资料收集于网络 如有侵权请联系网站 删除 谢谢 电 动 蝶 阀Electric Butterfly Valve使 用 说 明 书Operation Manual一、用途.Application本系列蝶阀适用于冶金、矿山、建材、石化、造纸、纺织等行业的工业管道中。它对气体半流体等管道中的介质按不同的信号,改变其流量的大小,从而达到自动调整风量,实现自动控制。体阀采用优质钢板焊接结构,具有传动轻巧灵活,密封性能好,开闭时间短,切断速度快,能可靠的杜绝事故的发生。This series butterfly valve is suitable to use in the industry pipe of metallurgical, ore building material. Paper textile and so on, Accord to the different signal in the pipes of the gas half fluid medium. Change the flow volume, and adjust the fan volume automatically. It can realize automatic control. The valve is used good welding structure. It is characterized by light, nimble good sealing, short open time, fast speed broken and dependable.二、结构及工作原理.The structure and Working principle1、电动蝶阀由电动执行机构和蝶阀组成,有关电动执行机构作用原理,使用维护等参阅电动执行机构说明书。1、The electric butterfly valve is composed of electric execute structure and butter fly valve. The relative electric execute. Working principle and main is refer to the operation manual of electric executor.2、电动蝶阀按作业方式可分为电开式和电关式两种。电开式:无信号电流时,阀处于关闭位置,随着信号电流从010A或从420mA的增加,阀从关闭位置逐渐转向全开位置。电关式:无信号电流时,阀处于开位置,随着信号电流从010A或从420mA的增加,阀从全开位置逐渐转向关闭位置。在一般情况下,用户不提出要求,按电关式调整出厂。2、The electric butterfly valve have open and close type according to the way. Electric and open type: When there is signal current, the valve is in close position. With the addition of signal current from 010A or 420A, the valve is from close position to open position. Electric and close type: When there is no signal current, the valve is in open position. With the addition of signal current from 010A or 420A, the valve is from open position to close position. Generally the valve leave the factory in electric and close type.作用原理:从操作器来的信号电流,进入电动执行机构,使其输出一个相应的角位移,带动连杆,使阀板有一个相应的角位移。由于阀板在阀体内转动,改变流通截面,达到对介质流量的调节。电动蝶阀在设计上采用阀板在关闭状态时有一始角10,因此,在关闭时,其泄漏面积较小,故其具有较低的泄漏量。当信号电流因故中断时,可将电动执行机构的电动机“旋钮”拨在手动位置,然后将手轮连轴向外拉出,用手转动手轮。由手动转入自动运行时,必须将“旋钮”拨到“自动”位置,并将手轮推入。Working principle: The signal current from the operator enter in to electric execute structure. Make it output a suitable rotated angle movement. With the pole, the valve plate have a suitable rotated angle movement. Because the valve plate is rotated in valve body, change the flow section. Adjust the medium flow volume. When the electric butterfly valve is used valve plate, there is a start angle (10 degree)in design. So the leakage area is smaller, the leakage volume is lower.When signal current is broken, put the button of electric execute structure in hand position. Then the hand wheel is drawn out. Drive the hand wheel in hand. When the hand position change into automatic position, put the button on automatic position.三、安装使用与维护、Installation and maintenance foolish adj. 愚蠢的;傻的 1、电动蝶阀最好安装在水平管道上,如需安装要垂直管道上,用户在订货时应注明。 The electric butterfly valve had better install the horizontal pipe. If the client request to install the vertical pipe. 2、大口径式蝶阀使用在振动的情况下,安将时应加支承和加固。 When the big mouth butterfly valve is used in vibrated condition, it should be support and strength. 3、电动执行机构的调整、使用与维护见电动执行器说明书。 The
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