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. PURCHASE CONTRACT of Plastic Mold 塑胶模具加工中英文版本采购合同BETWEENThe Buyer(Party A): THE BUYERAddress:地址:Postcode邮编:Contacts联系人: Tel电话:Fax传真:ANDThe Seller (Party B):加工卖方(乙方): Address:东莞市昱卓精密塑胶模具厂地址: Postcode邮编: Contacts联系人: Tel电话: Fax传真:Signing Place: 签约地点:东莞市大岭山镇大岭村纵队路93号Signing Date: _签约日期:After friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B agree to reach this contract as follows for complying with.甲乙双方经友好协商,甲方和乙方一致同意签订以下合同,以便共同遵守。1. Object:合同标的物:序号/No产品编号/Part No注塑产品规格/plastic parts spec模具数量/Quantity of molds模穴数/Mold Cavity模具含17%税价格(元)/Tooling cost with 17% vat(RMB)12345Total乙方根据甲方提供的注塑产品要求负责设计制造模具. 上述模具单价为人民币含17%税, 包括了模具设计,生产,试模,以及产品在甲方验收合格前的所有相关费用.Party B should design and produce the Molds. The unit price for the molds mentioned above based on RMB(included 17% vat), which includes the design, produce ,trial run cost and any other cost about the Molds before the plastics sample have been approved by Party A. 2. Quality Standard: the quality of goods shall accord with the standard as follows: 质量标准:本合同标的物需符合以下质量标准:(可以多选) According with state standard and industry standard ,if they are not the same, the higher shall prevail 符合国家标准和行业标准,若两者不一致以高者为准It must be at least 500,000pcs good plastic parts which can be produced by the mold in the contract合同中的模具必须可以生产至少50万模次的合格产品The plastic products which are produced by the Molds need to meet the requirement of Party A, refer to Appendix1 standard of plastic products.该模具生产的注塑产品应符合甲方的要求,详见附件1注塑产品标准。3 Lease & Maintain 所有权,租借以及维护保管3.1 The property of molds will transfer to Party A after inspection and acceptance. Party A will decide to lease the Molds to Party B , then Party B shall use them to produce plastic parts in their own factory. In period of lease term, the damage and destroy risk of molds is borne by Party B , Party B should keep the molds in good condition, and bear any cost of maintain.经甲方验收合格后, 模具的所有权即归甲方所有.甲方视情况将模具寄存在乙方工厂并且委托乙方进行注塑加工.租借期内,模具损坏和灭失的风险由乙方承担,乙方有义务保证模具完好,如有损坏需立即维护并且支付相应费用.3.2 The Molds are the property of Party A, Party A can carry part of or all of them back anytime.模具的所有权为甲方, 甲方有权随时收回部分或者全部模具.3.3 Party B shall mark all molds with the designation”XXX” And the parts number.乙方应在所有合同中的模具上标识”XXX”字样和部件号.4Sample样品 Party B shall provide enough quantity of plastic sample which produced by the Molds in this contract according to the appendix 1 before mass production of the goods. 乙方应凭合同中的模具生产出按照附件1要求提供足够数量的注塑样品。样品经甲方验收合格并书面确认之后乙方可凭合同中模具进行批量生产。5Delivery 交货5.1 Place of Delivery: The factory of Seller 交货地点:乙方工厂 5.2 Delivery Schedule交货日期: Seller shall deliver the Goods in full at the destination as designated by Buyer in a timely way within the time schedule as required in Order, which shall be concluded and signed by the Parties. 乙方按照双方签订的订单所规定的交货时间按时、足额将货物送达甲方指定的交货地点。Party B shall delivery all goods on_,if Party B want to delivery before the date ,they shall inform Party A in advance and be approved by Party A.乙方应于_年_月_日交付全部货物,乙方若提前交付,需事先通知甲方,经甲方同意后方能交付。