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高一年英语寒假作业二unit 1 & unit 2单元测试卷第一部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. i had _ feeling of happiness when i heard that he had made _ great progress.a. a; ab. the; a c. the; 不填d. a; 不填2. mike, please dont make so much noise.pardon?i _ you not to make so much noise.a. tellb. had told c. toldd. will tell3. he has had a bad cold for a few days. thats the reason _ he hasnt finished his article yet.a. as b. why c. which d. how4. peter had _ his career in law to become a teacher.a. given up b. given in c. given off d. given away5. the most attractive _ in the sports meet was the gymnastics competition.a. event b. accident c. incident d. matter6. it was so disappointing last year, but now we are _ that well go up.a. calmb. fortunate c. confidentd.keen 7. we were going out for a christmas meal together _ the accident happened.a. unless b. until c. while d. when8. go home right now _ your parents will worry.a. thoughb. but c. howeverd. otherwise9. the boy _ fifty yuan in repairing the watch yesterday.a. cost b. spent c. paid d. took10. it must be very _ to watch a close game between the two basketball teams.a. excited b. exciting c. bored d. boring11. im not sure whether john _ his parents has arrived.a. as well b. as well as c. as usual d. as soon as12. the jacket was _ from 50 dollars _ 33 dollars. a. volunteered; for b. switched; onc. complained; about d reduced; to13. whats that terrible noise over there?the workers _ the boxes from the back of the truck.a. have carried b. are carrying c. carryd. will carry14. bill _ a couch potato and now he has a healthy lifestyle.a. isb. is used to being c. used to be d. is used to be15. how do you find your new classmate?she is perfect! _.a. i like her very much b. i cant stand her any morec. i hate her d. i dont like the way she talks第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。on their wedding day, a young japanese farmer decided to give his wife a present. the present was a mirror, and it made his wife very 16 because shed never seen her reflection (映像) before 17 in the waters of a pond or stream. when she looked in the mirror and saw her lovely 18 , the young woman laughed with 19 . the farmer was joyful, too. he knew he was lucky to have such a beautiful 20 .after a few years, the young wife gave birth to a baby girl. but the birth was 21 and the young woman died. the farmer felt 22 sad that he put all of his wifes things 23 in a box, including her 24 mirror.the mirror 25 in the box for many years.the daughter 26 , and with each year she 27 more and more like her mother. one day, her father took her to a quiet garden and 28 her about her mother and the mirror she so loved. the girl was so 29 what her father said that she could not contain (克制) herself. she dug into (找出) her mothers old things and 30 the mirror. she 31 the mirror in front of her face and looked 32 into it: “father, father, come here,” she 33 . “it is mother. her face is in the mirror.”the face in the mirror was the girls face, 34 her father didnt say a word.he could not 35 . tears were streaming down his face.16. a. scared b. proud c. happy d. sad17. a. near b. except c. between d. from18. a. picture b. face c. hands d. legs19. a. kindness b. excitement c. joy d. confidence20. a. decision b. present c. mirror d. wife 21. a. difficult b. long c. wonderful d. usual22. a. very b. so c. rather d. such23. a. up b. away c. down d. off24. a. favourite b. new c. strange d. broken25. a. put b. held c. lay d. kept26. a. thought b. studied c. worked d. grew27. a. acted b. looked c. laughed d. sounded28. a. told b. asked c. begged d. encouraged29. a. amazed at b. frightened by c. tired of d. interested in30. a. felt b. found c. cleaned d. watched31. a. lifted b. tried c. dropped d. shook32. a. carelessly b. clearly c. slowlyd. deeply33. a. answered b. cried c. asked d. commented34. a. but b. and c. as d. since35. a. reply b. believe c. speak d. stand第二部分 阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。aaround six weeks ago, kaileen came running into the house, just getting off the bus from school. she was all excited about a story about homeless pets because of hurricane (飓风) katrina and all that was going on to help them. she said that this information came from her animal newspaper (your kind news). kaileen has a great love and compassion (同情心) for animals, so her excitement did not surprise me. her next ideas, however, did. she said that we should go around right then to our neighbors and collect all their change to send to the animal shelters.i thought this was a school project, but in fact, it was not. this was what kaileen wanted to do on her own! well, it warmed me all over. to see your child so willing to help others just lets you feel that maybe you had done something right in raising her. anyway, i told her to make a card and send it out to our neighbors first. with the help of her older brother, kaileen soon made a lovely card that asked our neighbors to help these pets by giving their spare change. she gave them a few days and a date she would come by to pick up any donations (捐赠). well, i had to go out and buy a donation box. kaileen collected $279.50! i just thought you would like to know how kind news had touched a little ones heart and given her the idea to show her compassion for animals. thank you we really enjoy your paper. 