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CLB Level 4, Unit 1 Staying Safe at Work Spotting the HazardsIn the workplace, we often find dangerous situations or hazards. These situations might injure us as we do our work. We need to recognize when something is dangerous. Then we have to find a safer way to do the job. Can you start a conversation and describe a hazard? Can you ask a co-worker or supervisor for advice? Do you know what to say when someone gives you advice? Can you warn someone about danger? Can you respond to someone who warns you? If your employer gives you a workplace safety notice with instructions about back safety, will you be able to read it? Can you fill in a workplace accident report form? Can you write a description of an incident at work? Do you understand Canadian workplace rules about staying safe at work? Think about the language that you need in a situation like this. Ask yourself these questions: What speaking skills do I need?What listening skills do I need?What reading skills do I need?What writing skills do I need? What workplace culture information do I need to know?Do I have the Essential Skills for working with others, thinking, oral communication, document use and writing? Maria works in a warehouse. She has to move boxes of electronic equipment. One day, her boss asks Maria to load several boxes onto a truck. Maria finds one box that is oversized and very heavy. She decides that it is too heavy. She is worried that she will hurt her back if she lifts it. She wants to find a safer way to move the box.Lets Talk about It1. Think about workplaces in your country. What dangers or hazards do workers deal with? Does the law protect them?2. Did you ever have to do dangerous work? What was the danger?3. How did you deal with the situation? 4. What do you think Maria should do?Listening to the Talk TranscriptNarrator- Unit One, Level 4, Listening to the Talk Maria works in a warehouse. She often has to move heavy boxes. One day, her boss asks her to load some boxes onto a truck. She notices that one box is too heavy, so she asks a co-worker for help. Listen to the way that Maria and her co-worker, Rick, find a safer way to do the job. Maria Hey Rick! Could you give me a hand with this box? Its way too heavy for one person to lift. Rick No way! Not even two of us should lift that thing. Well hurt our backs for sure.Maria But, you know the boss wants it on the delivery truck by 5:00. Like, what should I do? Rick Maria, youd better get the forklift operator to move this thing. Remember the training session we had about back safety? Maria Oh ya, right. That was where they told us we should always lift things properly. I remember they warned us not to pick up stuff thats too heavy. Rick Right. And this one is definitely too heavy. Wait here and Ill get the guy that operates the forklift to come and help us. Maria Sounds good! Thanks, Rick. Ill finish up here while youre getting the forklift operator.ListeningDid You Get the Details?Sometimes we need to listen for details. Can you listen to a conversation and get the main details? First, read the following questions. Then, listen to the conversation between Maria and Rick. Jot down a short answer for each question.1. Where does Maria work?2. What does she often have to do?3. What hazard does she spot one day?4. Who does she ask to help her?5. Why does Rick refuse to lift the box?6. What do Rick and Maria need to help them do the job safely?Whats the Main Idea?Think about what happened in the story about Maria and Rick. Read each of the following sentences and decide if each one is true or false.1. _ Maria and Rick spotted a workplace hazard.2. _ They realized how it could hurt them.3. _ They couldnt find a safer way to do the job.4. _ Maria and Rick work well together.5. _ Equipment can make some jobs safer.6. _ Only employers are responsible for workplace safety.SpeakingWhat Are They Really Saying?Asking for Advice and Giving AdviceSometimes, we need to ask our co-workers or supervisors for advice. At other times, we might have to give advice to someone. When Maria had a problem, she asked Rick what she should do. e.g. What am I going to do? Rick gave her advice. e.g. Youd better get the forklift. Listen to the tape. Is the person giving advice or asking for advice? Put a check beside the answer that you choose.1. a asking for advice 2. a asking for adviceb giving advice b giving advice 3. a asking for advice 4. a asking for advice b giving advice b giving advice 5. a asking for advice 6. a asking for advice b giving advice b giving adviceWhat about in Real Life?We often need to ask people in the community for advice. Do you have the language skills to ask for advice?1. You are coughing a lot and you have a bad headache. Ask the doctor what