Others: _Party B must finish the mold within 45days after received drawings from Part A, and provide enough quantity good plastic samples within 50days after received drawings from Part A._乙方需在收到甲方图纸65天内制作完毕所有模具,并且在收到甲方图纸70天内前提供足够数量的合格注塑样品.5.3 Party B should inform in written Party A in _2_days advance in case of any delay in delivering the products or providing the service. Party A is entitled to decide whether it continues to buy the products or not under the written Order. If Party A chooses to terminate the order, Party B shall pay liquidated damage at the rate of 15 % of the total price of the contract.如果发生交货或提供服务的延迟,乙方应提前_2_日书面通知甲方。甲方有权决定是否继续购买订单项下的货物。甲方有权决定是否继续购买订单项下的货物,如果甲方选择解除该订单的,乙方需支付合同总价的15 的违约金。5.4 In case Party B cannot be able to deliver the products timely for the reasons other than force Majuro(the goods have been delivered are not accord with the requirement of the contract also be deemed to late delivery), Party A has the right to claim Party B to pay the liquidated damages at the rate of _1_% of the total price of the Order on the basis of each delayed day. If it exceeds _5_ days, Party A is entitled to terminate the contract (or the Order), Party B shall pay the liquidated damages at the rate of _10_% of the total price of the contract(or the Order)and the loss accordingly.如果乙方因不可抗力以外的原因延迟交货(交付的货物不符合约定亦被认为延迟交货),甲方有权要求乙方按每延迟1天交货支付该订单总额_1_%的违约金。延迟交货超过_5_天,甲方有权选择解除合同 (和/或订单),同时乙方需承担合同(和/或订单)总价的_10_的违约金以及相应的损失。6Inspection for Acceptance 验收 6.1 Party A will inspect molds according to the means as follows:甲方根据以下方式对模具进行验收:(可多选) Check the model, specification, packaging, quantity etc对货物型号、规格、包装、数量等外观进行检查 Check the plastic sample according to the Appendix 1, in order to check if molds meet the requirement of Party A or not.按照附件1中图纸要求对模具生产出的注塑样品进行验收,以检查模具是否符合甲方的要求. Spot check according to requirement of the contract按照合同约定,对货物进行抽样检验 Install the goods and commissioning对货物进行安装后试运行 Others: _。其他方式:_。6.2 If Party A accepts the plastic samples after inspection, Party A shall sign sample. If the sample with Non-material problems and Party A accept, it shall be expressly shown on the sample and Party B shall be responsible for rectifying those problems within_14_ days since Party A signs sample.如果甲方验收后认为注塑样品符合合同约定,应签署样品。如果发现注塑样品存在瑕疵且同意接受的,应予以说明,乙方应在甲方签署样品起_14_天内纠正这些问题。6.3 If upon inspection of the plastic samples Party A is of the opinion that the samples does not conform to the requirements of Party A, Party A shall have the right not to accept the molds. In such an event, Party B shall take all necessary actions as soon as reasonably practical to ensure the new samples meets the requirements Party A in_7_ days. If satisfied with such action, Party A shall then sign the samples for Acceptance to the molds. Otherwise, Party A has right to cancel this contract, and Party B shall pay the liquidated damages at the rate of _10_ of the Order and the loss accordingly.若甲方在对注塑样品进行验收后认为样品不符合甲方的要求,甲方有权不接受模具的交付。在该情形下,乙方应尽快采取一切必要的行动,以确保新的样品在_7_日内达到甲方的要求。甲方若对上述行动表示满意,其应签署样品,表示接受模具。如果在约定的时间内,仍不能达到甲方的要求,甲方有权退货,乙方须承担此次订单金额_10_%的违约金以及相应的损失.6. Invoice 发票VAT invoices shall indicate the order number and the amount stated in the invoice is consistent with that of duly delivered acceptance products, otherwise Party A is entitled to return such invoice and request Party B to reissue.乙方开具增值税发票应标明订单编号并且与乙方实际交付合格的货物金额一致。否则,甲方有权退回该发票,要求乙方重新开票。7Payment 付款7.1甲方应按照以下方式付款:Party A shall make the payment as follows: _down payment of contract value should be paid within_ days upon the signed contract; _% of contract value should be paid within _days after the accepted after inspection and receiving the whole contract value invoice, _ % will be paid within_ days after _ year from acceptance.