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小学英语五年级上册第一单元诊断性自测题 一、我是选择小能手:读一读选出正确答案。( ) 1.Who is your _ teacher ? -Mr Young.He can play the erhu.A. English B. art C. music( ) 2.Whats he like ? -Hes _.A. young and old B. young and thin C. an old( ) 3.Our math teacher is very _ . We all like _.A. funny;he B.funny; him C.fun;him( ) 4.The _ man is my grandfather . A. old B. young C. art( ) 5.My P.E. teacher is not short. He is _. A. young B. tall C. strong二、我会说英语:根据下列情景选出合适的句子。1. Whats Lucy like ? A. A cat and a dog.2. What are they ? B. Miss White.3. Who is your English teacher ? C. Hes from Canada .4. Where is he from ? D. She is tall .三、根据情景选择合适的答语。( )1.Do you know Mr Young?A.No,I dont. B.No,I cant.( )2.Is he young?A.Yes,he isnt. B.Yes,he is.( )3._your English teacher?A. Whos B.Whats( )4.I like funny_.A.teacher B.teachers( )5.Is she kind?A.Yes,he is. B.Yes,she is.( )6.Who is he ?A.Hes our P.E. teacher. B.Shes our P.E. teacher.四、单词宝宝排错了队,你帮它们排好队吧。1.whos ,English, your, teacher(?)_2. no I dont(.)_3.he,is,funny(?)_五、 根据图片填入相应的单词。 _ _ _ _ _六、找出每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A.young B.strong C.math( ) 2 . A.funny B.like C.short ( ) 3. A.tall B.short C.who( ) 4. A.kind B.know C.funny七、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I have some new _ ( teacher,teachers ).2. Who _ ( is ,are) they ? 3. Mr Meng is _ ( a,an ) old and kind doctor.4. We have an English teacher. Hes from _ ( the USA,USA).5. Whos _ ( you ,your) science teacher ?八、 根据汉语和相关提示完成句子。1. That boy looks like a _ ( 滑稽的 ) monkey.2. My P.E. teacher is _ (高的)and _ (强壮的).3. The girl is _(文静的) and_ (高的).4.Whos your maths teacher?Mr Li.Hes _(严格的).5.My music teacher is _(友好的).九、把下面括号里的字母组成一个单词,将句子补充完整。1. My brother is very _ ( t o r s g n ) .2. My grandma is _ ( d o l ) . 3. Jack is very _ ( u y n n f ) .4. She is very _ ( i n k d ) .5. Our art teacher is _ ( s h t r o ) .十、 看图连句子。1. He is polite. 2. Shes shy. 3. Theys helpful!4. They are hard-working.十一、根据实际情况回答下列问题。. Who s your science teacher ?_ 2 .Whats your P.E. teacher like ?_3 .Is your maths teacher young ?_4 .Are you tall ?_5 .Whats the weather like today ?_十二、阅读理解,判断对错.A .Do you have new teachers, Tom ? B .Yes .A .Who are they ? B .Mr. Lin and Mr .Sun .A .Are they young ? B .Mr Lin is young ,but Mr Sun isnt .A .Is Mr Lin a university student ? B .Yes ,hes very funny .A .Is Mr Sun strict ? B .Yes ,but we all like him .( ) 1.Tom has two new teachers . ( ) 2.Mr Sun isnt strict .( )3 .Mr Lin is young .Mr Sun is old . ( ) 3 .Mr Lin is funny.( )5 .Tom likes his new teachers very much .十三、作文。用几句话介绍你英语老师是谁,长得高还是矮,强壮还是瘦弱,年轻还是年老,严格还是和蔼。不少于五句话。_小学英语五年级上册第二单元诊断性自测题一、 我是选择小能手:读一读选出正确答案。( )1. -Whos your _teacher ? - Lucy . She can draw pictures. A. English B. art C .Chinese( )2. -Whats he like ? -Hes _. A .young and old B.young and thin C .an old ( )3.What do you have _ Mondays? I have Chinese,English,maths and music. A.on B.in C.at ( )4.The first day of a week is _. A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday( )5. Today is Tuesday . I have P.E. today . I like _. A.Thursdays B. Tuesdays C.Mondays二、根据实际情况写出相应的答语。1. What do you have on Wednesdays ?_ 2. What day is it today ?_3. what do you do on Thursdays?