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Unit7TodayisMonday 课时 1一、教学目标:知识: 1.学习句型:WhatdoyoudoonMonday? IgotoschoolonMonday. 2.学习课文,学生能够初步读课文。 能力: 1利用功能句进行交际,培养学生的交际能力; 2.学生有感情的读课文锻炼朗读能力。 情感: 1在小组的交流活动中培养学生的敢于交流的勇气; 2培养学生的学习兴趣。二、教学重难点: 对于句型:WhatdoyoudoonMonday? IgotoschoolonMonday. Isnttodayisaholiday?No,todayisMonday.的理解。三、教学准备: 课件卡片四、实践活动: 学生两人一组利用功能句进行交际五、教学过程I.Warmup.(3)1. Doyouhaveagoodholiday?2. Wheredidyougointhisholiday?3. Talkabouttheholiday.II.Presentation(12)1.Showacalendar.Andhavethestudentslookatthedate.Thentheteachersays,todayisFeb.20th. PointtothewordMonday.Andaskwhatdayisittoday?AndsayitsMonday.HavethestudentsrepeatthewordMonday.2. PointtothewordTuesday.Ask,whatdayistomorrow.Thensay,itsTuesday.3. RepeattheprocedureforWednesday,Thursday,Friday,SaturdayandSunday.4.TheteachersaysIlikeSaturdaysandSundays.BecauseIcanwatchTVathome,andIcango shopping.WhatdoyoudoonSaturdayandSunday?5. TheteachersaysIgotoschoolonMonday.WhatdoyoudoonMonday?6. Review.IV.Practice(10)1.Havethestudentsworkingroups.TalkaboutwhattheydoonSaturdaysand Sundays.2. Demonstrate.VSethomework.: Listentoorwatchthestoryathome.六、板书设计 Unit7TodayisMonday WhatdoyoudoonMonday? IgotoschoolonMonday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday.七、教学反思:Unit7 第二课时一、教学目的:1知识:通过对单词、句型的复习,使学生掌握本单元的四会词、功能句。 2能力:运用句型:What do you do on Monday ?及变换形式进行游戏、语言情景的练习,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 3情感:培养学生珍惜时间,热爱生活的情感。二、教学过程:教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图 教学媒体 一 text What day is today ? Oh, is Ann here? Does she go to the park? Where is she ? Lets watch the video . 1 just listen . Three questions. 2 read after the video. answer questions (check) How many days are there in a week? Can you recite them? 1 lets take out our cards and play a game . Its Wednesday . No ,she isnt. No, she doesnt. watch the video 1 what does Ann do on Monday? 2 Does Ann go to school every day ? 3 How many days are there in a week? 通过询问导入观看课文的情景。 问题设置 激发学生听音的积极性 课件 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图 教学媒体 三 diary (8) 2 What day is today ? What classes do you have on Wednesday ? Ok , take out your paper and write the classes from Monday to Friday. (check ) Look here, whats this ? Look at the diary and read it. Do you remember what did you do last week ? Ok ,write your diary of last week. Whos that ? He takes us a blackboard, lets see about it. I can choose the words and make a sentence. Who can answer my question? I have some questions to ask you ,can you help me ? What have you learned ? Its Wednesday. We have . Write the classes Anns diary. read it. Yes ,I do . (check ) write their diary of last week. Thats Uncle Bookys.通过用英文来写课程表这个活动,使学生主动参与课堂教学。 完成自己的日记,巩固动词短语 课件展示 空白的英文课程表 实物展示 课件 日记表 三、教学反思:Unit7Lesson3 课时 3一、教学目标: 知识:1 复习句型Whatdayisittoday? 2 阅读短文,理解短文内容。 能力:1 利用功能句进行交流,培养学生的交流能力; 2 训练学生的听力; 情感:交流过程中培养学生大胆交流的自信心;。二、教学重难点: 交际练习:Whatdayisittoday?ItsMonday. 阅读短文并回答相应的问题。三、教学准备: 课件,磁带,卡片四、实践活动: 学生小组内交际练习,阅读短文五、教学过程 I.Review(5)1 Readthestory.2 Whatdayisittoday?3 WhatdoyoudoonSunday?4 ReviewwordsII.Talktogether(10)1. HavethestudentslookatthedialoguebetweenDavidandSue.Trytoreadit.2.Havethestudentslookatthediaryontherighthand.Trytoreadthediaryandknowthecontentaboutthediary.3. Havestudentsworkinpairstomakedialoguesaccordingtothediary.4. Havesomepairsshowtheirworks.III.ListenandMatch(5)1 Lookatthepicture.2 Pointtothewordsandhavethestudentsreadthewords.3 Havethechildrentalkaboutthepictures.4 Playthetape.Havethechildrenmatchthewordstothepictures.5 Havethechildrenchecktheanswer.6 Readthesentence.IV.MikesWeek(20)1.Havethestudentslookatthepictures,andtalkaboutthepictures.WhatisMikedoing?Havethemreadthewordsofdaysoftheweek.2.Havethestudentsreadthequestionatthebottomofpage7.Havethemunderstandthesequestions:l WhatdoesMikedoonMonday?l WhatdoesMikedoonThursdayafterschool?l WhatdoesMikedoonSaturdayandSunday?3.Havethestudentstrytoreadthetextbythemselves.Theycanunderlinesomewordsorsentencesifitsnecessary.4.Havethestudentsmatchthedaytotheactivity.5.Havethestudentsanswerquestions.6.Checktheanswersandpayattentiontowritingsentences.V.Sethomework.1.Listentothetextstoryathome.2.Rememberthewordsofdaysoftheweek.六、板书设计 A:Whatdayisittoday?B:ItsTuesday.A:DowehaveEnglishcornertoday?C:Yes,wedo.七、教学反思: Unit7课时4 一、教学目标: 知识:1. 复习WhatdoyoudoonMonday?Whatdayisittoday?Whatdoeshe/shedo? 2.感知字母组合ow,ou的读音。能力:1.小组交流的过程培养学生的交流能力;2培养学生的认读能力。情感:1听录音辩别不同发音,培养学生认真细致的学习态度;2鼓励学生大胆表达培养学生的敢于表达的自信心。二、教学重难点: 复习句型WhatdoyoudoonMonday?Whatdayisittoday?字母组合ow,ou的读音。区分字母读音三、教学准备: 教学卡片,磁带四、实践活动: 调查活动:Whatdoyoudoinaweek?