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Task 1,2,5 reciting sectionTask 1,2 独立任务Task 1考试内容: 日常生活相关话题Task 2考试内容: A or B 的选择; Agree or disagreePreparation: 15Response: 45(一) 一个中心,两个基本点:1. Whats your favorite leisure activity?一个中心:Im fascinated by reading books,such as biographies, science fictions and comic books.两个基本定: 1) which can enrich my life, enlarge my knowledge and broaden my horizon2) Whats more, by, I could make friends with people who have mutual interests with me from various fields, which can not only expand my social circle but bring joy and happiness to my life as well. I could share innermost feelings with these fellows and get rid of heavy workload at the same time.2. 你的学校得到一笔捐赠donation,有人认为钱应该用来建立academic facilities;有人认为应该建立athletic facilities. Which one do you prefer?一个中心:I highly recommend the school should make a good use of the donation to establish academic facilities, such as libraries; labs两个基本点: 1)enrich2)by reading books in the library, students can make friends with3. 你家门前有块空地,有人认为应该建立library;有人认为应该建立park?一个中心:I highly recommend the empty room should be used to establish a park because more people could do sports there which could enrichwhats more , by doing sports in the park they could make friends.4. 有机会travel to outer space, 你去不去?一个中心:I will take the chance.两个基本点:1) enrich2) When I come back, I could make more friends with people who love astronomy 5. Do you prefer outdoor activities in summer or in winter?一个中心:Im fascinated by doing sports in summer. 两个基本点:1) Im crazy about swimming which can enrich.2) make friends 6. 你小的时候最喜欢去的地方?I was fascinated by visiting the library when I was a kid because 7. 在city 中,你最喜欢的地方?8. 你的朋友帮你搬家,你怎样感谢他?/ I will send him a library card to express my appreciation (二) 一个中心,一个举例1. 人always tell honest opinion? Agree or disagree?一个中心:I disagree with this statement. Sometimes, people have to tell white lies to protect other peoples feelings.举例:For example, Tom is a doctor who has to tell white lies to the patients who suffer from fatal illnesses, for instance cancer or Aids, cause he expects to give the patients the courage and hope to fight for recovery.Another example, Cherry is a teacher who has to tell white lies to the students who lost their courage to face difficulties and troubles in study cause she expects to give the students the faith and courage to work hard on their study.2. 艺术家artists and musicians are important to society? Agree or disagree.一个中心: I agree with the statement. enrich peoples lives举例:For example, plenty of people have never been to 城市, however, according to the paintings, music and films, people will know3. 你最尊重respect的职业是:Musician,photographer and painter 4. 你的朋友得到一份离家很远的工作,他应该去吗?一个中心:I highly recommend him to take the job.举例:Tom is my friend who got a job which is distant from his hometown, however he could not only make money but appreciate more tourist attractions, such as 城市5. 人应该always 穿时髦的衣服吗?一个中心:I disagree with this statement.举例:I believe peoples characteristics are more significant than fashion clothes. For example, my friend Tom, who seldom wears fashion clothes is loved by classmates and professors cause he is helpful. No matter when other students are in trouble, he will help them out. Just as saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed. Therefore, peoples personalities are more significant than clothes.(三) 两分法task 2:A有A的好处;B有B的好处1. 有人边听歌边学习;有人只学习不听歌,你喜欢哪种?It depends on different situations.A) If I study math, I will study without listening to music cause music is a kind of distraction, which will reduce my studying efficiency. I couldnt better concentrate on my study.B) However, in another situation. If I work on my project, I will listen to music cause I frequently stay up for my project. Im under much pressure. Listening to music will be beneficial for me to stay awake and release my pressure as well.2. 有人认为应为学生应该在traditional classroom 中学习;有人认为应该去Museum or zoo. Which one do you agree with?It depends.A) If students study math, they should study in the classroom to discuss and debate with classmates and professors, which will help students have a deep understanding of the knowledge.B) However, in another situation. If students study biology and history, they should go to the zoo or museum. The knowledge will be more vivid and students will show much enthusiasm in study and actively engage in it.3. 