_4. Whos your music teacher?_三、根据提示词补全对话。A:_day is it today?B:Its_ .A:What do you _on Fridays?B:We have Chinese,maths and_ .A:Do you_ Fridays ?B:Yes , I do. What Friday have computer like 四、看一看,把字母从新组合成新单词。MdayonFayrid Tdayues Wedaysedn 五、选出不同类的单词。( )1.A.Monday B. Thursday C. Sunday D.funny( )2.A.art B.maths C.teacher D.science( )3.A.funny B.tall C.Wednesday D.polite( )4.A.short B.tall C.ball D.quiet( )5.A.today B.Monday C.Friday D.Saturday 六、根据缩写形式写出相应的单词。1.Mon._ 2.Tue ._3. Wed._ 4.Thu._5.Fri._七、 看图写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _八、看图连句子。1. A.I like to feet to the sea.2. B. Have some tea and bread. 3. C.Feed the baby.九、 连词成句。1. often, do, play ,the,ping-pong ,you,on ,weekend(?) _2. this, like,I,very ,much, park (.)_3. often,Do , listen ,you ,to ,music(?)_十、 连句成篇。( )Whats that?( )Yes,Ido.( )Its a storybook.( )Do you often read books?十一、根据单词首字母提示完成句子。1.I often do h_on Saturdays?2.I often w_TV on Sundays.3. I often r_books on Fridays.4. I often play f_ on Mondays.5. I often w_ my clothes on Saturdays. 十二、用单词的完整形式填空。1 .What do you have on _( Friday).2 .Sometimes I read_(book).3 .Wu Yifan often_(read) books on the weekend.4 .Wu Yifan often _(watch)TV on the weekend.十三、根据问句选择答语。1. What do you have on Mondays? _2. Do you often play sports? _3._ I have a basketball.十四、对答如流。1.What do you have on Fridays ? A.We have PE and maths.2.What day is it today ? B.Shes tall and thin.3.Whats your English teacher like? C.Its Monday. 4.Do you often read books? D.Mr Jones.5.Whos your art teacher? E.Yes,I do.十五、读对话,填表格。Sarah: Hi,Chen Jie .what do you do on Saturdays?Chen Jie :I often do my homework,read books and watch TV.Sarah: What do you do on Sundays ?Chen Jie :I often play computer games. What about you, Sarah?Sarah: I often do my homework,play ping-pong and watch TV on Saturdays. I often read books on Sundays .Chen Jie :Oh, thats nice!Saturdays activitiesSundays activitiesChen Jie Sarah十六、快乐作文。以“My weekend”为题,写一段话,介绍自己的周末活动,要求语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范,不少于五句话。_小学英语五年级上册第三单元诊断性自测题一、我是选择小能手:读一读选出正确答案。( ) 1.What would you like _ eat? -Id like some tofu.A.for B. to C.in.( ) 2.What would you like to drink? A.beef B. tea C.noodles( )3.What would you like to eat? -Id like some_. A.noodle B.sandwich C.vegetables( ) 4. Im thirsty! A.You can drink some tea. B.You can eat some bread. C.You can eat some sandwich. ( )5. Can I have some_? A.eat B.drink C.water2、 连词成句。 1.like,to ,what,would,you,eat(?) _ 2.would,you,like,what,to ,drink(?) _ 3.here, are,you(.) _ 三、连句成篇。( )OK. ( )I am hungry.( )What would you like to eat?( )A sandwich,please.四、看图写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ 五、选出不同类的单词。( )1.A.tea B.salad C. sandwich D.bread( )2.A.juice B.water C.drink D. tea ( )3.A.beef B.ice cream C. hamburger D.sandwich( )4.A.eat B.hot dog C.salad D.bread( )5.A.rice B.milk C.chicken D.noodles六、 根据图片填空。1. What would you like to eat? I d like a_and_.2. What would you like to drink? I d like some_and_.七、 把图片和句子连线。1. Id like an ice cream. 2. Id like a sandwich. 3. Id like a salad. 4. Id like a hamburger. 5. Id like some tea. 八、 根据情景,选择语言。( )1.你最喜欢吃哪种食物? A. Whats your favourite food?B.Whats your favourite fruit?( )2.它们很美味。 