



考研保录集训营 凯程教育: 清华大学材料科学与工程系考研导师张弛教授个人简介张弛,清华大学材料科学与工程系副教授,党委副书记。电话传真址:清华大学材料系逸夫技术科学楼2821,100084E-mail:教育背景1991.9-1996.7 清华大学材料科学与工程系,本科,获材料科学与工程专业工学学士学位。1994.9-1996.7 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系,本科双学位,获机械制造专业工学学士学位。1996.9-2001.7 清华大学材料科学与工程系,直读博士研究生, 获材料学专业工学硕士学位, 材料学专业工学博士学位。工作履历1996.9-1999.7 清华大学材料科学与工程系96级本科生辅导员,讲师。2001.10-2003.12 日本茨城大学材料科学系, 博士后研究员。从事日本金属研究与发展中心组织的纳米金属项目的研究。2004.1-至今 清华大学材料科学与工程系,硕士生导师,助理研究员,副研究员。2004.7-2007.3 清华大学材料科学与工程系,任学生组长负责本科生工作2007.3-2010.3 清华大学材料科学与工程系,任业务办主任负责系教务工作2010.3-至今 清华大学材料科学与工程系,任党委副书记负责学生工作学术兼职焊管编委研究领域钢铁材料中的固态相变材料的组织性能与力学性能的关系耐热钢的合金设计、服役过程组织演变及对应的高温力学性能高温金属材料的氧化和热腐蚀管线钢及油田用管的焊接及变形行为研究聚变堆用低辐照活性钢的研究金属表面处理技术(TD技术)研究概况在金属的固态相变机理、钢铁中析出相界面、结构及性能等方面开展了较深入的理论及实验研究工作,目前的科研方向主要有聚变堆用低活化钢的研究,耐热钢服役期间组织及性能的演化规律,钢铁材料的表面处理技术,高温材料的氧化腐蚀行为等。目前负责一项国家自然基金项目、并参加了多项国家973、863研究工作。此外还负责了国内外多项横向合作项目,发表学术论文约50篇,SCI收录约40篇。现阶段负责讲授本科专业课两门,研究生专业课一门。教学情况如下:1. 材料力学性能基础-本科必修课,48学时,独立讲授2. 金属材料学-本科限选课,32学时,独立讲授3. 强度与断裂-研究生金属方向必修课,48学时,独立讲授奖励与荣誉2006年 清华大学12.9辅导员奖2006年 清华大学第二届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖2005年 清华之友-刘树礼育才奖1999年 清华大学光华奖学金1998年 清华大学12.9优秀学生辅导员奖学金1997年 清华大学优秀研究生奖学金1995年 清华大学光华奖学金1994年 清华大学优秀学生二等奖学金1993年 清华大学优秀学生二等奖学金学术成果总计在学术期刊上发表论文54篇(英文期刊文章31篇,中文期刊文章23篇),其中SCI收录43篇,获得专利两项。主要代表性论文如下:1 Z. X. Xia, C. Zhang, Z. G. Yang, Effect of magnetic field on interfacial energy and precipitation behaviors of carbides in reduced activation steels, Materials Letters, 2010, Accepted.2 Z. X. Xia, C. Zhang, Z. D. Li, Z. G. Yang, Y. L, Effect of TaC particles dissolution on grain coarsening in reduced activation steels, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2010, Accepted.3 Z. X. Xia, C. Zhang, Z. G. Yang, TaC precipitation behaviors in reduced activation martensitic steels, Journal of Materials Science, 2010, Accepted.4 Y. D. Zhang, C. Zhang, H. Lan, P.Y. Hou, Z. G. Yang, Improvement of the oxidation resistance of Tribaloy T-800 alloy by the additions of yttrium and aluminium, Corrosion Science, 2010, DOIi:10.1016/j.corsci.2010.11.038.5 L. C. Chen, C. Zhang, Z. G. Yang, Effect of pre-oxidation on the hot corrosion of CoNiCrAlYRe alloy, Corrosion Science, 53 (2011) 374380.6 Z. X. Xia, C. Zhang, H. Lan, Z. G. Yang, P. H. Wang, J. M. Chen, Z. Y. Xu, X. W. Li, S. Liu, Influence of smelting processes on precipitation behaviors and mechanical properties of low activation ferrite steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2010) 657-662.7 C. Zhang, Z.X.Xia, Z. G. Yang, Z. H. Liu, Influence of prior austenite deformation and non-metallic inclusions on ferrite formation in low carbon steels, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 17 (2010) 36-42.8 H. Lan, Peggy Hou, Z. G. Yang, Y. D. Zhang, C. Zhang, Influence of aluminum and rhenium on the isothermal oxidation behavior of CoNiCrAlY alloys, Oxidation of Metals, 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s11085-010-9221-7.9 L. Liu, Z. G. Yang, C. Zhang, W. B. Liu, An