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医学词汇复习提纲 (Chapter 4-7)Chapter Four Word formation of Medical Terms14Seven types of word formation 1. affixation 2. composition 3. conversion 4. blending 5. backformation 6. clipping 7. acronym Affixation semantically oriented add new meaning without changing the part of speech 1. autograft 自体(身)移植物 auto- self 2. graft: Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect 3. Isograft 同系移植物,同基因移植物(identical twinsiso- equal; uniformisoantibodyisoantigenisoconcentrationisotonic4. allograft(同种)异体移植物,异基因移植=homograft allo- Other; differentallogenous异源的,异生的 allosome异染色体,异形染色体 5. xenograft 异种移植物 = heterograft xeno- strange; foreign; differentxenophobiaxenophthalmia异物性眼炎 6. Intracranialintra- within 7. antiallergenic anti- against 、allergenic 引起过敏的antineoplastic / neoplastic ,瘤形成的8. Restenosis re- again, backStenosis: A constriction or narrowing of a duct or passage; a stricture 9. asymptomatic a- withoutsymptomatic: pertaining to symptom 10. Nondiabetic / non- not 1. hyperlipidemia hyper- more than normal or necessary lipid- lipid, fat(h)em- blood-ia abnormal condition 2. heterogeneous hetero- other; differentgeneous: of kind or type suffixation basically class-changing change the part of speech immune immunityimmunize immunization eradication specificitysensitivity suckling (suck + -ling: One that is young, small, or inferior) = A young mammal that has not been weaned Patterns of affixation prefix + rootinject in- (into) + jec(t)- (to throw) put material into a particular location, often using a syringe prefix + combining vowel + root Ectoderm the outer laver of the embryoect- (outside) + derm- (skin)Cf. Mesoderm; endoderm root +suffix stasis sta- ( to stand) + -sis (a condition of), slowing of fluid movement, such as the blood circulation root + combining vowel + suffix sclerosisscler- ( to harden) + -sis ( a condition of), hardening or stiffening of a tissue prefix + root + suffix perirenal: peri- (around) + ren- ( kidney) + -al (pertaining to) located around the kidney prefix + root + combining vowel + suffix synarthrosis syn- (together) + arthr- (joint) + -sis ( a condition of) immobilization of a joint by fusion不动关节 prefix + prefix + root + combining vowel + suffix contraindication contra- (against) + in- (toward) + dic(t)- (to speak) + -tion (the action or process involved) a condition that precludes using a drug root + root + suffix sialadenitis sial- (saliva) + aden- (gland) + -itis (an inflammatory condition) inflammation of a salivary gland root + combining vowel + root + suffix hemophilia hemo- (blood) + phil- (beloved, loving) + -ia (pathological or abnormal condition) any of several hereditary blood-coagulation disorders prefix + root + root + suffix hyperglycemia hyper- (excessive) + glyc- (sweet) + (h) em- (blood) -ia (condition) the presence of an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood. Composition joining two or more words compound word open compound : made up of two or more words written separately sleeping sickness brain death family planning birth control Differences between an open compound and a noun phrase: Semantic a red coat a redder coat Phonetic a green room a greenroom e.g. scarlet fever A hyphenated compound consists of two or more words connected by a hyphen high-resolution 