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1.(单选题)下列数组声明语句中,错误的是:()。 A.int arr = new int; B.int arr = new int; C.int arr = ; D.int arr = new int2;正确答案:B。2.(单选)class Card下列不属于Card类构造方法的是:() A.Card() B.public Card() C.public void Card() D.private Card()正确答案:C3.(单选)下面不属于Java语言特点的是: A.平台无关 B.面向对象 C.支持指针类型 D.垃圾回收机制正确答案:C4.(单选)下列选项中的类,能正确实现java.lang.Runnable接口和java.lang.Clonable接口的是()。 A.public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable public void run(); public Object clone(); B.public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable public void run() / do something */ public Object clone() / make a copy */ C.public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable public void run() / do something */ public Object clone() /* make a copy */ D.public class Session extends Runnable, Clonable public void run() ; public Object clone(); 正确答案:C5.(单选)下列属于不合法Java标识符的是()。 A._mem B.12a C.M12 D.$12正确答案:B6.(单选)下列Java标识符,错误的是() A._sys_varl B.$change C.User_name D.1_file正确答案:D7.(单选)Java程序的执行过程中用到一套JDK工具,其中javac.exe是指()。 A.Java语言编译器 B.Java字节码解释器 C.Java文档生成器 D.Java类分解器正确答案:A8.(单选)运行下列代码: int oneArr = 2, 11, 26, 27, 37, 44, 48, 60 ; int twoArr = 19, 35, 49, 55, 58, 75, 83, 84, 91, 93 ; int threeArr = new intoneArr.length + twoArr.length; int p = 0, q = 0; while (p oneArr.length & q twoArr.length) threeArrp + q = oneArrp twoArrq ? oneArrp+ : twoArrq+; if (p oneArr.length) System.arraycopy(oneArr, p, threeArr, p + q, oneArr.length - p); else if (q 1; D.byte b1 = 10; byte b=+b1;正确答案:D12.(单选)类Super及Sub定义如下: public class Super private void f() System.out.println(Super.f(); public void g() f(); public void k() f(); public class Sub extends Super private void f() System.out.println(Sub.f(); public void k() f(); 运行下列语句: Super obj = new Sub(); obj.g(); obj.k(); 输出的结果是:()。 A.Sub.f() Sub.f() B.Sub.f() Super.f() C.Super.f() Sub.f() D.Super.f() Super.f()正确答案:C13.(单选)关于下列代码说法正确的是: class ClassA public int numberOfinstances; protected ClassA(int numberOfinstances) this.numberOfinstances = numberOfinstances; public class ExtendedA extends ClassA private ExtendedA(int numberOfinstances) super(numberOfinstances); public static void main(String args) ExtendedA ext = new ExtendedA(420); System.out.print(ext.numberOfinstances); A.运行后,输出420 B.运行时抛出异常 C.编译错误,所有的构造器必须是public的 D.编译错误,构造器不能是private的正确答案:A14.(单选)关于下列代码说法正确的是: public class A private int counter = 0; public static int getInstanceCount() return counter; public A() counter+; public static void main(String args) A a1 = new A(); A a2 = new A(); A a3 = new A(); System.out.println(A.getInstanceCount(); A.该类编译失败 B.输出:1 C.输出:3 D.输出:0正确答案:A15.(单选)下面for语句,存在编译错误的是()。 A.for( ; ; ) B.for(int i=0; i 100;i+) C.for(int i = 0, j=0; ;i+,j+) D.for(int i = 0; i 10)正确答案:D16.(单选)请看下列代码: interface Foo int bar(); public class Sprite public int fubar(Foo foo) return foo.bar(); public void testFoo() fubar( ); 使类Sprite编译通过,在处应填入的代码是: A.Foo public int bar() return 1; B.new Foo public int bar() return 1; C.new Foo() public int bar()return 1; D.new class Foo public int bar() return 1; 正确答案:C17.