在餐桌上打电话或者text message 是不是没有礼貌的行为?It depends on different situations.A) If a doctor receives a phone call or message from hospital or patients, he should answer the phone cause the patients lives may be in danger, which should be treated as quickly as possible. B) In another situation, if a student has dinner with the professor, he shouldnt make phone calls, which may leave a bad impression on the professor. The professor may treat the student as a bad mannered and impolite person, which may prevent the professor showing love and favor to the student. 4. 如果学生作业交晚了应该扣分,你是否赞成?It depends on different situations.1) If the student falls ill, this is an understandable situation; the professor will be considerate enough to give him an extension without deducting some points.2) In another situation, if the student parties too much and couldnt hand in the assignment before the deadline, he may leave a bad impression on the professor. Theres no doubt, the professor will penalize the student by grading his paper more severely. It may influence his final grade and kill his GPA to some extent.5. 有人喜欢快快做决定,有人喜欢take their time做决定。你喜欢哪一种?It depends on different situations.1) If I have to decide what to eat or what I should do during the spare time, I will make decisions quickly cause I dont wanna waste may time on unimportant stuff. You know, I am tied up with study every day. I frequently stay up until midnight. Therefore, I shouldnt waste time on making deciding on minor problems.2) However, in another situation, if I have to decide what major I should take, I will take my time to discuss and debate with classmates and professors which will help me have a deep understanding of my advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, I will choose the major which will have a perfect career prospect.背诵:1. city 。1) 你想了解的一个国家或者culture?2) 有一笔钱怎么花?3) 你的朋友帮你搬家,你怎么感谢?4) 你喜欢送别人的礼物?5) 你经常去的地方?6) 艺术家对社会重不重要?7) 你最尊重的职业:musician, painter, photographer?8) 比较你去过的两个城市的区别。9) 一个老外到你国家旅行,你推荐他去哪里?1 people; 2experience; 3sports ; 4 campus 1. People 责任感、乐观He is the person who is overall optimistic. No matter how many challenges and obstacles he confronts, he always wears a smile on his face and has the faith and courage to do his best to conquer them. Cause he firmly believes nothing is impossible for a determined heart. He takes every challenge and mission as best chances to enhance his capabilities. His attitude towards life positively influenced me. I will never abandon my dreams. Because gems cannot shine without polish and I cannot perfect myself without hardship.Whats more, he is helpful and accommodating. Whenever his friends are in trouble, he will do them a favor. Just as saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed. Practice makes perfect:1) 家长是否是孩子最好的老师? I agree with the statement./ If parents, children will 2) 有人喜欢被experienced teachers 教,有人喜欢被刚刚完成training 的新老师教。Which one do you prefer? 3) 描述你喜欢和他交流的人。4) 你遇到困难怎样解决:去图书馆、上网、找advisor?5) 你的朋友帮你搬家,你怎么表达感谢?biography 6) 你和家里的那个成员有相似的traits?7) 和家里长辈聊天的好处?chatting with the old in my family can enrichwhats more, I can learn a lot from them for example8) 你喜欢的一位performer: actor or musician.9) 礼物?biography: the main character is optimistic .10) 书籍、电影、歌曲11) 理想的职业I wanna be a writer to write a biography for my favorite performer because he is optimistic12) 你建议你的朋友怎样赚一大笔钱?13) Agree or disagree: Freshmen shouldnt live with seniors.2. experience: 环保 Manchurian tigerpanda/ bears: TED/ marine animals: shark/ room to read/sister to sister/ environmental protecting/ retirement community活动名称I once worked as a volunteer of a non-profit organization, which is named love our planet.活动意义As we all know, with the rapid development of economy, human activities cause serious environmental problems, such as acid rain, sand storm and land desertification. It does not only interfere with peoples normal life but cause damage to the natural homes of wild animals. More and more wild animals, such as rhinoceros and otters such and such, lose their territories and suffer from starvation. Not only the government but also every citizen should be responsible to solve the problem. 