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Unit3Languageinuse 1 一般过去时 当我们要叙述过去发生的事情 要用一般过去时态 2 结构 动词用过去式 3 常用时间状语 last 名词 lastyear lastmonth yesterday thedaybeforeyesterday in 过去时间 in1980 ago tenyearsago 等等 Myfatherwasadoctorlastyear Weretheynaughty Yes theywere 1 Iamateachernow Iwasastudenttenyearsago 2 Sheisadoctornow Shewasateacherlastyear Youareafarmer Youwereaworker am is过去式was否定式wasnot wasn tare过去式were否定式werenot weren t 用was wasn t were或weren t填空 youborninBeijing No I I borninNanjing Where yourmotheryesterday She atwork I verynaughtyinthepast Butmysister naughty she verywell behaved theyborninasmalltownintheUSA No they Myfirstteacher MissWhite She akindteacher Were wasn t was was was was wasn t was Were weren t was was Chooseandwrite Mynewfriends was were born in on Beijing Myparents are were inHongKong in on1997 Sam was were anewpupil in on September1st There was were agarden with behind theoldhouse Jim is was anaughtyboybefore butnowhe isn t wasn t He is isn t well behavedinschoolnow were in were in1997 was on was with was isn t is 翻译下列句子 1 你生在哪里 我出生在一个小乡村 2 你小学的校名是什么 3 我妈妈对我很严厉 4 你的朋友在学校表现好吗 5 她对我们很友好 What s your Mymother me yourfriends atschool She us Wherewereyouborn Iwasborninasmallvillage thenameof primaryschool isstrictwith werewell behaved isfriendlyto AskandAnswerthequestions When born What primaryschool Who firstteacher Who firstfriends What like Workinpairs Activity1ReadaboutLiuYun Askandanswerthequestions LiuYunwasborninTianjinonNovember2nd 1990 Makeaninterview A thehost 主持人 B afamouspersonAinterviewBabouthis herpastlife andabouthis herhometown livingroom bedroom bathroom kitchen Therewas inourhouse pond garden trees Therewas inourtown store movietheater Aroundtheworld HeroofSouthAfricaNelsonMandelawasborninasmallvillageintheTranskeiregionofSouthAfrica Hewasbornon18thJuly 1918 HewasPresidentofSouthAfricafrom1994to1999 Moduletask Writeaboutyourpartner spastlife Task1 Workinpairs Talkaboutyourpastlifewithyourpartner Whenwereyouborn Iwasbornin Task2 Writeaboutyourpartner slife Hewasbornin MyPastLifeIwasborninGuangdong Iamthirteennow soIwasbornonApril8th 1993 WhenIwasalittleboy IstudiedatNo 1PrimarySchool MrsSmithwasmyfirstteacher shewasstrictbutveryf


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