(单选)请看下列代码: public class Plant private String name; public Plant(String name) = name; public String getName() return name; class Tree extends Plant public void growFruit() public void dropLeaves() 下列说法正确的是: A.在Tree类中添加代码:public Tree() Plant(); ,编译将通过 B.在Plant类中添加代码:public Plant() Tree(); ,编译将通过 C.在Plant类中添加代码:public Plant() this(”fern”); ,编译将通过 D.在Plant类中添加代码:public Plant() Plant(”fern”); ,编译将通过正确答案:C18.(单选)请看下列代码编译和运行的结果是()。 interface DeclareStuff public static final int EASY = 3; void doStuff(int t); public class TestDeclare implements DeclareStuff public static void main(String args) int x = 5; new TestDeclare().doStuff(+x); void doStuff(int s) s += EASY + +s; System.out.println(s= + s); A.s=14 B.s=16 C.s=10 D.编译失败正确答案:D19.(单选)下列关于IDE开发环境Eclipse,说法错误的是:()。 A.Eclipse可以通过插件(plugin)的方式扩展其功能。 B.Eclipse联盟是由IBM公司捐资组建的。 C.Eclipse使用了SWT图形界面技术。 D.Eclipse的运行不需要有JRE的支持。正确答案:D20.(单选)下列代码的输出结果是: public class Blip protected int blipvert(int x) return 0; class Vert extends Blip 在处填入选项中的代码,使Vert类没有编译错误的是()。 A.public int blipvert(int x) return 0; B.private int blipvert(int x) return 0; C.private void blipvert(int x) return 0; D.protected long blipvert(int x) return 0; 正确答案:A21.(单选)下列表达式中,可以得到精确结果的是()。 A.double d1 = 3.0 - 2.6; B.double d4 = 2.5 * 1.5; C.double d2 = 30/300; D.double d3 = 1/2 + 0.5;正确答案:B22.(单选)下列代码的输出结果是()。 public static void main(String args) int one=new int4,6,8; int two=new int1,3,5,7,9; System.arraycopy(one, 1, two, 2, 2); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(two); A.1, 3, 7, 4, 6 B.1, 3, 5, 7, 8 C.1, 3, 5, 6, 9 D.1, 3, 6, 8, 9正确答案:D23.(单选)下列数组声明语句中,错误的是:()。 A.int arr = new int8; B.int arr = new int8; C.int arr = ; D.int arr = new int;正确答案:B24.(单选)下列代码编译和运行的结果是: public static void main(String args) String elements = for, tea, too ; String first = (elements.length 0) ? elements0 : null; System.out.println(first); A.编译出错 B.输出:tea C.输出:for D.输出:null正确答案:C25.(单选)运行下面的程序: int a = 100; int b = 200; a = a + b; b = a - b; a = a - b; System.out.println(a= + a + , b= + b); 输出的结果是:()。 A.a=100, b=300 B.a=100, b=200 C.a=200, b=100 D.a=300, b=200正确答案:C26.(单选)下列关于JVM说法,错误的是()。 A.JVM通过专门的线程实现内存的回收。 B.使用java命令时,可以通过参数来设置分配JVM的内存大小。 C.JRE包括JVM及Java核心类库。 D.目前主流版本JVM通过纯解释的方式运行Java字节码。正确答案:D27.(单选)请看下列代码: interface Data public void load(); abstract class Info public abstract void load(); 下列选项中,能正确使用Data接口和Info类的是()。 A.public class Employee extends Info implements Data public void load() /*do something*/ B.public class Employee implements Info extends Data public void load() /*do something*/ C.public class Employee implements Info extends Data public void Data.load() /*d something */ public void load() /*do something */ D.public class Employee extends Info implements Data public void load() /*do something */ public void Info.load() /*do something*/ 正确答案:A28.(单选)类A,B的定义如下: class A private int a = 100; A() System.out.print(A(); System.out.println(a); class B extends A private int a = 200; B() System.out.print(B(); System.out.println(a); 运行下面的代码: new B(); 输出的结果是:()。 A.A() 100 B() 200 B.A() 200 B() 200 C.B() 200 A() 100 D.B() 200 A() 200正确答案:A29.(单选)如下方法声明中,错误的是()。 A.public void say() System.out.print(“Hi”); B.public void say() System.out.print(“Hi”); return; C.public int say() System.out.print(“Hi”); return; D.public int say() System.out.print(“Hi”); return 0; 正确答案:C30.