1. host-specific寄主专化的,寄主专一性的 2. deaf-mute 3. air-borne bottle-feed graft-versus-host移植物抗宿主 A solid compound consists of two words written as one word 1. windpipe 2. sleepwalk 3. overweight 4. nosebleed Neo-classic compound coined from elements of the classical languages (Latin and Greek) 1. Biocide 生物杀灭剂2. Lysosome 溶酶体3. Bacteriophobia 4. Biophysics 5. Chemotherapy 6. Psych(o)analysis conversion email “Can I have your e-mail address in case I need to e-mail you. stent English dentist, Charles R. Stent (1845-1901) 1. a device used to support a bodily orifice or cavity during skin grafting or to immobilize a skin graft following placement 2. a slender thread, rod, or catheter inserted into a tubular structure, such as a blood vessel, to provide support during or after anastomosis (吻合术). “A new gamma radiation treatment intended to prevent stented arteries from renarrowing was approved by the FDA last year for widespread use.” love (v.n.) taste (v.n.) smell (v.n.) skin (n.v.) plaster (n.v.)石膏,膏药 mask (n.v.) faint (adj.v.) empty (adj.v.) blending as chortle 哈哈大笑 from snort (呼哧声) plus chuckle (咯咯叫) the -ort- of the first being surrounded by the ch-. . .-le of the second brunch, from breakfast plus lunch formed by blending parts of two words (or more) three major patterns are defined part + part whole + part part + whole part + part genome (gene + chromosome) autocide (automobile + suicide) chunnel (channel + tunnel) Cremains骨灰 (cremate + remains) whole + part breathalyzer (breath + analyzer) lunarnaut (lunar + astronaut) part + whole Medicaid (medical + aid) medicare (medical + care) medichair (medical + chair) paramedic (parachute + medic) backformation the original name for a type of fruit was cherise, but some thought that word sounded plural, so they began to use what they believed to be a singular form, cherry, and a new word was born. The creation of the verb enthuse from the noun enthusiasm is also an example of a back-formation verbs are made from existing nouns by deleting seeming or imagined affix 1. chain-smoke from chain-smoker 2. eavesdrop from eavesdropping 3. babysit from babysitter 4. automate from automation 5. donate from donation Other backformed medical terms 1. diagnose from diagnosis 2. ovulate from ovulation 3. palpitate from palpitation 4. injure from injury 5. contracept from contraception 6. transcript from transcription 7. psychoanalyze from psychoanalysis. exceptions that involve other part of speech are not rare 1. paramedic from paramedical, 2. pathogen from pathogenic 3. gloom from gloomy 4. carcinogen (1936) from carcinogenic (1926) clipping shortening a word is shorten by clipping off part of the word without change in its meaning and word class 1. flu of influenza 2. polio of poliomyelitis 小儿麻痹症3. psych of psychology 4. quack of quacksalver 庸医5. Doc 6. Lab 7. Fig. 8. Vet 9. Veg 10. Pro 11. Hypo acronym An acronym: a word coined from the initial letters of a group words in a title or phrase 1. CT (computerized tomography) 2. RBC (red blood cell) 3. C.C (chief complain) 4. BMR (basal metabolic rate) 5. B.P (blood pressure) 6. G.P (general practitioner) 7. N.P (nurse practitioner) Some acronyms: mostly composed of the initial letter of the word plus the first letter of other components TB (tuberculosis) OD (overdose) IV (intravenous) NP (neuropsychiatry)神经精神医学 those not formed from modern English but from Latin or Greek 1. b.i.d (bis in die = twice a day) 2. b.i.n (bis in nocte = twice a night) 3. t.i.d (ter in die = three time a day) 4. a.c (ante cibum = before meal) 5. p.c. (post cibum = after meal) 6. O.D. (oculus dexter = right eye) 7. O.S. (oculus sinister = left eye) 8. p.r.n. (pro re nata = as needed) 9. q.h (quaque hora = every hour) Acronyms? Initials? AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome LASER =light amplification by stimulated emission of radiationMRI magnetic resonance imagingForming new words by analogy a process whereby a new word is coined by analogy between the newly created one and an existing corresponding one 1. myalgia neuralgia 2. proteomics genomics 3. retrogress progress 4. pandemic epidemic Chapter Five Roots and Combining FormsSpecialty & Specialist 1. operationsurgery surgeon 2. anesthetic technologyanesthesiologyanaesthesiologyanesthesiologist (A physician who specializes in anesthesiology) 麻醉学家 anesthetist A person who is specially trained to administer anesthetics 麻醉师 3. blood hematology hematologist 1. boneosteopathy 疗骨术, 整骨术; 骨病 osteopathist osteology 骨学 2. osteologist 骨(骼)学家 3. orthopedist 矫形外科医师oste/o- (Gr. osteon) bone 1. osteoblast造骨细胞 2. osteoclast 破骨细胞3. periosteum (pl. periosteums, -tea -tiE)骨膜 4. osteopathy疗骨术, 整骨术; 骨病 arthr/o- (Gr. arthron) joint (关节) 1. arthroplasty 关节造形术, 关节形成术 2. arthritis 关节炎 3. arthrosis关节,关节病 4. arthralgia 关节痛 brain cerebrology cerebrologist cerebr/o- (L. ) cerebrum, brain 1. cerebrosclerosis 脑硬化 2. cerebrospinal 脑脊髓的 3. cerebrovascular 脑血管的 4. What is CVA? 1. =cardiovascular accident心血管意外=cerebrovascular accident脑血管意外2. crani/o- (L. cranium; Gr. kranion) skull 3. craniectom 部分颅骨切除术 4. craniotomy 颅骨切开术,穿颅术,破颅术 5. pericranium 颅骨膜 cause or origin of disease etiology (aetiology) 病因学 etiologist ear/nose/throat otorhinolaryngology otorhinolaryngologist ENT=ear(s),nose,and throat Physician ot- (Gr. tos) ear 1. otosclerosis 耳硬化症 2. otoscope 耳镜 3. otorrhea 耳漏(耳液溢) 4. otology 耳科学 5. otolaryngology 耳鼻喉科学 rhin/o- (Gr. rhs, rhins) nose rhinitis 鼻(粘膜)炎 rhinorrhea (=rhinorrhoea) 鼻液溢 rhinology 鼻科学 otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻喉科学 laryng/o- (L. nsus) larynx, voice box laryngitis 喉炎eye ophthalmology ophthalmologist or oculist or eye doctor but not Optician ocul/o- (Gr. oculus ) eye ocular眼睛的, 视觉的 oculomotor 眼球运动的; 动眼的 monocular单眼的 ophthalm/o- (Gr. ophthalmos) eye ophthalmologist 眼科专家, 眼科医师 ophthalmometer检眼计, (眼)屈光计 ophthalmoscope 眼膜曲率镜, 检眼(屈光)镜 ophthalmia,-mitis 眼炎; 结膜炎 opt/o- (Gr. optos) visible; vision or sight optician眼镜商 optic眼的; 视力的; 视觉的 embryo embryology embryologist foot podology or podiatry but not pedicure足疗 podologist or podiatrist but not pedicure / pedicurist ped/o- (L. pes, pedis) foot = pod- pedopathy 脚病 pedal足的, 脚的; 脚踏的 pedestrian 步行的pedicure 脚病治疗 pod/o- (Gr. pous, podos) foot podagra 足痛风,痛风的 podiatry 足病学; 足医术 childrens medicine pedology or pediatrics pedologist or pediatrician or pediatrist heart cardiology cardiologist cardi/o- (Gr. kardi) heart cardiant心兴奋剂 cardiogram 心电图 myocarditis 心肌炎 pericardium 心包; 心包膜, 围心膜 angi/o- (Gr. aggeon) vessel (脉管) angiotomy 血管切开 angitis 脉管炎, 血管炎, 淋巴管炎 angiocardiogram心血管照片 angialgia血管痛 lymph/o- (L. lympha (water) lymph lymphocyte 淋巴细胞 intestine enterology