



翩然而至 come graciously时区 time zone此起彼伏 one after another新千年 new millennium在开局10年中 in the initial 10 years连续9年 for 9 straight years保持 maintain/ retain中流砥柱 play the backbone role in力挽狂澜 save the desperate situation再次 once again做出巨大努力 exert great efforts看见曙光 see a bright prospect我们相信 we are confident that人类 human race(单)集体的智慧 collective wisdom能够 be able to do/ be capable of doing迎来新局面 usher in a new eraincreasing job layoffs ravaged household budget不断的岗位裁员使得(失业)家庭的开支锐减wipe out/ off a decades worth of gains十年的收益一笔勾销income disparity 收入差距 economic downturn经济衰退executive pay高管薪资get by 继续存在;过得去colleague 同事pathway 路径bulletin boards 公告板transfer 转移navigate 操作;航行interstate 【美】洲际的come off 成功;举行accountant 会计师briefing 简报wind 给上发条life expectancy 预期寿命tablet 药片offset 抵消;补偿outweigh 胜过;比有价值feasibility 可能性memorandum 备忘录take ones time 从容进行liable 有倾向的;易的be liable to = be likely to dohold-up 交通堵塞pop round 到去一下; 作短暂的访问mountain-top 山顶on the ocean floor 在海底oxygen tanks 氧气箱family car 家用车sports car 跑车fade 逐渐消失the average 20-year-old employees普通的20岁员工说起 speaking of 总会 invariably把联系起来 associate sth. with sth.豫园 Yu Yuan Garden城隍庙 City God Temple有年的历史 have a history of 开埠 open as a commercial port最具人文发展的时期 a period of greatest cultural developmentnational 某国国民石库门 Shikumen houses (stone-framed gate)老字号 time-honored firms and shops民间文化 folk culture老城内外 in and around the old town areasscroll 画卷描绘了生活百态 depict the many facets of life兼容并蓄 a compatible blend of日新月异 rapid changes with each passing day华章 glorious pageseconomic system 经济制度 private ownership 私有制经济make economic decisions做出经济决策price system 价格体系designation 名称single-owner operated business 个体业主经营的企业partnership 合伙企业corporation 股份公司large-scale enterprises 大型企业suburb 郊区vacation假日ingrown 向内生长的copier=copying machine 复印机stay on 继续停留teamwork 团队合作great grandfather 曾祖父illiteracy 文盲shortcoming 缺点in this respect 在这个方面catch cold 患感冒renew 续借dealing 交易chump 大肉片设计独特 ingenious in design具有特点 be typical of建筑风格 architectural style有约40余景 have some 40 different scenes亭台楼阁,假山池塘 Pavilions, terraces, towers, rockeries and ponds和谐对称,协调均匀 lay out in perfect harmony and balance精致的布局 exquisite layout闻名 be renowned in江南 the south of the Yangtze River自古以来 since ancient times高官 a high-ranking official始建于1559年Its initial construction started in 1559此后 later on几经变迁 undergo many changes屡遭摧残 suffer repeated devastation到时候;等到 by the time完好无损 in good condition修缮,翻新 renovation重现其昔日光彩 regain its splendor of the former dayslayman 外行for the worse 恶化natural variation 自然变化conclusive 确凿的avert 防止Prevailing theories must be constantly tested against evidence盛行的理论必须不断进行验证regional 地区的innate 天生的invoice 发票;发货单retrieve 检索;恢复sound-proofing 隔音的laborious 费力的undercharge 少收钱commission 手续费land a job 找工作contender (冠军)争夺者close the deal 达成协议prepare the ground 使能够容易发展all trades and professions各行各业course of action 做法trade fair交易会 Australia is almost a continent by itself澳大利亚几乎可以独自成为一个大洲show signs of a slow down 出现放缓迹象a balanced checkbook 家庭收支相抵savings account 储蓄账户;定期存款hazard 危险financial plan 理财规划harsh blow 严厉的打击受英文教育的 English-educated 海外华人父母 Chinese parents overseas非常重要的 all-important熟练、精通 be proficient in 中国的崛起 the rise of China让他们充分认识到 drive their awareness of the fact that增加就业机会 enhance employment prospects接触 come into contact with东西方文化 Oriental and Western cultures曾几何时 not so long ago积极支持 be active in supporting sb.欣赏壮观的自然风光 appreciate the magnificent natural landscapeelementary- and high-school levels 中小学水平embarrassment 窘境ability to teach 教学能力unruly 不守规矩的;难驾驭的instinctively 本能地,天生地hesitation 犹豫confirm 确认formation 形成aristocracy 贵族contend 声称;争论maintenance 维修faucet 【美】水龙头auditor 审计员notify 通知handy 手巧的sales 销售额testimony 证明immune 不受影响的edit 300 published novels编辑出版了300本小说poor diets 饮食习惯较差Briton 英国人scientific planning 科学的规划经历了艰难曲折的发展历程experience twists and turns in development亚洲人民 the people of Asia/ Asian people不屈不挠的意志 unyielding spirit开辟前进道路 forge ahead勤劳智慧的 industrious and talented不屈不挠、锲而不舍奋斗 relentless and persistent efforts 深知 know full well that不躲避 shy away fromimbue 灌输开拓进取 break new ground 开辟发展道路 explore development paths打开广阔前景 open up bright prospects献身于,致力于 be committed to doingbe convinced that 相信gain admission to 被录取race-blind 不以种族为考量的Ivy League schools 常春藤大学(美国高校联盟)The way it works is that 之所以如此,因为ultra 极端的;过激的economic status 经济状况a handful of 少数silly 愚蠢的intact 完好无损的reprimand 训斥handout 讲义subsume 归入;包括overlap 重叠部分make do with 凑合着用punch in 打卡上班vertical 垂直的diminish 减少account for 解释vocational 职业性的recreational 娱乐性的take instruction in 学习self-defense 自卫karate 空手道martial arts 武术retard 减缓;阻止brain power 大脑功能performance level 工作水平baseball 棒球morals 道德pornographic 色情的disguise 掩盖祸害 curse低估 underestimate污染空气 pollute the air损害人类健康 damage peoples health肺癌发生率 incidence of lung cancer大大增加 increasesubstantially盛行 epidemic n.预防 prevention把定名为 designate sth. as sth.瘾君子 addicted smokers戒烟 quit smoking下决心做某事 resolve to do抵制诱惑 resist the temptation of完全地 altogetheramazing 令人叹为观止的publication 杂志;出版物The Whole Earth Catalog 全球概览bible 经典读物bringto life 使苏醒;使充满活力desktop publishing 桌面排版系统typewriter 打字机paperback 平装书 come along 到来idealistic 理想主义的overflowing 充满的notion 见解put out several issues of 出版很多期run its course 完成其使命hitchhike 【美】搭便车的旅行message 广告词句sign off 停止anew 再;重新Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. 求知若饥,守拙若愚spiritanticipate 期望unsettle 使心神不宁;使动摇rhythmresonate 共鸣resound 回响pitch 音高uplifting 令人振奋的spatial 空间的stereo 音响thriller 恐怖小说a decent salary 相当好的工资dressy 衣着考究的pottery 陶器cookery 烹饪学peacock 孔雀wasp 黄蜂obsc


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