(单选)下列代码编译和运行的结果是()。 public class A public void start() System.out.println(TestA); public class B extends A public void start() System.out.println(TestB); public static void main(String args) (A) new B().start(); A.输出:TestA B.输出:TestB C.输出:TestA TestB D.编译错误正确答案:B31.(单选)下列代码的运行结果是: public class GoTest public static void main(String args) Sente a = new Sente(); a.go(); Goban b = new Goban(); b.go(); Stone c = new Stone(); c.go(); class Sente implements Go public void go() System.out.println(go in Sente); class Goban extends Sente public void go() System.out.println(go in Goban); class Stone extends Goban implements Go interface Go public void go(); A.go in Goban go in Sente go in Sente B.go in Sente go in Sente go in Goban C.go in Sente go in Goban go in Goban D.go in Goban go in Goban go in Sente正确答案:C32.(单选)程序的执行结果是()。 public class Test int x; public static void main(String args) Test t = new Test(); t.x=5; change(t); System.out.println(t.x); public static void change(Test t) t.x=3; A.5 B.3 C.0 D.4正确答案:B33.(单选)分析如下语句,说法错误的是()。 A.break可用于跳出循环,当多层嵌套时,只用于跳出一层循环 B.break即可以出现在循环语句中也可以出现在switch语句中 C.continue可以用于跳出循环 D.continue不能出现在switch语句中正确答案:C34.(单选)请看下列代码编译和运行的结果是: package packagea; public class Message String getText() return text; package packageb; public class XMLMessage extends packagea.Message String getText() return text; public static void main(String args) System.out.println(new XMLMessage().getText(); A.text B.text C.抛出运行时异常 D.代码public class XMLMessage extends packagea.Message行,编译错误正确答案:B35.(单选)程序执行的结果是()。 public class Test String name=Tom; public Test(String name) name=name; public static void main(String args) Test t = new Test(Jack); System.out.println(); A.null B.Tom C.Jack D. 正确答案:B36.(单选)请看下列代码的输出结果是: public class Bootchy int bootch; String snootch; public Bootchy() this(snootchy); System.out.print(first ); public Bootchy(String snootch) this(420, snootchy); System.out.print(second ); public Bootchy(int bootch, String snootch) this.bootch = bootch; this.snootch = snootch; System.out.print(third ); public static void main(String args) Bootchy b = new Bootchy(); System.out.print(b.snootch + + b.bootch); A.first second third snootchy 420 B.third second first snootchy 420 C.third first second snootchy 420 D.first second first third snootchy 420正确答案:B37.(单选)下列代码的输出结果是:()。 public class StaticFoo int num; static int x; public static void main(String args) StaticFoo foo1 = new StaticFoo (); foo1.num+; foo1.x+; StaticFoo foo2 = new StaticFoo (); foo2.num+; foo2.x+; StaticFoo foo3 = new StaticFoo (); foo3.num+; foo3.x+; StaticFoo.x+; System.out.print(foo3.num+,); System.out.println(foo3.x); A.3,3 B.1,3 C.3,4 D.1,4正确答案:D38.(单选)请看下列程序的输出结果是: public class Item private String desc; public String getDescription() return desc; public void setDescription(String d) desc = d; public static void modifyDesc(Item item, String desc) item = new Item(); item.setDescription(desc); public static void main(String args) Item it = new Item(); it.setDescription(Gobstopper); Item it2 = new Item(); it2.setDescription(Fizzylifting); modifyDesc(it, Scrumdiddlyumptious); System.out.println(it.getDescription(); System.out.println(it2.getDescription(); A.Scrumdiddlyumptious Scrumdiddlyumptious B.Scrumdiddlyumptious Fizzylifltng C.Gobstopper Scrumdiddlyumptious D.Gobstopper Fizzylifting正确答案:D39.