合同签定之日起_日之内支付_合同总价的%的预付款,甲方验收合格后并且收到合同全额发票后_日内再付合同总价的_%,余_%作为质保金,将于货物验收合格_年后_日内支付。 Others: After receiving the sample and acceptance Party A shall pay the sum confirmed by Party A within 60 days counting from the invoice date. 其他:甲方收到样品并验收合格后,乙方按甲方确认的金额向甲方开具相应金额增值税发票,甲方将在发票日后60天内,向乙方支付该笔款项. 7.2 Payments shall not imply acceptance of suppliers or services as meeting contractual requirements.支付行为不应表示对供货或服务符合合同要求的认可。7.3 Party B should return the mold cost within _7_days after every 500,000pcs PO of all the relative plastic parts from Party A until Part A get back all the Mold cost from Part B. If the mold can not product at least 500,000pcs good plastic parts, Party B shall also return whole cost of the mold. Party B has right to knock off the mold cost from the latest payment of plastic parts.如果本合同项下的注塑产品订单累计每超过50万个后, 乙方应相应地在_7_日内将一次性返还所有模具费用的.如果因为模具质量原因, 单个模具不能生产至少50万个合格产品,乙方也应退还该模具的费用.费用返还方式为甲方在乙方最近的货款中直接扣除相应金额,8Intellectual Property Right and compensation知识产权及索赔8.1 Each party shall inform the other without delay in written form in case that the products to be delivered and/or have been delivered be claimed by the third party for the infringement of Intellectual Property Right.当涉及到乙方将交付和/或已交付给甲方的货物侵犯第三方知识产权且被索赔时,甲方或乙方应以书面形式毫不延迟地通知对方。8.2 In case that Party A or its customers are claimed by the third party for the infringement of Intellectual Property Right or unqualified related to the products which are to be delivered and/or have been delivered by Party B, Party B shall indemnify Party A and its customers against such claim, assume the legal defense costs and compensate Party A and its customers in full for any loss and damage incurred as a result of such claims. If the government order a stop of Party Bs production, all losses Party A is sustained shall be borne by Party B even finally such infringement claim is cancelled.涉及到乙方将交付和/或已交付给甲方的货物侵犯知识产权或因质量不合格使甲方对第三方违约,且第三方坚持向甲方或甲方客户索赔,乙方应就索赔向甲方及甲方客户赔偿,并承担辩护等实际发生费用。对由于索赔而产生的任何损失乙方应向甲方客户全额赔偿。如果政府要求停止乙方的生产,则甲方所有的损失将由乙方承担,即使该侵权索赔最终被取消。8.3 The intellectual property rights of the relative Plastic parts in this contract is belongs to THE BUYER. 本合同相关的所有塑料产品的知识产权属于买方.9Insurance 保险 ( / )To ensure the performance of this Contract, Party B shall take out the necessary insurance policies on the products and/or spare parts delivered by Party B, such as product quality insurance, product liability insurance. Such insurance policies shall be kept valid for at least two years following the termination of this Contract.为确保本合同履行,对涉及乙方提供货物和/或备件,乙方应投保必要的保险,如货物质量险和货物责任险,且保险期应至少应为本合同终止后另加两年。10Technical Modifications 技术更改10.1Party A is entitled to require Party B in written form to modify the technology concerning the products under this Contract and as specified in Appendix.甲方有权以书面形式要求乙方就合同及附件中货物的技术要求进行更改。10.2 Any modification and change (including material, process, equipment or sub-supplier) made by Party B be informed to Party A in written form and be acquired the written consent from Party A .Party B is not allowed to deliver Party A the modified products until having obtained a written confirmation of the modified product from Party A. Party B shall deliver that products produced in accordance with the original technology in case of no written confirmation of the sample of the modified products from Party A.