人教版新目标英语八年级下Unit5If you go to the party you’ll have a great time !第一课时 新授课 课件_第1页
人教版新目标英语八年级下Unit5If you go to the party you’ll have a great time !第一课时 新授课 课件_第2页
人教版新目标英语八年级下Unit5If you go to the party you’ll have a great time !第一课时 新授课 课件_第3页
人教版新目标英语八年级下Unit5If you go to the party you’ll have a great time !第一课时 新授课 课件_第4页
人教版新目标英语八年级下Unit5If you go to the party you’ll have a great time !第一课时 新授课 课件_第5页
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Unit5Ifyougototheparty you llhaveagreattime If A Ifyouarehappy whatwillyoudo B IfI mhappy Iwill singasong WatchTV Playsports dance Gototravel Playcomputer Watchcartoon Gohiking Goshopping Gotothezoo Gotosleep Chatwithmybestfiend A Ifyouaresad whatwillyoudo B IfI msad Iwill IfIhavealotofmoney Iwilltravelaroundtheworld Makeasurvey Ask Whatwillyoudoifyouhavealotofmoney Report IfTinahasalotofmoney shewillbuyapresentforhermother theteacherwillaskmetodoitagain Iwillworkwithmystudentshappily Iwillstayathome Iwillgetoverit Iwillbeunhappyforever Iwillcookitbymyself IwillgotoBeijing wewilllosethem therewillbemoreandmorepollution Whatwillhappen Competition 1a a studyfortheirtestsb helpmeorganizeitc tooearlyd makesomefoode Saturdayafternoonf playpartygames 2aListening 3 1 2 6 4 5 Listenagainandanswerthequestions 1Whatwillyouhappeniftheyhavethepartytoday 2Whatwillhappeniftheyhavethepartytomorrow 3Whatwillhappeniftheywatchavideoattheparty 4WhatisMarkgoingtoorganize 5WhatisAndreagoingtodo Halftheclasswon tcome Studentswillleaveearlytostudyfortheirtest Somestudentswillbebored Markisgoingtoorganizethepartygames Andreaisgoingtomakesomefood Andrea Hi Mark Iwanttohaveaclassparty Willyouhelpmeorganizeit Mark Sure Andrea Icanhelpyou Sowhenshallwehavetheparty Andrea Let shaveittodayafterclass Mark No todayistooearly Ifwehaveittoday Andrea Okay let shaveittomorrow Mark Hmm There satesttomorrow Let shaveitontheweekend Andrea Okay let shaveitonSundayafternoon Wecanallmeetandwatchavideo Mark No Idon tthinkweshouldwatchavideo Let s Andrea Okay goodidea Canyouorganize Sure Icandothat Andcanyou forus Andrea Yes that snoproblem halftheclasswon tcome Studentswillleaveearlytostudyforthetest Somestudentswillbebored makesomefood playpartygames thepartygames 2cPairwork A OK whenisagoodtimetohavetheparty B Let shaveittoday A Ifwehaveittoday halftheclasswon tcome Explanation 一 if条件句1 条件状语从句中的 主将从现 现象 即主句为将来时态时 它所引导的条件状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的意味 这时主句和从句所表达的时态在意义上仍然保持一致 如 IfhegoestoEngland hewillhavetolearnEnglish 如果他要去英格兰 他将不得不学英语 Ifitisfinetomorrow wewillhaveapicnicsomewhere 如果明天天气好 我们就到什么地方野餐去 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 1 I msureifhe go totheparty he have agreattime 2 Iftherain stop tonight wewillgotothecinema 3 I llbuyacomputerifI have enoughmoney 4 You notget nervousifyou do enoughexercise goes willhave stops have won tget do 5 Ifshe be kindtome I notargue withher 6 Iwanttoknowifhe come tomorrow ifhe come I give themassagetohim 7 Ifyou pay moreattentiontothat he notget injured is won targue comes willcome willgive pay won tget DearMike Thankyouforinvitingmetotheparty OfcourseI llgototheparty AndIthinkifIwillgiveyouapresent youarehappy Ihopeitwon trainthatday Becauseifitwon train mylittlesonwillcome too Ifhecomes youaren tdisappointed heisreallyfunny OK seeyouontheparty Yours Rose willbe doesn t give won tbe 改错 表示假设的if条件句的几种引伸句型 1 When从句e g We lltalkaboutitwhenthemanagerarrives 2 Assoonas从句e g I lltellherassoonasIseeher 3 After从句e g Theywillgiveyouacallbackaftertheyreceivethemoney4 Before从句e g He llwritetheplanfirstbeforehestartsdoingit 5 主句是现在时态的情况也很常见 1 e g Wemustlookaroundcarefullybeforewewalkacrosstheroad 2 IfyouspeakEnglisheveryday youcans


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