(单选)下面的代码用于对数组arr实现冒泡排序: for (int i = 0; i i; j-) if (arrj 0; j-) if (arrj arrj - 1) int temp = arrj; arrj = arrj - 1; arrj - 1 = temp; isSwap = true; C.for (int j = i + 1; j arr.length; j+) if (arrj arrj - 1) int temp = arrj; arrj = arrj - 1; arrj - 1 = temp; isSwap = true; D.for (int j = i; j arr.length; j+) if (arrj arrj - 1) int temp = arrj; arrj = arrj - 1; arrj - 1 = temp; isSwap = true; 正确答案:A40.(单选)请看下列代码: class Payload private int weight; public Payload(int wt) weight = wt; public Payload() public void setWeight(int w) weight = w; public String toString() return Integer.toString(weight); public class TestPayload static void changePayload(Payload p) public static void main(String args) Payload p = new Payload(); p.setWeight(1024); changePayload(p); System.out.println(The value of p is + p); 假设运行后输出“The value of p is 420”,那么处应填入代码是: A.p.setWeight(420); B.Payload.setWeight(420); C.p = new Payload(420); D.p = new Payload(); p.setWeight(420);正确答案:A41.(单选)下列代码的输出结果是()。 abstract class Vehicle public int speed() return 0; class Car extends Vehicle public int speed() return 60; class RaceCar extends Car public int speed() return 150; public class TestCar public static void main(String args) RaceCar racer = new RaceCar(); Car car = new RaceCar(); Vehicle vehicle = new RaceCar(); System.out.println(racer.speed() + , + car.speed() + , + vehicle.speed(); A.0, 0, 0 B.150, 60, 0 C.150, 150, 150 D.抛出运行时异常正确答案:C42.(单选)题目: 下列代码的输出结果是: ()。 public class A public void info() System.out.println(A info); public class B extends A public void info() System.out.println(B info); public static void main(String args) B b=new B(); A a=b; (); A.B info A info B.A info B info C.A info D.B info正确答案:D43.(单选)请看下列代码: class ClassA class ClassB extends ClassA class ClassC extends ClassA public class Test public static void main(String args) ClassA p0 = new ClassA(); ClassB p1 = new ClassB(); ClassC p2 = new ClassC(); ClassA p3 = new ClassB(); ClassA p4 = new ClassC(); 可以在处,填入的代码正确的是() A.p0 = p1; B.p1 = p2; C.p2 = p4; D.p2 = (ClassC)p1;正确答案:A44.(单选)下列代码的运行结果是()。 public class Animal public String noise() return peep; public static void main(String args) Animal animal = new Dog(); Cat cat = (Cat)animal; System.out.println(cat.noise(); class Dog extends Animal public String noise() return bark; class Cat extends Animal public String noise() return meow; A.peep B.bark C.meow D.抛出运行时异常正确答案:D45.(单选)类A,B和C的定义如下: public class A public void f() System.out.println(A.f(); public class B extends A public void f() System.out.println(B.f(); public class C public void g(A a) System.out.println(g(A a); a.f(); public void g(B b) System.out.println(g(B b); b.f(); 运行下面程序: C c = new C(); A a = new B(); c.g(a); 输出的结果是:()。 A.g(A a) A.f() B.g(A a) B.f() C.g(B b) A.f() D.g(B b) B.f()正确答案:B46.(多选)请看下列代码: package com.tarena; public class Geodetics public static
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