六年级六单元教案 (2).doc_第1页
六年级六单元教案 (2).doc_第2页
六年级六单元教案 (2).doc_第3页




Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice黄雷学校 田会华一、Teaching Aims 1、Knowledge objects:(1)能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词: bar,bottle,can,bring,fruit,picnic,peanut,candy以及量词的搭配a bottle of orange juice,a box of cakes,a few cans of Coke,a few bars of chocolate.(2)一般将来时的理解和运用:be going to./will .(3)正确引用句型:能运用“I will bring.”描述自己的出行计划。正确表述自己将要携带的食物 2、Ability objects:(1)能询问并陈述自己将要携带的食物。(2)能听懂,会说本课A部分的对话。2、 Teaching Key Point能听懂,会说,认读新单词;用于新句型。3、 Teaching Difficult Point能用量词学会描述名词的数量。4、 Teaching Procedure Step1热身(Warm-up)1.Greetings. 2、Sing a song:Hello,nice to meet you !Step2教学导入(Lead-in)T:Today is a sunny day. Some children want to go outing. What are they talking about?Step3自主预习(Self-study)1、Read the words and phrases individually.(Part A,B,)2、 Underline the new words you think. 3、What food can you find?Step4合作探究与展示(Cooperation & Presentation)1、 Learn the new words and new phrases(1) 情境创设:picnic教师为学生创设情境,教师带一袋食物准备去出游的情景让学生猜我所准备野餐食物(水果、花生、糖果、蛋糕 面包等)学习、操练新知识:bring,fruit,candy,peanut,a bottle of orange juice,a box of cakes,can,a few cans of Coke,a few bars of chocolate。(2) 词汇操练:a、Read it one by one or group by group.(教师手势指挥读声的大小)b、 拍单词卡:教师 出示单词卡片 学生边读边拍卡片 完成任务。c、Flash card games:教师快速出示卡片 学生快速读出。2、Learn the text(1)Read and answer Whats the weather like in autumn? _ What will Peter bring? _ What will Lingling and Mingming bring? _(2)Check the answer. (3)Learn the text (4)Listen and repeatAsk Ss to listen to the teacher and repeat it together. Then read one by one. Others correct the pronunciation mistakes. (4) 学生分角色朗读Step5拓展提升(Expansion and Promotion)创设情境:好朋友的生日快到了。为她准备一个生日聚会。XXXs birthday is coming.Lets hold a party for her.What are you going to bring?_I will bring.Step6五、课堂检测 效果反馈填空: a _ of Coke a _ of cakes


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