A. Theyre delicious. B.Theyre thirsty.( )3.今天我们吃牛肉面条和鱼肉三明治。 A.We have pork noodles and sandwiches today. B. We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.九、根据情景选择合适的单词。 1. I like ice cream . Its _.(甜的) 2. I like vegetables . They are _.(新鲜的) 3.My favourite food is chicken. Its _.(美味的) 4.I like apples very much. They are _.(健康的)十、利用所学的知识阐述自己喜欢的食物和不喜欢的食物。 My favourite food is _. It s_. But I dont like_. Its _. 十一、对答如流。1.Whats your favourite food? A.Five .2.What would you like to eat? B.Juice . 3.Whats your favourite drink? C.Yes,I do .4. Do you like grapes? D.Fish . 5.How many kites do you see? E.I d like some bread.十二、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案填空。 Hi! Im David, Im from Willow School. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer on Tuesdays. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I dont like eggplant. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturday are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays, of course I do my homework on Saturdays, too. What anout you?( ) 1. What day is it today? A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Friday( ) 2. What you they have for lunch on Wednesdays? A. pork and rice B. Tofu and green beans. C. eggplant and fish( ) 3. What is Davids computer teacher like?A. He is tall and thin. B. Hes very funny. Hes strong. C. hes so heavy.( ) 4. Does David like his computer teacher? A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he like. C. No, he doesnt.( ) 5. What does David do on Saturdays?A. He often plays somputer games. B. He often plays football and does homework.C. He often watches TV and play ping-pong.小学英语五年级上册期中诊断性自测题一、根据情景选择合适的答语。( )1.Do you know Mr Young?A.No,I dont. B.No,I cant.( )2.Is he young?A.Yes,he isnt. B.Yes,he is.( )3._your English teacher?A. Whos B.Whats( )4.I like funny_.A.teacher B.teachers( )5.Is she kind?A.Yes,he is. B.Yes,she is.( )6.Who is he ?A.Hes our P.E. teacher. B.Shes our P.E. teacher.( )7. -Whats he like ? -Hes _. A .young and old B.young and thin C .an old ( )8.What do you have _ Mondays? I have Chinese,English,maths and music. A.on B.in C.at ( )9.The first day of a week is _. A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday( )10. Today is Tuesday . I have P.E. today . I like _. A.Thursdays B. Tuesdays C.Mondays二 、 根据汉语和相关提示完成句子。1. That boy looks like a _ ( 滑稽的 ) monkey.2. My P.E. teacher is _ (高的)and _ (强壮的).3. The girl is _(文静的) and_ (高的).4.Whos your maths teacher?Mr Li.Hes _(严格的).5.My music teacher is _(友好的). 三、根据单词首字母提示完成句子。1.I often do h_on Saturdays?2.I often w_TV on Sundays.3. I often r_books on Fridays.4. I often play f_ on Mondays.5. I often w_ my clothes on Saturdays.四、单词宝宝排错了队,你帮它们排好队吧。1.whos ,English, your, teacher(?)3. no I dont(.)3.he,is,funny(?)五、 看图写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _六、看图连句子。1. A.I like to feet to the sea.2. B. Have some tea and bread. 3. C.Feed the baby.4. A. I often do homework on the weekend. 5. B. I often watch TV on the weekend.6. C. I often play football on the weekend.7. D.I often wash my clothes on the weekend.8. E.I often read book on the weekend.七 、连句成篇。( )Whats that?( )Yes,Ido.( )Its a storybook.( )Do you often read books?八 、对答如流。