enterologist enter(o)- intestine Enterovirus Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition非经肠和经肠营养 kidney nephrology nephrologist nephr/o- (Gr. nephros) kidney nephrogenic肾原性的,肾发生的 nephritic 肾的; 肾病的 nephrosis 肾(变)病 nephritis 肾炎 nephroid 肾形的 nephridium 肾, 肾管 pyelonephritis 肾盂肾炎 nephropyelitis 肾盂肾炎 glomerulonephritis 肾小球性肾炎 ren/o- (L. renis) kidney reniform 肾脏形的 renography 肾X线照相术, 肾造影照片 rennin 肾素 renculus 肾小叶 ur/o, urin/o- (Gr. ouron) urine uremia尿毒症 urochrome 尿色素 urinometer 尿比重计 liver hepatology hepatologist hepat/o- (Gr. hpatos) liver hepatatrophy肝萎缩 hepatitis 肝炎 heparin 肝素 hepatology 肝脏病学, 肝脏学 hepatectomy 肝切除术 hepatocele 肝脏脱出 hepatocyte 肝细胞 hepatomegaly 肝肿大 hepatopexy 肝固定术 hepatoptosis 肝下垂 lung pneumology pneumologist cost/o- (L. costa) rib costectomy肋骨切除术 costalgia肋骨疼痛 precostal 在肋骨前的 subcostal 肋下的 sternocostal 胸肋的; 胸骨锁骨的 pleur/o- (Gr. pleur) pleura (胸膜) pleurodynia 胸膜痛 pleuritis pleurocentesis stern/o- (Gr. sternon (breast) sternum sternoschisis 胸骨裂 thorac/o- (Gr. thrombos) thorax or chest thoracotomy 胸廓切开术; 开胸术 pneumothorax 气胸 hemathorax 血胸 protothorax 前胸 pyothorax 脓胸 mechanism of disease pathology pathologist path- disease hepatic encephalopathy hepatocerebral disease HCD=HE medicine pharmacology pharmacologist 药理学家 pharmaceutics 配药学, 制药学 preparing and dispensing drugs pharmaceutist 药师, 药剂师 pharmacist 配药者, 药剂师 druggist or chemist pharmacodynamics 药效学 pharmacokinetics药物(代谢)动力学 mental processes and behavior psychology psychologist psychiatry 精神病学, 精神病治疗法 psychiatrist psycho- mind Psychogeriatrics 老年精神病学 psychoacoustic 心理声学的,心理听觉的 nerve neurology neurologist neur/o- (Gr. neuron) nerve neurocyte 神经细胞 neurosis 神经(机能)病; 神经精神病 neuroblast 成神经细胞 neuralgia 神经痛 radiation radiology radiologist skin dermatology dermatologist cutane- (L. cutis) skin subcutaneous皮下的 dermat/o-, derm/o- (Gr. dermatos) skin dermatology 皮肤病学 dermalaxia 皮肤软化 dermatitis 皮肤炎, 皮炎 hypodermic? epitheli/o- epithelium (上皮) epithelioma 上皮瘤 stomach gastrology gastrologist gastr/o- (Gr. gastr) stomach gastrointestinal 胃与肠的 gastrohydrorrhea 胃液溢, 胃溢水 gastrotomy 胃切开术, 胃造口术 gastrolith 胃结石, 胃石 gastroenterology : stomach and intestinegastroenterologist tissue histology histologist chondr/o- (chondros) cartilage (软骨) chondrification软骨化 chondrodystrophia 软骨营养障碍 chondrosarcoma 软骨肉瘤 fibr/o- (L. fibra) fiber fibromyositis纤维肌炎 my/o- (Gr. mys) muscle myoatrophy 肌萎缩 amyotonia肌弛缓; 肌罕张缺乏 myocardium 心肌(层) dermatomyositis 皮肌炎 tooth dentistry dentist geriodontics ? 老年牙科学denture ? 托牙,牙列periodontitis ? 牙周炎tumor oncology oncologist virus virology virologist female diseases gynecology / gynaecology gynecologist / gynaecologist mamm/o-,mast/o- (Gr. mamm) breast mammoplasty乳房成形术 mastectomy 乳房切除手术 mastotomy乳房切开术 mammogram 乳房X线照片 childbirth and perinatal care obstetrics obstetrician hormones endocrinology endocrinologist aden/o- (Gr. adn) gland (腺) adenocarcinoma 腺癌 adenectomy 腺切除术,增殖腺切除术 adenofibroma腺纤维瘤 adenositis 腺炎 adenosis 腺病 legal medicine forensic medicine 法医学forensic expert or medical examiner or medicolegal physician recovery rehabilitation / physiotherapist理疗学家 中西医 TCM and Western Med expert Chapter Six PrefixesAn English Case History PC = Presenting Complaint 主诉4-hour crushing retrosternal chest pain retro- (P037)Backward, or located behind a retrospective study retrograde amnesia 逆行性遗忘 ante(ro)- (P036)anterograde amnesia顺行性遗忘 HPC = History of Presenting Complaint 现病史发病:胸骨后压榨性疼痛小时,向颈与双臂放射,5-10分钟内逐渐起病Onset: 4 hours of “crushing tight” retrosternal chest pain, radiating to neck and both arms, gradual onset over 5-10 minutes. Duration : persistent since onset 持续时间/间期:发病起持续至今 Severity : worst pain ever had 严重程度:从未痛得如此厉害过 Relieving / exacerbating factors 缓解与恶化因素GTN (glyceryl trinitrate) provided no relief although normally relieves pain in minutes, no other relieving/exacerbating factors. 