in situ study on austenite memory and austenitic spontaneous recrystallization of a martensitic steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010) 72047209.10 X. S. Fan, Z. G. Yang, C. Zhang, Y. D. Zhang, H. Q. Che, Evaluation of vanadium carbide coatings on AISI H13 obtained by thermo-reactive deposition/diffusion technique, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (2010) 641646.11 X. S. Fan, Z. G. Yang, Z. X. Xia, C. Zhang, H. Q. Che, The microstructure evolution of VC coatings on AISI H13 and 9Cr18 steel by thermo-reactive deposition process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 505 (2010) L15L18.12 Y. D. Zhang, Z. G. Yang, C. Zhang, H. Lan, Effect of Rhenium Addition on Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of Tribaloy T-800 Alloy, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 23 (2010) 370-376.13 Z. D. Li, Z. G. Yang, C. Zhang, Z. Q. Liu, Influence of austenite deformation on ferrite growth in a FeCMn alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010) 44064411.14 D. L. Liu, Z. G. Yang, C. Zhang, Electroless Ni-Mo-P diffusion barriers with Pd-activated self-assembled monolayer on SiO2, Materials Science and Engineering B, 166 (2010) 67-75.15 Z. X. Xia, C. Zhang, Z. Y. Yang, Effect of austenitizing temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of 30Si2CrNi4MoNb ultra-high Strength Steel, Materials Science and Technology, 2009, DOI 10.1179/174328409X453208.16 T. Peng, C.Zhang, Z. G. Yang,T. Hiroyuki,Evolution and coarsening of carbides in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weld metal during high temperature tempering,Journal of Iron and Steel research, International, 17 (2010) 74-78.17 Y. D. Zhang, Z. G. Yang, C. Zhang, H. Lan, Oxidation behavior of Tribaloy T-800 alloy at 800 and 1000 oC, Oxidation of Metals, 70 (2008) 229-239.18 C. Zhang, M. Enomoto,Study of the influence of alloying elements on Cu precipitation in steel by non-classical nucleation theory,Acta Materialia, 54 (2006) 41834191.19 T. Pan, Z. G. Yang , C. Zhang, B. Z. Bai, H. S. Fang,Kinetics and mechanisms of intragranular ferrite nucleation on non-metallic inclusions in low carbon steels,Materials Science and Engineering A, 438440 (2006) 11281132.20 J. B. Yang, M. Enomoto, C. Zhang, Modeling Cu precipitation in tempered martensitic steels,Materials Science and Engineering A, 422 (2006): 232-240.21 Z. G. Yang, C. Zhang, T. Pan. The mechanism of intragranular ferrite nucleation on inclusion in steel, Materials Science Forum, 475-479 (2005)113-116.22 Z. G. Yang, Y. Li, C. Zhang, Y. W Wang, B. Z. Bai, H. S. Fang, High strength non-moderate ferrite/granular bainite steel for thick plate, Iron & Steel, 40 (2005). (supplement) 877-881.23 C. Zhang, M. Enomoto, T. Yamashita, N. Sano, Cu precipitation in a prestrained Fe-1.5 Wt Pct Cu alloy during isothermal aging, Metallurgical and Materials Tran


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