medicine you should take.2. You work in a sewing factory. You have trouble with your machine and dont know how to fix it. Ask your supervisor what you should do about it.3. You are at a meeting with your childs teacher. Your child has a lot of trouble with reading. Ask the teacher what you should do to help your child at home. SpeakingWhat Are They Really Saying?Asking for Advice and Giving Advice Transcript1. I need a hand. What am I gonna do about this?2. Youd better get the forklift operator to move this thing.3. How should we move this? Could you give me a hand?4. You have to get some help.5. Hey! I need your help over here. What do you think I should do?6. Why dont you use a forklift? Words, Words, Words Workplace HazardsIt is important to be able to describe a hazard that you spot or notice in the workplace. Look at the list of 6 workplace hazards. List the injury that each hazard can cause. List a safer way to work and avoid each hazard. Hazards What is unsafe? Risks What is the risk? Safer Way to Work What can you do to stay safe?1. a heavy box a back injuryuse a forklift2. a high level of noise3. flying pieces of metal4. heavy objects that can fall on you5. strong chemicals on your hands6. a broken ladderCan you think of hazards that you see in everyday life? What are the risks? What can you do to stay safe?Complete the chart using these choices.a hearing loss use ear plugs chemical burnsa head injury an eye injury use safety glasses a back injury use a forklift use a hard hatwear protective gloves falling use a safe ladder Grammar Feature Using the Modal “should” to Give Advice ask for help.When Mario lifts something, lift it properly.he should. bend his knees. be careful. When Mario lifts something, twist his back.he shouldnt. lift too much. bend his back.We can use the modal ”should” when we give advice. We put the modal before the simple form of the verbe.g. should + liftDo not put “to” after “should”CorrectMario should lift the boxes carefullyMario shouldnt bend his back.IncorrectMario should to lift the boxes carefully.Mario shouldnt to bend his back.Read each situation. Then, look at the examples of advice below. What advice should you give your co-worker in each situation? Situations1. Your co-worker is working with toxic chemicals. He isnt using anything to protect his lungs. What advice should you give?2. You are working with someone on a construction site. She isnt wearing anything to protect her from falling objects. What advice should you give?3. A new worker is working close to a very noisy machine. He isnt wearing anything to protect his hearing. What should you say?4. It is a hot summer day and your co-worker comes to work in a furniture factory. She is wearing sandals, which will not protect her feet. What should you say?5. A trainee is using a power saw to cut wood. There are small pieces of wood flying off the machine. The trainee is not wearing anything to protect his eyes. What should you say?6. A garbage collector is picking up bags of garbage. He doesnt have anything to protect his hands? What should you tell him to do?What Advice Should You Give?a “You should wear safety gloves.” d “You should use ear plugs.”b “You should wear a respirator.” e “You should wear a hard hat.”c “You should wear goggles.” f “You should wear steel-toed boots.” What about in Real Life?People often give us advice to warn us about danger. We have to know how to respond or what to say when someone does this. Look at the examples below. What advice do people give Maria to warn her about danger? How does she respond?Situation # 1Maria is cooking with hot oil. The handle of the pot is over the edge of the stove. Marias child is in the kitchen.Marias neighbour: You should turn the handle to the back of the stove.Maria: Oh, my goodness! How could I be so careless? Situation # 2Rick and Maria are waiting for a green light at a corner. Maria starts crossing the street on a red light. Rick: Maria. What are you doing? You shouldnt cross on a red light. Youll get hit.Maria: Youre right. Thanks for warning me. Your TurnThink of a situation when you might give someone advice to warn them of a danger. What advice will you give them? How do you think they will respond? Write a short dialogue.SpeakingWarning Someone and Responding to a WarningSometimes, you may spot a hazard and want to warn someone. Do you have the language skills to warn a co-worker about a danger? Do you know what to say when someone warns you?Read the example below.Worker # 1: Be careful. That ladder is broken. Youll fall. 1. 2.Worker # 2: Thanks. I didnt notice. Ill get another ladder. 3.Now practise putting these dialogues together. When you finish the 4 dialogues, write your own dialogue where you warn someone of a danger and they respond. 