五、教学过程 .Review(5)1. Wordsoftheweek.2. Whatdayisittoday?3. WhatdoyoudoonMonday?4. Whatdoeshe/shedoonMonday?.Soundsandletters(15)1.Havethestudentslookatthepicturesofcow,brown,house,mouse,cloudandowl.Havethem observewhatthesameamongthewords.2. Playthetapeandhavethestudentsreadafterthetape.3. Whatssoundforowandou?.Listenforsounds新课标第一网1. Havethestudentssayawordabouteachpicture.2.Tellthestudentstheyaregoingtolistentothewordsandcrossthewordsthatdontbelong.3. Playthetape.4. Checktheanswer.ReadwithUncleBooky1. Havethestudentslookatthewordsandobserve.2. Playthetapeandhavethemrepeatafterthetape.UncleBookysBlackboard(5)Usecardstopracticethestructuresontheblackboard.1.Havestudentsworkinpairstopractice.Usethestructures,whatdoyoudoonMonday?Igoto school2. Havesomepairsshowtheirworks.VI.Touch,askandsay1. Havethestudentslookatthepicturesandtalkaboutthepictures.2. HavethestudentsreadthedialoguebetweenWanglingandAnn.3. Havethestudentsworkinpairstoaskandanswer.4.Havethestudentsdoasurvey,usingthestructurewhatdoyoudoonMonday/Tuesday/ Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday.5. Showsomeworks.V.Sethomework.:Listentothetapeathome.六、板书设计 WhatdoeshedoonSunday? Hegoestothelibrary.七、教学反思: 教学内容 Unit 7:Today is Monday. 教学目的 1知识:通过对单词、句型的复习,使学生掌握本单元的四会词、功能句。 2能力:运用句型:What do you do on Monday ?及变换形式进行游戏、语言情景的练习,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 3情感:培养学生珍惜时间,热爱生活的情感。 教学重点 功能句的复习 教学难点 句型的替换及单词的使用 课时 第五课时课型 复习课 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图 教学媒体 一 text (8) 二 words (11) What day is today ? Oh, is Ann here? Does she go to the park? Where is she ? Lets watch the video . 1 just listen . Three questions. 2 read after the video. answer questions (check) How many days are there in a week? Can you recite them? 1 lets take out our cards and play a game . Its Wednesday . No ,she isnt. No, she doesnt. watch the video 1 what does Ann do on Monday? 2 Does Ann go to school every day ? 3 How many days are there in a week? Monday Sunday. Play a game : Monday M-o-n-d-a-y. 通过询问导入观看课文的情景。 问题设置 激发学生听音的积极性 小组活动 利用单词卡片提高学生参与的积极性 课件 单词卡片 三 diary (8) 四 blackboard (7) 五sentences (4) 六 summary (1) 七 homework(1) 2 What day is today ? What classes do you have on Wednesday ? Ok , take out your paper and write the classes from Monday to Friday. (check ) Look here, whats this ? Look at the diary and read it. Do you remember what did you do last week ? Ok ,write your diary of last week. Whos that ? He takes us a blackboard, lets see about it. I can choose the words and make a sentence. Who can answer my question? I have some questions to ask you ,can you help me ? What have you learned ? Its Wednesday. We have . Write the classes Anns diary. read it. Yes ,I do . (check ) write their diary of last week. Thats Uncle Booky Choose the words and make a sentence. check answer the question by themselves. Say about the class 通过用英文来写课程表这个活动,使学生主动参与课堂教学。 完成自己的日记,巩固动词短语 课件展示 学生动手操作,提高学习英语的积极性 提高学生动笔写的能力 总结本课内容 知识延续 空白的英文课程表 实物展示 课件 日记表 课件 卡片 完成句子练习 教学反思:Today is Monday课时6一、教学目标:1. Learn how to express the days of a week in English2. Review the patterns3. Can we/I/they play ? What do you do ?4. Learn the form do-does, go-goes and the sounds and letters “ou” “ow”5.Let students know they should save the time and help each other.二、教学准备T: Courseware, audiocassette recorder, new words Cards Ss: cards三、教学过程:Step1. Warm up:T: Class begins! Morning! Boys and girls!S: Morning , teacher!T: Sit down, please!Step 2. Ask and find out1. Copy the table onto the blackboard. Write some week words (you can choose to use flashcard for this Unit) in the boxes. Pointing each week word, elicit the correct name from the children.2. Call a child up, and write the A week words in the table under the column. Ask the child, “Do you like Wednesday?” Elicit the answer from the child. Put a tick under the activities that he / she likes, and write he / she doesnt like activities.3. Have children open their books at page 11. display your copy of the book, and draw their attention to interview each other student .4. Put children into 4 groups and explain that each child needs to interview at least 3 other children.Step 4. Read with Uncle Booky1. Direct childrens attention to the two rows of words at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page and point to the first row of words.2. Play the tape for the first four words. Have the children point to each word that they hear in the tape.3. Ask the children if they can find that all the words have “ ow” or “ ou” sound.4. Tell the children


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