硝酸甘油(三硝酸甘油脂)平时能在数分钟内缓解疼痛,但本次无效,无其它缓解和恶化因素。 tri- (P043)Three, third, thrice, triple triplet 1 uni-/mono-/haplo-uniaural单耳, monoclonal单克隆的, haplochromosome单体染色体 2 bi-/ambi-/amphi-/di-/diplo-bilateral, ambidexterity,双利手amphilepsis双亲遗传, dilemma进退两难,diplocephalia3 ter- / tri- tertiary, tricuspid 4 quadri-/quadru-/quadr-/tetra- quadriceps, quadruplet, tetracycline5 penta- /quint- pentagon, quintuplet 6 hexa-/ sexa-Hexagon六边形, sexadecimal十六进制, 7 hepta-/septa-heptarchy, September 8 oct(a/o)-1 gallon = 8 octarius/pint品脱9 ennea-/nona- enneachlor九氯, Nonavitamine九维他10 deca-decade, decathlete 0 nulli- 1/2 semi- / hemi- 100 centi- / hectogram 1,000 Kilo- 1/1billion 毫nano- poly- (P044) much, many polyuria polydipsia (烦渴) polyphagia /polyphagy 多食 oligo- (044) oliguria oligodontia 少牙(畸形) pauc- / olig- Few, little, poly- / plur- / multi- Much, many, more than one holo- / pan- Whole, all Associated symptoms 相关症状 Nausea +vomiting2 +Sweating +Dizzy external chest tightness and dyspnea initially controlled by atenolol. 出现胸外疼痛与呼吸困难,经服氨酰心安/阿替洛尔控制。 ex(o)- (P038)out of, outside exogenic 外原的,外生的exocrine end(o)- (P036)endogenic endocrine dys- (P046)difficult; impaired; abnormal; bad dysgraphia dyspneadysarthrosis关节变形 dysfunction dysentery 痢疾dysbasia 步行困难symptoms worse, exercise tolerance 200 yards on flat, limited by chest pain 症状加重,受胸痛限制,仅耐受平地行走200码 sym- /syn- With, together, fused synarthrosis, synarthrodia不动关节 symphysis联合(如纤维软骨) Symbiosis共生,共栖 No rest pain, no orthopnea, no PND 静息时无疼痛,无端坐呼吸,无阵发性夜间呼吸困难PND: Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea ortho- (P120)straight orthodontics 正牙术orthopnea 呼吸困难 dyspnea (P046) 呼吸迟缓 bradypnea (P046) bradycardia 呼吸急促 tachypnea (P046) tachycardia= tachyrhythmia呼吸暂停 apnea (P041) asepsia 无菌anemia 贫血para/o- (P041)Beside, by the side of, beyond paralgesia 感觉倒错 paroxysmal : from para- beyond + oxynein sharpen, goad, from oxys sharp, pointed 发作的,阵发的noct- (P135)night nocturia nocturnal Risk factors危险因素Hypertension: no Smoking: 20 cigarettes per day for 16 years Diabetes: no Cholesterol: never checked Ischemic heart disease: angina, previous MI hyper- (P038) Over, above, beyond; excessive hyperglycemia 高血糖hypo- (P038)Beneath, under hypoglycemia 低血糖PMH =past medical history 既往史1963: appendectomy 1972: duodenal ulcer, no symptoms since1972 1986: myocardial infarction梗塞, full recovery / No subsequent investigation (follow-up visit无随访 ) 无糖尿病、高血压、风湿性心脏病、结核病、癫痫、哮喘、黄疸、脑血管疾病 No diabetes, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, tuberculosis, epilepsy, asthma, jaundice, cerebrovascular disease epi- (P135)Upon, above, beside Epilepsy 癫痫jaund- (P045)yellow jaundicecirrho- (P045)tawny茶色(from the color of the diseased liver) cirrhosis 肝硬化S/E =systems enquiry 系统询问General Fatigue lately, appetite unchanged, weight stable, no sweats,


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