1. Warning Someone 2. Describing the Danger1. The floor is wet! Youll slip.2. That forklift is backing up right behind you.3. That grease is smoking. It could start a fire.4. You need goggles for that.1. Watch out!2. Be careful!3. Look out!4. Hold it! 3. Responding to a Warning1. Thanks. I will clean it up right away.2. Wow! Thanks! That was a close one.3. Whew! Good call. Ill turn down the heat.4. Oh right. I forgot to put them on. WritingWritingFilling out an Accident Report FormWTV ELECTRONICS CO.802 NOTRE DAMEWINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3E OM3PHONE: 947-8765ACCIDENT REPORTEmployees must complete an accident report within five days of an accident. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Submit the form to the office.EMPLOYEE INFORMATION_ _LAST NAMEFIRSTPOSITION HELD_ _STREETMANITOBA HEALTH CARD #_ _CITYPROVINCESOCIAL INSURANCE #_POSTAL CODEDATE OF BIRTH_HOME PHONEWORK PHONECELL PHONEGENDER MALE FEMALETODAYS DATE: _Page 1Gonzales Castillo was unloading television sets on his own from the WTV Companys delivery truck last Monday at 2:00 P.M. Suddenly, one of the 40 kg boxes started to fall off the truck. Gonzales turned quickly to catch the box and twisted his lower back. He didnt think too much about it, but the next morning he couldnt get out of bed. The pain was so bad that he called his friend, Jose, to come over. Jose helped him out of bed and took him to Misericordia Urgent Care on Sherbrook Street. Here is the accident report form that Gonzales needed to complete when he returned to work.WTV ACCIDENT INFORMATIONTo be completed by the employee and/or employer. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages.1. Please check one. From a specific accident _ _ AM PM Date(D/M/Y) Time Over a period of time. Date symptoms first noticed: _ Date (D/M/Y)_2. What body part was injured? _ Left Side Right Side Upper Body Lower Body3. How did the accident happen? _CITY/TOWN/PROVINCE WHERE INCIDENT OCCURRED4. Did you go to a clinic or a hospital? Yes No Please give the name of the medical facility and doctors name._Medical FacilityDoctors Name_ Date (D/M/Y) PhoneLocationI declare that all the information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. _Employees Signature Date (D/M/Y) Page 2ReadingReading a Workplace Safety Notice on Back SafetyIn the Canadian workplace, you will get information on how to work safely. Read the following information on back safety. Do you have the reading skills to get the information that you need? Back Safety Tips1. Squat when you lift something heavy. Dont bend at the waist.2. When you lift a heavy object, keep it close to your body.3. Dont twist your body when you are lifting something.4. Push a heavy object. Dont pull it.5. Use a dolley to move objects that are too heavy to lift.6. Wear non-slip shoes. Which safety tip matches each picture? Write the correct number in each box.Canadian Workplace Culture NoteIn Canada, the government believes that the safety of the employees is important. Thats why there are workplace and safety and health laws. The government: makes rules to prevent injuries in the workplace. makes sure that employers and workers obey the rules. encourages training to keep workers safe. provides information about safety on the job.Connecting to the CommunityThere are many community and government organizations that have information about workplace health and safety. One of them is called Safe Workers of Tomorrow. Contact them at 992-2988 or visit their website at Invite them to visit your classroom. Another website is: www.mflohc.mb.caReadingReading a Set of InstructionsHow to Refuse Dangerous WorkSometimes, you may be worried about doing work that seems dangerous. Did you know that you have the right to refuse dangerous work? Look at the following 6 steps. If you want to refuse to do dangerous work, these are the steps that you follow. Can you put the steps in the correct order? The first one is done for you.a 1 You decide that your job is unsafe.b _ Wait at the job site while your supervisor tries to solve the problem.c _ Tell your supervisor why you think the work is unsafe. d _ Decide if the job is now safe enough for you to return to work.e _ Go back to work when you feel it is safe.Essential SkillsThinking Problem SolvingIn everyday life, we often have to solve many kinds of problems. First, we decide what the problem is. Then we follow steps to solve the problem. Finally we have to decide if its a good solution. Visit the website: hrsdc.gc.ca/essentialskills to learn more about Essential Skills.What about in Real Life?1. What will you do if you think that your job is unsafe? 2. Will you talk to your supervisor? Why or why not?3. How will you start the conversation to ask for assistance?4. Ho


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