36. the passage is probably taken from _. a. a report about a warm-hearted girl b. an advertisement for an animal shelter c. a thank-you letter to a newspaper d. a donation program for homeless pets 37. what was the authors feeling about kaileens idea? a. pleased and excited. b. surprised and moved. c. tired and sad.d. worried and angry. 38. from the passage we learn that kind news _.a. collects donations for homeless people b. sets up many shelters for homeless animals c. tells children how to keep pets healthy d. encourages children to help homeless pets 39. we can infer that the passage is written by kaileens _. a. parent b. teacher c. brother d. neighborbmake a five-minute film and win!do you love the summer holidays but hate being bored? then why dont you enter the film street summer shorts competition by making a short film this summer with your family and friends? what you have to doto enter the competition, you have to make a short film that is around 5 minutes long (it can be shorter but not longer!) on a digital camera, or mobile phone. awardsthe best short film entered into our competition will be shown in film streets cinema and youll win a cineworld cinemas pass for yourself and three more for other members of your film crew (电影摄制组). if you have a cineworld cinemas pass, you can watch as many films as you like for a year, for free, at any cineworld cinema!ruleswe cant show films that tell others about either your, or any other kids, name or address. we cant show films that hurt, harm or insult (侮辱) other people. we cant show films that have bad language. copyright checklist (版权清单)getting permission to use someone elses work in your film can be expensive, so check your film to make sure that: your film is original and you havent copied someone else.there are no scenes of branding (商标) on shop signs, books, magazines or cds. there are no scenes of someone elses artwork.address and datepost your finished film on tape, cd or dvd by monday, october 1st, 2007 to: film street summer shorts competition first light movies unit 6, third floor, the bond 180-182 fazeley streetbirminghamb5 5seso whats stopping you? start making your film street summer short now!40. who is the passage written for?a. children.b. parents. c. teachers. d. actors. 41. how many cineworld cinemas passes will the winner of the competition be awarded in all?a. one. b. two. c. three.d. four. 42. from the third paragraph we can learn that _. a. the winners short film can be shown in any cinemab. the competition is held by cineworld cinemas c. the winner can watch films for free for one year at any cineworld cinema d. the winner will be paid for his short film 43. the underlined word “original” is closest in meaning to _.a. interesting enough b. full of exciting moments c. good for children d. made by yourselfcputting on a play can be fun. acting can be like the “lets pretend (假装)” and dress-up (盛装打扮) games children play. actors pretend, to be other people. they try to look like other persons and talk as other persons do.professional (职业的) actors take part in plays and television programs given in new york and other large cities. they earn their living by acting. but other people act in plays just for fun and are not paid for their work. they belong to little theater groups. in the daytime, they are students, teachers, doctors, lawyers, or police officers. they are actors only in the evenings or on weekends.one of the countrys oldest little theater groups is in indianapolis, indiana. it is called the players club, and it put on eight plays a year. people in the city buy tickets to see the plays. anyone in indianapolis who wants to act may join the players club. before each play, auditions (试演) are held so that people can try out for the different parts. not all members of the group are actors. people are also needed to help with the lighting, clothes and makeup.there are little theater groups in many cities. they continue to put on plays because they bring pleasure to a large number of people. people in a little theater group enjoy having the chance to act, and the audience enjoy watching the plays.44. what the passage talks about takes place in _.a. new zealand b. india c. america d. indonesia45. why do some people act only in the evenings or on weekends?a. they must sleep during the day. b. in the daytime, they have other things to do.c. no one comes to the theater during the day. d. they can get higher pay.46. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. the members of little theater groups are all actors.b. only professional actors can take part in little theater groups.c. both men and women in indianapolis can take part in the players club.d. you dont need tickets to see the performances of the players club.47. what is the best title for this passage?a. part-time actors b. full-time actors c. little theater d. players club dokay, its the last minute for deciding and choosing fathers day gifts. you may have some difficulty in deciding what you can buy for your dear father. here are some last-minute ideas.music. if youve got the money, and think dad might like enjoying his own mp3 player, go with an apple ipod, which would allow him to listen to from a yahoo! music subscription (订制). if hes a cd man, buy a cd for him with some new songs that you think hed like. digital camera. the most expensive thing on this last-minute list, the canon powershot sd600 is digital elph is a cant-miss choice for excellent photos with simple-to-use features. it is easy to carry and take great pictures of the kids nearly without much work. do something for him. sometimes the best gift is noticing what dad does around the house to keep things running, and then offering to do it instead of him, such as cutting grass, taking out the garbage and recycling for a month. if you dont live near your dad, you can promise (答应) to do a few things to help out around the house on the next visit, but remember: you must do as you say! do something simple. with a computer, kids can make a special and personal t-shirt for dad quickly and easily with easyimage. fathers day is coming before we know it. dont put it off another day! go to shop to buy what you think your father likes, and he will be happy. i am sure!48. how many pieces of advice does the author give about choosing fathers day gifts?a. three. b. four. c. five. d. six.49. what is the best gift for your father on fathers day according to the passage?a. buying some cds. b. buying a new mp3.c. helping father do something. d. making a special t-shirt for father.50. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. almost all fathers like to listen to music or singing.b. making a special t-shirt by computers is not hard work for children.c. canon powershot sd600 is digital elph is difficult to use. d. you have to buy something for your father even if you help your father do something.51. the author writes the passage to _.a. let people go to his shop to buy goods b. give some advice for readers to buy gifts for fathersc. tell readers to buy something good with least money d. tell readers how to choose good goodsehow can a foreign doctor become an american doctor? one way is to finish a medical residency in the united states. a residency is a period of hospital training for medical school students. foreign-trained doctors need to be accepted by the educational commission for foreign medical graduates. this needs passing several tests. after that, foreign doctors can receive a visa (签证) to stay in the united states, at least for the training period. practicing medicine in the united states also needs other steps. but the first thing that foreign-trained doctors have to do is make sure they went to a recognized (认可的) medical school. it has to be listed in the faimer international medical education directory. faimer is the foundation for advancement of international medical education and research. if their school is not listed, then foreign-trained doctors cannot be accepted for a residency. one way is to go back to medical school an american medical school. 125 schools in the united states are led by the association of american medical colleges. the group says last year more than 1,100 foreigners applied for the school year and one-fourth of them were accepted at last.almost all medical schools in the united states need the persons who apply for the school year to report marks from the medical college admission test (mcat).future doctors in the united states need to finish four years of medical school after college. then, they treat patients under the lead of experienced doctors. a residency is often between three and seven years. the first year is called an internship (实习期). the association of american medical colleges publishes a book called medical school admissions requirements. the newest one is for 2008-2009, which has information about every school and information for foreign students. the book costs twenty-five dollars and can be ordered through its website. 52. the passage mainly tells us _.a. how to buy medical school admissions requirementsb. how to be a doctor in the usa as a foreigner c. what future doctors in the united states need to dod. something about american doctors53. it can be inferred from the passage that _.a. not every foreigner applying for the school year can be successfulb. in america internship means the last year of a residencyc. marks of doctors from the mcat are unnecessary for american medical schoolsd. you can get medical school admissions requirements more cheaply through the internet54. which of the following is the right order for a foreign doctor becoming an american doctor? to pass several tests. to get a visa to stay in america. to finish a medical residency. to make sure if he went to a recognized medical school.a. b. c. d. 55. if a foreign doctor went to a school not listed in the faimer international medical education directory _.a. he wo


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