活动困难I organized colorful activities such as voluntary job and public lectures to appeal peoples consciousness of protecting the environment. I was in face of tremendous difficulties. I was about to abandon. Luckily, Tom did me a favor to figure out relevant materials for publicity campaign. Furthermore he let me know: I have to be the person who is courageous. No matter how many challenges and obstacles I encounter, I should always wear a smile on my face and do my best to conquer them. Cause I firmly believe nothing is impossible for a determined heart. Room to read As we all know, plenty of people in the less developed countries are illiterate which may lead to various social problems, such as child labor and early pregnancy such and such. Therefore, not only the government but every citizen should be responsible to solve the problem which will promote the development of the city and enhance the corporation of different counties.活动内容+困难I organized colorful activities such as voluntary job and public lectures to appeal peoples consciousness of protecting river dolphins. I was in face of tremendous difficulties. I was about to abandon. Luckily, Tom did me a favor to figure out relevant materials for publicity campaign. Furthermore he let me know: I have to be optimistic and uplifting. No matter how many challenges and obstacles I encounter, I should always have faith and courage to conquer them. Cause I firmly believes nothing is impossible for a determined heart. I take every challenge and mission as best chances to enhance my overall abilities. His attitude towards life positively influenced me. I will never give in to any challenges in this activity. Because gems cannot shine without polish and I cannot perfect myself without hardship.I once worked as a volunteer of a non-profit organization, which is named protecting dancing bears.活动意义As we all know, in order to get nutritious food and make a living, a large number of wild bears have been overhunted and domesticated. As a result, the number of wild bears has dropped dramatically. It does not only do harm to the bears but interfere with the balance of the wild animals. Not only the government but also every citizen should be responsible to solve these problems. 活动内容+困难I organized colorful activities such as voluntary job and public lectures to appeal peoples consciousness of protecting bears. I was in face of tremendous difficulties. I was about to abandon. Luckily, Tom did me a favor to figure out relevant materials for publicity campaign. Furthermore he let me know: I should be the person who is optimistic and uplifting. No matter how many challenges and obstacles I encounter, I should always wear a smile on my face and do my best to conquer them. Cause I firmly believe where theres a will, theres a way. I take every challenge and mission as best chances to improve my overall abilities. Practice makes perfect:1) 你想参加什么组织 or clubs?2) 描述你曾经遇到的困难?3) 你的国家面临的问题?My country is facing shark-protecting problem.4) 你一直想做,没时间做的一件事?5) 你和别人一起进行的积极的经历?6) 理想的职业?7) 你喜欢找一份make money 的工作or 得到个人满足感的工作?personal satisfaction 8) 你想经历的historical event?9) 大学生是否应该被要求每年参加40小时的社会活动?10) 描述一次在饭店或者caf的经历。3. Sports/ watch TV/ movie/ music/ books/ video games运动:Free style is the beneficial for me to entertain myself. You know, I am tied up with study every day. I frequently stay up until midnight. It seems that I can never get my assignments done before the deadline. I am really under much pressure. However, Free style is the best way to release pressure and makes me feel relaxed. It is beneficial for me to keep elegant figure and stay energetic. It could not only improve my mood but help me keep fit as well. Whats more, by swimming, I could make friends with people who have mutual interests with me from various fields, which can not only expand my social circle but bring joy and happiness to my life as well. I could share innermost feelings with these fellows and get rid of heavy workload at the same time.Practice makes perfect:1) 你喜欢自己做运动还是看别人做运动?2) 喜欢独自运动还是团队运动?3) 是否喜欢生活在一个:the climate stay the same all year around的地方?I like to live cause Im fascinated by doing outdoor activities. For example, if I live in Sanya, I will experience summer all year round. I could do outdoor activities to release my pressure and makes me feel relaxed. You know, Im tied up with study every day4) Which one do you prefer: 户外活动outdoor activities in winter or summer?5) 最想掌握什么技能:学习语言、弹奏乐器、运动6) 最喜欢的学科?7) 不喜欢但是很重要的学科?8) 你们国家人最喜欢什么运动?9) 你和家人在一起都干什么?playing tennis is very popular in my country. You know, people in my country are tied up with study and work every day10) City 中你喜欢去的place?