乙方对货物所作任何更改(材料、工艺、货物、分供应商等)须书面通知给甲方,并且征得甲方的书面同意,在甲方出具一份书面认可后,乙方才能向甲方提供更改后的货物。如果更改货物的样品没有得到甲方的书面认可,乙方仍需按原先的技术参数提供货物。11Confidentiality 保密Party B shall keep confidential all commercial and technical documents, knowledge and information provided by Party A under this Contract or during the performance of the contract as well as the achievement of this Contract. Such confidential information shall be duplicated; they shall be used only for the purpose of this Contract or for further co-operation in the future and shall not to be disclosed to a third party or given to a third party or used for anything other than the agreed upon purpose without prior written consent from Party A. 乙方尚需对此合同中或在执行此合同的过程中由甲方提供的所有商务及技术文件、知识、信息以及此合同的成果严格保密,不得复制, 只能将此用于本合同的目的或将来进一步的合作,未经甲方事先书面同意不得透露给第三方或给予第三方或为除规定目的外的其他目的使用。12Subcontracting to third Parties 分包给第三方No Subcontracting to third parties is allowed without prior written approval from Party A. Party A is entitled to terminate this Contract entirely or partially and claim Party B for compensation in case of sub-contracting.未经甲方书面同意本合同的履行不应分包给第三方,否则甲方有权全部或部分终止合同并提出索赔。13. The Prohibition of Commercial Bribery商业贿赂之禁止13.1 Party B shall never bribe the employees of Party A by any means, including but not limited to providing or promising to provide off-the-book rebate in secret, entertainment allowance, employment arrangement, travel home and abroad, present, discount for shopping and any other material benefits for the employees of Party A or their relatives shall be treated as commercial bribery, which shall be prohibited. Any breach of the aforesaid prohibition obligations shall Party A has the right to terminate the contract and claim for the liabilities for the breach of the contract against Party B.乙方不得以任何形式之商业贿赂收买甲方员工,诸如给予或许诺给予“回扣”、“招待”、“娱乐”、“安排就业”、“国内或国外旅游”、“馈赠”、“购物折扣”,及其它一切给予或许诺甲方员工或其他家属任何形式物质上利益者,皆视为商业贿赂,均在禁止之列。乙方若违反上述禁止义务,甲方有权单方面终止本合同并追究乙方的违约责任。13.2 Party B shall refuse any improper interests in any form required by the employees of Party A and shall provide relative evidence or clues to assist Party B to investigate and prosecute, which shall protect the legal rights and benefits of the Parties.乙方对于任何甲方员工所要求之任何形式的不正当利益,均应予以拒绝,并主动提供相关证据或线索协助甲方进行查处,以共同维护买、卖双方的合法权益。14. Party B shall not be exempted from the responsibility for the product quality stipulated in this contract even if its terminated.本合同终止后,不免除乙方根据本合同规定所应承担的货物质量责任。15. During the term of this Contract, in case of the occurrence of one of following events, in addition to claim against Seller for the liability for breach of contract as provided hereunder, Buyer shall be entitled to immediately terminate this Contract with notice 10 days before but without taking any liability for compensation to Seller:在合同有效期内,只要乙方出现下列任何一种情况,甲方有权在提前十天用书面方式通知乙方后立即提 前解除本合同,并且不对乙方承担任何赔偿责任:15.1 Material legal cases appear, its legal representative or major managing personnel are involved in crime investigation, Seller is merged, acquired, shut down, liquidated; Seller fails to pay back loans or owe third parties goods amount and etc;出现重大诉讼案件;其法定代表人或主要管理人涉嫌犯罪被调查;被兼


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