge .Inspection five points are known. The external orientation is completed when the model is scaled and placed in the absolute coordinate system.When the relative camera position is solved, the camera perspective centre Oi, a point in the image (xi, yi), and the position of this point over the surface of the object (X, Y, Z) are located in the same straight linebased on the collinearity equation. It is then possible to obtain the 3D position of a point on the object surface from measurements in the image. The mathematical principles of this process are further explained in 34 and 35. 2.2 3D fitting algorithmThe shape of object surfaces can be usually modelled by means of parametric surfaces. When a set of data points defining the object surface is available, a function of two independent variables (x and y) can be determined to best fit a parametric surface to the data. For 3D curve fitting, a dependent variable f can be modelled from two independent variables x and y, where data are a set of n3D points (xi, yi, fi), for i=1: n, nN. In this case, object points with three spatial coordinates (xi, yi, zi) are obtained from the photogrammetric process. Xi and Yi components of space points are initially aligned according to transversal and longitudinal bridges directions, respectively. Zi corresponds to the vertical component (clearance direction).This 3D information provides the two independent variables (x and y) as well as a third component zi for the minimization of the following expression.3 Methodology3.1 InstrumentationTo be feasible, an important aspect to consider in the effort to enhance routine bridge inspection work is maintaining the simplicity of equipments used for basic inspection tasks while providing better documentation. For this reason, the measurement procedure developed in this study was based on simple field setups and the usage of digital cameras which do not require advanced knowledge of digital image recording by operators. A digital, semi-metric camera (Canon EOS 10D) equipped with a CCD sensor, RGM matrix resolution of 6.29 million pixels and a Canon EF 20 mm f/2,8 lens was used for image acquisition. External information with real dimensions of a reference body is required in order to get the 3D model scaled. In this sense, duringthe execution of this project a reference distance was obtained by means of measuring coordinates of two control points. To validate the photogrammetric results, separate measurements using topographic equipment were made. A total station (Leica model TCR 1203+) was used to measure a set of points defining the lower profile of the beam and control points. The technical features of the instrument include long-range coverage (up to 400 m); 2 mm+2 ppm accuracy; 10 cc angular accuracy (1 cc typical average measurement in angles deviation);and 6/2 mm sensitivity of levels.3.2 Camera calibrationThe cameras are calibrated under fixed imaging parameters in the laboratory prior to the field work. Consequently, operators only have to acquire a few photographs during the actual bridge survey (field calibration


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