1.What do you have on Fridays ? A.We have PE and maths.2.What day is it today ? B.Shes tall and thin.3.Whats your English teacher like? C.Its Monday. 4.Do you often read books? D.Mr Jones.5.Whos your art teacher? E.Yes,I do.九、阅读短文,判断正误。对的打“”,错的打“”。 Hi!My name is Lucy.Im 13 years old. I m a pretty girl. I often play football.I m strong and healthy. For breakfast, I always have some bread and an egg.Sometimes I have rice with fish and an apple for lunch.I really love apples ,because“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. For dinner, I often have some soup,meat and vegetables. I like vegetables because they are healthy and fresh. They are good for me . Look at me ! How tall and strong I am now.( )1.Lucy is 13 years old.( )2. Lucy likes play football.( )3. Lucy always has some bread and an egg for lunch.( )4.Lucy likes apples ,because they are healthy.( )5. I often have vegetables for dinner.十、 快乐作文。I have a busy weekend. What about you ?Please write something about your weekend and share it with your classmates! My weekend_ 小学英语五年级上册第四单元诊断性自测题 一、看图写选答案。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. I can draw pictures.B. I can dance.C. I can sing English songs.D. I can do some kung fu.二、选出不同类的单词。 ( )1.A. sing B. dance C.clean D.floor ( )2.A. song B.deer C.panda D.monkey ( )3.A. draw B.sing C.picture D.dance ( )4.A. song B.sing C. English D. Chinese ( )5.A. hot B. weet C. fresh D.pipa( )6.A.dance B.pipa C.kung fu D.song( )7.A.play B.song C.sing D.draw( )8.A.English B.play C.do D.clean( )9.A.ping-pong B.sandwich C.ball D.football ( )10.A.fresh B.hamburger C.pipa D.tea三、我是选择小能手:读一读选出正确答案。( )1.Well have _ english party next Tuesday .A.a B.an C.the( )2. What can you do _the party? A.to B.at C.for( )3. I can _English songs. A.singing B.sings C.sing( )4. I can do _kung fu.A.many B.some C.any( )5. What can Wu Yifan do?A. I can draw pictures. B. She can draw pictures. C.He can draw pictures.( )6. Today well learn _kung fu. A.some B.any C.many( )7. Can you do _kung fu . A.any B.some C.many( )8. Can you cook dinner? A. Yes ,I can. B. No ,I can. C. Yes , I cant.( )9. Can Mike do any kung fu? A. Yes,he cant. B.Yes,she can. C.Yes,I can.( )10. I can _English songs. A. sing B.sings C.singing四、看图选图片。( )1.I can dance. A. B.( )2. I can sing English songs. A. B.( ) 3.I can do kung fu. A. B.( ) 4.I can draw cartoons. A. B.五、连句成篇。 ( 1)Well have an English party next Tuesday . ( ) Lets sing together. ( )What can you do for the party? ( )How about you? ( )I can sing English songs. ( )I can sing English songs,too. ( 7 )Great.六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I can _ (clean) the classroom.2. My sister can _ (sing) English songs.3. I can _(play)the pipa.4. Wu Yifan can _(do) Chinese kung fu.5.John can _(draw) cartoons.七、给句子找到适当的答语。( )1. What can you do ? A. Mr Song.( )2. Can you sing songs? B. I can speak English and Chinese.( )3. Whos your English teacher? C.Yes,I can.( )4. What can Zhang peng do ? D.He can do some kung fu.八、 连词成句。1. I, kung fu, can ,do, some (.)_2. I, and,speak English,can ,Chinese (.)_3. Can ,you ,swim(?)_4. Can ,you ,do ,any,kung fu (?)_九、 根据汉语提示填空。1. I can speak _(英语) and Chine


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