/ fitness club11) 学校流行什么服饰?1)sports wears 2)铁公鸡12) Talk about a group or club youd like to join. 13) What do you do to keep yourself healthy?14) 学生在学校看电视的好处和坏处?15) 学生玩video games游戏的好处和坏处?16) 学生应该看novels 吗?17) 你是否赞成:In the future, people will read fewer books?18) 你是否赞成:Robots should be used in the workplaces.19) 政府是否应该鼓励人们有健康的生活方式?4. Campus life My school has a good reputation. It is not only equipped with first class facilities but staffed with experienced and knowledgeable professors as well. These professors specialized in particular areas dedicate themselves to stimulate students curiosity for knowledge. I accumulate plenty of knowledge and skills, such as communication skills, problem solving skills and self-learning ability which are significant for future job hunting. I could gain career-related work experience in the field of study, which will be beneficial for me to face the increasing fierce competition in the job market. Therere a large number of after-school activities,such as volleyball club. I have plenty of opportunities to face different challenges. I could improve my overall abilities. I boost my ego and confidence.Practice makes perfect:1) 比较你就读过的两所学校的区别?2) 一个老外到你的国家读书,你建议他去哪里?3) 老外到你的国家来,你带他去哪里:工厂、博物馆、大学4) 有一笔钱怎么花?5) 在国外居住的好处?6) 你的朋友在上大学之前工作一年的好处和坏处?7) 最开心的消息8) 一个好的学校的标准?9) 一个好学校是否取决于它有很多textbook?Task 1,2 作业: 1) 每天背诵task 1,2 的4个段落Task 5考试内容:校园学习、生活相关话题Listening: 60-90 secondsPreparation: 20 secondsResponse: 60 secondsContent: problem 2 solutions Prefer Why1) 坏印象:上课迟到、不按时交作业、不充分准备考试、逃课、不参加考试If he/ she is late for class/ doesnt hand in assignment before the deadline/ doesnt well prepared for the exam/ couldnt guarantee the quality of paper/ skips the class/ skips the exam,he/she may leave a bad impression on the professor. Theres no doubt, the professor will penalize惩罚 him/her by grading his/ her essay论文/ assignment作业/课题project more severely. It may 影响influence his/ her 期末考试成绩final grade and kill his GPA to some extent.除非“重病”This is an understandable situation. The professor will be considerate enough to1) 如果学生作业交晚了,老师应不应该扣分?2) 在人际交往中good manner 重不重要?3) 在使用电子产品的时候,有人先看说明书再用。有的人直接用,不读说明书。你prefer哪一个?4) 老师应不应该帮助学生掌握typing skills?2) 求助His/ her friend must be helpful and accommodating. Just as saying goes “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” His / her friend will definitely help him/her out with. Furthermore, its a good opportunity to enhance their friendship as well. 1) 你是否赞成大一的学生应该跟高年级的学生住在同一间宿舍?2) 出国留学你喜欢怎样住:自己住、跟朋友住、跟 local family 住?3) 你遇到困难的时候怎么解决:去图书馆、上网、找advisor?6) 铁公鸡(除非学习)It will be helpful to cut expense if He/she could make good use of the money to do other meaningful stuff, such as purchasing more reference books or studying online / musical instruments which are absolutely sensible choices.1) 你喜欢买贵的,但是新的书;还是便宜的,但是旧的书?2) 电子产品一出就买,还是过一段时间再买?3) 住校内还是校外?3) 安静的学习环境If it will be beneficial to create a quiet atmosphere for study which will improve his/her studying efficiency without any doubt. There wont be any kind of distraction which will stop him from devoting himself /herself to study.4)团队学习/研究生课/小班课/向自己喜欢的教授学习If he/ she participates in the group study/takes the graduate course/ learns from his / her favorite professor/ takes a small class/sets a agenda in advance,he/she could discuss and debate with classmates and professors which will help him/her to have a deep understanding of knowledge. Theres no doubt that he/she will show much enthusiasm in the course课程/project课题/学习study and actively engage in it.1) 老师是否应该鼓励学生参加团队学习?2) 你认为最有效的学习方法是:背诵、做笔记、团队学习?3) 大一的和高年级学生住在一起agree or disagree?4) 上课喜欢坐教室前排还是后排?5) 描述一个你没上过,但是很想上的课?6) 你喜欢和很多朋友住在一起or 几个朋友住在一起?5) 许诺He/ she is supposed to show his responsibility by living up to his / her promise. He/she will let.down if she/ he couldnt. Whats more, he/she will lose his/her credibility at the same time. Furthermore, he will have a strong feeling of guil


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